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If you selected an item that exists in the database from the searchbox dropdown, the rarity filter of the search should already be set.
High runes are Mal, Ist, Gul, Vex, Ohm, Lo, Sur, Ber, Jah, Cham, Zod.
Low runes are all runes not considered as HRs.
Use this to browse items that are good for a particular class, for example traders will often apply this filter if their item has +to X class or skill tree modifiers.
Handy if you're looking for a particular stat on an item. If you can't find a filter, use a keyword instead.
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Rescue needed
I messed my Ubers run and need help. Anyone online who can deal with spawnkilling Mephisto and willing to help?
I messed my Ubers run and need help. Anyone online who can deal with spawnkilling Mephisto and willing to help?
[Player Services]
Gold Money Ingame Currenzy
5 Mil for Um
10 Mil for Mal
or make offers
5 Mil for Um
10 Mil for Mal
or make offers
[Player Services]
Uber services
If you need help killing ubers, you are in the right place. 1x3 or Ist.
EU SCL only.
EU SCL only.
[Player Services]
Free any difficulty rush
PSN only service:
Non Ladder Only
Service (deactive when life comes up):
Contact me here via response / message, or message my psn, DarkSoulHonor , and indicate your in need of a rush and which rusher you'd like.
*message not friend request I typically do not add for services, after we talk send game invite. On ps4 it's options on controller-tab over to party - triangle - search: DarkSoulHonor
*if psn privacy settings are too strict on your end there may be complications responding / game inviting. Make sure they are adjusted atleast temporarily when contacting me. I can't help if I can't respond / take invite
Free cold sorcerer magic find any difficulty rush/lightning speed rush:
Cold sorc: 304mf -115enemy cold resist+conviction. Level38 frozen orb + blizzard combo. Level 15 static / Level 38 ice blast spam during blizzars/frozen orb cooldown. Level 11 bc / Level 9 bo. cold rupture , einfinity merc, 5/5cold facet 25 death's fathom, spirit, cta, phoenix, cold skillers, resist caps, immune frozen, -10% physical damage taken Sorc torch, anni, 3rd best fcr breakpoint for cold sorc (85fcr). nature's peace ring for nith quest any difficulty. Lose immune frozen on nith quest.
Light sorc: 15mf -50enemy lightning resist+conviction, level 39 lightning / chain lightning / Nova / lightning mastery (base 12 charged bolt will be 20 at level 99). Level11 bc / Level 14 bo. Crack of the heavens , einfinity, 6 5/5die light facet crystal sword, spirit, cta, phoenix, lightning skillers, griffon's eye, absorb 18 lightning / 7 magic / resist caps/immune frozen, 2nd best fhr breakpoint. sorc torch, anni, 2nd best lighning. / chain lightning casting breakpoint (127fcr). Nature's peace for nith quest any difficulty. -skill all during nith
Shenk / gibinn / the search for Cain / izual / radamant / anya resist quest / nith are also free just indicate which. Wps included.
No charge but I do accept tips.
Not Required.
Non Ladder Only
Service (deactive when life comes up):
Contact me here via response / message, or message my psn, DarkSoulHonor , and indicate your in need of a rush and which rusher you'd like.
*message not friend request I typically do not add for services, after we talk send game invite. On ps4 it's options on controller-tab over to party - triangle - search: DarkSoulHonor
*if psn privacy settings are too strict on your end there may be complications responding / game inviting. Make sure they are adjusted atleast temporarily when contacting me. I can't help if I can't respond / take invite
Free cold sorcerer magic find any difficulty rush/lightning speed rush:
Cold sorc: 304mf -115enemy cold resist+conviction. Level38 frozen orb + blizzard combo. Level 15 static / Level 38 ice blast spam during blizzars/frozen orb cooldown. Level 11 bc / Level 9 bo. cold rupture , einfinity merc, 5/5cold facet 25 death's fathom, spirit, cta, phoenix, cold skillers, resist caps, immune frozen, -10% physical damage taken Sorc torch, anni, 3rd best fcr breakpoint for cold sorc (85fcr). nature's peace ring for nith quest any difficulty. Lose immune frozen on nith quest.
Light sorc: 15mf -50enemy lightning resist+conviction, level 39 lightning / chain lightning / Nova / lightning mastery (base 12 charged bolt will be 20 at level 99). Level11 bc / Level 14 bo. Crack of the heavens , einfinity, 6 5/5die light facet crystal sword, spirit, cta, phoenix, lightning skillers, griffon's eye, absorb 18 lightning / 7 magic / resist caps/immune frozen, 2nd best fhr breakpoint. sorc torch, anni, 2nd best lighning. / chain lightning casting breakpoint (127fcr). Nature's peace for nith quest any difficulty. -skill all during nith
Shenk / gibinn / the search for Cain / izual / radamant / anya resist quest / nith are also free just indicate which. Wps included.
No charge but I do accept tips.
Not Required.
[Player Services]
I rush you
Any Lvl Ladder I'm flexible. Let me know what you need. 1 Pul or Mal each.
add me on Bnet and hit me up on pretty much everyday
add me on Bnet and hit me up on pretty much everyday
[Player Services]
Free ubers carry
This service is brought to you by vengeance.
Psn only service:
Non ladder only
Service (deactive when life comes up): active
Smiter pally uber carries free of charge.
HMU with your psn
1 ) Contact me here or on PSN to see if I'm available, send game invite (not friend...) ( Options-party-triangle-search: DarkSoulHonor ) after confirming I'm ready. 2man games ONLY. Torch looter and I. Will wait until it's just us to start.
2) bring 3x3 keys , you open portals in harrogath preferably near the gate so I can easily BO before entering portals. Please don't open them on top each other space them some so in case of the worst the wrong portal isn't clicked.
3) Hold my beer. Stay in town please I don't want it spilling. I'll fetch organs and open tristram. I'll enter tristram and get my revenge, I'll exit. When I drop a standard of champions at your feet your torch is ready. I'll go with you to grab it in case anything pops out of no where.
Psn only service:
Non ladder only
Service (deactive when life comes up): active
Smiter pally uber carries free of charge.
HMU with your psn
1 ) Contact me here or on PSN to see if I'm available, send game invite (not friend...) ( Options-party-triangle-search: DarkSoulHonor ) after confirming I'm ready. 2man games ONLY. Torch looter and I. Will wait until it's just us to start.
2) bring 3x3 keys , you open portals in harrogath preferably near the gate so I can easily BO before entering portals. Please don't open them on top each other space them some so in case of the worst the wrong portal isn't clicked.
3) Hold my beer. Stay in town please I don't want it spilling. I'll fetch organs and open tristram. I'll enter tristram and get my revenge, I'll exit. When I drop a standard of champions at your feet your torch is ready. I'll go with you to grab it in case anything pops out of no where.
[Player Services]
Normal rush on switch!
Anyone able to rush normal on switch, act 3
[Player Services]
Rush any LVL
Any Lvl Non Ladder 0R Ladder I'm flexible. Let me know what you need. 1 Pul or Mal each.
add me on Bnet and hit me up on pretty much everyday
add me on Bnet and hit me up on pretty much everyday
[Player Services]
Annihilus Uber Diablo Crusher
My nice godzealla will kill your Diablo Clone , 100% chances of success and recover your Annihilus /
- PC Softcore ladder /
- Price : Key or Essence or Pul or Perfect Amethyst
- Item safe , i have +100 Trust :)
- Add me directly if u need, good day :)
- PC Softcore ladder /
- Price : Key or Essence or Pul or Perfect Amethyst
- Item safe , i have +100 Trust
- Add me directly if u need, good day
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