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Diablo 2 Resurrected Ultimate Guide compiled by Fellowship

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Diablo 2 Resurrected
Ultimate Guide compiled by Fellowship

Important Note: This guide was compiled in a PDF Document that is Pinned in the Repository of the Sanctuary Diablo 2 Resurrected Discord Server. It might appear a little bit more convoluted here but I edited it a little so it remains clear.
It is also important to note that this guide is a work-in-progress and more informations will be added over the course of time.

Mercenary Guide

Desert Mercenary / Town Guard (Act 2)

The TOP 23 General Mercenary Facts

(1) The mod: Prevent Monster Heal does not work on mercenaries. It has no effect at all.

(2) Most other mods (Crushing Blow, Open Wounds, Chance to Cast on Striking, Faster Cast Rate, Faster Hit Recovery, Increased Attack Speed, etc.) do work for mercs.

(3) Mercs hired in normal difficulty have better final stats than those hired in Nightmare or Hell, and NM Mercs are better than those hired in Hell.

The exception is the Nightmare Act 2 mercs, which cannot be hired in Normal (or Hell). The actual "character" level that you hire the merc at is irrelevant, only the difficulty you hire them in matters.

(4) The highest level a merc can be is 98. Mercs skills have been downgraded slightly in 1.10 compared to 1.09 , with the exception of the Act 1 Rogue which will no do more damage.

(5) Act 5 mercs regenerate their health fully in 16.4 seconds, whereas all other mercs require 41 seconds.

(6) Poison can kill your merc, even if you are in town.

(7) Mercs benefit from +all skills items. They do not benefit from +class skills or +skill tabs. This was a feature in 1.08 and 1.09 Sadly in 1.10 this feature has been removed.

Mercs will benefit from:

+fire skills (when applicable)
+specific skills (if they already have the skills (e.g. an act 3 merc will benefit from an
Robes' skill if he posseses that skill already, even though it says (Sorceress)
+ skills to
for the Barbarian as found on some items.

(8) Synergies. Some mercs skills synergize “ An example of this is the Barbarians
skills which synergize. Act3 Mercs skills also synergize. ( i.e.
Glacial Spike
Ice Blast
for the cold sorc)

(9) Related to the above, mercs are NOT affected by the
synergy bug ("

(10) When mercs levels up, their current life is set to their new base maximum life. So, if a merc is under life bonuses from
Battle Orders
Oak Sage
, or equipment, you will see thier life drop. Don't be alarmed when this happens, your merc isn't about to bite the dust.

(11) You can use healing potions or rejuvination potions on your mercenary by selecting a potion and dropping it on their portrait in the top left corner of the screen. Another way to do this is to hold Shift and press 1,2,3, or 4 - which correspond to your
slots. Yet another way is holding Shift and right-clicking on a potion in your

(12) Similar to giving a merc a potion using the portrait: you can give your mercenary equipment via the portrait. If they can use the item, it will work. If they are already wearing this type of item, it will be exchanged for the new one.

(13) Mercenaries do not have a mana pool, so mana potions do not work on them. If you try to shift + 1 method to feed your merc a mana pot, he/she will thank you, although you yourself will drink the potion. They are simply granted "infinite" mana to cast spells. So, mana burn monsters will also not affect them.

(14) If your merc is wearing either Gold Find or Magic Find gear, you will receive those respective bonuses to your drops when the merc makes a kill. Example, 100% MF on char, 125% MF on merc. If you make the kill, 100% MF is in effect. If the merc makes the kill, 225% MF is in effect.

(15) Ethereal items will not lose durability when equipped on a mercenary.

(16) The price of resurrecting your merc is capped 50000 gold.

(17) Their damage is penalized versus certain things:

Attacking Penalty
Players 17%
Hirelings 25%
Golems 100%
Monsters 100%
Minions 100%
Norm Act Boss 50%
NM Act Boss 35%
Hell Act Boss 25%

So they only do their full damage versus normal monsters, minions ( like a necromancers skeletons ) and Golems.

They do half damage versus all Normal Act Bosses.

35% Damage to NM Act Bosses

25% Damage to other players hirelings , and to Hell Act Bosses

And only 17% Damage versus other players in PvP.

They receive 100% damage from everything , except other players hirelings which will only do 25% of the listed damage to your Merc.

They receive 200% damage for Bosses “ that is why they can die fairly quickly.

Bosses include the following :

Blood Raven






Diablo Clone

(18) Mercs cannot leach of Hell Bosses such as Mephi and
, and there is a bug when facing the council in Act III, Hydras will do a lot more damage than they should, there is no real way to negate this except to take your mercs resistances up above 75% with
Guardian Angel

(19) Mercs donot receive any life from + to vitality items, this is another minor bug, so only equip your merc with items that give actual + to life.

(20) Levelling “Mercs only get experience in 2 ways “ firstly if YOU make the kill they get normal experience, if they make the kill they get normal experience plus bonus experience “ calculated at roughly 2x. They receive no experience if you are in a party with other players and the other players make the kill.

They receive the most experience in an 8 player game, when you are not partied and they make the kill. As a quick reference the following table maybe of some assistance for levelling.

12-18------- A2
19-23------- A3
24-31------- A4
32-36------- A5
37-43------- Ni1
44-48------- Ni2
49-52------- Ni3
53-62------- Ni4
63-73------- He1
74-80------- He2
81-83------- He3
83-94------- He4
95-99------- He5

(21) Mercs are all hired at different Levels , their ranges very from :
Normal NM Hell
Rogue Scout: 3-7 37-40 67-71
Desert Warrior: 9-13 44-47 75-79
Eastern Sorceror: 15-19 49-53 79-83
Barbarian: 28-32 59-62 80-84

(22) Mercs Naturally have very high resistances , so therefore equip them with damage reduction gear instead of resistance gear.

(23) Mercs can now equip the following auras

Holy Freeze
: found on 'Doom' runeword for polearms (Act II mercs only)
Holy Fire
: found on 'Hand of Justice' runeword for all weapons.
: found on 'Bramble' runeword for armours.
Sanctuary: found on
, unique
Phase Blade
. (act III/VI mercs only)

Thats the top 23 facts, what follows now is a more in depth look at each mercenary :

Act 2 Mercs

( 6 Types - 3 Available in Normal and Hell, and 3 Avaialable in NM )

->A2 Town Guards are the most popular as they share an aura with not only your Character but with the entire Party. Sometimes the aura will not activate, if this happens then simply return to town then go back out.

-> Same Auras donot stack “ For example if you are a Paladin using might and your Merc is using might these will not add up, the game will simply cycle between the two.

- > Can use
, and Polearm class weapons, except not the Amazon-only spears. They won't ever throw the Javelins.

Town Guard Equipment

Get him a big damage polearm. Mods to look for are: Crushing Blow, life leech, +life, resistances, Faster Hit Recovery, Chance to Cast amp damage or
, Slows Target (especially on
Holy Freeze

For Armor always go for Ethereal with useful mods , the Runeword Stone is very useful and popular as well. Any Armor with plus skills is also very useful as these will boost their skills.

Helms “
Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest
is good at the start with its 10% Life Leach, when you find one upgrade to an Ethereal
Crown of Thieves
. An Ethereal
Harlequin Crest
wouldnt go amiss either although you will need to socket this with some form of Life leach.

Keep in mind that you cant leach off all monsters “ for example the undead.

Available Auras

Combat =

Defensive =

Offensive =
Blessed Aim

Combat =

Defensive =
Holy Freeze

Offensive = Might

Combat =

Defensive =

Offensive =
Blessed Aim

“ regens life ,
“ Increases Armor Class,
Blessed Aim
“ Increases AR ,
“ deals damage back to attacker ,
Holy Freeze
“ Slows Monsters , Might “ Increases Melee Damage.

Offensive -
Blessed Aim

Not the most popular aura for many characters, as most of the melee characters have sufficient skills to raise their AR and the Sorceress doesn't really need much AR as she hits with her magicical attacks. However for variant builds such as the Melee Sorc, Ranger (bow/
Paladin) and Meleemancer (melee Necro) where AR is of critical importance, the
Blessed Aim
merc can be very useful. This merc can also be very helpful to Werebears who also suffer from AR problems. With the introduction of several new uniques items which grant AR (eh. Charges of
etc) in 1.10 though, the actual usefulness of such mercs has been somewhat diminished.

