Diomedes wrote: 2 years ago
To be honest it kind of feels like the whole market just took a huge dip over the past week, not just Annis (Although, they've been hit the worst).
Whereas a week ago I had to pay out the ass to buy items like Tal Rasha's armor/Ammy as well as Sorc Hellfire Torch, now i'm struggling to sell them for much less than i bought.
Trying to accumulate Wealth to the ultra high runewords has become seemingly impossible because nothing is worth anything anymore. Trying to get a Ber/Sur/Lo/Jah for anything has become an exercise in frustration because theres' almost nothing of value to farm and trade with the exception of those few HRs.
Nothing wrong with that.
You bought things then everybody need them.
Now you want to sell them when almost everybody have them.
The price must dropped.
Seeing how I just came from a horrible looking, outfit-killing Circlet on a necro in another thread here..here's a random idea:
Unique helmet + White helmet + Annihilus = New unique helmet with the stats of the unique helmet but on the item type of the White helmet.
Turn Harlequin Crest into a Diadem and whatnot..drains annis from the market and solves the "omg this looks horrible!" problem that is caused solely by the head piece for so, so many builds..
And for helmets specifically, it has little to no gameplay impact (minor difference in def). Unlike say the same thing for weapons would.
As someone in Australia that runs a small business while I try to find time for d2 it's a bit difficult. While you all talk about 5+ annis I have no anni on ladder and 1 in non-ladder after selling a good roll (the first anni I ever managed to get myself).
For those of us that don't live in Key timezones they are a heck of a lot more scarce. So if you have so many they bore you, good for you, but for a lot of us they are still hard to get.
d2rppa69 wrote: 2 years ago
My only request from bliz is allowing us to cube 3x anni for a chance of a random anni )
Good way to purge annis and at least give players incentive to farm annis and , doing so should help anni price as players would want to buy annies to have their chance at 20/20/10.
I like this idea. It helps to get rid of the excess annis while giving the players a way to gamble for a nicer anni.
Overall, I still prefer the new mechanism as I feel that it gives some players who would otherwise never encounter a dclone in their entire play time a chance to get hold of an anni.
MattMakesPhotos wrote: 2 years ago
As someone in Australia that runs a small business while I try to find time for d2 it's a bit difficult. While you all talk about 5+ annis I have no anni on ladder and 1 in non-ladder after selling a good roll (the first anni I ever managed to get myself).
For those of us that don't live in Key timezones they are a heck of a lot more scarce. So if you have so many they bore you, good for you, but for a lot of us they are still hard to get.
Asian streamers seem to do near daily clone walks on ladder around 9-11 pm AEST. I just set the game to legacy graphics and AKF overnight if I am going to miss the walk.
And yeah, if you have a busy life and not much time to play d2, every item in the game is going to be more scarce to you than someone who games every day.
MattMakesPhotos wrote: 2 years ago
As someone in Australia that runs a small business while I try to find time for d2 it's a bit difficult. While you all talk about 5+ annis I have no anni on ladder and 1 in non-ladder after selling a good roll (the first anni I ever managed to get myself).
For those of us that don't live in Key timezones they are a heck of a lot more scarce. So if you have so many they bore you, good for you, but for a lot of us they are still hard to get.
Asian streamers seem to do near daily clone walks on ladder around 9-11 pm AEST. I just set the game to legacy graphics and AKF overnight if I am going to miss the walk.
And yeah, if you have a busy life and not much time to play d2, every item in the game is going to be more scarce to you than someone who games every day.
Yeah I have tried doing that, unfortunately usually get DCed :/
Diomedes wrote: 2 years ago
To be honest it kind of feels like the whole market just took a huge dip over the past week, not just Annis (Although, they've been hit the worst).
Whereas a week ago I had to pay out the ass to buy items like Tal Rasha's armor/Ammy as well as Sorc Hellfire Torch, now i'm struggling to sell them for much less than i bought.
Trying to accumulate Wealth to the ultra high runewords has become seemingly impossible because nothing is worth anything anymore. Trying to get a Ber/Sur/Lo/Jah for anything has become an exercise in frustration because theres' almost nothing of value to farm and trade with the exception of those few HRs.
Good bases are still exceptionally expensive, and will probably stay that way. I'm currently waiting to close a sale on a 42 Allres ethereal Sacred Targe with 4OS, where the buyer is paying a Jah just to make sure they get it. Go 0 MF/all-in on damage and kill loads of mobs. Runes and bases. There are you riches.
