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What's up boys.

I've been running Zealadins since original LOD. Physical, Dreamadin, Dragondin, (self cast) Freezadin, even a magic focused zealer using Principle and Astreon's. It's every Zealer's Dream to run all 3 holy auras at once, at a high level, in a way that actually works without cutting corners. This is usually considered impossible. At best you might build a dual
Holy Fire
/Shock Zealer using Dreams/Dragon/HOJ. Run max level
, put points into the elemental synergies, focusing less on physical damage (that would normally support a Dreamadin or Dragondin with a 2nd damage type).

That's a strong build no doubt, you could probably sunder both Fire and Light too, making up the res with charms. BUT, HolyFreeze is still left out, and therefore the Holy Trinity of auras remains incomplete. Basically you're swapping one element + physical damage for two elements and low physical damage.

I'm here to tell you that I have found a way to complete the Holy Trinity grail of 3 holy auras, plus
Blessed Aim
, and
, and it is awesome.

Hits like a truck, tanks well against monsters, massive defensive boost from high res caps and huge
Holy Freeze
slow effect.

You can melt almost anything in the game because you are putting out so much damage across a huge spread of damage types. It's also fun to play due to on the fly "plug and play" customization with different immunities and monster types.

My Holy Trinity build is here, currently at level 92.

83.5k DPS against target dummy, with max speed

Running level 34
Holy Freeze
(self cast, 26 yard radius, bigger than full screen), level 30
Holy Fire
(about full screen 23.3yrd radius, Dragon + HOJ), and level 30
Holy Shock
(same 23.3yd radius, dual Dreams). Our old boy Emilio is running an
Infinity for level 12
, native level 21
Blessed Aim
, and level 18
from a Bramble I rolled on him. (
is not necessary here, but I thought it was fun to aura max and add some physical damage to the mix).

That's 6 auras at once.

Max points into
to buff all 3 auras, 15/14/14 points into the 3 resist auras for now. At 99 all 3 auras will almost be maxed out with synergies.

1 point into everything else on the defensive tree, except
which I recently pulled a point from by building a new CTA on a Caduces with
. This is my default aura on swap, and was really the only time I was using

On the offensive tree, max points into HolyFreeze, 1 point wonder into everything else but Holyshock. This gives me access to 34Hfreeze and access to basically the entire offensive tree at level 15 for each aura. Auras I actually use.

On the combat tree 1 point wonder into Sacrafice/
and everything needed for
Holy Shield
. On swap (CTA/Spirit) this gives me a level 11
Holy Shield
. I put enough points then into dex to hit max 75% block, also boosting my AR.

In my inventory I run 7 offensive auras grand charms, plus gheeds/torch/anni. The small charms I run under them are a mix of res charms to keep all my res way up.

This build is expensive, but these grand charms are the least of it. Much less expensive than pcombs. I've traded 1
for an offfenisve charm, an
for a nice one with 7% faster run walk. I even got 2 for free. Not dirt cheap like a defensive grand charm, but you can definitely shop for cheap ones.

For gear I'm running HOJ/Dragon/Dream/Dream. Highlords ammy, crafted gloves with ias, dual leech, crushing blow, and a bit of life/AR. For rings I run a 5% BK and a nice
Raven Frost
is String but Noscoil also works well here.
are GoreRiders. This is my only source of open wounds, and main source of CB. The Deadly Strike is nice, stacking with the HOJ and Highlords. You're still not putting out that much physical damage, but the high level deadly strike (69%) is a big help for leeching. That 3% mana leech is my only source of mana besides pots, and my 22% life steal keeps me alive well enough.

There is no way to have
Life Tap
on this build without using Dracs, which will kill your max speed
, so high life steal is critical since the hell penalty sucks. You need 20% ias on the gloves, so LOH and even something like
Lava Gout
are good alternatives. Cat's eye is the only cheaper alternative to highlord's.

You don't have to use a BK ring, but I think it's perfect here. Good life steal, more life, all skills.

HOJ has ITA, so a low roll
Raven Frost
is fine. You smack almost everything with ITA. Only issue is it doesn't work on bosses or uniques. Hence, pumping your attack rating is still useful, unless you want to
everything or miss a lot.

