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.What is a clonepocalypse, you ask? Simply put, it's an unparallelled streak of Diablo clones walking the Earth.
HaelTheUndying is trying to set an unbreakable record for the number of dclones spawned during a single day.
The idea is to spawn a dclone once every 15 minutes for 24 hours straight, on the Americas region.
There will be a couple of triple spawns mixed in (i.e., spawns on all three regions at the same time, with the help of some other streamers), but the majority of the walks will be on Americas only. I believe he has enlisted help from thatdudewillyd ( for this purpose, not sure who else.
How many Stone of Jordan will be sacrified during this event, you ask? Well, by his own counting, he is going to have on hand well over 10,000 SoJs, more than 3 completely full accounts (all 24 character slots and all shared stash tabs completely filled with SoJs).
If you want to partake you really should get a dclone killer set up -
It isn't hard to kill dclone on a budget smiter after all.
Stream links:
HaelTheUndying -
thatdudewillyd -
NOTE: This event is on SOFTCORE LADDER.