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Pala breakpoints are 75 or 125 fcr. With Spirit shield (35% fcr) and all other relevant items providing 10, 20, 30 or 40 fcr you need either 10% or 20% on amu. So 15% is useless. Also the rest isn't really great either. I would say maybe pul - mal.
[Edit] I only thought about Teleport and for that you can always use Spirit (main or swap) but hammerdin or Holy Bolt pala with other shields might have some use for 15% fcr. I agree with necrarch's price estimation.
[Edit] I only thought about Teleport and for that you can always use Spirit (main or swap) but hammerdin or Holy Bolt pala with other shields might have some use for 15% fcr. I agree with necrarch's price estimation.

Hmmm, Pallys also like Exile or HoZ
So the 15 can find use.
71 mana is not bad, even if high life would have been way better.
As for PLR, not bad neither as it's the only res they cannot get an aura on.
I'd value this much higher, like Vex- Ohm
So the 15 can find use.
71 mana is not bad, even if high life would have been way better.
As for PLR, not bad neither as it's the only res they cannot get an aura on.
I'd value this much higher, like Vex- Ohm

Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus
Appreciate the feedback. Informative. Thank you!

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