As for a very casual, non ladder player, the ease to access the DClone event has been a benediction to get my first Annis ever that would have been unreachable otherwise.
Now, it may be too easy, and a lot of the mechanic is crappy (leaving PC up all night hoping that something happens in an energy worried world is heresy). Better than before, but crappy. And DClone is a bit too easy to kill for some classes... and hard for others.
Would tend to make it global (ladder / non ladder), harder to reach (what about 666 SoJ?) and pops for everyone connected or not... but you don't know where and possibly have to go to every super unique in the game to find him (imagine a fight in the Maggot Lair!).
And possibly only with Baal defeated and giving a Standard of Heroes to Tyrael to prove that you're ready.
Lots of ideas for Blibli not to read them to make the event more accessible to all but more special to each of us ! ^^
Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus
Necrarch wrote: 2 years ago
As for a very casual, non ladder player, the ease to access the DClone event has been a benediction to get my first Annis ever that would have been unreachable otherwise.
Now, it may be too easy, and a lot of the mechanic is crappy (leaving PC up all night hoping that something happens in an energy worried world is heresy). Better than before, but crappy. And DClone is a bit too easy to kill for some classes... and hard for others.
Would tend to make it global (ladder / non ladder), harder to reach (what about 666 SoJ?) and pops for everyone connected or not... but you don't know where and possibly have to go to every super unique in the game to find him (imagine a fight in the Maggot Lair!).
And possibly only with Baal defeated and giving a Standard of Heroes to Tyrael to prove that you're ready.
Lots of ideas for Blibli not to read them to make the event more accessible to all but more special to each of us ! ^^
I like the idea of handing in a Standard of Heroes to be allowed to go for dclone but knowing how ppl are there will be a market and there will be an economy for it =/
also, it would be a one time event or maybe a standard for every time? the idea itself sounds appealing. I like keys.
And yet, it isn't a problem with the dclone event itself so much as it is (yet again) Blizz not dealing with bots in any way whatsoever.
If streamers can buy their SoJs off farmers for quite a bit less than their dclone walk stream nets them back, they have every reason to keep spawning walks. And that's the walks we are seeing lately. Either pure streamers who bought for viewers or streamers who are directly sponsored by said farmers/trading sites (e.g. playdia who not only sponsored at least 2 last week but also today's from what I could tell).
If you wanted to deal with that from an event perspective, you really only have 2 choices:
1) Make it a per game thing, much as it is in single player, effectively removing the entire event as the collaborative effort it was once supposed to be.
2) Make it require so many SoJs (or any other item..same result) that it just isn't economically beneficial to stream walks with bought/sponsored SoJs.
#1 obviously kills the underlying Spirit of the event.
#2 is not only self-inflating as hell (less interest = lower SoJ prices = same thing with higher numbers // higher entry fee = less walks = more viewers per walk = again, same thing with higher numbers) but it also leads to non-farmed/sponsored walks, that is the community collaborative walks it was intended to be, never happening ever again because they're already having a hard time getting the 125 together nowadays. Bump that to 5k (if not more) to push the streamers/farmers out and you'll just never see a walk again.
And yet, if they actually killed bots and hence to the largest extent mass farms, it also kills the RMT SoJ market and as a result the streamers cashing in on the same/being sponsored to do so. And even if streamers shift to places like JSP to get their SoJs moving forward, they'll still have access to significantly less SoJs over all (and hence at higher cost), still leading to a significant reduction in walks.
More so than the mere frequency of the event though, I genuinely wish they would make it global..separating game modes is one thing and makes sense (at least ladder vs. non-ladder, I still feel sorry for the HC folks though) but the entire idea of constant region switching to check status and catch walks is beyond dumb and really just a slightly less terrible version of the prior IP hunting (in terms of hunting mechanic..actually more terrible in terms of gameplay as you're now forced into constant lag in off-regions).
I'd much rather have them readily accessible than dealing with the Anni mafia in the previous seasons of D2 (even though I wasn't a small part of that group).
Getting to experience and fight Uber Diablo is a really cool aspect of the game that was locked behind such arachaic systems.
However, I do agree it feels like we've swung a little bit too far in the other direction...
Honestly, at this moment, i dont think bliz will or can do anything about game altering work such as cubings, add x items with anni to result in a new item, this kind of things usually will cause game breaking bug and/or introduces more bugs. We all know bliz doesnt really want to invest more coders to a game that doesn’t have residual income potential.
