rikus wrote: 1 month ago
when i hear you talk like this, and i mean all of you, it mkes me wonder if that's a game or a job...just sayin'
For a while: not accepting Ral or Hel; and considering Perfect Skull as a regular Perfect Gems on my trades.
Time Zone: GMT-3
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
rikus wrote: 1 month ago
when i hear you talk like this, and i mean all of you, it mkes me wonder if that's a game or a job...just sayin'
Well, since no one pays me for playing it has to be a game Seriously, I think what makes this game that much successful is that, as you can see in this thread, there are multiple challenges one can set for oneself and there are multiple paths to get there.
After a 20 year break from D2 I started playing D2R in 2024 with my sons (9 and 10 years old)
Time Zone: UTC/GMT +1/+2 (Germany)
Online workdays: casually from 07:00-09:00 pm
Online weekends: casually midday to evening
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
rikus wrote: 1 month ago
when i hear you talk like this, and i mean all of you, it mkes me wonder if that's a game or a job...just sayin'
It did start to feel like a job, which is why I've essentially stopped playing. At this point I'm clearing out mules to make room for actual playable characters. The constant trading, albeit fun at first, got tiring. Instead of 5 hours a day, I'm now playing only about 1-2 hours a week and my trading will essentially stop once I've consolidated enough mules.
I am permanently no longer accepting Ort or Thul runes as trade currency
azeroti wrote: 1 month ago
The latter - I buy keys all the time and sell any torch worth a Jah or higher. I don't farm keys myself because it takes way too long and I don't pick up most torches if they don't seem worth selling simply becuase they sit in my mule for months unless they are sorc and those I can easily give away. I don't sell unidentified, always identify. I also have a personal goal of finding my very own 20/20 sorc torch one day. Still hasn't happened but have gotten a few other 20/20 though.
On the part about min-maxing, after playing the game for years and slowly improving gear, if I stop improving gear I don't really see a point to play so I would stop. What I like about this game is that even when you have nice gear, you can still improve something or try a slight variation of the build. My pala is pretty well geared and I spend some time this week brainstorming ideas of trying out a different ring/Circlet combination in ubers just for funies. Getting those improved items will be pretty costly but it's part of the fun.
Don't you buy unid torches? I had a buyer who threw away each torch under 18-18 and I really miss him (I understand that torches you are throwing away are much worse, but I need a buyer).
According to "don't really see a point to play" - maybe it will change in the future, but now I am playing because I want to make other players happy. Honestly a lot of my gear and knowledge is from the one filthy rich (and the second one not filthy, just rich ) guy and I want to do the same for others, even if my friends think it is a strange reason. It is cool that there are so many possible goals in this game, but I am glad that my goal can't become out of date (it will be if there will be only filthy rich and experienced players here, but I do not expect that will happen).
frakira wrote: 1 month agoAccording to "don't really see a point to play" - maybe it will change in the future, but now I am playing because I want to make other players happy.
Reminded me again that I wanted to fill my free stash tab... Thanks I pulled myself together and finally did it
After a 20 year break from D2 I started playing D2R in 2024 with my sons (9 and 10 years old)
Time Zone: UTC/GMT +1/+2 (Germany)
Online workdays: casually from 07:00-09:00 pm
Online weekends: casually midday to evening
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
-don't buy stuff except runes
-sell perfect items, keep almost perfect items for myself
-cube Dol runes to Hel, Tal runes to Ral and sell them for Ist runes
-cube all runes from Io to Lem
-don't cube runes higher than Lem
-cube highlevel Grand Charms to make skillers
-sell perfect amethysts for Ist runes
-sell superior bases, keep perfectly rolled non-superior bases for myself (few exceptions like phase blades, bows or merc gear)
-all my runewords are self-rolled in self-found bases
-always pick up jewels, charms, amazon bows, druid pelts, staves, blue monarchs and sought-after uniques/rares/set items
-give away low rolled runewords and other gear I don't need to new players or friends
This is sage advice per/@ DasNarf
Of course there is this too.....
Friends.... find good solid trustworthy friends who still play and enjoy this game. They will help you, trade with you and gift you as well (you can reciprocate appropriately too when you find GG gear). The community is still strong, just reach out at times.
Wealth is a relative term within this game and in life in general. You know the saying "One's persons trash is another one's treasure..." It often is where you look.
Knowing what is valuable can help but this is also where having other friends appraise for "value" can be "invaluable"
For me, it goes with some bsic rules:
-I never keep perfect items. I mean, literally perfect. (The only exception for this is an anni for my Mosaicsin.)
-Everything started with a War Scepter base, so mostly I hunt for bases. They are far more valuable.
-And second wave for me was a near perfect roll of a Last Wish. RWs with perfect or near perfect trade so well.
PS: I'm not filthy rich.
* I trade both ladder and non-ladder, please check before asking.
* All my trades are for runes, keys (especially KoT and KoH) and essences!
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