Gambling Guide by Hastmannen
Compiled by Fellowship
The complete overview guide to Gambling in Diablo 2 and PoD.
Gambling is not only a fun way to spend your gold, it is also the best way in game to get certain types of items. It isnt supervaluable in terms of efficiency (high runes/hours) but it does offer you the option to quickly gain large amount of magic / rare items.If anyone finds anything that isnt correct in this guide, please msg me so I can correct it. Either here on reddit, or on trade site (hastmannen), or on discord, hastmannen#5902.
The guide isnt 100% finished, but I post this now so I can get feedback on stuff i forgot or havent included.
What this guide contains
IntroductionWhat this guide contains
Basic facts about gambling - In depth
Why should I gamble, for what reasons?
What Items do I want to gamble? What clvl is the optimal clvl to gamble certain items?
How fast can you Gamble and how to gamble fast - In game video footage
In depth examples of gambling Uniques - why its not worth it, Frostburn. Bloodletter and Tyraels Might
Myths about gambling - complete Q&A
Affix - what items can you gamble and when and what cant you gamble and useful websites
Thanks and Credits - contact me
Basic facts about gambling
Terms to know aboutilvl = itemlevel
clvl= characterlevel
alvl= affixlevel
qlvl= quality lvl
Facts about the gambling window
There are always 14 items present in the gambling window, and those items vary depending on your clvl up to clvl 57, when all items that you can gamble always have the possibility to show up.What items will appear in the window is completely random except for 1 thing - the gambling window will always have at least 1 amulet and at least 1 ring. Other than that, the remaining 12 items can be anything which you may roll at your clvl (see affix).
Furthermore, prices on all items (except rings, always 50000 and amulets, always 65000) increase with each clvl. If anyone knows exactly how much the prices increases, please contact me, otherwise I have to investigate it myself.
The gambling window won't be refreshed if another player is standing at the same NPC holding either shopping or gambling window open.
The prices can be affected by Gheed's Fortune, grand charm, 10-15 %'s_Fortune
The prices can also be affected by Edge Runeword
If you are gambling large amounts these are mandatory.
You cannot gamble Ethereal ( Eth) items, unless they are unique items with the ethereal mod.
When and where can I gamble?
Gambling can be done from 1 vendor in each act. Act 1 have Gheeds, act 2 have Elzix, act 3 have Alkor, act 4 have Jamella and act 5 have Nihlathak before you rescued Anya (quest 3), and Anya as soon as she is rescued. It doesnt matter what vendor you chose to gamble from, it doesn't improve your chance in any way, neither does the difficulty (normal, nightmare, hell) impact. Most people gamble on Hell because you will get maximum gold back when you sell your items.The only thing that impacts what you can gamble and at what price is your clvl.
At clvl 57+, you will always be able to gamble all different (normal) item types. Exceptional Quality and Elite Quality items follow 2 different equations in order to determine at what likelyhood (if any) your item will be of better quality than normal. So lets take both of these things, 1 at a time.The itemlevel of items you gamble is clvl -5 to +4. You will always gamble items within this interval. This means that if you are clvl 90, you will gamble items with itemlevel 85 to itemlevel 94. What itemlevel an individual piece will have is completely random, 1/10 chance.
Before clvl 57, you won't see all different types of items always appear in the gambling window. In the affix section is the complete table of all items and at what ilvl they will appear. I also compiled a list of what items that cannot be gambled. For logical reasons, there is a minimum itemlevel of 5 of all items in the gambling window.
What are the probabilities of gambling magic, rare, set and uniques?
Unique: 1/2000 (.05%)
Set: 2/2000 (.1%)
Rare: 200/2000 (10%)
Magical: 1797/2000 (89,85%)
Remember, though, that this is after the The equations for exceptional upgrade and Elite Upgrades Happened as explained below.
How is it determined what item I will get?