Defensive -

A high level Merc with this aura, and good equip, is very hard to hit, even in Hell diff. So a character who has hired such a merc is equally difficult to hit. The advantages of this are straightforward to any character, you'll get hit less often, therefore be less likely to die. This aura has a pronounced effect on the longevity of a Necro's minions, even when the Merc is of a low level. This aura is often a "must-have" for characters aiming to have a huge defence stat i.e. Ironman barbarians or for hardcore players. Just bear in mind that several of the monsters in 1.10 now have attacks that completely ignore defense.

Combat -

The life regeneration that this aura provides is probably only of use to most characters as a way to ignore the effects of poison or of life draining items (Malice runeword for example). However to characters with life steal and high resists, this aura is going to prove to be of little use, and if the merc himself has a life stealing weapon, then the aura won't be of too much use to him. It is probably best used for characters with no form of life leech(ie. casters). Still, it is probably better to just drink a potion.

This aura is of some limited use to the Necromancer and his minions as the continual life replenish will help keep them alive for much longer. In 1.10, the minions actually heal by themselves. I

Offensive - Might

A very popular aura for almost any character, as additional damage is always useful. The Merc himself will be doing a godly amount of damage at higher levels and quite happily tank for himself and for those who think that "the best defense is a good offense" this is the way to go.

This aura is probably of least use to a Sorceress as it does not add any benefit to her magical attacks, but should she run low of mana and be caught in a corner with only a melee weapon then, this aura will give her a chance of fighting her way free.

The effect of this aura on a Necro's minions can create a virtual wall of Death to descend upon the ranks of diablo minions. A few revived Frenzytaurs or raised skeletal warriors with a might aura on them can easily sway the tide of battle in the favour of the Necromancer.

A point to note is that even if you have a might merc whose lvl is sufficient to provide 100% extra damage this won't automatically double the damage of your character. The formula below from Nikodemous from the Paladin forum explains how your might mercs aura factors into your damage.

Lets say your weapon does 100 points of average damage. (that being the average of the minimum and maximum shown directly on the weapon). You have +100% damage from WW

200 str = +200% damage

and the might merc has lvl 7 might, which gives (40+6*10) 100% bonus.

Total damage is:

(100 * (100 [base] + 200 [str] + 100 [ww] + 100 [might]))/100 = 500 average damage

All elemental damage is added to the total, with no % bonuses on top.

Combat -

The essential problem with
is that you have to be hit for it to take effect, though admittedly the effect at high levels can kill many normal monsters outright. In 1.10, with the high ratio of monster HP as compared to the damage they do,
is more or less reduced to a novelty aura. It is nice to have around but not entirely useful.

The Necromancer Overlord is the character build that can make best use of this aura. With many minions running around the map all effected by
and with the possibility of an Amp Damage curse as well, this can create havoc for boss monsters that use phycial attacks i.e Hephasto the Armourer,
and the Ancients. By wading through the
-aura'd minions to get to the player character, these boss monsters will take an awful lot of damage.

Defensive -
Holy Freeze

Another very useful for aura for any player character, more so for the slowing effect on monsters than any damage done. The only other choice besides
for hardcore player, this aura, at high levels, will bring many enemies to a near stop. Demon Imps stop teleporting all of the place, flayers slow right down and explody-headed Slayers are easily avoided. For characters using thrown weapons, bows or magic, the slowed monsters make ideal targets.

The Necromancer Overlord (or a
Corpse Explosion
Necro) is the class most disadvantaged by this aura, as the increased number of bodies that shatter upon Death greatly reduces the Necro's potential
, summon or
Corpse Explosion

On Hell diff, cold immune monsters will still be slowed by this aura.

Important Note on
Holy Freeze

It seems that not all monsters are affected by this aura. Blood Lords, Moon Lords and Death Lords of act 5 seem resistant to its slowing effects. The Frenzytaurs are immune to freezing. So do not rely on your merc to slow these monsters down. Also its good to take into account the relatively small range of
Holy Freeze
eg. archers shooting.

Which Merc Should I use?

The only Merc you should never use is an Act 3 Lightning Merc as they are bugged.

I will note a few options for each build , as remember Merc choice largely depends upon your playing style. There is no one perfect Merc for each build, ( well except for a summon necro perhaps )

Amazon Bow Elemental Damage
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control ( best for fire Amazon)
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast ( but his aura will not benefit you that much )
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.

Amazon Physical Ranged Damage (Strafers etc )
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast ( plus aura is beneficial to your damage)
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.
* An elemental Merc “although only if u use Valkrie and

Amazon Javazons (
Lightning Fury
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast ( plus aura is partially beneficial to your damage)
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.
* An elemental Merc “ although dont use same element as you.

Assassin - Trapisin
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control (as you cant target enemies)
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.

Assassin Martial Arts
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control (as you cant target enemies)
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.

Barbarian Singer
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast , extremely beneficial once you use
Battle Orders
on him.
* Elemental ACT1 or ACT3 Merc

Barbarian Physical Damage
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ To greatly enhance your own damage
* Elemental ACT1 or ACT3 Merc to deal with PI’s

Barbarian Magic Damage
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ To kill Magic Immunes and Kill in general.
* Barbarian, especially if you have
to get his defence up.

Druid Fire Druid
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ To kill Magic Immunes and Kill in general.
* Barbarian to use as a tank.

Druid Bear / Physical Damage
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ To kill Magic Immunes , increase your damage.

Druid Summoner
Choices :
* ACT 2 Might To kill Magic Immunes , increase your damage.

Druid Wind
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might For a Merc that will kill fast ( his aura will benefit you somewhat as your main attack uses 50% physical 50% cold damage.
* ACT 2
to give you more protection if required.

Necromancer Summoner
Choices :
* Act 2 Might Merc “ To increase damge of all skeletons.

Necromancer Bone
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might For a Merc that will kill fast ( but his aura will not benefit you)
* ACT 2
to give you more protection if required.
* Barbarian although Act2 is more beneficial

Paladin - Hammerdin
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control (as you cant target enemies)
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast ( but his aura will not benefit you) ( Plus your
Blessed Aim
Aura will benefit him)
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.
* Any Element Merc “ i.e Cold Act 1 Rogue, Fire Act3 Sorc etc)

Paladin - Tesladin
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control (as you cant target enemies)
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast ( but his aura will not benefit you)
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.

Paladin “ Physical Damage ( i.e Zealot)
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control (as you cant target enemies)
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast ( and to increase your attack damage)
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.
* Any Element Merc as a backup for PI.

Sorceress Single Tree
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control (best for non cold sorc)
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast (good for cold sorc)
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.
* Barbarian “ As most other auras dont benefit you “ plus fast life regen )

Sorceress Dual Tree
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.
* Barbarian “ As most other auras dont benefit you “ plus fast life regen )

Sorceress Tri-Elementalist
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.
* Barbarian “ As most other auras dont benefit you “ plus fast life regen )

Sorceress Enchantress
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast ( and make you kill a fraction faster)
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required. (not required though if you invested heavily in Cold Armor or
Energy Shield

Efficiently Rune Hunting

The fastest way to guarantee that a high rune will drop is an 8 player group in any of the level 85 areas - specifically,
Chaos Sanctuary
, Worldstone Keep, and the Cow Level, due to a higher monster density. However, that means that you'll be competing with 7 other players for grabbing that high rune when it does actually drop.

Farming by yourself in a game with more than one player increases your odds of dropping runes, but it can also slow down the rate at which you kill monsters. Farming White mobs on players 3 yields about 30% more runes, but if it takes you 50% longer to kill those monsters, then it's not worth it. Going from players 1 to players 3 is a fairly significant boost in rune drop rate, but any further increases are a lot less noticeable.
Of course, there are other factors to consider as well. Are you farming only for high runes, or are you also farming for keys/essences/etc?

Ultimately, at the end of the day, the best answer I can give is this. Farm level 85 areas at the highest amount of players that you can play without slowing you down significantly. I would also advise against doing runs where you only kill a specific boss or miniboss (yes, even
The Countess
), or only farm super chests. Kill large packs on the way (especially wraiths) and any uniques that you find. This has the added benefit of being a lot less boring.
The best tip I can give that I have not seen echoed in threads where people give advice on rune hunting is to do the Cow Level. They are pretty easy to kill for most classes, have a high monster density, and have better odds than the average monster (about 50% better). Just watch out for that Cow King!

