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I started ladder a few days ago- with a whirl barb. I said- no trading till the end of hell, then I'll tweak and upgrade. Currently act 1 hell.
This is SO fun. Because my gear sucks so bad, every damn rare weapon, blue ring, blue everything is exciting because it can be a real upgrade. Using Hustle as a weapon, mega excited when
dropped(took a long time) so I can make a Hearth. The game feels so alive I love it.
Also using actual skills that are not normally used much-
Battle Cry
Grim Ward
(damn good skill and much less annoying than
), and they are game changers.
It's a blast. I didnt have so much fun from the game for a long time.

I think it's because of-
1.Ssfing(well of course).
2.using a "weak" character/skill.
3.using a non +skill dependent skill, which puts Spirit off the board.

That's it, just wanted to share, just so much fun from this geezer of a game.

Why ladder if I ssf? Well eventually I do want to try and farm with a whirl barb in non trav areas in p8, which requires heavy trading and maxing gear options.

Can be used to make Runewords:

I started ladder a few days ago- with a whirl barb. I said- no trading till the end of hell, then I'll tweak and upgrade. Currently act 1 hell.
This is SO fun. Because my gear sucks so bad, every damn rare weapon, blue ring, blue everything is exciting because it can be a real upgrade. Using Hustle as a weapon, mega excited when
dropped(took a long time) so I can make a Hearth. The game feels so alive I love it.
Also using actual skills that are not normally used much-
Battle Cry
Grim Ward
(damn good skill and much less annoying than
), and they are game changers.
It's a blast. I didnt have so much fun from the game for a long time.

I think it's because of-
1.Ssfing(well of course).
2.using a "weak" character/skill.
3.using a non +skill dependent skill, which puts Spirit off the board.

That's it, just wanted to share, just so much fun from this geezer of a game.

Why ladder if I ssf? Well eventually I do want to try and farm with a whirl barb in non trav areas in p8, which requires heavy trading and maxing gear options.
or.houster wrote: 1 year ago
This is SO fun. Because my gear sucks so bad, every damn rare weapon, blue ring, blue everything is exciting because it can be a real upgrade.
Give classic a try, very similar experience. Smaller community, tho

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