Hi everyone,
Just walked to the first chest in the Black Marsh on the way to the tower, opened it, and 10 (!) rare items drop from it. 3 different gloves, a sorc orb, shield, Belt... plus an Ort rune.
Anyone else seen this?!
Hi everyone,
Just walked to the first chest in the Black Marsh on the way to the tower, opened it, and 10 (!) rare items drop from it. 3 different gloves, a sorc orb, shield, Belt... plus an Ort rune.
Anyone else seen this?!
A screenshot of the occurrence would be useful. Something is off with the count, as 3 gloves, an orb, a shield and a Belt total in 6 items, not 10. I've had 5 rare item drops at once multiple times (though rarely) in Acts 3 and 5, but never in Act 1. What's your character item find boost? Maybe if it's insanely high an Act 1 super chest could burp out something of such significance. I'm not an expert in that as I've never played a character greatly exceeding 600% MF (including LoD).
bigbikefan wrote: 9 months ago
A screenshot of the occurrence would be useful. Something is off with the count, as 3 gloves, an orb, a shield and a Belt total in 6 items, not 10. I've had 5 rare item drops at once multiple times (though rarely) in Acts 3 and 5, but never in Act 1. What's your character item find boost? Maybe if it's insanely high an Act 1 super chest could burp out something of such significance. I'm not an expert in that as I've never played a character greatly exceeding 600% MF (including LoD).
The ellipses following the word "Belt..." indicate an omission of words so he likely didn't list everything he saw drop. That being said there are a number of multi drop chests throughout the game that can drop 10 items. It's possible to find multi drop chests on Floors 1 through 4 in The Forgotten Tower. I've never been fond of the term super chest but what they generally refer to are sparkly chests that can be identified by the sort of sparkly firefly images around them(see image). That being said I ran the "super chests" in Lower Kurast several times this morning and not a one of them sparkled.
Please post offer in item trade before adding me on Bnet, I'm in EST time zone (E Coast U.S)
There are some chest in The Forgotten Tower (normally in the middle of a "T" path) that drop lots of things.
Don't know if they are super chests and if they could potentially drop that many rares
For a while: not accepting Ral or Hel; and considering Perfect Skull as a regular Perfect Gems on my trades.
Time Zone: GMT-3
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
The chest:
It's a "150m" walk from the waypoint in my (single player offline) Black Marsh to the entrance of The Forgotten Tower. On the way, there's a farmhouse with a small chest on the porch and a bed. I always check both.
Magic find:
I have around 300% MF.
Item number:
I counted on the screen, and they were 10 (plus the rune). As someone rightfully said, I just mentioned the item types that I remember. But they were definitely 10 rares coming out of that chest. (Needless to say, nothing useful among them ^^)
Yes, I wish I had taken a screenshot. Maybe I hadn't considered the rarity of this event, was kinda expecting "yes, happens once in a while, now stop getting excited and go back to playing" answers...
All items dropped from those super chest have the same rarity.
Its either all magic, all rare, all sets, or all uniques.
Obviously the more freqent one is the all magic (for which we generaly don't care).
It's impossible for those super chest to drop magic + rare items
You can always make alternative offers with Keys.
I don't really trade in pgems.
Can trade on PC and Switch
fraggykrueger wrote: 3 weeks ago
and another time, in temple halls ^^
In very rare cases, this may also happen with uniques or set items. I remember having a 5+ unique drop once, all crap unfortunately
Post ur offer before adding me. No PM. Only add me if u offer bin/lf. No reply after 3 days=offer rejected
No socketing service. If u get item otherwise, retract ur pending offer. Edit ur post or post "retracted" to do so.
JulieP wrote: 3 weeks ago
It's impossible for those super chest to drop magic + rare items
There is a single exception, that being charms as they can't roll as rare so they instead "downgrade" to magic. Ditto with items that can't roll as set/unique (due to qlvl restrictions or not having a set/unique in the first place) and instead downgrade to magic/rares.
Also to be technical super chests can't roll for sets/uniques, only sparkly chests (note that some "sparkly chests" in Act 5 are actually super chests) can.
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