The game does a number of different rolls before it finally determines what you will get.First the game rolls for Ilvl for all 14 items (12 items + 1 amulet and 1 ring)
Then the game rolls what item type it will be, depending on the ilvl.
If the ilvl is high enough to roll exceptional or elite upgrades of that item type, the game will do that. There are 2 seperate equations for exceptional and Elite upgrades. See below.
Finally, when item type, ilvl and quality type is determined, the game will roll for rarity. After the inital 2 rolls, the above chances are used to determine rarity.
The equations for exceptional quality and elite quality upgrades are:
Exceptional upgrade: (Ilvl-qlvl)*0,9%+1%)
Elite Upgrade: (Ilvl-qlvl)*0,33%+1%)
Why should I gamble, for what reason?
Since PoD has improved drop chances of high runes and that it drops more items in general, it is not as viable to gamble here in order to become "rich" in the sense of value in Hrs (high runes). There is one mitigating factor, and that is that PoDs goldfind vastly outnumbers vanillas, but I wouldnt say this is good enough for it to justify gambling in order to increase your general Wealth.For money grabbers, there really only is 1 situation where it might be justifiable to do large amounts of gambling, and that is exactly at ladder reset. If you are first on ladder to pump out +3 amus that could maybe be justified in terms of "richness"but I would definitely argue that going for a magic find barb and stomp Travincal faster and with more mf would definitely generate larger amounts of income.
So why would we want to gamble in PoD?
Well, there are 3 reasons as far as i'm concerned.For crafting materials.
For high chance to get gg magical and rare items (together with rerolling magical items with pgems and rare items with pskulls)
To get items for LLD (Low Level Duels).
What Items do I want to gamble and of what rarity and why?
So ill split up this post into 2 different areas, 1 for regular items of value and crafting gear, and 1 area for lld-items.
But before we get into that, a lot of items have a lot of different optimal clvls depending on what you want.
I will make a seperate guide of what types of amulets/circlets and Boots what you want to save. I will hopefully post it as soon as possible.
Regular Items of Value
Item Optimal Clvl for gamblingMagical circlets for +3 skills prefix + suffix 62
Magical Coronets for +3 skills prefix + suffix 53
Magical Tiara (upgraded Coronet) for +3 prefix+suffix 99
Magical Diadem(upgraded Coronet) for +3 prefix + suffix 99
Magical Amulets for +3 skills + suffix 65
Rare circlets +2 charskills 92+
Rare coronets +2 charskills 87+
Rare normal quality Boots for trires + 30 frw 55
Rare exceptional quality Boots for trires + 30 frw 99 (as high as possible)
Rare Crystal Sword fools + ias 60
Rare Military Pick fools + ias 64
If you are gambling for magic circlets and Coronet, remember that only coronets can be upgraded in gambling window into Tiara/diadems. Circlets will always remain circlets, which means that if you corrupt them their maximum possible sockets is 2. Coronets also have a maximum possible sockets of 2.
Magical Coronets however, if upgraded in gambling window to Magical Tiara (exceptional quality) or Magical Diadem (elite quality) will have a chance to roll 3 sockets if corrupted. Only corrupt magical tiaras/diadems. If you get a good magical Circlet / Coronet don't corrupt it to get sockets, use the socket quest at Larzuk. Larzuk has a 50% chance of giving you 2 sockets, while corrupting only has a 1/6 (16,66%) chance to get 2 sockets. If you were to get a good rare Circlet or Coronet upgrade both Circlet/ Coronet in cube ( Ral rune + Thul rune + perfect ametyst) to get a Tiara (exceptional quality) to roll for 3 sockets.
What affixes should I look out for?
Check my other guide regarding what affixes to look out for in rare, magical and crafted items here:How to figure out what affixes you are optimizing for and what clvl to be to optimize the chance to get what you want, and the chance to get what you want.
Example - Rare Crystal Sword with 40 ias.For gambling all Exceptional and Elite quality rare and magical items, it is almost always (I havent counted on it all, but I would say 99%) to be as high clvl as possible for as high chance as possible to roll exceptional/elite quality compared to the amount of new affixes said item gets after certain clvls. Whats following below only applies to normal quality items. However, if you have any doubts, do the calculation below.
