Right so, I have a confession to make. I'm not actually a very good D2 player, like at all. I picked up the game when I was 12-13 I think and played it to hell and back again as I was growing up, but like, I never really got any better at the game

For example, I never did Ubers, like, ever. I don't think I've even ever seen one of those portals being opened up (besides moo moo and act changes). So I basically have no idea how they work. I remember there's a message that says 'X amount of Stone of Jordan something something' and that's what people need to start the fights. But like, the number was in the thousands or something crazy like that - how did people get all those Stone of jordan rings? Or am I just remembering it wrong? It's just mad looking back on it that I never tried to learn anything better than a cookie-cutter Hammerdin lol.
I also remember feeling really confused about how much stuff was worth. There seemed to be all of these sort of arcane rules about what X is worth for Y and stuff - I think I just didn't really understand the items well enough to know what they could be traded for. Do you guys remember any common Pattern to that, or like what a really typical and well known exchange would be? Or a list of them? I just find it really interesting and it's something I want to delve into more as a player - getting that really super high level gear and running Ubers and stuff.
Then there's stuff like people's strategy and why everyone 'rushed'. I understood that people did it to level up characters super quickly, but what I didn't understand was the motive behind it. Was it for farming SoJs or some other economic incentive something? Like why were so many people intent on creating dozens and dozens of new characters? I remember being very happy with like maybe 4 toons. Was I missing something here?
Lastly, never even ventured into PvP, apart from getting ganked once or twice on Bnet lol (I mostly played LAN with one other friend). Overheard a Discord conversation the other day about duelling and it sounds SO complicated, they were talking about locking the other characters 'frames' and stuff. Mental.
Anyway, if the more knowledgable among you can answer some of these really silly questions for me I'd be very pleased