However, i do feel that bliz can curb the anni dclone walks easily by restricting the number of walks happen per month(s) per server. This to me seems more plausible and wouldnt break any game code or introduces new bugs, while maintaining anni output for all servers. Just my 2 cents
Schnorki wrote: 2 years ago
Seeing how I just came from a horrible looking, outfit-killing Circlet on a necro in another thread here..here's a random idea:
Unique helmet + White helmet + Annihilus = New unique helmet with the stats of the unique helmet but on the item type of the White helmet.
Turn Harlequin Crest into a Diadem and whatnot..drains annis from the market and solves the "omg this looks horrible!" problem that is caused solely by the head piece for so, so many builds..
And for helmets specifically, it has little to no gameplay impact (minor difference in def). Unlike say the same thing for weapons would.
As logical as it sounds - it's def not a Blizzard way. We are condemned to shackos... "Want 2all? Use condom" xD
Can we be sure that it is sojs sold, i mean why waste so many sojs if a soj is worth more than Annihilus charms, and why do we see dclone tracker on 4/6 and a day or 2 go by without it spawning, who made it go to 4/6 , was it really a streamer thinking its a good idea to sell until 4/6 then wait ? or is there a hidden mechanic blizzard didnt inform us about ?
it just looks fishy to me how the event go up and then often stay there more than 1 day, i cant believe anyone would sell sojs and then miss the event by waiting a day.
(Maybe it is based on activity if there is a hidden mechanic), when i saw how the new method of get him to spawn, i was sure no one would 'ever' sell that many sojs since everyone online could get the reward as well.
Illusions wrote: 2 years ago
Can we be sure that it is sojs sold, i mean why waste so many sojs if a soj is worth more than Annihilus charms, and why do we see dclone tracker on 4/6 and a day or 2 go by without it spawning, who made it go to 4/6 , was it really a streamer thinking its a good idea to sell until 4/6 then wait ? or is there a hidden mechanic blizzard didnt inform us about ?
Bots, dupes and community collection. These are almost never just 1 persons SoJ's that they legitimately found.
Illusions wrote: 2 years ago
Can we be sure that it is sojs sold, i mean why waste so many sojs if a soj is worth more than Annihilus charms, and why do we see dclone tracker on 4/6 and a day or 2 go by without it spawning, who made it go to 4/6 , was it really a streamer thinking its a good idea to sell until 4/6 then wait ? or is there a hidden mechanic blizzard didnt inform us about ?
it just looks fishy to me how the event go up and then often stay there more than 1 day, i cant believe anyone would sell sojs and then miss the event by waiting a day.
(Maybe it is based on activity if there is a hidden mechanic), when i saw how the new method of get him to spawn, i was sure no one would 'ever' sell that many sojs since everyone online could get the reward as well.
Since most of it happened live on streams, yes.
The 3/6 or 4/6 and then sitting there has many a possible explanation.
Say you're a farmer with 100+, maybe 1000+ or more bots running (which is far from unrealistic). You will get a crapton of SoJs either way. Now, say you intend to sponsor <insert random streamer here> so they advertise your shop in their dclone stream. You can either
a) give them 125 SoJs to make sure they can spawn dclone from scratch
b) invest up to 75 SoJs to push it to 4/6 yourself and give 50 more SoJs to said streamer to finish the job.
in either case, you have paid (up to) 125 SoJs for said streamer to trigger a walk and to be a live QVC special for your item shop.
The only real difference is that if you push to 3/6 or 4/6 yourself, anyone "sniping a walk" will go to your region to do so, meaning even if someone snipes a walk on the most progressed region, it will always be your region and your bots (on said region) will always get you a crapton of free annis out of it. Annis may not be worth much individually anymore but in terms of an ad-investment or a free kickback, the whole thing is more than logical and makes perfect sense.
In a world of rampant unchecked botting (for 20+ years..) and equally rampant RM trading, what we see here is frankly the only logical outcome.
Before the current DClone spawning, I tried buying into two walks with SoJs. Each time I got the info I would try for 30 min to get on the right IP and it would never work, even using all the tricks. I figured everyone had overshared the IP beforehand so there was no chance I would get in the right game by the time they shared it with me.
That style sucks. Im sure there was legits walks out there but too many people were scummy about it.
I know that the majority opinion is that they are too easy to get now, honestly it doesnt bother me at all.
Im not a streamer but I have dumped nearly 100 annis on SC non ladder to force 3 walks that I mentioned on this site. It would have been way cheaper to just trade direct for the annis.
Perfect drops are still fun to chase for me, I dropped a perfect sorc torch this ladder.
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