Go to ... &patch=111
Find the item you are intending on gambling, and then choose the specific item type (normal/exceptional/elite) quality. Let ilvl be 99 so you can find the affix.
With trial and error, learn at what ilvl the alvl coincides with what you are looking for ( for 40 ias Crystal Sword, a suffix, alvl 46, i arbitrarly try ilvl 70 which results in alvl 65. I retry with ilvl 50 which renders alvl 45, and i retry with ilvl 51 = alvl 46. Then you simply add +5 to that results (remember interval is -5+4) and you have the highest chance possible to gamble that specific affix on that specific item type. That would be clvl 56. Remember, it differs for all item types so you gotta try each and every item seperately due to different qlvl! (except for rings and amulets which have qlvl 1 so ilvl=alvl)
Crafting materials
When it comes to crafting materials in forms of exceptional and elite quality items, they all benefit from higher clvl in regards to the probability when to get them. The higher the clvl the better, simply. Remember though, that if you are crafting, you must always take into account both the ilvl of your item and the clvl of your char to determine affixes. The only thing that doesn't benefit is if you want normal quality magic items, but then gambling is almost never the right choice for you. If you are looking for normal quality magical items for crafting shopping is almost always a better option.Some bases cannot be shopped, but have to be gambled or found. I've marked these with a *.
*= Bases that cannot be shopped but has to be gambled or found
Item Lowest Clvl possible for gambling (not recommended, get as high clvl as possible!)
Magical Battle Boots ( Blood Boots) 44
Magical Mirrored Boots ( Blood Boots) 75
Magical Sharkskin Gloves ( Blood Gloves) 34
Magical Vampirebone Gloves ( Blood Gloves)* 58
Magical Mesh Belt ( Blood Belt) 38
Magical Mitril Coil ( Blood Belt)* 69
Magical Berserker Axe ( Blood Weapon) 79
Magical Demonhide Boots ( Caster Boots) 31
Magical Wyrmhide Boots ( Caster Boots)* 54
Magical Sharkskin Belt ( Caster Belt) 34
Magical Vampirefang Belt ( Caster Belt)* 62
Magical Mage Plate (caster armor) 55
Magical Archon Plate (caster armor)* 78
Magical War Boots ( Safety Boots) 49
Magical Myrmidon Greaves ( Safety Boots) 79
Magical Dragon Shield ( Safety Shield) 40
Magical Monarch ( Safety Shield)* 64
LLD-items - low level duels
Clvl 9 Optimal clvlRare Rings and Amus 14
Rare Bone Shield 24
Rare War Axe 46 (for possibly 6 sockets)
Rare Boots (Any kind) 22
How fast can you gamble and how to gamble fast - in game video footage
Here is a video of me gambling for roughly 30 minutes, divided up into 2 different videos, where I gamble crystal swords for 943 gambling windows in 30 minutes.
---Part 1
I use a simple 3-step technique that takes 15 seconds to master ;p
Try to position yourself slightly behind or in front of the npc (i prefer behind because I want to move my mouse cursor down, if you want to move mouse cursor up, put yourself in front)
Press The npcs with your mouse and the gambling sign with the mouse.
Once the window is open, scan as quickly as you can and press esc- Key while at the same time moving your mouse cursor slightly down/up depending on how you are positioned. Dont use mouse cursor to close gambling window. The goal is to make the npc highlighted as soon as the gambling window closes.
Repeat step 2 and 3 ;p
A minor tip btw: If you are selling items, do it in trade window and not in gambling window. If you accidentally go to fast, you will be able to repurchase items you sold in trade window. IN gambling window, they are lost forever

The videos are not the the funnest experience to watch, but you will learn that I was able to perform 943 gambling windows during 30 minutes time. Remember, this included bying and selling crystal swords as well, so it was a regular gambling session.
