Titan's Revenge + Spirit, but that's only because I do a half bow half javazon (yeah it's not optimal, but as I never have the time to level up 2 chars at least I can play both styles )
Seems several players alternate between Faith and Windforce.
Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus
Aye, bowazons really don't need CtA. Plus they tend to have fairly low +skill (esp +all), making CtA even less interesting as you constantly need to recast the (still bad and kinda pointless) lowlvl BO. Hell, you can roll full dex as a bowzon and have no problems whatsoever..life and mana pools really aren't the issue for them.
Hustle matri on switch (esp. for WF builds) was glorious for a while on PTR but since they nerfed the BoS level the duration makes it too annoying to bother with imo.
What is fun though (and has become my go-to) is 1 pt in Jab, 1 pt in Impale (neither of which eats into anything needed as a bowzon as you have plenty of skill pts), Eth. upped titan's and Phoenix. Though the concept holds with plenty of other shields as well..Stormshield, Spirit, swordback, .. ideal choice kinda depends on the rest of your gear.
Not only does that give you extra run speed on switch to cover towns/longer gaps faster, it also gives you a combo that is (due to Impale's slow being insane) just way too 'good' at instantly turning your bowzon into a melee boss killer if you feel like running some dclone or ubers on her (quite possibly without having to switch anything else, obv. depending on the rest of your build). That's 'good' as in 'certainly not the fastest but stupidly easy, safe and relaxed'.
Sure, you can run clone and ubers and everything with a bow as well but that's not only far less relaxed, I also find the arrow management easily becomes too annoying on things with that much life..and block..and dr.. (admittedly, I just refuse to carry extra quivers..ever..not dropping charms for that ^^).
Plus it makes for a fun change of pace every once in a while if you feel like plowing through some stuff all stabby-stabby instead of shooty-shooty for a bit. Plenty of dmg to take out whatever you come up against with rather little effort.
My Strafezon: Either Harmony for speed or Wrath for killing immunes. Main Weapon: Faith in a GMB. Armor: Fortitude.
My Frostmaiden-Strafezon: Either Harmony for Speed or Mist for resists/Strafe. Main Weapon: Ice in a MB. Armor: Hustle.
I never used CTA or Enigma on a Bowazon. My Strafezon has 3% lifeleech and can go melee with most monsters. The leech is so strong, she is almost invincible. Frostmaiden just freezes everything and has LL on her main weapon.
For low items I also accept: Perfect Amys, Ral, Hel, Tokens, Keys. Please don't offer runes lower than Pul (with the named exceptions).
My strafazone uses Wizardspike +Spirit to reach 99% FCR on switch (along with Arachnid Mesh).
I play with Enigma instead of Forti for fast travel, FRW and MF.
Elvir wrote: 6 months ago
My strafazone uses Wizardspike +Spirit to reach 99% FCR on switch (along with Arachnid Mesh).
I play with Enigma instead of Forti for fast travel, FRW and MF.
DasNarf wrote: 6 months ago
Hm, how do you get high Pierce this way? Mist?
No, 20 points into Pierce and with + skills from Faith bow / highlords / torch/ anni you get 92% Pierce that is enough for me.
Remain skills: 20 Strafe, 20 guided Arrows, 20 Penetrate, ~10 to multishot to get 24 max Arrows with + skills, 1 to valk, and remaining to Critical Strike to get around ~70% with + skills.
With 34% deadly strike from Highlords, the total crit is 0.70 + 0.34 - 0.70 * 0.34 = 0.802 (~80%).
Min max best is probably Harmony on swap, because it lets you run through town and between packs of monsters much faster. For example, you can also get to wirt much much much faster. This speeds up your runs, so you drop more stuff per session
You should already have a lot of frw, which has diminishing returns as you add more. Vigor aura is added separately, so it’s a much larger boost to frw than anything else
I’ve played around with melee stuff on swap, especially Charged Strike. It’s fun, but I could never get it to work well
As I don't spend points on life for my Strafe bowazon, I use a CTA/Spirit combo to boost life even though in most areas it is not needed. When it comes to stygian dolls with a unique monster around casting Amplify Damage, life boost from ~800 to 1400 makes a big difference for survival.
Kbob2 wrote: 6 months ago
My Frostmaiden has CTA/Spirit and Ice as her main weapon. I used to have CTA in a +3GMB, but w/o the Spirit in off-hand it didn’t do much for BO.
Judging by the comments above perhaps I should drop the CTA altogether and go with WF and Strafe as a back-up?
My Rogue merc has Faith and I have an Iron Golem made from Insight. I am using CoH for armor, maybe should switch to Forti?
Frostmaidens tend to work différéntly from other (physical damage oriented) bowazons : more + skill and mana are rather useful, and Ice is really best in slot.
I'd stay as is in your case.
Forti increases physical damage, so CoH sounds fine here too.
Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus
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