as mentioned elsewhere my two sons (9 and 10 years old) and I started playing D2R in June this year. The last time I played this game was ca. 20 years ago. Therefore, we started from scratch with a Summon Druid (myself), a Summon Nec and a Zealer Pally. It played out very well and we managed to get through hell on selffound gear. Initially I planned to only play on selffound gear and looked up cheap runewords for our chars etc. But soon enough the boys discovered the big world of Battle Net and this quickly created certain "strong desires"
We then farmed gems, jewels and runes and traded for ISTs and finally for some decent gear. We also met some very nice people who gave us very good items for free. We even won an Enigma here in this place a few weeks ago and we also profited from the large database on this site and from other people here in this forum.
While we are not that rich that we can giveaway Enigmas (currently at least everyone has one Enigma on one of his chars) we want to give at least something back to the great D2 community here. In the last three weeks we switched to farming Clones and it turned out that trading unidentified Annihilus is a very efficient way to get JAHs.
Now, the boys really had to restrain themselves not to identify them
The terms are as follow:
- The first 20 people who respond with "count me in" participate
- Your lot number is the index number of your posting and corresponds to one certain Anni (and you get it no matter what - even if it is a 20/20/10
- When all numbers are taken or by the end of the next weekend the boys identify the annis
- After that I post a list with the stats and the participants can decide if they want it or not
- If you want it simply add me on Bnet and whisper when I am on (I am mostly available at about 06:00 or 07:00 pm MEZ)
- Annis that are not claimed within one week will be given away to other people (or we keep them if they are better than our own ones
That doesn't leave me with much more to say than "Happy gambling"!EDIT(1): This is Non-Ladder Softcore!