That however was my absolute fastest, and im very old in age, so after that my brain was completely fucked up for hours lol. I would never have been able to have that speed in longer periods of time. Furthermore, I had roughly 10% faulty, meaning I missed about 10% of all crystal swords simply by going to fast. I also mispressed a couple of times and pressed trading instead of gambling but that is quickly solved
I am sure there are younger players who can keep up at that speed or go faster with 100% accuracy, but for me it was too fast.
I think a reasonable speed would be if you wanna do it for longer periods of time would be 1200-1500 windows / hour, but I wouldnt be surprised if there are players who can go as high as 2000 windows / hour with very good accuracy. It drained me extremely though so, I would just like to lower peoples expectations ;p
Adding to that, there aren't many situations you need to go that fast for longer periods of time. when you gambling for value, like amulets, circlets or even Boots, you will use up your money way faster than that. Circlets are slower than amus / rings ofc, but more expensive so you would definitely use up all your money if you doing it at higher lvls. Ill try to add a cost-scheme as well in gold.
The longer periods of time is mostly significant for cheap single-target gambling, like I did above with only gambling crystal swords or items for LLD for example.
In depth examples of gambling Uniques - why it is not worth it to gamble for unique items , Frostburn, Bloodletter and Tyraels Might.
FrostburnLets take some practical examples!
We will choose a character at clvl 80 for our first 2 examples, and compare with a character at clvl 99.
Let us assume a specific gambling window as an example. Lets take the normal unique item Frostburn, completely arbitrarily.
At clvl 80 you are high enough lvl for that item type to always have a chance to appear in gambling window (clvl 32, Gauntlets first appear at ilvl 27), so the chance of it actually appearing in window is 1/125 since we at clvl 80 have all items appear (there are 125 different items you can gamble). Since we have 12 different rolls of 1/125, we get 12/125 chance of 1 of em to be Gauntlets, so roughly 10% chance. Remember though, that there is nothing that says you cant get double roll, or triple roll or more of the same item to appear. I dont think there is a limit, but 3 of the same item is the most ive seen. To get 1 Gauntlets though, its roughly 10%.
SO lets to through all the possible ilvls. We have a ilvl 75-84 roll, and each of those have a different chance to roll Normal Gauntlets. Lets take the to extreme values, ilvl 75, and ilvl 84.
If we roll Gauntlets with ilvl 75, we first determine the chance to get exceptional upgrade with (ilvl-qlvl*0,9)+1. For 75, that is (75-54 (qlvl of War Gauntlets))*0,9+1=19,9% chance. For elite roll we get (ilvl-qlvl)*0,33+1= (75-85)*0,33+1=-2,33%=0. All negative values = 0. So we get a 80,1% chance to roll normal Gauntlets at ilvl 75. For ilvl 84, that would be (84-54)*0,9+1=28 + (84-85)*0,33+1= 0,67%= 28,67% chance to get elite or exceptional, meaning at ilvl 84 we have a 71,33% chance to get normal. So the interval for clvl 80 is 71,33%-80,1% chance to roll normal, with an avg of 75,7% chance.
Finally, if we get a normal quality item, there is a 1/2000 chance of getting a unique.
So the total chance on average of getting Frostburn at a single given gamble window is 12/125x75,7/100x1/2000=908,4/25 000 000=
1/27520=0,0036%, or, if we assume we get Gauntlets in the gambling window, 1/2642= 0,04%
Bloodletter (The easiest exceptional unique to gamble) clvl 99
12/125 chance for Short Sword to appear in gambling window
Gladius have qlvl 30, and at ilvl 99 we get (99-30)x0.9+1)= 63,1% chance to upgrade to Gladius. 631/10000
1/2000 to get a unique gives us 12/125x6310/10000x1/2000= 1/33 016,3 in a specific gambling window
So if Short Sword appears in gambling window we get 6310/10000x1/2000= 1/3169,5
TL:DR - The chance of getting Bloodletter in a single gambling window is 1/33016 and if Short Sword appears in gambling window ts 1/3169. TL:DR
Tyraels Might (On of the most difficult items to gamble)
Lets take another example, now with Tyraels might, since many people ask this.The lowest clvl that tyraels can appear in the gambling window is 79, and the highest possible clvl you can have in game is 99, so lets compare those 2.