Best Farming Spots
In order

6- Eldtrich and Shenk (Lvl 84, 83, Cold Immunes)
These are two of the easiest Bosses to Magic Find. You can easily access them at the beginning of Act 5, at
Frigid Highlands
Bloody Foothills
. One of the benefits to farm Shenk is once you kill him, a
rains down destroying the rest of his minions. However, Eldtrich and Shenk always spawn as cold immune. This is limiting you to magic finding these bosses early in the game as a Fire Sorceress.

(Lvl 75, -50 Fire Resistances)
is the final Boss of Act 1 and she’s located in the 4th level of the Catacombs. She has a -50% fire resistance, resulting in an easy Boss to farm early in the ladder.Her drop table includes a variety of items that benefit almost any kind of character. Also, she is a great source of unique jewelry or powerful items such as
Harlequin Crest
The Oculus
or Viper Magi.

4- The
(Lvl 85 Area)
It’s an 85 level area that you can find at
Burial Grounds
, outside of the
Cold Plains
. The
is an ideal area for Magic Finding early in the ladder due to the absence of cold immune monsters. The enemies there are moving very slowly, making it a safe place to farm. The only downside is the low density of the monsters in comparison to other 85 level areas like the Pit or the
Chaos Sanctuary

(Lvl 86, Poison Immune)
is a super unique monster at
’s Temple, reached via the Red Portal in
and his minions are always standing in the temple that leads to the entrance of the
Halls of Anguish
. Any Fire or Cold Sorceress on a budget should be able to defeat him without much difficulty. One important tip to note: you don’t want to get the
Halls of Pain
Waypoint in
’s Temple because you’ll lose the Red portal and the ability to run effective
’s runs. He deserves a spot on our list because of the easy access and the chance to drop almost any valuable item in the game.

(Lvl 87, 75% vs Every Elements)
He is the easiest endgame Boss to reach.
also has some of the best drop rates in the game for popular items like Arachnid’s Mesh and
Harlequin Crest
. He’s an excellent source for unique rings, amulets, and jewels. There is a chest you can open behind him as well.
is one of the best end game Bosses to Magic Find with the Sorceress because even a naked Blizzard Sorc can kill him using the “moat trick”. You can accomplish the “moat trick” by luring
to the Edge of the moat and then teleporting out of his sight. Then, just Rain Blizzards down to him even with a weak cold Sorceress, without to worry about dying.Being the easiest end-game Boss to reach, the large item drop table and the moat trick earned him a place in the list.

Ancient Tunnels
(Lvl 85 Area)
It’s an 85 level area you can find beneath the
Lost City
in Act 2. Any item in the game can drop there. It’s also one of the few monster areas in Diablo 2 that doesn’t spawn cold immune enemies.
Ancient Tunnels
has a much higher monster density than the
, resulting probably in the best area for Magic Finding with a Cold Sorceress in the early stages of ladder reset.

0- Secret Cow Level – Special Mention – (Level 81 Roughly 50% vs Every Elements)
While this area is not as good as the ones previously mentioned, it earns a special mention since the monster density there is really high and thus, can drop runes if lucky. Other good alternatives are
Lower Kurast

Magic Find Ultimate Guide

I just wanted to start out by saying, while it is nice to have as much magic find as possible on your gear, if it slows your ability to kill monsters it is not worth it to have that much mf. While you have a better chance of a killed monster dropping a unique, set or rare, these magical classifications are determined after the base item to be dropped is determined. So, the
to magic finding is to kill as many monsters as fast as possible, while wearing enough magic find equipment to increase the odds of items you want dropped without sacrificing this killing speed. But don’t forget that not having any, or having very low mf, will result in many socketable/White drops that are often more valuable than their unique/magical counterparts that could drop.

Obviously, this guide repeats things stated in previous mf guides; this is simply to maintain a comprehensive view of mf in general. If you have been playing D2 for awhile, you may only be interested in the tc area listing and drop probabilities sections, but for those newer to d2 or just starting this should be an invaluable resource, covering everything for how to build a mfer from any character type, where to go with them and what to wear.

That having been said, I have organized this guide into the following sections:

I. Locations to magic find, items that can be gotten from them, and approximate probabilities of them dropping.

II. Character builds, gear recommendations, where to magic find with them, and mf evaluations.

III. Magic finding gear

IV. Diminishing Returns of magic find

V. What magic finding does not affect

I. Locations to Magic Find, Items that can be Gotten From Them & Approximate Probabilities of Them Dropping in Popular MF Areas

As you can see from the Items list, many of the highly sought after items are treasure classes (tc) 81 and above, meaning that while
(tc 78) can drop some very nice things, she cant drop anything in tc 81 and above. By the way, only use this link for the sections marked 1.10; all the monster/boss treasure class listings are wrong!

So that you don’t tear your hair out simply trying to get to monsters like
and Nithilank that drop in these higher treasure classes, there are some very important areas worth listing that are all treasure class 85 in hell; except where noted, champions in these areas are tc 86 and unique monsters in these areas are tc **(can drop anything in the game):

The Pit (
Tamoe Highland
) Cold, Lightning and Fire Immunes. Take the
Outer Cloister
wp from the
Rogue Encampment
. Exit the
Outer Cloister
and go back into the Tamoe Highlands; if you follow the path it will split eventually with one fork leading to the pits and one fork leading to the
Black Marsh
. On rare occasions the pits entrance is not connected to the path, but it is usually still right nearby.
The Masoleum (
Burial Grounds
)- Lightning Immunes. Take the
Cold Plains
wp from the
Rogue Encampment
. Follow the path; it will split with one fork leading to the
Stony Field
, and the other fork leading to the
Burial Grounds
. Enter the
Burial Grounds
and make sure you enter the Masoleum, not the
(only tc83)..

Act II
Maggot Lair (
Far Oasis
)- Poison & Lightning Immunes. Levels 1 & 2 are tc84(bosses here are tc87) while level 3 is tc85. Take the
Far Oasis
wp from Lut Gholem. Circle the map section until you find the stairs leading into the other section of the
Far Oasis
; the Maggot Lair is usually not in the section of the
Far Oasis
where the wp is.
Ancient Tunnels
Lost City
) Lightning, Fire, Magic and Poison Immunes. Take the
Lost City
wp from Lut Gholem. Search all building areas until you find the trap door to the
Ancient Tunnels
. The location is random, but it is often in the other section of the
Lost City
area(like the
Far Oasis
); just follow the Edge until you find the stairs.

Sewers (
Upper Kurast
). Level 1 is tc84(bosses here are tc87) and level two is tc85.
Forgotten Temple
Upper Kurast
)- Fire, Lightning, & Cold Immunities.
Ruined Fane
Disused Reliquary
Kurast Causeway
) - not too sure about immunities here as I have never mf’ed them personally; not the biggest tc 85 areas really. I saw a post somewhere about these and immunities there; I’ll update this when I find it.
Durance Level 3 -All monsters besides
(tc78) are tc84; bosses here are tc87 meaning the council and blood lords can drop better things than
- Uniq council members spawn with varying immunities here though; rest are fire immune.

Act IV
River of Flame
Chaos Sanctuary
- Act IV- Poison, Fire, Cold and Lightning immunities exist here. Many people take the
River of Flame
wp here and just do the second half of the
River of Flame
and into the
Chaos Sanctuary
, but then you miss the whole first half of one of the biggest level 85 areas in the game. Take the
City of the Damned
wp; it is always right next to the entrance of the
River of Flame
entrance, that way you get to go through the whole thing without back-tracking. The
River of Flame
also lacks the Oblivion Knights that curse you with
Iron Maiden
in the
Chaos Sanctuary
, so its melee friendly! The one downfall to
River of Flame
is that the stranglers, maggot young & grotesque wyrms do not drop items, but there are plenty of Venom lords, maw fiends, abyss knights, and grotesques that do so don’t let this discourage you.

