That's why the name is now listed in the tracker.ShadowHeart wrote: 2 years agoSometime I feel like we should start calling out the people trolling the trackerSchnorki wrote: 2 years ago People still occasionally troll the tracker (in that particular case) and/or don't bother double-checking whether they're reporting for ladder or non-ladder (also the case here as it hit 2/6 which then got reported for both).
And if someone continuously does it deliberately, shouldn't they be blacklisted from reporting? Maybe a discussion for a different topic/thread though...
EDIT: I know the /uberdiablo command is a bit buggy and can sometime give you the status from the wrong mode (SCL vs SCNL), or just being straight up incorrect like it was at that one time for several hours for a lot of people, but yeah...
Don't call them out here, just report them for it. Logs know the truth.