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Should be deploying this coming weekend guys, thought you might appreciate a bit of news from me :) If not by this weekend then certainly before 2.4 launches the following Wednesday.
Some highlights of the incoming site update
Some highlights of the incoming site update
Description by Teebling

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Teebling 6933Admin

Europe PC
Should be deploying this coming weekend guys, thought you might appreciate a bit of news from me :) If not by this weekend then certainly before 2.4 launches the following Wednesday.
Some highlights of the incoming site update
Some highlights of the incoming site update

Wow some great updates there! Thanks again Teebling!
This is awesome!
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geo89 55

Assassin Americas XLinux
Looks good! Leech for life/mana or dual leech filter is something to add as well.

This is a HARDCORE trade. PC only.
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Teebling 6933Admin

Europe PC
geo89 wrote: 2 years ago
Looks good! Leech for life/mana or dual leech filter is something to add as well.
I considered this as I'd seen your posts in Feedback geo, but decided against adding actual filters just for leeches - keyword filtering in combination with the existing Life/Mana filters covers these cases just fine IMO, I didn't feel the need to build out a whole schema just for leech.

multi-filterings are great improvements,thanks a lot for your great effort.

Stand and fight
Live by your heart
Always one more try
I'm not afraid to die
Stand and fight
Say what you feel
Born with a heart of Steel
This is awesome! Thank you for the updates!!!
Looks awesome and youre kind of a badass. One question though, do you have to squelch someone in order to not see their posts in trades ? Just cause I don't wanna see same stuff for sale every week by same person doesn't mean I dont want to see what the person has to say in the forums or other areas on site.

Xbox GT: Cinomed541 add me if you need someone to play with.
Looks awesome, can't wait!
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Teebling 6933Admin

Europe PC
Cinomed541 wrote: 2 years ago
One question though, do you have to squelch someone in order to not see their posts in trades ? Just cause I don't wanna see same stuff for sale every week by same person doesn't mean I dont want to see what the person has to say in the forums or other areas on site.
Squelching will only do two things after 1.37:

It will hide all their comments on any of your listings (just like it is now).
And it will hide all their trade listings from you in the marketplace (only).
It won't affect anything else so you'll still see their forum posts and be able to interact with them outside of the marketplace.


If only the level of filter done here can be applied ingame in D2r...

Expect slower response as i'm moving on to POE2

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While the snow remains,
veiled in the haze of evening,
a cold leafless branch.
Flowers are only flowers because they fall,
but thankfully the Wind.
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Teebling 6933Admin

Europe PC
Update guys, I'll be deploying 1.37 to live tomorrow (Friday 8th April). Exciting times! :D

Here's a surprise feature that I didn't announce earlier...

Diablo Clone
Progression Tracker
coming to!

Teebling wrote: 2 years ago
Update guys, I'll be deploying 1.37 to live tomorrow (Friday 8th April). Exciting times! :D

Here's a surprise feature that I didn't announce earlier...

Diablo Clone
Progression Tracker
coming to!

You do amazing things. Thank you for such a great job for all of us.


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