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Do Merc's get the -40 and -100 resist penalties as we do ?

I remember that we get the MF from the merc's gear, but do we get all the bonuses such as resists, + to damage, + life leech also ?

How long are the ladders in D2R ? iirc, D2 was 6 months

When did This ladder start ?

Can be used to make Runewords:

Do Merc's get the -40 and -100 resist penalties as we do ?

I remember that we get the MF from the merc's gear, but do we get all the bonuses such as resists, + to damage, + life leech also ?

How long are the ladders in D2R ? iirc, D2 was 6 months

When did This ladder start ?

Ohhh Shudd-up, Nobody want's to hear about how offended you got over the dumbest crap.
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TheDoo 366

Europe PC
1. Yes Mercs get res penalty on difficulties same as Player Character do.

2. No, PC doesn't benefit from +res, +dmg, +LL from Merc unless it's an aura (example Flickering Flame). You can only benefit from Merc's auras (from skill or equipment) which can give you +dmg %, +AR%, +Specific res, +Mana/Life regen, etc.

3. Ladder seasons run for about 3 months but they are prone to extensions since Blizzard kinda stopped working/investing time into D2R.

4. Current Ladder season started:
Blizzard wrote:
Ladder Season 7 will begin on May 23, ushering in a new opportunity for brave adventurers to race to Level 99 and amass powerful loot along the way. We cannot wait to see which determined souls carve their name into the Leaderboard this time.
4.a Last Season [6] lasted from
Blizzard wrote:
Countless demons have met their timely demise at the end of your weapon, yet their onslaught doesn’t relent. Sanctuary needs its savior! Return on February 22 to wreak havoc among the Burning Hells’ ranks in Ladder Season 6!
until Season 7 start. :)

Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."
GrumpyOldFart wrote: 5 months ago
I remember that we get the MF from the merc's gear
The merc's mf is only added to your own if the merc does the killing blow

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