NL in general is comparatively rare. Streamers did a few again as S1 drew to a close but that's unlikely to happen again for a while as they're all focused on S2 now.Kvander wrote: 2 years ago Wow! Are America SCNL walks sorta rare? That's two within the last week or so. I've now missed both, wasn't even home for them! Might I ask, do any of the DClone veterans have an idea as to how often generally America SCNL walks happen? I'd love to get my first anni haha.
Outside of that, what you usually got on NL was natural progression (i.e. random folks selling their found SoJs one by one) until eventually a region goes to 2 or 3 and then "someone" making use of that prep work by triggering a quick private walk during the offtimes for that region.
That having been said, if you play on PC as well, I can hook you up with a NL anni if you want.