Now what about
? 83% defense reduction against most monsters (less on bosses I think, like the res reduction). Infinity/
are super strong and absolutely critical for making this build work so well. The issue is, merc isn't always around. He can be dragging ass, get stuck on a wall, off fighting a lone monster, or rarely die.

at all levels only has a 13.3yd radius. And without
there is no way to easily center him on you. 13.3 is not small, but it's not huge either.
is also a bit slow to "attach" to enemies as well, whether its self cast or from the merc. This is why I switched the merc from Might to
Blessed Aim
. Might is useful for more physical damage (and therefore more life leech).
Blessed Aim
at level 21 however has a massive 37.3 yard radius - way bigger than full screen - and a huge 375% AR boost. Basically if merc is alive, my AR is jacked way up, landing every hit. When I run into a blue pack or champion, I don't worry about missing or having to
. My hits land almost every time. (Especially if I wasn't lazy and pre-buffed with
Demon Limb
or a Sorc enchanted me).

For bosses though I will usually switch to
, landing every hit, max effect from CB and Open Wounds. (The holy auras do nothing for

You might wonder why I have 1 point into
, Sanctuary, and even the
tree. None of these are actually necessary to run the build, but, they help.

Basically what inspire this build was building a self cast
Holy Freeze
zealot using a Gris Set filled with cold facets. Building an Auradin that way made me realize I could stack the same offensive charms to boost offensive auras, then sandwich all the auras together using items.

Normally when you're building an Auradin you think about
as boosting one element (lightning or fire usually), then you stack that with the relevant Resist aura points. This is not what
actually does though. Every point boosts *all 3* holy aura types. The same is true for Infinity/
. It doesn't drop enemy res by 85%, it drops it by a sum total of 255% (85x3).

Normally you just think about it as -85% because you're only focusing on one damage type. Maybe two with a dual element sorc or Auradin. But not all 3.

and especially Infinity/
are why this build smacks so hard. If they aren't immune, their res is probably into the negative. If they are immune, Infinity *might* break it, might not (especially not cold immunes). No need to sunder though.

If the Merc breaks the immunity, great. If he doesn't that's fine too. Even a double immune Lightning/Fire is still getting smacked by my cold damage, physical damage, and even a little poison damage from the Dragon's Venom.
will plummet whatever res he has left that isn't an immunity.

This here is the beauty of the build and why its fun to play. If a monster is cold immune, I swap to level 15
. That's a 288% damage boost for me, a nice 16.6 yard radius to boost the Merc speed/dmg/AR up, and my own speed/AR get even higher. I'm already at max
, but this can help offset anything slowing me down.
's speed boost is strong.

If I run into a bunch of undead, I swap freeze to Sanctuary. This is a 570% phys damage to bump, pierces their phys resistance, adds a small magic damage aura, and allows life/mana leech to keep working if the monster has any drain effectiveness. The knockback it provides is pulse based and not a big deal IMO, unlike item based knockback.

My own
runs at level 15, three higher than Infinity. That's -100% res. This is the least useful compared to lv 15
or even Sanctuary, but still fun to have for one point. If Emilio is not around, slow, stuck, or dead I may throw it on. Also helpful in Chaos or
runs if no one else is running max

Technically you don't need
, but I find both useful for getting around.
for unlimited charging,
for getting around town or keeping up on a P8 Chaos run.

Overall this is my favorite build to play right now. I'm motivated to level up because every point into a synergy helps. You can leave
Holy Freeze
on be lazy, slowing almost everything in the game down, or swap in other auras as needed vs different immunities and monster types. LOH is really good as usual but for now I prefer the mana leech, added CB and life leech from my crafted gloves.

Hope this was helpful. This build is ultimately like smashing max
together with a ton of aura damage and slow effect. My DPS may even be higher than Maxroll shows btw due to the aura/item bug that doubles aura damage. If my numbers are correct my auras are providing pulse damage every 2 seconds from 2,470 - 6,462, and even higher up close. In p1 most monsters die in one or two hits.

Dragondin's level 44 aura is still stronger, but I think this build comes in second for pulse damage. All aura damage is pretty weak on high player counts, but the
Holy Freeze
effect remains useful, and the radius is massive at level 34.

