People start talking about season 2. So it seems to be a good time for a conclusion.
For me season 1 was a fail. The only season item I was able to craft was Unbending Will and its usefullness was pretty underwhelming. And my ladder ranking is somewhere between 100000 and 200000. I have stoped checking it. I can not see any reason to play season 2.
For me season 1 was a fail. The only season item I was able to craft was Unbending Will and its usefullness was pretty underwhelming. And my ladder ranking is somewhere between 100000 and 200000. I have stoped checking it. I can not see any reason to play season 2.
Can be used to make Runewords:
People start talking about season 2. So it seems to be a good time for a conclusion.
For me season 1 was a fail. The only season item I was able to craft was Unbending Will and its usefullness was pretty underwhelming. And my ladder ranking is somewhere between 100000 and 200000. I have stoped checking it. I can not see any reason to play season 2.
For me season 1 was a fail. The only season item I was able to craft was Unbending Will and its usefullness was pretty underwhelming. And my ladder ranking is somewhere between 100000 and 200000. I have stoped checking it. I can not see any reason to play season 2.
Only played S1 for the more active ladder trading and the stupidly easy Wealth-creating opportunities a new season brings, along with extra dclone walks.
The same would hold true for S2.
Then again, that all depends on when it actually happens. For now, the weather is too damn nice (or hot, matter of taste) to play anything. Haven't actually logged in in ages.
The same would hold true for S2.
Then again, that all depends on when it actually happens. For now, the weather is too damn nice (or hot, matter of taste) to play anything. Haven't actually logged in in ages.
My answer is no.
Got enough rune to create all runeword I want to.
I will just enjoy new builds and challenges.
Got enough rune to create all runeword I want to.
I will just enjoy new builds and challenges.
pm me here (d2. Io) for trade
Probably not. I only played season 1 because my friends did and because I bought D2R after the season started. I primarily play the game to min-max my characters, so I'm not starting over again.
I'll consider new characters if my friends play season 2, but I'll continue to play the characters I have. I'll probably take my sweet time to 99 after the season if I commit to it, but I'm currently on track for two 96-97 characters by the end of this season and started a third which I might get to 85 by season's end.
Being #20000 or whatever I'll end up finishing on the ladder is nice (or even #1000 if I had committed to leveling just one character to 99), but I don't really care that much about it. Nobody remembers anyone on there other than Teo and MrLlamaSC anyway.
I've also done enough D-Clone runs that I don't need the streamer sell events to get any more Annihilus charms because I already have over a dozen of them.
I'll consider new characters if my friends play season 2, but I'll continue to play the characters I have. I'll probably take my sweet time to 99 after the season if I commit to it, but I'm currently on track for two 96-97 characters by the end of this season and started a third which I might get to 85 by season's end.
Being #20000 or whatever I'll end up finishing on the ladder is nice (or even #1000 if I had committed to leveling just one character to 99), but I don't really care that much about it. Nobody remembers anyone on there other than Teo and MrLlamaSC anyway.
I've also done enough D-Clone runs that I don't need the streamer sell events to get any more Annihilus charms because I already have over a dozen of them.

PC | Softcore Non-Ladder | US Eastern Time (UTC-4)
Expansion Ladder Season 1 Level 99 (#115 Amazon, #584 Overall)

I would have played S1, but I didn't know anything about ladder and D2 when it started (I started playing D2R exactly 1 day before ladder started). I thought that after ladder you lose ladder characters and items.
If I knew that you can keep everything when ladder ends I'd play ladder instead.

The truth is that the great attraction of a season is the new content that is exclusive. For example this season only had 2 additional runewords, and they really weren't that big of a deal.
If they tell me that the new season will be something similar, I don't think it's worth playing it,
unless there is really good and attractive additional content, which I highly doubt since unfortunately we are talking about Blizzard.
If they tell me that the new season will be something similar, I don't think it's worth playing it,
unless there is really good and attractive additional content, which I highly doubt since unfortunately we are talking about Blizzard.
7 actually.Haides wrote: 2 years ago For example this season only had 2 additional runewords, and they really weren't that big of a deal.
Along with the set upgrade recipes.
But yeah, none of them were really too big a deal.
Ye totally.
I don't really care about the ranking and while I do like the exclusives they offer, no matter how underwhelming they may be, they are not the main attraction for me.
A clean slate and everyone restarting back at zero is what keeps me coming back. I eventually just get all the gear and resources I need from ladder after reset for my other characters.
I don't really care about the ranking and while I do like the exclusives they offer, no matter how underwhelming they may be, they are not the main attraction for me.
A clean slate and everyone restarting back at zero is what keeps me coming back. I eventually just get all the gear and resources I need from ladder after reset for my other characters.
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Xbox : Pockt Opossm
Switch : 8280-1208-2530
Mainly on Xbox n Pc tho