Act V
World Stone Keep, Act V (lvls 2 & 3). Fire, Cold, Poison and Lightning immunities exist depending on what monsters spawn here.
Throne of Destruction
, Act V - Fire, Cold, and Poison Provided you can get past lightning immune characters in WSK levels 2 & 3, this is where Lightning sorcs and LF Javazons will really shine.
Description by Fellowship

Can be used to make Runewords:

Diablo 2 Resurrected
Ultimate Guide compiled by Fellowship

Important Note: This guide was compiled in a PDF Document that is Pinned in the Repository of the Sanctuary Diablo 2 Resurrected Discord Server. It might appear a little bit more convoluted here but I edited it a little so it remains clear.
It is also important to note that this guide is a work-in-progress and more informations will be added over the course of time.

Mercenary Guide

Desert Mercenary / Town Guard (Act 2)

The TOP 23 General Mercenary Facts

(1) The mod: Prevent Monster Heal does not work on mercenaries. It has no effect at all.

(2) Most other mods (Crushing Blow, Open Wounds, Chance to Cast on Striking, Faster Cast Rate, Faster Hit Recovery, Increased Attack Speed, etc.) do work for mercs.

(3) Mercs hired in normal difficulty have better final stats than those hired in Nightmare or Hell, and NM Mercs are better than those hired in Hell.

The exception is the Nightmare Act 2 mercs, which cannot be hired in Normal (or Hell). The actual "character" level that you hire the merc at is irrelevant, only the difficulty you hire them in matters.

(4) The highest level a merc can be is 98. Mercs skills have been downgraded slightly in 1.10 compared to 1.09 , with the exception of the Act 1 Rogue which will no do more damage.

(5) Act 5 mercs regenerate their health fully in 16.4 seconds, whereas all other mercs require 41 seconds.

(6) Poison can kill your merc, even if you are in town.

(7) Mercs benefit from +all skills items. They do not benefit from +class skills or +skill tabs. This was a feature in 1.08 and 1.09 Sadly in 1.10 this feature has been removed.

Mercs will benefit from:

+fire skills (when applicable)
+specific skills (if they already have the skills (e.g. an act 3 merc will benefit from an
Robes' skill if he posseses that skill already, even though it says (Sorceress)
+ skills to
for the Barbarian as found on some items.

(8) Synergies. Some mercs skills synergize “ An example of this is the Barbarians
skills which synergize. Act3 Mercs skills also synergize. ( i.e.
Glacial Spike
Ice Blast
for the cold sorc)

(9) Related to the above, mercs are NOT affected by the
synergy bug ("

(10) When mercs levels up, their current life is set to their new base maximum life. So, if a merc is under life bonuses from
Battle Orders
Oak Sage
, or equipment, you will see thier life drop. Don't be alarmed when this happens, your merc isn't about to bite the dust.

(11) You can use healing potions or rejuvination potions on your mercenary by selecting a potion and dropping it on their portrait in the top left corner of the screen. Another way to do this is to hold Shift and press 1,2,3, or 4 - which correspond to your
slots. Yet another way is holding Shift and right-clicking on a potion in your

(12) Similar to giving a merc a potion using the portrait: you can give your mercenary equipment via the portrait. If they can use the item, it will work. If they are already wearing this type of item, it will be exchanged for the new one.

(13) Mercenaries do not have a mana pool, so mana potions do not work on them. If you try to shift + 1 method to feed your merc a mana pot, he/she will thank you, although you yourself will drink the potion. They are simply granted "infinite" mana to cast spells. So, mana burn monsters will also not affect them.

(14) If your merc is wearing either Gold Find or Magic Find gear, you will receive those respective bonuses to your drops when the merc makes a kill. Example, 100% MF on char, 125% MF on merc. If you make the kill, 100% MF is in effect. If the merc makes the kill, 225% MF is in effect.

(15) Ethereal items will not lose durability when equipped on a mercenary.

(16) The price of resurrecting your merc is capped 50000 gold.

(17) Their damage is penalized versus certain things:

Attacking Penalty
Players 17%
Hirelings 25%
Golems 100%
Monsters 100%
Minions 100%
Norm Act Boss 50%
NM Act Boss 35%
Hell Act Boss 25%

So they only do their full damage versus normal monsters, minions ( like a necromancers skeletons ) and Golems.

They do half damage versus all Normal Act Bosses.

35% Damage to NM Act Bosses

25% Damage to other players hirelings , and to Hell Act Bosses

And only 17% Damage versus other players in PvP.

They receive 100% damage from everything , except other players hirelings which will only do 25% of the listed damage to your Merc.

They receive 200% damage for Bosses “ that is why they can die fairly quickly.

Bosses include the following :

Blood Raven






Diablo Clone

(18) Mercs cannot leach of Hell Bosses such as Mephi and
, and there is a bug when facing the council in Act III, Hydras will do a lot more damage than they should, there is no real way to negate this except to take your mercs resistances up above 75% with
Guardian Angel

(19) Mercs donot receive any life from + to vitality items, this is another minor bug, so only equip your merc with items that give actual + to life.

(20) Levelling “Mercs only get experience in 2 ways “ firstly if YOU make the kill they get normal experience, if they make the kill they get normal experience plus bonus experience “ calculated at roughly 2x. They receive no experience if you are in a party with other players and the other players make the kill.

They receive the most experience in an 8 player game, when you are not partied and they make the kill. As a quick reference the following table maybe of some assistance for levelling.

12-18------- A2
19-23------- A3
24-31------- A4
32-36------- A5
37-43------- Ni1
44-48------- Ni2
49-52------- Ni3
53-62------- Ni4
63-73------- He1
74-80------- He2
81-83------- He3
83-94------- He4
95-99------- He5

(21) Mercs are all hired at different Levels , their ranges very from :
Normal NM Hell
Rogue Scout: 3-7 37-40 67-71
Desert Warrior: 9-13 44-47 75-79
Eastern Sorceror: 15-19 49-53 79-83
Barbarian: 28-32 59-62 80-84

(22) Mercs Naturally have very high resistances , so therefore equip them with damage reduction gear instead of resistance gear.

(23) Mercs can now equip the following auras

Holy Freeze
: found on 'Doom' runeword for polearms (Act II mercs only)
Holy Fire
: found on 'Hand of Justice' runeword for all weapons.
: found on 'Bramble' runeword for armours.
Sanctuary: found on
, unique
Phase Blade
. (act III/VI mercs only)

Thats the top 23 facts, what follows now is a more in depth look at each mercenary :

Act 2 Mercs

( 6 Types - 3 Available in Normal and Hell, and 3 Avaialable in NM )

->A2 Town Guards are the most popular as they share an aura with not only your Character but with the entire Party. Sometimes the aura will not activate, if this happens then simply return to town then go back out.

-> Same Auras donot stack “ For example if you are a Paladin using might and your Merc is using might these will not add up, the game will simply cycle between the two.

- > Can use
, and Polearm class weapons, except not the Amazon-only spears. They won't ever throw the Javelins.

Town Guard Equipment

Get him a big damage polearm. Mods to look for are: Crushing Blow, life leech, +life, resistances, Faster Hit Recovery, Chance to Cast amp damage or
, Slows Target (especially on
Holy Freeze

For Armor always go for Ethereal with useful mods , the Runeword Stone is very useful and popular as well. Any Armor with plus skills is also very useful as these will boost their skills.

Helms “
Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest
is good at the start with its 10% Life Leach, when you find one upgrade to an Ethereal
Crown of Thieves
. An Ethereal
Harlequin Crest
wouldnt go amiss either although you will need to socket this with some form of Life leach.

Keep in mind that you cant leach off all monsters “ for example the undead.

Available Auras

Combat =

Defensive =

Offensive =
Blessed Aim

Combat =

Defensive =
Holy Freeze

Offensive = Might

Combat =

Defensive =

Offensive =
Blessed Aim

“ regens life ,
“ Increases Armor Class,
Blessed Aim
“ Increases AR ,
“ deals damage back to attacker ,
Holy Freeze
“ Slows Monsters , Might “ Increases Melee Damage.

Offensive -
Blessed Aim

Not the most popular aura for many characters, as most of the melee characters have sufficient skills to raise their AR and the Sorceress doesn't really need much AR as she hits with her magicical attacks. However for variant builds such as the Melee Sorc, Ranger (bow/
Paladin) and Meleemancer (melee Necro) where AR is of critical importance, the
Blessed Aim
merc can be very useful. This merc can also be very helpful to Werebears who also suffer from AR problems. With the introduction of several new uniques items which grant AR (eh. Charges of
etc) in 1.10 though, the actual usefulness of such mercs has been somewhat diminished.

