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I have always (like really since I first heard of it) wondered if there is anything more to getting items personalising by
. Am I missing something or is it just the name?


Can be used to make Runewords:

I have always (like really since I first heard of it) wondered if there is anything more to getting items personalising by
. Am I missing something or is it just the name?

It has meme potential!

That's priceless. Or worthless. Always one of those. Mostly the latter.

It has the "look at my horse, my horse is amazing" feeling, but noone really cares. Like, at all. That is until you try to move the personalized item. In that instant a chewed up bubblegum and pocket lint is the best offer you are getting and you should definitely take it.

If you get a PM offer, post it in the trade. Promote healthy competition instead of settling for less. ;)
Such items might have been worth a bit (or a lot, depending on the buyer) in legacy D2, where character names were unique. In D2R they no longer are, and anyone can create an item with a funny name, so they are now rather worthless.
Trang Oul wrote: 1 year ago
Such items might have been worth a bit (or a lot, depending on the buyer) in legacy D2, where character names were unique. In D2R they no longer are, and anyone can create an item with a funny name, so they are now rather worthless.
Oh you can make the same character name to Infinity now? I suppose I should have known but I didn't lol.
I have only ever had this quest return a "Personalized [Name of Base Item]". That is, instead of the character's name, it just has the word "Personalized". Has anyone else had this experience? Might be a consoles-only thing.

All trades are Switch only :)

Active most nights on Switch (Friend Code: 8500-1494-0819) from 0200-0500 UTC+00:00

Thank you 2.4 for making all of my wildest dreams come true!
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Necrarch 2233Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Not that I know. Possibly a weird character in the name ?


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
Aelanwyr wrote: 1 year ago
I have only ever had this quest return a "Personalized [Name of Base Item]". That is, instead of the character's name, it just has the word "Personalized". Has anyone else had this experience? Might be a consoles-only thing.
It does that on my switch; since the characters are all named after your account when in-game.
When I connect on my pc, I see the correct name

You can always make alternative offers with Keys.
I don't really trade in pgems.
Can trade on PC and Switch

second account JuliePayette#1511
Aelanwyr wrote: 1 year ago
I have only ever had this quest return a "Personalized [Name of Base Item]". That is, instead of the character's name, it just has the word "Personalized". Has anyone else had this experience? Might be a consoles-only thing.
I get the same thing on xbox

I am permanently no longer accepting
runes as trade currency
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Asha 402

Sorceress Europe PC
Taggin only may be worth it if you sure your char will permanently use it, regardless of whatever gear he acqures next. Some examples are properly-socketed 148ss, perf-upped gores/vipers, etc, as well as some gg rare rolls for enthusiasts.
Main thing is: you never tag anything you'll be possibly sellin anytime later. Just don't. Really
As a "rule of thumb" (ever wondered why "thumb" and not, say, "pinky") I personalize an item rewarded by
and then sell it right back to her.
JulieP wrote: 1 year ago
It does that on my switch; since the characters are all named after your account when in-game.
When I connect on my pc, I see the correct name
That's so interesting that the data attaches to/stays on the item and is used correctly in cross-progression...Makes it seem like it really is just a matter of enabling the correct functionality on consoles.
I wonder if Blizz is simply unaware of the bug?
Out of curiosity, when you personalize on console then look on PC, is it customized under your profile name, or under the character name?

All trades are Switch only :)

Active most nights on Switch (Friend Code: 8500-1494-0819) from 0200-0500 UTC+00:00

Thank you 2.4 for making all of my wildest dreams come true!
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mhlg 1439

Americas PC
I have yet to personalize a single item. I just don't see the point to it, and it makes an item less tradable.

Please post offer in item trade before adding me on Bnet, I'm in EST time zone (E Coast U.S)
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Schnorki 3913Moderator

The only thing I've ever personalized was random vendor-trash I happened to have in my inventory when completing the quest, solely to fully close out the quest.

Single most useless reward ever invented imo.

Then again, some people like their name on some of their stuff I more power to them. :P
I've mainly used the quest to dupe various items back in the LoD days. It also used to be a "proof of legitimacy / origin" in a sea of mass-duped godly items.
Not much use for it these days, especially given how multiple people on a region can have the same character name.
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Necrarch 2233Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Useless, it's just for the ego.

But I like my chars to use it when they are ok with their final item (Enigma, signature perfect
, signature Homunc for my necro, Chaos
and perfect LoH for my Nat sin, Faith for my Zon...).


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
If only it was really the item's name that was personalized and not the item kind. Then you could make Luke's Lightsaber. But you can't.
By the way I would have sworn that it was like this in OG D2, I remembered it like that but seems like it isn't the case.
@renard You absolutely can! Go for it, bud!

Uniques 👉 X's UniqueName ItemType
Runewords 👉 RunewordName X's ItemType

Memes for life!

If you get a PM offer, post it in the trade. Promote healthy competition instead of settling for less. ;)
So, in conclusion, today, it's really fckn useless as I anticipated. Thank you all for posting. :)
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TheDoo 371

Europe PC
Something that crossed my mind recently is that people that do giveaways could personalize or let people decide if they want them to personalize their giveaway stuff just so that people who get them know where they got them from and not mix them up accidentally with some random stuff for sale (or junk obsolete stuff). :)

But when I thought about it more, it would take so much time and effort and end up being too much of a Hustle especially for ones who did/are doing massive giveaways such as, for example, Mr. ShadowHeart is. In that case, he would need to create like 50+ characters with the same name and rush them through game(s) just so he can personalize each item one by one which is probably a massive pain in the backside.

Another use for it would be maybe if you have a special friend that you adore playing with, then they/you might wanna name one dear item and that way hold them close to your heart whenever you are not playing with them or something like that.

It doesn't really have any purpose other than for pure creativity/troll/meme/commemoration/dedication/cleaning quests tab for completionism. :)

Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."
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Schnorki 3913Moderator

TheDoo wrote: 1 year ago
Something that crossed my mind recently is that people that do giveaways could personalize or let people decide if they want them to personalize their giveaway stuff just so that people who get them know where they got them from and not mix them up accidentally with some random stuff for sale (or junk obsolete stuff). :)
Ignoring the significant extra effort that would require, speaking as someone who has done a fair few giveaways both here and in-game, I dare say most of us who do those do so for the sake of helping folks, having value-stuff not just go to
and just plain being nice. At least I for one wouldn't host a giveaway just to have my name "get out there". I'd hate the idea of stuff I give away eternally having my name attached to it.

That having been said, you may have a point there for streamers, seeing how their giveaways are typically aimed at exactly that: getting their name out, increasing their viewership and making more money with their streams as a result (in some cases simply to make money, in others to reinvest said money into more giveaways and clone walks and whatnot).


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