I have created this topic just to share experiences within our comunity. And to learn something new from you guys.
Personally I hate farming. And to hear Teleport sound really drives me crazy after half hour of keyruns
I just recently finally made my 1st serious MF character.
I decided to go with Barbarian - Frenzy build ( Find Item only at 50%, I focused my skills towards dmg) - lvl 90atm.
With my dmg hand I have 392% while on off hand 692% MF - need few more small charms to reach 400 and 700.
Gear I use:
Grief and Breath of the Dying as weapons
off hand dual Blade Of Ali Baba with 2ists in each (was thinking about dual pb with 6ist each, but to have +60% for the price of 8ists seemed too expensive)
Arreat's Face with Topaz I was thinking about Shako, but decided not to - worse resists and bad FHR
upped Skullder's Ire with Topaz 1404def (non Eth)
Chance Guards Goldwrap War Traveler
Raven Frost blue ring with MF and amu with MF with 6% mana leech (wish it had +1barb skills) - is there anyway to get cannot be frozen with decent MF ? I really dont like cold dmg on Raven Frost because of no corpses
backpack is full with +MF charms and I went for 55%FHR + two skillers Combat and Warcries.
resists are 41-59%
neither of my gear is max on MF - just average found items or worth Pul items.
I "discovered" Pits. I am missing Teleport, but Frenzy run speed is insane, I have no issues with clearing it whatsoever - no immunes to me and if they will be I have Berserk or merc with Reaper's to kill it.
And drop rate is actually really amazing.
Pits are epic, I love it, I got to kill stuff (thats what I like) - I pretty much one shot everything, 1mil XP per round so its easy to track how many runs I did. Even if I am tired and falling asleep all I have to do to not die is hold rightclick where my Frenzy is

The Flash