Finally, I did try building this Omnidin a different way at first. It was terrible.

Doom in a bersker
(very bad idea)

Dragon Shield

robes to boost all element types

It was cool in my head but sucked in practice. The auras were small and weak.
Robes helped but not nearly enough. Berserker axes are the worst for Zealing. The durability is super low, can barely make it through 1 cow run. I also put it into a sup
, so the repair costs were insane. 200k+ repairs, every run. DPS was barely 30k with this setup, compared to 83k now.

Also you can tinker with the res points to boost the damage a bit, but not much (like 86K max for me right now). The even spread of points is best. Each aura has its benefits. HOJ adds -20% fire res,
Holy Freeze
is running 4 levels higher, and
Holy Shock
has the highest max damage potential. So you can stack points towards a particular aura if you want, but I don't think its worth it. The build runs best when all the auras are supported and cranking out their own damage type.

I have considered running sunder charms, but I think its pointless. This build allows you to work around immunities rather than through them. Even if I'm too lazy to switch
Holy Freeze
off against a cold immune, he'll still be dead from fire and lightning damage shortly anyway.
Description by Dream65

Can be used to make Runewords:

What's up boys.

I've been running Zealadins since original LOD. Physical, Dreamadin, Dragondin, (self cast) Freezadin, even a magic focused zealer using Principle and Astreon's. It's every Zealer's Dream to run all 3 holy auras at once, at a high level, in a way that actually works without cutting corners. This is usually considered impossible. At best you might build a dual
Holy Fire
/Shock Zealer using Dreams/Dragon/HOJ. Run max level
, put points into the elemental synergies, focusing less on physical damage (that would normally support a Dreamadin or Dragondin with a 2nd damage type).

That's a strong build no doubt, you could probably sunder both Fire and Light too, making up the res with charms. BUT, HolyFreeze is still left out, and therefore the Holy Trinity of auras remains incomplete. Basically you're swapping one element + physical damage for two elements and low physical damage.

I'm here to tell you that I have found a way to complete the Holy Trinity grail of 3 holy auras, plus
Blessed Aim
, and
, and it is awesome.

Hits like a truck, tanks well against monsters, massive defensive boost from high res caps and huge
Holy Freeze
slow effect.

You can melt almost anything in the game because you are putting out so much damage across a huge spread of damage types. It's also fun to play due to on the fly "plug and play" customization with different immunities and monster types.

My Holy Trinity build is here, currently at level 92.

83.5k DPS against target dummy, with max speed

Running level 34
Holy Freeze
(self cast, 26 yard radius, bigger than full screen), level 30
Holy Fire
(about full screen 23.3yrd radius, Dragon + HOJ), and level 30
Holy Shock
(same 23.3yd radius, dual Dreams). Our old boy Emilio is running an
Infinity for level 12
, native level 21
Blessed Aim
, and level 18
from a Bramble I rolled on him. (
is not necessary here, but I thought it was fun to aura max and add some physical damage to the mix).

That's 6 auras at once.

Max points into
to buff all 3 auras, 15/14/14 points into the 3 resist auras for now. At 99 all 3 auras will almost be maxed out with synergies.

1 point into everything else on the defensive tree, except
which I recently pulled a point from by building a new CTA on a Caduces with
. This is my default aura on swap, and was really the only time I was using

On the offensive tree, max points into HolyFreeze, 1 point wonder into everything else but Holyshock. This gives me access to 34Hfreeze and access to basically the entire offensive tree at level 15 for each aura. Auras I actually use.

On the combat tree 1 point wonder into Sacrafice/
and everything needed for
Holy Shield
. On swap (CTA/Spirit) this gives me a level 11
Holy Shield
. I put enough points then into dex to hit max 75% block, also boosting my AR.

In my inventory I run 7 offensive auras grand charms, plus gheeds/torch/anni. The small charms I run under them are a mix of res charms to keep all my res way up.

This build is expensive, but these grand charms are the least of it. Much less expensive than pcombs. I've traded 1
for an offfenisve charm, an
for a nice one with 7% faster run walk. I even got 2 for free. Not dirt cheap like a defensive grand charm, but you can definitely shop for cheap ones.