At clvl 79 we got a 1/10 chance of getting high enough ilvl (83) to be able get Sacred Armor upgrade.
At clvl 79, we first got a 12/125 chance of Ancient Armor appearing.
The chance of getting Sacred Armor upgrade (qlvl 85) is with ilvl 83 is:(83-85)x0,33+1)= 0,33% chance (1/333)Then the chance of it being Unique 1/2000And the rarity factor (im not 100% sure this works in gambling, but pretty certain. If anyone knows, pm me). 1/10, roughly.
So the chance to gamble tyrales might at clvl 79 in a single gambling window is: 1/10x12/125x1/333x1/2000x1/10=1/693 750 000 ( in a single gambling window., with rarity factor. 1/ 69 375 000 without rarity factor. 1/66 600 000 if Ancient Armor appears in gambling window. (with rarity factor, 1/6 660 000 without)
At clvl 94 and 99 it would be 12/125 for it to appear
At clvl 94 and 99 it would be (94-85)x0,33+1)=3,97%=397/10000 and (99-85)x0,33+1)=5,62% or 562/10000 for it to turn into Sacred Armor.
Then the chance of being unique 1/2000
And the rarity factor 1/10 (roughly)
At Ilvl 94 =12/125x397/10000x1/2000x1/10 4764 = 1/ 5 247 691 for it to appear in a specific gambling window with rarity facot,r and 1/524 769,1 without rarity factor.
At ilvl 94 if Ancient Armor appears in window its 1/503 778 with rarity factor, and 1/ 50 377,8 without rarity factor
At ilvl 99= 12/125x562/10000x1/2000x1/10= 1 / 3 706 998 for it to appear in a specific gambling window with rarity factor and 1/ 370 998 without rarity factor
At ilvl 99 if Ancient Armor appears in gambling window its 1/ 355 871 with rarity factor and 1/35 587 without.
TL:DR - The chance of gambling Tyraels Might unique at clvl 79 is 1/ 693 750 000 ( or 1/ 69 375 000 without rarity factor) in a single gambling window, or 1/ 66 600 000 (or 1/ 6 660 000 without rarity factor) if Sacred Armor appear in the gambling window. The chance of gambling Tyraels might at clvl 99 is 1/ 3 706 998 - 1/ 5 247 691 - in a specific gambling window with rarity factor ( 1/ 370 699,8 - 1/ 524 769 - without rarity factor) or if you get Ancient Armor in your window its 1 / 355 981 - 1/503 778 with rarity factor or 1/ 35 587 - 1 / 50 377, 8 without rarity factor TL:DR
Myths about gambling - complete Q&A
Do magic find affect affect gambling?No, it doesnt. Only Characterlevel affects gambling. (And Gheed's Fortune grand charm and Edge Runeword for prices)
Does gambling all the items in window increase chances of getting Uniques/sets?
No, it doesnt. Only Characterlevel affects gambling. (And Gheed's Fortune grand charm and Edge Runeword for prices)
Does the difficulty (normal, nightmare, hell) affect gambling chances?
No, it doesnt. Only characterlevel affects gambling. (And Gheed's Fortune grand charm and Edge Runeword for prices)
Does it matter what NPC you gamble at?
No, it doesnt. Only characterlevel affects gambling. (And Gheed's Fortune grand charm and Edge Runeword for prices)
Does the number of players in game affect gambling?
No, it doesnt. Only characterlevel affects gambling. (And Gheed's Fortune grand charm and Edge Runeword for prices)
Can I somehow see if its exceptional or elite quality item before I gamble?