Defensive -

A high level Merc with this aura, and good equip, is very hard to hit, even in Hell diff. So a character who has hired such a merc is equally difficult to hit. The advantages of this are straightforward to any character, you'll get hit less often, therefore be less likely to die. This aura has a pronounced effect on the longevity of a Necro's minions, even when the Merc is of a low level. This aura is often a "must-have" for characters aiming to have a huge defence stat i.e. Ironman barbarians or for hardcore players. Just bear in mind that several of the monsters in 1.10 now have attacks that completely ignore defense.

Combat -

The life regeneration that this aura provides is probably only of use to most characters as a way to ignore the effects of poison or of life draining items (Malice runeword for example). However to characters with life steal and high resists, this aura is going to prove to be of little use, and if the merc himself has a life stealing weapon, then the aura won't be of too much use to him. It is probably best used for characters with no form of life leech(ie. casters). Still, it is probably better to just drink a potion.

This aura is of some limited use to the Necromancer and his minions as the continual life replenish will help keep them alive for much longer. In 1.10, the minions actually heal by themselves. I

Offensive - Might

A very popular aura for almost any character, as additional damage is always useful. The Merc himself will be doing a godly amount of damage at higher levels and quite happily tank for himself and for those who think that "the best defense is a good offense" this is the way to go.

This aura is probably of least use to a Sorceress as it does not add any benefit to her magical attacks, but should she run low of mana and be caught in a corner with only a melee weapon then, this aura will give her a chance of fighting her way free.

The effect of this aura on a Necro's minions can create a virtual wall of Death to descend upon the ranks of diablo minions. A few revived Frenzytaurs or raised skeletal warriors with a might aura on them can easily sway the tide of battle in the favour of the Necromancer.

A point to note is that even if you have a might merc whose lvl is sufficient to provide 100% extra damage this won't automatically double the damage of your character. The formula below from Nikodemous from the Paladin forum explains how your might mercs aura factors into your damage.

Lets say your weapon does 100 points of average damage. (that being the average of the minimum and maximum shown directly on the weapon). You have +100% damage from WW

200 str = +200% damage

and the might merc has lvl 7 might, which gives (40+6*10) 100% bonus.

Total damage is:

(100 * (100 [base] + 200 [str] + 100 [ww] + 100 [might]))/100 = 500 average damage

All elemental damage is added to the total, with no % bonuses on top.

Combat -

The essential problem with
is that you have to be hit for it to take effect, though admittedly the effect at high levels can kill many normal monsters outright. In 1.10, with the high ratio of monster HP as compared to the damage they do,
is more or less reduced to a novelty aura. It is nice to have around but not entirely useful.

The Necromancer Overlord is the character build that can make best use of this aura. With many minions running around the map all effected by
and with the possibility of an Amp Damage curse as well, this can create havoc for boss monsters that use phycial attacks i.e Hephasto the Armourer,
and the Ancients. By wading through the
-aura'd minions to get to the player character, these boss monsters will take an awful lot of damage.

Defensive -
Holy Freeze

Another very useful for aura for any player character, more so for the slowing effect on monsters than any damage done. The only other choice besides
for hardcore player, this aura, at high levels, will bring many enemies to a near stop. Demon Imps stop teleporting all of the place, flayers slow right down and explody-headed Slayers are easily avoided. For characters using thrown weapons, bows or magic, the slowed monsters make ideal targets.

The Necromancer Overlord (or a
Corpse Explosion
Necro) is the class most disadvantaged by this aura, as the increased number of bodies that shatter upon Death greatly reduces the Necro's potential
, summon or
Corpse Explosion

On Hell diff, cold immune monsters will still be slowed by this aura.

Important Note on
Holy Freeze

It seems that not all monsters are affected by this aura. Blood Lords, Moon Lords and Death Lords of act 5 seem resistant to its slowing effects. The Frenzytaurs are immune to freezing. So do not rely on your merc to slow these monsters down. Also its good to take into account the relatively small range of
Holy Freeze
eg. archers shooting.

Which Merc Should I use?

The only Merc you should never use is an Act 3 Lightning Merc as they are bugged.

I will note a few options for each build , as remember Merc choice largely depends upon your playing style. There is no one perfect Merc for each build, ( well except for a summon necro perhaps )

Amazon Bow Elemental Damage
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control ( best for fire Amazon)
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast ( but his aura will not benefit you that much )
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.

Amazon Physical Ranged Damage (Strafers etc )
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast ( plus aura is beneficial to your damage)
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.
* An elemental Merc “although only if u use Valkrie and

Amazon Javazons (
Lightning Fury
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast ( plus aura is partially beneficial to your damage)
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.
* An elemental Merc “ although dont use same element as you.

Assassin - Trapisin
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control (as you cant target enemies)
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.

Assassin Martial Arts
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control (as you cant target enemies)
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.

Barbarian Singer
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast , extremely beneficial once you use
Battle Orders
on him.
* Elemental ACT1 or ACT3 Merc

Barbarian Physical Damage
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ To greatly enhance your own damage
* Elemental ACT1 or ACT3 Merc to deal with PI’s

Barbarian Magic Damage
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ To kill Magic Immunes and Kill in general.
* Barbarian, especially if you have
to get his defence up.

Druid Fire Druid
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ To kill Magic Immunes and Kill in general.
* Barbarian to use as a tank.

Druid Bear / Physical Damage
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ To kill Magic Immunes , increase your damage.

Druid Summoner
Choices :
* ACT 2 Might To kill Magic Immunes , increase your damage.

Druid Wind
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might For a Merc that will kill fast ( his aura will benefit you somewhat as your main attack uses 50% physical 50% cold damage.
* ACT 2
to give you more protection if required.

Necromancer Summoner
Choices :
* Act 2 Might Merc “ To increase damge of all skeletons.

Necromancer Bone
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might For a Merc that will kill fast ( but his aura will not benefit you)
* ACT 2
to give you more protection if required.
* Barbarian although Act2 is more beneficial

Paladin - Hammerdin
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control (as you cant target enemies)
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast ( but his aura will not benefit you) ( Plus your
Blessed Aim
Aura will benefit him)
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.
* Any Element Merc “ i.e Cold Act 1 Rogue, Fire Act3 Sorc etc)

Paladin - Tesladin
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control (as you cant target enemies)
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast ( but his aura will not benefit you)
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.

Paladin “ Physical Damage ( i.e Zealot)
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control (as you cant target enemies)
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast ( and to increase your attack damage)
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.
* Any Element Merc as a backup for PI.

Sorceress Single Tree
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control (best for non cold sorc)
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast (good for cold sorc)
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.
* Barbarian “ As most other auras dont benefit you “ plus fast life regen )

Sorceress Dual Tree
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.
* Barbarian “ As most other auras dont benefit you “ plus fast life regen )

Sorceress Tri-Elementalist
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required.
* Barbarian “ As most other auras dont benefit you “ plus fast life regen )

Sorceress Enchantress
Choices :
* ACT 2
Holy Freeze
“ For crowd control
* ACT 2 Might “ For a Merc that will kill fast ( and make you kill a fraction faster)
* ACT 2
“ to give you more protection if required. (not required though if you invested heavily in Cold Armor or
Energy Shield

Efficiently Rune Hunting

The fastest way to guarantee that a high rune will drop is an 8 player group in any of the level 85 areas - specifically,
Chaos Sanctuary
, Worldstone Keep, and the Cow Level, due to a higher monster density. However, that means that you'll be competing with 7 other players for grabbing that high rune when it does actually drop.

Farming by yourself in a game with more than one player increases your odds of dropping runes, but it can also slow down the rate at which you kill monsters. Farming White mobs on players 3 yields about 30% more runes, but if it takes you 50% longer to kill those monsters, then it's not worth it. Going from players 1 to players 3 is a fairly significant boost in rune drop rate, but any further increases are a lot less noticeable.
Of course, there are other factors to consider as well. Are you farming only for high runes, or are you also farming for keys/essences/etc?

Ultimately, at the end of the day, the best answer I can give is this. Farm level 85 areas at the highest amount of players that you can play without slowing you down significantly. I would also advise against doing runs where you only kill a specific boss or miniboss (yes, even
The Countess
), or only farm super chests. Kill large packs on the way (especially wraiths) and any uniques that you find. This has the added benefit of being a lot less boring.
The best tip I can give that I have not seen echoed in threads where people give advice on rune hunting is to do the Cow Level. They are pretty easy to kill for most classes, have a high monster density, and have better odds than the average monster (about 50% better). Just watch out for that Cow King!