Usually online around 18:00 - 23:30 EST (-5 UTC)
Same as for S1, and any upcoming seasons. If they give us more character slots yes, otherwise no.
All prices are negotiable.
All trades are Non-Ladder.
All trades are Non-Ladder.
Will play for a couple weeks with friends, then I will just partake in DClone Events and trades...
If I can make enough room for a couple of characters and mules that is.
If I can make enough room for a couple of characters and mules that is.
I started season 1 and after two days realized I don't want to start from scratch again. Most likely won't play season 2 either, unless they give us some cool exclusive content and - most importantly - more char slots.
prices are negotiable of course
online on BNet from 7pm CET
online on BNet from 7pm CET
I played Classic for the first 2 years or so, and just came back to D2R in March b/c of the hype from all the youtubers about patch 2.4 and Season 1 ladder. I was planning on getting atleast 1 char to 99. I never played LoD so runes, Act5, lvl 70+ xp additional penalties, etc were new to me.
No, not unless they make 2-3 big changes. And if they don't, I may not even play non ladder either.
Like MrLlamaSC stated after he got to 99, the xp needs to change. Either all lvl 85 area mobs need to give xp for lvl 98 or reduce the xp penalty for lvl 90+ (not get rid of it completely). Or add an Act 6 with mobs that are lvl 90+. I started with a Sorc got her to 90 and MF til I got a bunch of gear for the alts. By this time I'm out of char space, had to sell off quite a bit of gear from NL, and delete a few mules. Then got my Paly to 95. terrible grind, could not seeing myself getting to 99. Got the other 5 chars to lvl 88.
#2/3 either expand the number of chars or add more shared stash pages.
No, not unless they make 2-3 big changes. And if they don't, I may not even play non ladder either.
Like MrLlamaSC stated after he got to 99, the xp needs to change. Either all lvl 85 area mobs need to give xp for lvl 98 or reduce the xp penalty for lvl 90+ (not get rid of it completely). Or add an Act 6 with mobs that are lvl 90+. I started with a Sorc got her to 90 and MF til I got a bunch of gear for the alts. By this time I'm out of char space, had to sell off quite a bit of gear from NL, and delete a few mules. Then got my Paly to 95. terrible grind, could not seeing myself getting to 99. Got the other 5 chars to lvl 88.
#2/3 either expand the number of chars or add more shared stash pages.
Houston, TX Central Time. join D2R Dclone Hunters Discord https://discord.com/invite/5DgUvcAYbR
Leveling from 94 to 95 already feels like a grind. Having to resort to top 2 or top 4 in Baal runs past 97 to gain any meaningful progress is hard to imagine until you're actually there, I guess.NightsAnonymous wrote: 2 years ago I played Classic for the first 2 years or so, and just came back to D2R in March b/c of the hype from all the youtubers about patch 2.4 and Season 1 ladder. I was planning on getting atleast 1 char to 99. I never played LoD so runes, Act5, lvl 70+ xp additional penalties, etc were new to me.
No, not unless they make 2-3 big changes. And if they don't, I may not even play non ladder either.
Like MrLlamaSC stated after he got to 99, the xp needs to change. Either all lvl 85 area mobs need to give xp for lvl 98 or reduce the xp penalty for lvl 90+ (not get rid of it completely). Or add an Act 6 with mobs that are lvl 90+. I started with a Sorc got her to 90 and MF til I got a bunch of gear for the alts. By this time I'm out of char space, had to sell off quite a bit of gear from NL, and delete a few mules. Then got my Paly to 95. terrible grind, could not seeing myself getting to 99. Got the other 5 chars to lvl 88.
#2/3 either expand the number of chars or add more shared stash pages.
I did nearly 60 games of top 4 runs yesterday as a level 94 and didn't play as top 4 even once even though I qualified twice in back-to-back games. I've played as top 4 in other games before, but it was nice to not deal with the hassle of unpartying and repartying after Lister, and not giving any effort in the Worldstone Chamber was a nice break because I'm always active in the throne room. I don't have it in me as a non-caster to just stand in a corner with Ondal's Wisdom during runs. I have to feel like I'm doing something.
I never made it past a pair of 96s and a 95 I rebuilt from scratch back to 95 before stat/skill respecs existed in LoD. I originally wanted to do a 99 this season, but Baal runs at 94 are already tiresome so I scaled back my official planning in D2Planner to 97. I get the sense that getting to 99 would feel mind-numbingly stupid.
The playable character limit is very annoying when you have to spread them out between different game modes. 20 characters per game mode would be a major improvement.

