So...I ended up making a ladder char this season after all. Randomly got a surprising amount of value stacked up quite quickly. And proceeded to blow all of that on basically insta-BiS-gearing a Faith zon just for the hell of it. I then quickly remembered just why I prefer WF so much over Faith and - since I already have my WF zon on NL - proceeded to get rid of said zon and replace her with a disco sin who is now like a day old or two.
Since I dumped all of my gains into the zon and didn't trade much since, the result is a lvl 88 disco sin who - beyond the core mosaics - has rather little going for her. She doesn't have Teleport (beyond DF, obviously). She's squishy AF. She...well, she's still a disco sin so dmg is there no matter what. You get the point.
I spent the last couple of hours getting together a set of keys, just to see how she'd fare against ubers with little beyond the Claws and figured I might as well pull a @ShadowHeart and let folks guess the outcome for prizes.

There's up to 3 categories to win in:
(1) Overall outcome
Will I get through all of it without dying? Will it be a painful chain of deaths along the way to ultimate victory? Will I die often enough to eventually just give up? Will Blizz be Blizz and randomly close the game on me before I get done? Will my PC overheat and prevent me from continuing, leaving the attempt a failure? And yes, it is crazy hot in my office today so that's an actual option.

(2) Time to clear
Assuming a full clear, how long will it take? Be specific. I'll stop the time to get through all of it and whomever is the closest to the total time elapsed wins. I will only be stopping time inside portals, not including random afk time for a drink refill and the like.

(3) Order and drop
In what order will the ubers be killed (including minis!)? No, this isn't (entirely) random. Yes, if you remember old-ass posts of mine, you are at an advantage here.

The prize for each category will be a NL SC Ber.
The same person may win more than one category.
If multiple people tie for a category win, whomever posted first ends up the winner.
If you submit more than one guess per category, you shall be disqualified.
If you edit your post to change your guess, you shall also be disqualified.
If you guess some sort of failure for category 1, feel free to still guess 2 and 3 regardless for a chance there in case it isn't a failure after all.

Example guess post just for the hell of it:
1: PC blows up & SWAT kicks in door -> forced to give up, utter failure!
2: 7 minutes, 13.94 seconds (stopwatch has 2 decimals

3: Meph, Baal, Andy, Duriel, Izual, Diablo, Sorc Torch (yes, @Necrarch, I know her name is Lilith

Some added context for more accurate guessing:
- If you recall my stream-joining-and-speedrun-record-setting days...don't take that as a reference. I'm in a rather slow and relaxed mood.
- I may or may not be sliiiiightly inebriated so take that into account.
- That may become more and more true the later I start and the longer this takes *cough*
- When I say squishy AF, I mean it...realistically, if meph gets a single cast off, I'm toast. What's this resistances thing people keep speaking of?

I'll get started whenever I get around to it but likely quite soon.
Once I get past the minis, I'll probably end up posting their total time and order, making the related guesses easier after the fact. But you still only get 1 guess so you will risk losing out by not being first.

No guarantees that I'll do all of it in one session/tonight. It really is ungodly hot in here atm..
As always, I reserve the right to make executive decisions regarding winner selection and whatnot post-hoc, as needed and applicable.
I think that's all..?