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Budget and fun

Poll ended at 5 months ago

Bowazon - Multi-shot (22%)
Javazon - Cattle-prong (4%)
Trapsin (22%)
WWsin (0%)
No votes
Meleesin (0%)
No votes
WWbarb (17%)
Fire Druid (4%)
Summon Nec (30%)
Total votes: 23
Total votes: 23


Description by Deleted User 110148

Can be used to make Runewords:

Made a trap sin, got it to 75 and not a fan of it. Gonna think of something else to focus on.

Ohhh Shudd-up, Nobody want's to hear about how offended you got over the dumbest crap.
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ShadowHeart 2675Moderator

Europe PC
You could make her a into a Bladesin. It’s technically traps but the blade line of skills is like a separate branch on the traps skill tree and it plays very differently from a normal trapsin. You would still use
Death Sentry
for the CE but none of the other lightning/fire traps.

I'm in CET (Central European Time), so that's UTC+1 normally and UTC+2 during DST.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
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Schnorki 3879Moderator

ShadowHeart wrote: 5 months ago
You could make her a into a Bladesin. It’s technically traps but the blade line of skills is like a separate branch on the traps skill tree and it plays very differently from a normal trapsin. You would still use
Death Sentry
for the CE but none of the other lightning/fire traps.
Solid idea.
And if you really don't like the trap feel at all,
Death Sentry
is entirely optional. A decently built
sin is more than strong enough to ignore DS/CE entirely and just plow through.

Personally, I actually ended up joining in on the fun for this season again for a change and made another bowzon to mess around with. (Anyone got a spare 3s matri bow? :P) They do make for rather fun gameplay imo, even without gear. I mean...clearing hell stuff with a
and Zephyr bow atm as that's literally the only stuff that crossed my path, hehe.
Fun fact: First time I ever made Zephyr..'tis about as bad as it sounds. ^^
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ShadowHeart 2675Moderator

Europe PC
Schnorki wrote: 5 months ago
Personally, I actually ended up joining in on the fun for this season again for a change and made another bowzon to mess around with.
(Anyone got a spare 3s matri bow? :P)
I do, in fact lol. Just found one yesterday :P

I'm in CET (Central European Time), so that's UTC+1 normally and UTC+2 during DST.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
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Schnorki 3879Moderator

ShadowHeart wrote: 5 months ago
Schnorki wrote: 5 months ago
Personally, I actually ended up joining in on the fun for this season again for a change and made another bowzon to mess around with.
(Anyone got a spare 3s matri bow? :P)
I do, in fact lol. Just found one yesterday :P
zon go brrr nau! :D
I know it isn't on here but I have been playing a riftsin this season and it is super fun. But I wouldn't necessarily call it a budget build just for the simple fact you need to hunt down a specific base for it (
War Scepter
) and have the runes to make Rift which includes a
(still not that expensive).

That said, it is a TON of fun to play and looks super cool to play. Other budget items for it include things like g-face, Duress,
Goblin Toe
, nightwing (harder to come by),
String of Ears
/verdungo/nosferatu, draculs not mandatory but really helps survivability when you get fully surrounded.

Once you start killing enemies with your kicks, you just let
Death Sentry
do the rest. Overall a really fun and unique way to play the Assassin IMO
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Necrarch 2111Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
You can also reconvert to traps+ wwsin. "All" you need is an
to make Chaos (that's actually my son build : full
+ Chaos trapsin that does WW + 20 on
Blade Mastery
Shadow Master
- quite fun.


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap


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