separation of hardcore, softcore and ranking threads. -the problem has returned
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Unfortunately, there is still a problem with softcore people, he writes every day in trading topics for hardcore mode, he also writes a lot directly to a private message in battlenet and then it turns out that they are softcore and I am hardcore. Please separate the hardcore and softcore threads so that threads from another parish do not load on the main page and that you can use several filters without entering the name of the item. The ranking starts, the brothel will be even worse. It also has to be separate so that the threads of unranked and ranked people do not get mixed up.
Unfortunately, there is still a problem with softcore people, he writes every day in trading topics for hardcore mode, he also writes a lot directly to a private message in battlenet and then it turns out that they are softcore and I am hardcore. Please separate the hardcore and softcore threads so that threads from another parish do not load on the main page and that you can use several filters without entering the name of the item. The ranking starts, the brothel will be even worse. It also has to be separate so that the threads of unranked and ranked people do not get mixed up.
Multi-filtering was added in browse, search, and price check added in 1.37. This also brought Non-Ladder and Softcore filters in, so should have an improving effect on this issue.
To be fair it does specify when its a hard core trade just above the quick reply and it flashes a bit to catch the attention as well. I do however understand your pain and perhaps there is more that could be done. Have Faith, this site has grown and changed a lot since the launch of D2R, I'm sure that it will get better with time
6Phantom6 wrote: 3 years ago
To be fair it does specify when its a hard core trade just above the quick reply and it flashes a bit to catch the attention as well. I do however understand your pain and perhaps there is more that could be done. Have Faith, this site has grown and changed a lot since the launch of D2R, I'm sure that it will get better with time
as long as there are topics from different modes in the main window, the problem will keep coming back, I know that there is information after entering the thread at the top, bottom, I even have the signature, but it does not help, if someone has a soft game set in the profile they think that these are soft offers.
I understand your position and it can get annoying, but that's why this feedback is really important. As long as the developers of this site see this I'm certain that there will be measures taken to ensure a greater fluidity with trading.
However you also have to look at it from alternate perspectives. Some people play both soft core and hard core, while most choose one or the other, some do dabble in both and are looking to do trades in both. Having to go into your profile to change which trades you can see would be a bit of a headache on its own. Something like this would have to be handled carefully or it could potentially just cause more problems than it solves. There are a plethora of possible solutions to this issue and I have Faith that they will come up with something that fits. Mind you this is from my perspective, I've not been here 100% of the time since launch, and from what I understand that's when trading on this site became functional. I play d2 off and on, sometimes I'm really into it, other times I'm in to other games. If I'm not actively playing D2 I'm going to have no reason to visit this site, and in the short amount of time that I've been a part of this site it has taken strides to being a better trading platform. Hope you get what you're looking for out of this site, personally I love what they've done with it and the progress they've made, but there is definitely room for improvement!
This is now an age-old and much discussed issue and the bottom line is this:
1. I cannot balkanise the marketplace like this because the task is far too complex in terms of the code and work involved. Even if I did, I suspect that it would have little impact, because...
2. No matter how many notices I throw at users, no matter how many times they are reminded, I cannot fix the fact that people simply do not pay attention. It's as simple as that - people choose not to read. Furthermore, the more notices, reminders, and signs I put up, the more sign-fatigue sets in. Sign fatigue is where people are overwhelmed by notices, signs, and directions. The effect of this? They ignore the signs altogether, defeating their purpose.
This is not site design issue - it is the behaviour of people themselves. I cannot change that.
Also, can we please stop clamouring for multi-filtering in the browse trades window - this has been requested dozens of times in this subforum already - it is being built, I am the only developer, it is not easy to build out but it's coming - you'll have to wait.
Patience... and please search the feedback forum/have a look around before making duplicate requests. I ask posters in this subforum to do this, twice, before they post topics here (ironically this is another example of people just choosing not to pay attention to notices and signs).
Teebling wrote: 3 years ago
This is now an age-old and much discussed issue and the bottom line is this:
1. I cannot balkanise the marketplace like this because the task is far too complex in terms of the code and work involved. Even if I did, I suspect that it would have little impact, because...
2. No matter how many notices I throw at users, no matter how many times they are reminded, I cannot fix the fact that people simply do not pay attention. It's as simple as that - people choose not to read. Furthermore, the more notices, reminders, and signs I put up, the more sign-fatigue sets in. Sign fatigue is where people are overwhelmed by notices, signs, and directions. The effect of this? They ignore the signs altogether, defeating their purpose.
This is not site design issue - it is the behaviour of people themselves. I cannot change that.
It's unfortunate that it's this way. Because you're right, people don't seem to pay attention, and there's nothing you can do to fix that. Just browsing through the trade forum, it's evident that alot of hardcore sellers are not checkmarking the filter to make their trades visible on a filtered search.
I hate to say this, but I'm probably going to have to ditch this trade forum after I move back to HC mode in 2.4
Not blaming you at all Teebling, it's just an unfortunate reality of lazy people that don't pay attention, and the difficulty of programming it into a separate subform.
I am still a firm believer that this trading forum is light years ahead of anything else out there.
Things will feel a lot different when the browse trades multi filtering and other trade changes are in place.
This is because the engine will soon see Non-Ladder/Ladder, Softcore/Hardcore divisions in filtering/listing etc. Which means that Softcore characters will only see softcore trades when browsing with their default filters, and likewise for HC players.
I think it will improve this situation a lot. This has the same effect as splitting them into subforums, without actually splitting them as OP suggested.
Things will feel a lot different when the browse trades multi filtering and other trade changes are in place.
This is because the engine will soon see Non-Ladder/Ladder, Softcore/Hardcore divisions in filtering/listing etc. Which means that Softcore characters will only see softcore trades when browsing with their default filters, and likewise for HC players.
I think it will improve this situation a lot. This has the same effect as splitting them into subforums, without actually splitting them as OP suggested.
I can't wait to see that. Thanks for putting in all this hard work man.
Multi-filtering was added in browse, search, and price check added in 1.37. This also brought Non-Ladder and Softcore filters in, so should have an improving effect on this issue.
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