Best Farming Spots
In order

6- Eldtrich and Shenk (Lvl 84, 83, Cold Immunes)
These are two of the easiest Bosses to Magic Find. You can easily access them at the beginning of Act 5, at
Frigid Highlands
Bloody Foothills
. One of the benefits to farm Shenk is once you kill him, a
rains down destroying the rest of his minions. However, Eldtrich and Shenk always spawn as cold immune. This is limiting you to magic finding these bosses early in the game as a Fire Sorceress.

(Lvl 75, -50 Fire Resistances)
is the final Boss of Act 1 and she’s located in the 4th level of the Catacombs. She has a -50% fire resistance, resulting in an easy Boss to farm early in the ladder.Her drop table includes a variety of items that benefit almost any kind of character. Also, she is a great source of unique jewelry or powerful items such as
Harlequin Crest
The Oculus
or Viper Magi.

4- The
(Lvl 85 Area)
It’s an 85 level area that you can find at
Burial Grounds
, outside of the
Cold Plains
. The
is an ideal area for Magic Finding early in the ladder due to the absence of cold immune monsters. The enemies there are moving very slowly, making it a safe place to farm. The only downside is the low density of the monsters in comparison to other 85 level areas like the Pit or the
Chaos Sanctuary

(Lvl 86, Poison Immune)
is a super unique monster at
’s Temple, reached via the Red Portal in
and his minions are always standing in the temple that leads to the entrance of the
Halls of Anguish
. Any Fire or Cold Sorceress on a budget should be able to defeat him without much difficulty. One important tip to note: you don’t want to get the
Halls of Pain
Waypoint in
’s Temple because you’ll lose the Red portal and the ability to run effective
’s runs. He deserves a spot on our list because of the easy access and the chance to drop almost any valuable item in the game.

(Lvl 87, 75% vs Every Elements)
He is the easiest endgame Boss to reach.
also has some of the best drop rates in the game for popular items like Arachnid’s Mesh and
Harlequin Crest
. He’s an excellent source for unique rings, amulets, and jewels. There is a chest you can open behind him as well.
is one of the best end game Bosses to Magic Find with the Sorceress because even a naked Blizzard Sorc can kill him using the “moat trick”. You can accomplish the “moat trick” by luring
to the Edge of the moat and then teleporting out of his sight. Then, just Rain Blizzards down to him even with a weak cold Sorceress, without to worry about dying.Being the easiest end-game Boss to reach, the large item drop table and the moat trick earned him a place in the list.

Ancient Tunnels
(Lvl 85 Area)
It’s an 85 level area you can find beneath the
Lost City
in Act 2. Any item in the game can drop there. It’s also one of the few monster areas in Diablo 2 that doesn’t spawn cold immune enemies.
Ancient Tunnels
has a much higher monster density than the
, resulting probably in the best area for Magic Finding with a Cold Sorceress in the early stages of ladder reset.

0- Secret Cow Level – Special Mention – (Level 81 Roughly 50% vs Every Elements)
While this area is not as good as the ones previously mentioned, it earns a special mention since the monster density there is really high and thus, can drop runes if lucky. Other good alternatives are
Lower Kurast

Magic Find Ultimate Guide

I just wanted to start out by saying, while it is nice to have as much magic find as possible on your gear, if it slows your ability to kill monsters it is not worth it to have that much mf. While you have a better chance of a killed monster dropping a unique, set or rare, these magical classifications are determined after the base item to be dropped is determined. So, the
to magic finding is to kill as many monsters as fast as possible, while wearing enough magic find equipment to increase the odds of items you want dropped without sacrificing this killing speed. But don’t forget that not having any, or having very low mf, will result in many socketable/White drops that are often more valuable than their unique/magical counterparts that could drop.

Obviously, this guide repeats things stated in previous mf guides; this is simply to maintain a comprehensive view of mf in general. If you have been playing D2 for awhile, you may only be interested in the tc area listing and drop probabilities sections, but for those newer to d2 or just starting this should be an invaluable resource, covering everything for how to build a mfer from any character type, where to go with them and what to wear.

That having been said, I have organized this guide into the following sections:

I. Locations to magic find, items that can be gotten from them, and approximate probabilities of them dropping.

II. Character builds, gear recommendations, where to magic find with them, and mf evaluations.

III. Magic finding gear

IV. Diminishing Returns of magic find

V. What magic finding does not affect

I. Locations to Magic Find, Items that can be Gotten From Them & Approximate Probabilities of Them Dropping in Popular MF Areas

As you can see from the Items list, many of the highly sought after items are treasure classes (tc) 81 and above, meaning that while
(tc 78) can drop some very nice things, she cant drop anything in tc 81 and above. By the way, only use this link for the sections marked 1.10; all the monster/boss treasure class listings are wrong!

So that you don’t tear your hair out simply trying to get to monsters like
and Nithilank that drop in these higher treasure classes, there are some very important areas worth listing that are all treasure class 85 in hell; except where noted, champions in these areas are tc 86 and unique monsters in these areas are tc **(can drop anything in the game):

The Pit (
Tamoe Highland
) Cold, Lightning and Fire Immunes. Take the
Outer Cloister
wp from the
Rogue Encampment
. Exit the
Outer Cloister
and go back into the Tamoe Highlands; if you follow the path it will split eventually with one fork leading to the pits and one fork leading to the
Black Marsh
. On rare occasions the pits entrance is not connected to the path, but it is usually still right nearby.
The Masoleum (
Burial Grounds
)- Lightning Immunes. Take the
Cold Plains
wp from the
Rogue Encampment
. Follow the path; it will split with one fork leading to the
Stony Field
, and the other fork leading to the
Burial Grounds
. Enter the
Burial Grounds
and make sure you enter the Masoleum, not the
(only tc83)..

Act II
Maggot Lair (
Far Oasis
)- Poison & Lightning Immunes. Levels 1 & 2 are tc84(bosses here are tc87) while level 3 is tc85. Take the
Far Oasis
wp from Lut Gholem. Circle the map section until you find the stairs leading into the other section of the
Far Oasis
; the Maggot Lair is usually not in the section of the
Far Oasis
where the wp is.
Ancient Tunnels
Lost City
) Lightning, Fire, Magic and Poison Immunes. Take the
Lost City
wp from Lut Gholem. Search all building areas until you find the trap door to the
Ancient Tunnels
. The location is random, but it is often in the other section of the
Lost City
area(like the
Far Oasis
); just follow the Edge until you find the stairs.

Sewers (
Upper Kurast
). Level 1 is tc84(bosses here are tc87) and level two is tc85.
Forgotten Temple
Upper Kurast
)- Fire, Lightning, & Cold Immunities.
Ruined Fane
Disused Reliquary
Kurast Causeway
) - not too sure about immunities here as I have never mf’ed them personally; not the biggest tc 85 areas really. I saw a post somewhere about these and immunities there; I’ll update this when I find it.
Durance Level 3 -All monsters besides
(tc78) are tc84; bosses here are tc87 meaning the council and blood lords can drop better things than
- Uniq council members spawn with varying immunities here though; rest are fire immune.

Act IV
River of Flame
Chaos Sanctuary
- Act IV- Poison, Fire, Cold and Lightning immunities exist here. Many people take the
River of Flame
wp here and just do the second half of the
River of Flame
and into the
Chaos Sanctuary
, but then you miss the whole first half of one of the biggest level 85 areas in the game. Take the
City of the Damned
wp; it is always right next to the entrance of the
River of Flame
entrance, that way you get to go through the whole thing without back-tracking. The
River of Flame
also lacks the Oblivion Knights that curse you with
Iron Maiden
in the
Chaos Sanctuary
, so its melee friendly! The one downfall to
River of Flame
is that the stranglers, maggot young & grotesque wyrms do not drop items, but there are plenty of Venom lords, maw fiends, abyss knights, and grotesques that do so don’t let this discourage you.

