Way late to the party (and kind of self-necroing the off-topicness of this whole thing) but finally got going on BG3 and after playing way too much since starting it...I honestly can't remember the last time I enjoyed a game this much. Story, depth, brilliant scripting, freedom despite a theoretically linear overall storyline, surprisingly optimized controls (considering how complex the actual underlying controls/possibilities are), overall polish and quality, just absolutely brilliant.
Given, there's still a couple of rather easy to add bits that are super annoying to miss, especially in this game thanks to the inherent complexity of D&D such as:
- Auto-stacking of gold, pots, .. even when the ones you already have are inside a backpack you're carrying
- Auto-sorting (why is there an option to sort by xyz but no "auto-sort" checkmark next to them?)
- Assignable hotkeys at least for 'add to wares' and 'send to 1/2/3/4'
- Locking hotbar actually locking it and preventing the auto-addition of ANY new actions to it (options let you disable auto-adding for most but sadly not all things)
- Actually trigger an action based on what the cursor is over. Though this really only comes up for movement 99% of the time. Trying to walk through an open door without manually moving the camera to a spot behind it is..surprisingly difficult, thanks to just looking through it and clicking the open Ground behind it reliably instead resulting in 'close door' and whatnot.
- Option for 'snap to character' so camera snaps back into follow mode after xyz seconds of no manual movement/after telling char to move (mainly only missing because of the above).
Honestly though, in terms of "shouldn't be missing" issues, I honestly can't think of any more right now which is saying something. That's a pretty short list. And I've literally only found a single bug in the game so far which shouldn't be as surprising and great and weird feeling as it is but..it just is. Not used to that level of quality/prior testing anymore (SUP BLIZZ!). And even that one bug was fixed by simply restarting the game and loading the last save.
Though I will agree that that video seems rather accurate in the underlying message..the game raises the bar too high even for itself. Like..I find myself noticing things as missing that in any other game, I would've never even thought about because the overall lack of polish typically has you worrying about far more basic things.
Specifically, the storytelling is brilliant. The voice acting is overall quite well done and super immersive. And yet, there is no voice acting for your own character's dialogue. Given, considering the number of options and the different voices you get to choose from, that would've been a fair bit of extra recording needed but considering the polish of every other aspect of the game, it actually stands out as missing.
Talk about first world problems...
But yeah, totally joining the hype train and highly recommending to anyone who ever even remotely enjoyed BG1, 2, NWN, PT or basically any other variation of D&D game. So worth it.
Side note:
I went ahead and avoided any prior spoilers so I honestly have no idea just how far along in the overall story I actually am by now. Feels like I've already completed like 5-6 times as much story as other games have, if not more, and am nowhere near the end but who knows. Also feels like for every arch I finish up, 2 more open up so...even less of a clue how much more there is. And liking it that way.
Either way, I'm already hoping there'll be an expansion (or 2...or 10...^^) because no matter how much more there is in the current story, it won't be enough.

Also fully expecting to do at least 1 more playthrough afterwards, maybe more, simply because it feels like the degree of choice you have should be able to lead you down a completely different path even inside the same overall story. Though how accurate that assumption is obviously remains to be seen.