For gear I'm running HOJ/Dragon/Dream/Dream. Highlords ammy, crafted gloves with ias, dual leech, crushing blow, and a bit of life/AR. For rings I run a 5% BK and a nice
Raven Frost
is String but Noscoil also works well here.
are GoreRiders. This is my only source of open wounds, and main source of CB. The Deadly Strike is nice, stacking with the HOJ and Highlords. You're still not putting out that much physical damage, but the high level deadly strike (69%) is a big help for leeching. That 3% mana leech is my only source of mana besides pots, and my 22% life steal keeps me alive well enough.

There is no way to have
Life Tap
on this build without using Dracs, which will kill your max speed
, so high life steal is critical since the hell penalty sucks. You need 20% ias on the gloves, so LOH and even something like
Lava Gout
are good alternatives. Cat's eye is the only cheaper alternative to highlord's.

You don't have to use a BK ring, but I think it's perfect here. Good life steal, more life, all skills.

HOJ has ITA, so a low roll
Raven Frost
is fine. You smack almost everything with ITA. Only issue is it doesn't work on bosses or uniques. Hence, pumping your attack rating is still useful, unless you want to
everything or miss a lot.

Now what about
? 83% defense reduction against most monsters (less on bosses I think, like the res reduction). Infinity/
are super strong and absolutely critical for making this build work so well. The issue is, merc isn't always around. He can be dragging ass, get stuck on a wall, off fighting a lone monster, or rarely die.

at all levels only has a 13.3yd radius. And without
there is no way to easily center him on you. 13.3 is not small, but it's not huge either.
is also a bit slow to "attach" to enemies as well, whether its self cast or from the merc. This is why I switched the merc from Might to
Blessed Aim
. Might is useful for more physical damage (and therefore more life leech).
Blessed Aim
at level 21 however has a massive 37.3 yard radius - way bigger than full screen - and a huge 375% AR boost. Basically if merc is alive, my AR is jacked way up, landing every hit. When I run into a blue pack or champion, I don't worry about missing or having to
. My hits land almost every time. (Especially if I wasn't lazy and pre-buffed with
Demon Limb
or a Sorc enchanted me).

For bosses though I will usually switch to
, landing every hit, max effect from CB and Open Wounds. (The holy auras do nothing for

You might wonder why I have 1 point into
, Sanctuary, and even the
tree. None of these are actually necessary to run the build, but, they help.

Basically what inspire this build was building a self cast
Holy Freeze
zealot using a Gris Set filled with cold facets. Building an Auradin that way made me realize I could stack the same offensive charms to boost offensive auras, then sandwich all the auras together using items.

Normally when you're building an Auradin you think about
as boosting one element (lightning or fire usually), then you stack that with the relevant Resist aura points. This is not what
actually does though. Every point boosts *all 3* holy aura types. The same is true for Infinity/
. It doesn't drop enemy res by 85%, it drops it by a sum total of 255% (85x3).

Normally you just think about it as -85% because you're only focusing on one damage type. Maybe two with a dual element sorc or Auradin. But not all 3.

and especially Infinity/
are why this build smacks so hard. If they aren't immune, their res is probably into the negative. If they are immune, Infinity *might* break it, might not (especially not cold immunes). No need to sunder though.

If the Merc breaks the immunity, great. If he doesn't that's fine too. Even a double immune Lightning/Fire is still getting smacked by my cold damage, physical damage, and even a little poison damage from the Dragon's Venom.
will plummet whatever res he has left that isn't an immunity.

This here is the beauty of the build and why its fun to play. If a monster is cold immune, I swap to level 15
. That's a 288% damage boost for me, a nice 16.6 yard radius to boost the Merc speed/dmg/AR up, and my own speed/AR get even higher. I'm already at max
, but this can help offset anything slowing me down.
's speed boost is strong.

If I run into a bunch of undead, I swap freeze to Sanctuary. This is a 570% phys damage to bump, pierces their phys resistance, adds a small magic damage aura, and allows life/mana leech to keep working if the monster has any drain effectiveness. The knockback it provides is pulse based and not a big deal IMO, unlike item based knockback.