Act V
World Stone Keep, Act V (lvls 2 & 3). Fire, Cold, Poison and Lightning immunities exist depending on what monsters spawn here.
Throne of Destruction
, Act V - Fire, Cold, and Poison Provided you can get past lightning immune characters in WSK levels 2 & 3, this is where Lightning sorcs and LF Javazons will really shine.
Part 2 of the Guide:

Here is a full listing of the treasure classes of the different areas from Normal to Hell:

Area Levels
Act N NM Hell Level Name
Act 1 1 36 67
Blood Moor

Act 1 2 36 68
Cold Plains

Act 1 4 37 68
Stony Field

Act 1 5 38 68
Dark Wood

Act 1 6 38 69
Black Marsh

Act 1 8 39 69
Tamoe Highland

Act 1 1 36 79
Den of Evil

Act 1 2 36 77
Cave Level 1

Act 1 4 37 69
Underground Passage Level 1

Act 1 5 38 80
Hole Level 1

Act 1 7 39 85
Pit Level 1

Act 1 2 37 78
Cave Level 2

Act 1 4 38 83
Underground Passage Level 2

Act 1 5 39 81
Hole level 2

Act 1 7 40 85
Pit Level 2

Act 1 3 36 80
Burial Grounds

Act 1 3 37 83

Act 1 3 37 85

Act 1 7 38 75
Tower Cellar Level 1

Act 1 7 39 76
Tower Cellar Level 2

Act 1 7 40 77
Tower Cellar Level 3

Act 1 7 41 78
Tower Cellar Level 4

Act 1 7 42 79
Tower Cellar Level 5

Act 1 8 40 70
Monastery Gate

Act 1 9 40 70
Outer Cloister

Act 1 9 40 70

Act 1 10 41 71
Jail Level 1

Act 1 10 41 71
Jail Level 2

Act 1 10 41 71
Jail Level 3

Act 1 10 41 72
Inner Cloister

Act 1 11 42 72

Act 1 11 42 72
Catacombs Level 1

Act 1 11 42 73
Catacombs Level 2

Act 1 12 43 73
Catacombs Level 3

Act 1 12 43 73
Catacombs Level 4

Act 1 6 39 76

Act 1 28 64 81 Moo Moo Farm
Act 2 14 43 75
Rocky Waste

Act 2 15 44 76
Dry Hills

Act 2 16 45 76
Far Oasis

Act 2 17 46 77
Lost City

Act 2 18 46 77
Valley of Snakes

Act 2 16 48 79
Canyon of the Magi

Act 2 13 43 74
Sewers Level 1

Act 2 13 43 74
Sewers Level 2

Act 2 14 44 75
Sewers Level 3

Act 2 13 47 78
Harem Level 2

Act 2 13 47 78
Palace Cellar Level 1

Act 2 13 47 78
Palace Cellar Level 2

Act 2 13 48 78
Palace Cellar Level 3

Act 2 12 44 78
Stony Tomb Level 1

Act 2 12 44 79
Halls of the Dead Level 1

Act 2 13 45 81
Halls of the Dead Level 2

Act 2 14 47 82
Claw Viper Temple Level 1

Act 2 12 44 79
Stony Tomb Level 2

Act 2 13 45 82
Halls of the Dead Level 3

Act 2 14 47 83
Claw Viper Temple Level 2

Act 2 17 45 84
Maggot Lair Level 1

Act 2 17 45 84
Maggot Lair Level 2

Act 2 17 46 85
Maggot Lair Level 3

Act 2 17 46 85
Ancient Tunnels

Act 2 17 49 80
Tal Rasha's Tomb

Act 2 17 49 80
Tal Rasha's Tomb

Act 2 17 49 80
Tal Rasha's Tomb

Act 2 17 49 80
Tal Rasha's Tomb

Act 2 17 49 80
Tal Rasha's Tomb

Act 2 17 49 80
Tal Rasha's Tomb

Act 2 17 49 80
Tal Rasha's Tomb

Act 2 17 49 80
's Lair
Act 2 14 48 79
Arcane Sanctuary

Act 3 21 49 79
Spider Forest

Act 3 21 50 80
Great Marsh

Act 3 22 50 80
Flayer Jungle

Act 3 22 52 80
Lower Kurast

Act 3 22 52 81
Kurast Bazaar

Act 3 23 52 81
Upper Kurast

Act 3 24 53 81
Kurast Causeway

Act 3 24 54 82

Act 3 21 50 79 Spider Cave (
Arachnid Lair
Act 3 21 50 79
Spider Cavern

Act 3 21 51 80
Swampy Pit Level 1

Act 3 21 51 81
Swampy Pit Level 2

Act 3 22 51 81
Flayer Dungeon Level 1

Act 3 22 51 82
Flayer Dungeon Level 2

Act 3 21 51 82
Swampy Pit Level 3

Act 3 22 51 83
Flayer Dungeon Level 3

Act 3 23 52 84
Sewers Level 1

Act 3 24 53 85
Sewers Level 2

Act 3 23 53 84
Ruined Temple
Kurast Bazaar
Act 3 23 53 84
Disused Fane
Kurast Bazaar
Act 3 23 53 84
Forgotten Reliquary
Upper Kurast
Act 3 24 54 85
Forgotten Temple
Upper Kurast
Act 3 24 54 85
Ruined Fane
Kurast Causeway
Act 3 24 54 85
Disused Reliquary
Kurast Causeway
Act 3 25 55 83
Durance of Hate Level 1

Act 3 25 55 83
Durance of Hate Level 2

Act 3 25 55 83
Durance of Hate Level 3

Act 4 26 56 82
Outer Steppes

Act 4 26 56 83
Plains of Despair

Act 4 27 57 84
City of the Damned

Act 4 27 57 85
River of Flame

Act 4 28 58 85 Chaos Sanctum
Act 5 24 58 80
Bloody Foothills

Act 5 25 59 81 Rigid Highlands
Act 5 26 60 81
Arreat Plateau

Act 5 29 61 82 Crystalized Cavern Level 1 (
Crystalline Passage
Act 5 29 61 83 Cellar of Pity (
Frozen River
Act 5 29 61 83 Crystalized Cavern Level 2 (
Glacial Trail
Act 5 29 61 84 Echo Chamber (
Drifter Cavern
Act 5 27 60 81 Tundra Wastelands (
Frozen Tundra
Act 5 29 62 82 Glacial Caves Level 1 (Ancient's Way)
Act 5 29 62 83 Glacial Caves Level 2 (
Icy Cellar
Act 5 37 68 87 Rocky Summit (
Arreat Summit
Act 5 32 63 83
Nihlathak's Temple

Act 5 33 63 83
Halls of Anguish

Act 5 34 64 84 Halls of Death's Calling (
Halls of Pain
Act 5 36 64 84
Halls of Vaught

Act 5 39 60 81 Hell 1 (
Act 5 39 61 82 Hell 2 (
Pit of Acheron
Act 5 39 62 83 Hell 3 (
Infernal Pit
Act 5 39 65 85 The
Worldstone Keep Level 1

Act 5 40 65 85 The
Worldstone Keep Level 2

Act 5 42 66 85 The
Worldstone Keep Level 3

Act 5 43 66 85
Throne of Destruction

Act 5 43 66 85 The
Worldstone Chamber

Item Drop Probabilities

Here is a list of the more popular Unique items in the game and the probabilities of finding them in different areas when a character has 300% mf:

The following items can only drop from minions, champions, uniq/super uniq monsters, and bosses in hell; not regular monsters!!
River of Flame
(RoF), World Stone Keep lvls 1-3, and the
Throne of Destruction
all have the same drop probability ranges, so they are all listed together. If an item’s drop probability is not listed for Andriel, Meph, Diablo, or Pindle it means that boss cannot drop that item:

Arachnid Mesh
: Meph(1/1114), Diablo(1/1144),
(1/1156), Nihl(1/8697), Pits(1/27k-1.4mil), CS(1/13k-1.1mil), RoF/WSK/ToD(27k-1.2mil)

Crown of Ages
(1/19k), Pindle(1/25k), Nihl(1/145k), Pits(1/50k-2.6mil), CS(1/50k-2.1mil), RoF/WSK/ToD(1/50k-2.2mil)

(1/6670), Diablo(1/7650), Nihl(1/50k), Meph(1/50k), Pindle(1/80k), Pits(1/159k-8.4mil), RoF/ToD/WSK(1/159k-7.2mil), CS(1/88k-6.8mil)

