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Might be a dumb question but... I'm sure I've seen a player services section in here before. Used to be "the Uber guy" before it was cool lol. Now I'm coming back for ladder and was hoping to be able to be useful and find some people to serve again.

My issue is; I can't seem to find the player services section anymore to browse or post a trade. I hope I'm just stupid and blind but in case I'm not and the services section still exists, possibly this post will be helpful to others that are unaware ot can't find it as well.


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y2kid 111

Might be a dumb question but... I'm sure I've seen a player services section in here before. Used to be "the Uber guy" before it was cool lol. Now I'm coming back for ladder and was hoping to be able to be useful and find some people to serve again.

My issue is; I can't seem to find the player services section anymore to browse or post a trade. I hope I'm just stupid and blind but in case I'm not and the services section still exists, possibly this post will be helpful to others that are unaware ot can't find it as well.


y2k#2833 on Bnet
y2kid#1811 on Discord
There's "player services" in the rarity section in the trade filters.
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y2kid 111

UnsureJedi wrote: 2 years ago
There's "player services" in the rarity section in the trade filters.

Ah, thanks, had no idea it was in the rarity.

y2k#2833 on Bnet
y2kid#1811 on Discord
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xSD 144

Barbarian Americas PC
y2kid wrote: 2 years ago
Used to be "the Uber guy" before it was cool lol.
You and me both lmao
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y2kid 111

xSD wrote: 2 years ago
y2kid wrote: 2 years ago
Used to be "the Uber guy" before it was cool lol.
You and me both lmao
The legend himself! I did actually wrote my first draft with a sneaky
-out to you but then I edited it out not to be too cheesy lol. Glad to see you're also still lurking here

y2k#2833 on Bnet
y2kid#1811 on Discord
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xSD 144

Barbarian Americas PC
y2kid wrote: 2 years ago
xSD wrote: 2 years ago
y2kid wrote: 2 years ago
Used to be "the Uber guy" before it was cool lol.
You and me both lmao
The legend himself! I did actually wrote my first draft with a sneaky
-out to you but then I edited it out not to be too cheesy lol. Glad to see you're also still lurking here
Lmao appreciate you a ton. Yeah tapered off while waiting for 2.4 and ladder, but playing a TON again now with ladder out.
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y2kid 111

xSD wrote: 2 years ago
y2kid wrote: 2 years ago
xSD wrote: 2 years ago

You and me both lmao
The legend himself! I did actually wrote my first draft with a sneaky
-out to you but then I edited it out not to be too cheesy lol. Glad to see you're also still lurking here
Lmao appreciate you a ton. Yeah tapered off while waiting for 2.4 and ladder, but playing a TON again now with ladder out.
Same, and now I am back servicing people ^^. Little known fact for those who have not been on this forum for ages but xSD was the person that convinced me to become "the uber guy" a while ago,
out if you need any help my man

y2k#2833 on Bnet
y2kid#1811 on Discord


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