As of the time of this writing, there are at least 3 different bugs that exist with the /uberdiablo command. Please note that these may very easily cause you to miss out on walks and/or cause you to become an unknowing tracker troll if you update the tracker based on what you see in-game.
1) Progress stops updating
What happens?
When you start your game client and create or join a game, your /uberdiablo command gives you the current status. Let's say it is at 4/6. Your command output may randomly get stuck at that result for the rest of your game session. That means when someone sells and pushes it to 5/6, you will not get the 5/6 message. Running the /uberdiablo command will still give you 4/6, even though it is at 5/6. If it is pushed to 6/6, DClone will still spawn in your game but you may not even know he did because you will still not get the 6/6 message. You will have DClone in your game but still see 4/6 when you run the command.
What causes this?
The exact cause for this is unknown but it happens some time within your active gaming session.
How do I fix it?
Close the game client and restart. Merely creating or joining a new game does not suffice, you actually have to close the entire d2:r game client and restart/reconnect.
2) Progress shows for a different game mode/region*
What happens?
Typically, when you run /uberdiablo, you should see the output for the game mode and region that you are currently logged into, based on your selected character. With this bug, you will in fact see the output for a DIFFERENT game mode (and possibly region, further testing needed), seemingly based not on your current character but on the last character you played on before you last closed your game client. Specifically, I've been able to recreate this (reliably) after moving from europe ladder to americas non-ladder with the americas non-ladder /uberdiablo output then matching ladder status (of both, europe and americas at the time), rather than the actual americas non-ladder status. The impact of this bug on getting update messages in-game as a new stage is reached or on DClone spawning are as yet unknown.
What causes this?
Exact cause unknown but it is triggered when you close your game client and restart it, followed by then playing on a character with a different game mode than the last one before you closed the game client. Typically, this is what happens when you just quickly exit out to change region and mode to double-check a tracker progress update.
How do I fix it?
In order to fix this one, you have to make your desired game-mode your last played game mode before game close. That means if you want to see the status for say americas non-ladder, you log into americas, actually create a game with a non-ladder character (you will now see the bugged information), then you leave that game, close the entire game client, then restart/reconnect and now you can see the correct information for americas non-ladder. Merely restarting the game client, without creating a game of that game mode first, will not suffice to fix this one.
3) Progress shown differs between lobby and game
What happens?
When logging into the lobby and executing the /uberdiablo command there, you will get a different result than when creating a game with the same character on the same region at the same time. Specifically, the in-game output seems correct while the lobby output seems incorrect. This seems to be a very rare bug (only seen it once) so further details are still missing I'm afraid.
What causes this?
Unknown at this time.
How do I fix it?
A game client restart seemed to fix it. Though with only one occurrence, more testing would be needed to confirm if that was enough or if something else happened at the same time that fixed it.
Because of the severity of these bugs and the blatantly incorrect output they produce for you, if you find yourself changing the tracker status against repeated counter-updates over and over (say you keep setting it back to 4 while others keep setting it to 5), consider that you might be bugged and follow the outlined fixing steps above in order to ensure that your output is in fact correct. Otherwise, you run the risk of unknowingly trolling all of us for a very, very long time.
If any Blizzard employees actually read this board:
Can you please just fix all of these issues by making the /uberdiablo command a global one? Let us run it for all regions/modes form anywhere. I.e. either have it spit out all regions/modes when executed or parameterize it so we can check specifically (i.e. "/uberdiablo americas ladder" executable from europe non-ladder, as an example). Not only will that circumvent the various bugs you apparently built into the "game figures out where you are" mechanic but it would also save everyone a lot of time and (server) resources due to folks not having to constantly region-change and log over left and right.
(Or better yet, just make the entire event global..region hunting really isn't any more logical than IP hunting was, it is merely faster)
Rewrote for clarity and to include all current known bugs in one post.
*Edit #2 (&3):
Upon further (involuntary) testing, it seems that bug #2 might not get you stuck on a specific different region and game mode but it seems to actually get you stuck on stage 1, no matter what. The assumption is that it does "in theory" get you stuck on a different mode/region but because the data for that cannot be accessed from your current region server, it always returns 1 and as such (assuming both are further along than stage 1) neither the correct status for your current mode/region nor for the previous one.
The fix generally remains the same either way. Apparently though, the fix for this bug also does not always work after all. It seems you can simply get stuck for <insert random amount of time here> before a fix takes effect (another restart after that time is required) and you're back to seeing the correct status.

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