Very good guide, thanks. Any update that you consider?BahamutPrime wrote: 3 years ago Introduction
Greiz, the Lut Golein Mercenary boss must be the wealthiest NPC in all of Diablo, because just about every hero across the realms keeps on paying him vast sums of Gold to constantly hire/resurrect his mercs.
They are very good mercs to be fair, straight up indispensible to certain builds, but they're not exactly exciting.
This here thread serves to showcase an alternative type of hireling certain builds may wish to try out for both fun and profit, which I dub: the Manic Pixie Dreamgirl.
What is it?
The Manic Pixie Dreamgirl hireling (MPD for short) is an Act I rogue built around the Delirium Runeword, which usually only ever sees play amongst Druids.
Delirium comes with an 11% chances to cast level 18 Confuse (i.e. 15.3 ft radius) on striking, and the MPD's primary point is to proc this curse frequently for truly marvelous battlefield control with all the enemies on screen turning on each other, making them sitting ducks.
Compared to the standard Act II merc, it is a completely different play experience to have an MPD back you up, where it actually feels like the Hireling is adding something to the proceedings, rather than just making some of your own numbers bigger.
Also, when she turns into a Bone Fetish MPD actually keeps on firing Arrows and it's funny as hell to watch.
What do I need to get an MPD?
First and foremost, you need a Delirium ( Lem Ist Io) helmet, which is equipable as early as level 51, assuming the base is a 3os Diadem (i.e. no str req).
If not going for a Diadem, the Demonhead has the lowest Str requirement at 102 ( Bone Visage is the only viable alternative at 106).
To support the Delirium core mechanic, 2 things are needed on the MPD: Improved Attack Speed and Life Leech.
Breath of the Dying ( Vex Hel El Eld Zod Eth) comes with both a whooping 60% IAS and 12-15% LL, along with a litany of other great mods (30 all attributes, prevent heal, 300-400 ED, etc.)
One pricier alternative would be Ice ( Amn Shael Jah Lo), which only has 20% IAS and 7% LL, but comes with a level 18 (read, 20 with Delirium) Holy Freeze aura as well as some other goodies.
BotD will neccessitate a Crusader Bow or Hydra Bow base, whilst Ice can be made in the faster Great Bow or Blade Bow, potentially letting you hit a higher IAS breakpoint in total, which may balance out the lower LL.
For the chest slot, the ever popular Archon Plate Treachery ( Shael Thul Lem) is a very solid choice here with it's 45% IAS, 20% FHR, and of course it's Fade (and Venom) proc that combines beautifully with Delrium's procs.
With a BotD in a Crusader Bow, this will get you to the 10 frame breakpoint, whilst with Ice in Great Bow it gets you down to 9 Frames.
The pricier altnerative here would be a Chains of Honor ( Dol Um Ber Ist), covering resistances and granting another 8% LL and 8% DR, but no IAS (i.e. 11 frames on Ice, and BotD).
Edit: As a super-budget option, Edge ( Tir Tal Amn ) reaches the 9 fps breakpoint with Treachery, but only has about a third or fifth the DPS/surviveability of the main two options, which combined with the bad scaling on Thorns relegates it to being viable in Nightmare only.
As a sample, here is the stats on a level 92 Act 1 Normal Rogue with BotD and Treachery.
Surely, this has been done before?
Whilst I've found the odd reference to putting Delirium on a rogue, there doesn't seem to be a comprehensive guide on this best I can find.
Also, don't call me Shirley.
Does MPD work for my build?
MPD works for any character that doesn't already rely on curses (i.e. some Necros) or absolutely need their Act II Merc to provide them with Meditation or Conviction aura (i.e. some Sorcs).
She pairs beautifully with most Paladins, especially Zealots but also Hammerdins, Trapsins and most physical damage dealers.
How is MPD's surviability?
Actually better than most Act II mercs best I can tell, especially when given a BO boost to health.
Unlike Act II Mercs, MPDs will actually aim to not walk into deathtraps first chance they get, and at the 10 FPS breakpoint (i.e. 2.5 attacks per second), she'll proc her11% chance Confusion in less than 5 seconds once she starts firing, and even then her defensive procs tend to take care of her attackers rather efficiently (also its a plus when Fade procs ofc).
Based on my own tests, MPD can handle Hell Cows, Baal Runs, Pindle Runs and most other common farming routes without issue, with the exception being Travincal. The combo of Hydra and Curses wreck MPD same as any merc, maybe worse.
Does MPD shine anywhere?
Other than making Cow farming even more of a breeze than it already is (pictured above), I have found MPD actully improves play in 3 Key areas where Hirelings generally don't contribute.
1. Nihlatak runs: Over the course of 100 runs, MPD died exactly once from accidentally teleporting in right on top of a CE whilst cursed. On all other runs, she never needed healing and actually helped greatly by regularly procing Confusion on cursed rooms full of of Vipers and Chargers that would otherwise have been a headache to deal with.
2. Mini Ubers: With MPD, the Furnace of Pain was even easier than usual, and while the mobs in Matron's Den usually murdered my Act II merc frequently and were a headache to Hammer to Death, MPD's presence made getting to Uber Andariel trivial whist she never got close to dying. Certainly won't be red-portaling without an MPD ever again.
3. Uber Tristram: MPD largely trivialises the nuisance that is the mobs spawned by the big 3. She's not remotely as untouchable here as she is in the lesser uber dungeons, but that bit of breathing room to hit a Life Tap and start Smiting away really makes the whole ride a lot smoother.
Okay, this sounds pretty sweet, but I'm not sure it's for me
Using the afforable options, you can make your own MPD for the price of a Vex, Zod, Ist, 2 Lems and some change for the other runes and bases. So like 10 Ists and change total.
Give it a try and watch in amazement as your Manic Pixie Dream girl completely changes your play experience.
Description by
Can be used to make Runewords:

* I trade both ladder and non-ladder, please check before asking.
* All my trades are for runes, keys (especially KoT and KoH) and essences!
Thanks Mockingbirddeal for the answer ! Agreed tht IAS is reduced, so a bit less Confuse, but the damage output of Edge is way lower (currently in a Diamond Bow).mockingbirdreal wrote: 2 years agoEdge in a high speed base is better because you want more hit => more Confuse proc.Necrarch wrote: 2 years ago Additional question : As I found a Lycander's Aim, if I up it and Amn it, that could be a good budget alternative, right ?
Edge already has LL, no need to socket with Laruk quest.
And with the (small) IAS on Lycander + the 45% IAS of Treachery, it did not seem that bad.
I guess it's a matter of choice : less damage but more proc on the Edge side, while Lycander offers more damage but less proc ?

Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus
Have looked more in the tables:
Current Edge in Diamond Bow : 0 wsm + 35% ias for Edge + 45% Treachery => 11 fpa according to tables.
Would have been 10 if I had taken a Blade Bow or Great Bow (-10 wsm, would have been smarter, or a Matriarchal Bow - but made before 2.4).
If I use Lycander's Aim +10 wsm base + 20 +45 ias I am at 12 fpa, so just losing one frame and the Thorns aura while getting much more damage and improved cold Arrows when she fires them.
Sure it has a cost ( Pul to up + Larzuk quest) but that seems an affordable intermediate between cheap Edge and way more expensive Ice or BotD, or am I getting something wrong here ?
Thanks !
Current Edge in Diamond Bow : 0 wsm + 35% ias for Edge + 45% Treachery => 11 fpa according to tables.
Would have been 10 if I had taken a Blade Bow or Great Bow (-10 wsm, would have been smarter, or a Matriarchal Bow - but made before 2.4).
If I use Lycander's Aim +10 wsm base + 20 +45 ias I am at 12 fpa, so just losing one frame and the Thorns aura while getting much more damage and improved cold Arrows when she fires them.
Sure it has a cost ( Pul to up + Larzuk quest) but that seems an affordable intermediate between cheap Edge and way more expensive Ice or BotD, or am I getting something wrong here ?
Thanks !

Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus
Edge in a -10 base + Treachery is 9 fpa.
Lycander's Aim + Treachery is 11 fpa.
With Edge is 22% faster
Lycander's Aim + Treachery is 11 fpa.
With Edge is 22% faster
pm me here (d2. Io) for trade
Yep, failed so the current Edge is in a Diamond Bow, my bad.
The tables I saw seem to differ with yours (maybe mine are not up to date ? ... od.718942/)
More damage also means much more life steal and survivability, hence the dilemma.
The tables I saw seem to differ with yours (maybe mine are not up to date ? ... od.718942/)
More damage also means much more life steal and survivability, hence the dilemma.

Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus
Sorry to say but Edge is in a Diamond Bow is still better.
Upgraded Lycander's Aim has 67-266 or avg 166.5 dmg.
Edge is in a Diamond Bow with the lowest roll 320% is 0.5*(33+40)*4.2 = 153.3
But It is 9% faster so 153.3*1.09 = 167 dmg
Raw dmg is a bit better and she hit faster so more elemental dmg and Confuse proc more.
Upgraded Lycander's Aim has 67-266 or avg 166.5 dmg.
Edge is in a Diamond Bow with the lowest roll 320% is 0.5*(33+40)*4.2 = 153.3
But It is 9% faster so 153.3*1.09 = 167 dmg
Raw dmg is a bit better and she hit faster so more elemental dmg and Confuse proc more.
pm me here (d2. Io) for trade
Ah, only with demons and undead then ? Grant you, animals and construct are rare. Missed to count that part, hence my miscalculation. Thanks for the info and details, seems Edge is indeed even better than I thought !

Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus
What about Faith? Is it, too, a great alternative although it's expensive?

* I trade both ladder and non-ladder, please check before asking.
* All my trades are for runes, keys (especially KoT and KoH) and essences!
I suppose it is indeed. Provides attack speed through aura but misses life leech for survivability though.

Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus
How about a Fire Arrow A1 hireling with Delirium Helm, Dragon armor, and Hand of Justice weapon either Edge Bow or Matriarchal Bow with +3 skills?
A little too expensive for me, but if anyone wants to donate some HRs.... you'd get decent enough IAS to proc Confuse quickly IMO, life leach from HoJ, stacked Holy Fire aura (would this get synergy from Fire Mastery?), reduced fire res and a big fireworks show Meteor if she ever does go down just for kicks.
Anyways, like the idea! Tried budget version and it's a fun playstyle.
A little too expensive for me, but if anyone wants to donate some HRs.... you'd get decent enough IAS to proc Confuse quickly IMO, life leach from HoJ, stacked Holy Fire aura (would this get synergy from Fire Mastery?), reduced fire res and a big fireworks show Meteor if she ever does go down just for kicks.
Anyways, like the idea! Tried budget version and it's a fun playstyle.
Stacked Holy Fire is just too weak without synergies + Conviction aura.NinjaPants wrote: 2 years ago How about a Fire Arrow A1 hireling with Delirium Helm, Dragon armor, and Hand of Justice weapon either Edge Bow or Matriarchal Bow with +3 skills?
A little too expensive for me, but if anyone wants to donate some HRs.... you'd get decent enough IAS to proc Confuse quickly IMO, life leach from HoJ, stacked Holy Fire aura (would this get synergy from Fire Mastery?), reduced fire res and a big fireworks show Meteor if she ever does go down just for kicks.
Anyways, like the idea! Tried budget version and it's a fun playstyle.
pm me here (d2. Io) for trade
Just giving this a try now... Didn't have all the gear but my Tesladin uses an Act 1 Merc already, so thought I'd make Delirium in a Diadem I had in stash. Early testing the Delirium's Confuse in Chaos and Baal runs is impressive. I've equipped her with Delirium in Diadem; Treachery in Dusk Shroud; and using her Faith in Great Bow - working out very well even in this setup. Thanks for the idea and the great writeup.
And the Confuse everywhere is just SO fun !

Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus
I am also using a similar table and shows everything to be one frame slower.Necrarch wrote: 2 years ago Yep, failed so the current Edge is in a Diamond Bow, my bad.
The tables I saw seem to differ with yours (maybe mine are not up to date ? ... od.718942/)
More damage also means much more life steal and survivability, hence the dilemma.![]()
e.g. Blade Bow Ice (20% IAS) + Treachery (45% IAS) = 10 FPA not 9 FPA
where is the updated IAS to FPA table, if there is one?
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Trade zone: PC | Softcore, Non-Ladder | UTC-8

Trade zone: PC | Softcore, Non-Ladder | UTC-8
oh so there was an update. tyvm
my pixie is doing nicely with Harmony and Treachery, and of course Delirium Helm.
those huge area confusion shots are fun
those huge area confusion shots are fun
goodluck, and may the RNG god be with you.
I did put this gear on my bowazon instead of merc. This setup is crazy fun. 
I have Delirium + BOTD on bowazon and Faith on merc = max IAS Strafe that procs Confusion

I have Delirium + BOTD on bowazon and Faith on merc = max IAS Strafe that procs Confusion
merc sounds act2?
or is that a rogue act1?
goodluck, and may the RNG god be with you.
Faith on merc so it must be Act1 Merc.
pm me here (d2. Io) for trade
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