Sry bro, you cant. The only minor disctintion you can make is between circlets and coronets. Both are of normal quality, but only coronets can upgrade to Tiara (exceptional quality) and Diadem (Elite quality).
Affix - What Items can you gamble when and what items can't you gamble
Items that cannot be gambledAmazon Javelins, Bows and Spears
Barbarian Helms
Druid Pelts
Necromancers Shrunken Heads
Paladin Shields
Sorceress Orbs
Staves (staffs)
Items that can be gambled and at what ilvl(the minimum ilvl is 5 so at clvl 1 all items from ilvl 1-5 can be gambled)
Ilvl 1 - Amulet, Ring, Club, Short Sword, Short Bow, Cap, Quilted Armor, Buckler, Javelin, Katar
Ilvl 2 - Throwing Knife
Ilvl 3 - Hand Axe, Dagger, Leather Armor, Leather Gloves, Boots, Sash
Ilvl 4 - Spiked Club
Ilvl 5 - Scimitar, Spear, Bardiche, Hunter's Bow, Skull Cap, Hard Leather Armor, Small Shield
Ilvl 6 - Large Axe , Light Crossbow
Ilvl 7 - Axe, Throwing Axe, Heavy Gloves, Heavy Boots, Light Belt
Ilvl 8 - Mace, Sabre, LongBow, Studded Leather
Ilvl 9 - Dirk, Trident, Wrist Blade
Ilvl 10 - Pilum, Two-handed Sword
Ilvl 11 - Falchion, Crystal Sword, Voulge, Helm, Ring Mail, Large Shield, Spiked Shield
Ilvl 12 - Broad Axe, Composite Bow, Chain Gloves, Chain Boots, Hatchet Hands, Belt
Ilvl 13 - Balanced Knife, Claws, Double Axe, Morning Star, Scale Mail
Ilvl 15 - Broad Sword, Scythe, Crossbow, Full Helm, Chain Mail, Kite Shield, Short Spear, Cestus
Ilvl 16 - Balanced Axe, Brandistock
Ilvl 17 - Battle Axe, Claymore, Kris
Ilvl 18 - Short Battle Bow, Breast Plate
Ilvl 19 - Military Pick, Flail, Mask, Bone Shield
Ilvl 20 - Long Sword, Spetum, Splint Mail, Light Gauntlets, Light Plated Boots, Heavy Belt
Ilvl 21 - Maul, Giant Sword, Pole Axe, Blade Talons
Ilvl 22 - Tower Shield, Bone Helm
Ilvl 23 - Great Axe, Blade, Long Battle Bow, Great Helm, Glaive
Ilvl 24 - Bastard Sword, Pike, Heavy Crossbow, Plate Mail, Scissors Katar, Circlet
Ilvl 25 - War Axe, War Hammer
Ilvl 27 - Giant Axe, War Sword, Flamberge, Short War Bow, Gauntlets, Greaves, Plated Belt
Ilvl 28 - Field Plate
Ilvl 29 - Halberd, Crown, Throwing Spear
Ilvl 30 - Gothic Shield
Ilvl 31 - Long War Bow
Ilvl 32 - Great Maul, Gothic Plate
Ilvl 33 - Great Sword, Repeating Crossbow
Ilvl 34 - War Scythe
Ilvl 35 - Light Plate
Ilvl 37 - Full Plate Mail
Ilvl 40 - Ancient Armor
Ilvl 52 - Coronet
The most important websites - an absolute must to determine at what clvl to gamble.
Affix calculator (for magic, rare and crafting) : ... &patch=111Shopping calculator:
Crafting recipies Arreat Summit: ... tems.shtml
Amount of sockets at what Ilvl:
Thanks and credits - contact me
This guide is actually all me, so I would like to thanks myself
If anyone finds anything that isnt correct in this guide, please msg me so I can correct it. Either here on reddit, or on trade site (hastmannen), or on discord, hastmannen#5902.