So I decided to make some experiments and through maxxroll I build this quad aura triple hybrid Paladin.
Merc is a might merc with Pride. I use Beast and Conviction mostly. When needed, switch to Redemption to mana and healt refillment.
1- No investment on Fanaticism and Concentration. Saving this points makes this build possible.
2- With Enigma, anni and torch, no need a direct investment anything but vitality. However, I'd like max block since I also want to run Ubers with him so enough investment into dex and thehn rest into vitality makes him enough tanky.
3- This is, of course, gear dependent build. It is built on Pride and Beast. I have a very good Exile, too. So need a little bit investment.

FoH everything, Zeal others and Smite Ubers.

My main focus was to build a Paladin that requires no or next to no gear swap in any situation, have enough MF and clear speed, especially on high exp and area lvl parts. Will continue to write impressions.
Any comments or improvements are wellcome.