PC | Softcore Non-Ladder | US Eastern Time (UTC-4)
Expansion Ladder Season 1 Level 99 (#115 Amazon, #584 Overall)

I will definitely. In season 1 I have only tried a handful of builds, keeping un mind all the rebalancing done and runewords introduced.
Also, I have never composed Faith, Enigma and other juicy runewords in all these years (I started D2 around 2000 AD but only played offline), so I hope to use the game resurrection as an occasion.
Also, I have never composed Faith, Enigma and other juicy runewords in all these years (I started D2 around 2000 AD but only played offline), so I hope to use the game resurrection as an occasion.
Nope, too invested in my current chars and absolutely loving the endgame grind, even after 8+ months of playing 4-5 hours per day on average. Still seeing new uniques that I hadn't heard of before, which blows my mind. Might be playing my MF barb for years to come, at this rate! If I lost my barb for some reason, I'd rather just move on to a new game than start over. Also have a Smiter for cake walking Ubers, and made a Light Sorc for my girl, but 99% of the time, I'm on my Barb. He's the Loot Master.
But I get how some may want to create ladder chars to follow the herd and capitalize on a fresh economy. Just a shame we can't get that sort of activity on non ladder again, like old times. The pre-ladder days were my glory days of trading. After that, lucky to get 1-2 trades a day on NL.. Ladder really put a damper on trading for me, but thankfully (near) perfect items still sell for a decent amount.
But I get how some may want to create ladder chars to follow the herd and capitalize on a fresh economy. Just a shame we can't get that sort of activity on non ladder again, like old times. The pre-ladder days were my glory days of trading. After that, lucky to get 1-2 trades a day on NL.. Ladder really put a damper on trading for me, but thankfully (near) perfect items still sell for a decent amount.
Probably not, I built 5 characters and ran out of tabs for trading and building other characters. D2R season 1 was a great refresh for me coming back after 10yrs+. But the endgame grind sucks, the new runewards were not crazy interesting
Until new content, making class changes to not have the same cookie cutter builds, buffing set/uniques to be on par with runewards, making new runewards that compete with the current top tier, im not going to regrind for the same results
Until new content, making class changes to not have the same cookie cutter builds, buffing set/uniques to be on par with runewards, making new runewards that compete with the current top tier, im not going to regrind for the same results

Deleted User 632
nope. i didn't play season one. got no reason to play season two. i'm not really into the leveling ladder. maybe in a year or two. who knows.
I personally never got the attraction of non-ladder, find the fact that you have to start completely anew very entertaining and considering that more than likely new stuff will be introduced that at least for that specific season will be locked to it will be another big reason for me to play once again.

Deleted User 632
the new items were not locked to only ladder. you also get the new items on offline mode. and you can get them on non ladder eventually. with a ton of the active players on jsp hoarding Wealth from previous ladders you're not really getting much fresh either.Angel_Witch wrote: 2 years ago I personally never got the attraction of non-ladder, find the fact that you have to start completely anew very entertaining and considering that more than likely new stuff will be introduced that at least for that specific season will be locked to it will be another big reason for me to play once again.
I love starting fresh, so I'll play season 2. Besides, since ladder characters cascade down to non-ladder at the end of a season, I see no downside in going for it.
One thing that makes my approach easier is only levelling one character per season (two when I start playing Hardcore), meaning the character slot limitations hardly affect me. They really do need to expand them, though. This isn't the early 2000s anymore: we no longer have Battle.net characters with an expiry date, and data storage costs have crashed since then. Hopefully all the legacy code doesn't make that too annoying to change.
One thing that makes my approach easier is only levelling one character per season (two when I start playing Hardcore), meaning the character slot limitations hardly affect me. They really do need to expand them, though. This isn't the early 2000s anymore: we no longer have Battle.net characters with an expiry date, and data storage costs have crashed since then. Hopefully all the legacy code doesn't make that too annoying to change.
Softcore Non-Ladder & Ladder, PC, UTC+0/1
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Listed prices are BIN (Buy It Now) and open to haggling.
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Only offers posted in the thread will be considered!
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