My own
runs at level 15, three higher than Infinity. That's -100% res. This is the least useful compared to lv 15
or even Sanctuary, but still fun to have for one point. If Emilio is not around, slow, stuck, or dead I may throw it on. Also helpful in Chaos or
runs if no one else is running max

Technically you don't need
, but I find both useful for getting around.
for unlimited charging,
for getting around town or keeping up on a P8 Chaos run.

Overall this is my favorite build to play right now. I'm motivated to level up because every point into a synergy helps. You can leave
Holy Freeze
on be lazy, slowing almost everything in the game down, or swap in other auras as needed vs different immunities and monster types. LOH is really good as usual but for now I prefer the mana leech, added CB and life leech from my crafted gloves.

Hope this was helpful. This build is ultimately like smashing max
together with a ton of aura damage and slow effect. My DPS may even be higher than Maxroll shows btw due to the aura/item bug that doubles aura damage. If my numbers are correct my auras are providing pulse damage every 2 seconds from 2,470 - 6,462, and even higher up close. In p1 most monsters die in one or two hits.

Dragondin's level 44 aura is still stronger, but I think this build comes in second for pulse damage. All aura damage is pretty weak on high player counts, but the
Holy Freeze
effect remains useful, and the radius is massive at level 34.

Finally, I did try building this Omnidin a different way at first. It was terrible.

Doom in a bersker
(very bad idea)

Dragon Shield

robes to boost all element types

It was cool in my head but sucked in practice. The auras were small and weak.
Robes helped but not nearly enough. Berserker axes are the worst for Zealing. The durability is super low, can barely make it through 1 cow run. I also put it into a sup
, so the repair costs were insane. 200k+ repairs, every run. DPS was barely 30k with this setup, compared to 83k now.

Also you can tinker with the res points to boost the damage a bit, but not much (like 86K max for me right now). The even spread of points is best. Each aura has its benefits. HOJ adds -20% fire res,
Holy Freeze
is running 4 levels higher, and
Holy Shock
has the highest max damage potential. So you can stack points towards a particular aura if you want, but I don't think its worth it. The build runs best when all the auras are supported and cranking out their own damage type.

I have considered running sunder charms, but I think its pointless. This build allows you to work around immunities rather than through them. Even if I'm too lazy to switch
Holy Freeze
off against a cold immune, he'll still be dead from fire and lightning damage shortly anyway.
just wanna say after the long read, feels like an elaborate and kickass build :)
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D369 11

Hey bro, good to see the build has been fun to play. It's nice when modifications to an established build actually come together unexpectedly.

I definitely recommend grabbing a
Crown of Thieves
with a
rune for Trav runs and getting your Gold sorted as repairs are worth it if the weapon is mental.

I'm keen to see this guy in action if you wanted to jump in a game and show it off?

Palis FTW
Thanks for this great build ideas!

I tried it yesterday, and it works like a charm.

Soloing Hell was a breeze!

But I changed some parts:

seems not necessary, at least in P1 I could kill every cold immune monster with aura damage and a few hits, but I leave that option open for later levels. The most dangerous foes are those with dual fire/lightning immunity.

-Bramble and
Holy Freeze
are a bit counterproductive, as the slowed enemy does less damage per second. I swapped to a
Merc with Cure, CoH and Infinity. I solo'ed Hell and finished every quest, I didn't use a single potion! The merc died once in the throne room. 2x
healing (via Cure), life leech and
are more than enough recovery for my needs!

Blessed Aim
also doesn't seem necessary, just keep your Infinity merc nearby.

-I've put most points into synergies and didn't waste points into

-Some points into
Holy Shield
are very useful!

-As soon as I'll hit level 90, fire and lighting damage and the respective resistances will be maxed. Further points will go into Ice damage.

Right now, my Paladin is level 80 and his gear is:


Sacred Rondache

Mage Plate

Cryptic Sword

Cat's Eye amulet

Raven Frost

Rare ring with life leech, AR and resists
CtA in a +1
and Spirit shield on swap
Some Maxdam/AR GCs for increased leech and one Offensive Skiller, remaining spots filled up with life and resist charms.

4K-12K damage per hit, all resists but cold maxed. 6K defense, 75% block. I need some more Offensive Skillers now. I always rerolled them, hahaha.


For low items I also accept: Perfect Amys,
, Tokens, Keys. Please don't offer runes lower than
(with the named exceptions).



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