- always strong lategame characters
- endless soulless fast runs in endless soulless pursuit of even more items
- when getting items: "oh no, bad roll", "duh, ethereal", etc.
So I decided to try a new style today:
- (still offline play)
- softcore, so sharing items and money is possible
- anything worn except rings and amulet MUST be ethereal. If you don't have anything ethereal for that slot, it stays empty!
- (merc can wear whatever)
- players 8 (took this from the "play like Diablo 1" thread from some time ago)
Character selection: Paladin. Why?
- never played one
- pretty weapon agnostic
- auras built-in to character
First impressions (now clvl 13):
- happy punching around at players 8!
- many "can't touch this" moments with dropping gear!
- equipment so far: ethereal Sash (2nd one already, 1st one broke), ethereal light armor! 2 rings and 1 amulet, some charms. Still unarmed, barefoot, nothing on the head!
- looking REALLY forward to -not- being annoyed by ethereal equipment dropping for other characters, but saving that stuff for the ethereal guy to use!
- I had a hands-in-the-air-because-of-joy moment when the blue ethereal light armor had selfrepair mod on it. Haven't had this feeling in YEARS, not even when endgame gear dropped!
going on... du di dum...

Try it! It's fun!