Tyrael's Might
(1/173k), Nihl(1/1.3mil), Pits(1/452k-23mil), RoF/ToD/WSK(1/452k-20mil), CS(1/452k-19mil)

The following items can be dropped by at least some regular monsters as well as bosses, champions, uniq, etc in Hell and some can drop in NM or Norm too. If an item’s drop probability is not listed for Andriel, Meph, Diablo, or Pindle it means that boss cannot drop that item:

Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band
: Andy(1/2656),
(h 1/7279;nm 1/7324), Diablo(1/7401), Meph(1/7568), Nihl(norm 1/19k;nm-h 1/20k), Pindle(nm 1/67k; h 1/72k), pits/RoF/CS(1/143k-3.4mil), Cows(nm 1/63k-2.1mil; h 1/67k-2.2mil), WSK/ToD(nm 1/142k-3.3mil;h 1/143k-3.4mil)

Darkforce Spawn
(1/35k), Pindle(1/45k), Nihl(1/264k), Pits(1/90k-4.8mil), CS(90k-3.9mil), Cows(1/91k-29mil), RoF/WSK/ToD(1/90k-4.1mil)

Death Cleaver
(1/15k), Pindle(1/21k), Nihl(1/118k), Pits(1/43k-2.3mil), CS(43k-1.8mil), Cows(44k-13mil), RoF/WSK/ToD(1/43k-2mil)

Death's Fathom
(1/28k), Pindle(1/39k), Nihl(1/216k), Pits(1/78k-4.1mil), RoF/WSK/ToD(1/78k-3.6mil), CS(1/78k-3.3mil) Cows(1/79k-24mil)

Death's Web
(1/47k), Pindle(1/65k), Nihl(1/357k), Pits(1/131k-6.9mil), RoF/WSK/ToD(1/131k-6mil), CS(1/131k-5.6mil), Cows(1/132k-40mil)

Earth Shifter
(1/31k), Pindle(1/43k), Nihl(1/237k), Pits(1/87k-4.6mil), RoF/WSK/ToD(1/87K-4mil), CS(1/87k-3.7mil), Cows(1/44k-13.5mil)

Gheed's Fortune
: Andy(1/139),
(nm 1/533;h 1/493), Diablo(1/502), Meph(1/513), Nihl(nm 1/1459;h 1/1361), Pindle(1/4903), Pits/RoF/WSK/ToD(1/9744-232k), CS(1/4872-232k), Cows(1/4600-156k)

Griffon's Eye
(1/19k), Pindle(1/25k), Nihl(1/145k), Pits(1/50k-2.6mil), RoF/WSK/ToD(1/50k-2.3mil), CS(1/50k-2.1mil), Cows(50k-1.6mil)

Harlequin Crest
: Andy(1/752), Meph(1/771), Diablo(1/792), Nihl(nm 1/30k;h 1/6023), Pindle(1/9649), Pits(1/19k-1mil), RoF(1/10k-882k), CS(1/9167-827k), Cows(1/2563-688k)

Heaven's Light
: Meph(1/3684), Diablo(1/3788),
(nm 1/8178;h 1/3824), Andy(1/5029), Nihl(1/28k), Pindle(1/46k), Pits(1/91k-4.8mil), RoF/WSK(1/91k-4.2mil), CS(1/43k-3.9mil), Cows(1/18k-3.2mil), ToD(1/50k-4.2mil).

Herald Of Zakarum
(nm 1/2660;h 1/3169), Diablo(nm 1/2685;h 1/3122), Meph(nm 1/3602;h 1/3010), Andy(1/6389), Nihl(nm 1/19k;h 1/23k), Pindle(nm 1/29k;h 1/37k), Pits(1/75k-3.9mil), RoF(nm 1/36k-2.7mil;h 1/42k-3.4mil), CS(nm 1/30k-2.5mil;h 1/35k-3,2mil), Cows(nm 1/29k-2.1mil;h
1/6079-2.6mil), ToD/WSK(nm 1/64k-2.9mil;h 1/75k-3.4mil)

(1/1235), Diablo(1/1759), Nihl(1/9294), Pindle(1/13k), Pits(1/26k-1.4mil), RoF/CS/WSK(1/26k-1.2mil), CS(1/20k-1.1mil), Cows(1/27k-1mil)

Mara's Kaleidoscope
(1/3701), Diablo(1/3763), Meph(1/3848), Nihl(1/10k), Pindle(1/36k), Pits/RoF/ToD/WSK(1/73k-1.7mil), CS(1/36k-1.7mil), Cows(1/33k-1.1mil)

Nightwing's Veil
(1/2458), Diablo(1/3501), Nihl(1/18k), Pindle(1/26k), Pits(1/53k-2.8mil), RoF/ToD/WSK(1/53k-2.4mil), CS(1/40k-2.2mil), Cows(1/53k-2.1mil)

Rainbow Facet: Lightning Death
(1/3948), Diablo(1/4014), Meph(1/4105), Nihl(1/10k), Pindle(1/39k), Pits/RoF/ToD/WSK(1/77k-1.8mil), CS(1/38k-1.8mil)

(1/4019), Nihl(1/30k), Diablo(1/32k), Pindle(1/34k), Pits(1/68k-3.6mil), RoF/ToD/WSK(1/68k-3.1mil), CS(1/68k-2.9mil), Cows(1/68k-3.3mil)

Shadow Dancer
(1/19k), Pindle(1/25k), Nihl(1/145k), Pits(1/50k-2.6mil), RoF/ToD/WSK(50k-2.3mil), CS(1/50k-2.1mil), Cows(1/50k-16mil)

(1/19k), Pindle(1/25k), Nihl(1/145k), Pits(1/50k-2.6mil), RoF/ToD/WSK(1/50k-2.3mil), CS(1/50k-2.1mil), Cows(1/50k-16mil)

Templar's Might
(1/21k), Pindle(1/25k), Nihl(1/163k), Pits(1/56k-2.9mil), RoF/ToD/WSK(1/56k-2.5mil), CS(1/56k-2.4mil), Cows(1/50k-16mil)

Stone Of Jordan: Andy 1st Kill Bug(nm 1/1616;h 1/2656), Diablo(norm 1/4304;nm 1/7069;h 1/7401),
(norm 1/7108; nm 1/7324;h 1/7279), Meph(nm 1/7127;h 1/7568), nihl(norm 1/19k; nm 1/20k;h 1/20k), Pindle(norm 1/40k;nm 1/67k;h 1/72k), Pits/RoF(1/143k-3.4mil), CS(1/67k-3.4mil), Cows(nm 1/63k-2.1mil;h 1/67k-2.2mil), ToD(norm 1/80k-3mil;nm 1/142k-3.3mil;h 143k-3.4mil), WSK(norm 1/80k-1.9mil;nm 1/142k-3.3mil;h 1/143-3.4mil)

War Traveler
(nm 1/1430;h 1/1651), Diablo(nm 1/1462;h 1/1634), Andy 1st Kill Bug(hell 1/1487), Meph(nm 1/1967;h 1/1592), Nihl(nm 1/10k;h 1/12k), Pindle (nm 1/16k; 1/19k), Pits(1/39k-2,1mil), RoF(1/32k-1.8mil), CS(nm 1/16k-1.4mil;h 1/18k-1.7mil), Cows(nm 1/15k-1.1mil;h 1/3665-1.4mil), ToD/WSK(nm 1/34k-1.5mil;h 1/39k-1.8mil)

(1/15k), Pindle(1/21k), Nihl(1/118k), Pits/RoF/ToD/WSK(1/43k-2mil), CS(1/43k-1.8mil), Cows(1/44k-13mil)

Wisp Projector
(1/7279), Diablo(1/7401), Meph(1/7568), Nihl(1/20k), Pindle(1/72k), Pits/RoF/ToD/WSK(1/143k-3.4mil), CS(1/71k-3.4mil), Cows(1/67k-2.2mil)

If you are looking for the drop probability of an item not listed here or you want to figure out a probability with a different magic find percentage, download
; it has a probability calculator included:

Chest Drops

There is a difference between chest and monster TCs being that (most) monsters may upgrade their TC based on their mlvl which is in turn based on the area level, but chests do not. So the chests in the Pit/
are still Act 1 Hell chests even though the monsters around them are upgraded. The chests do at least still drop ilvl 85 items in the Pit/
, which is handy in some cases (eg for lower TC, high qlvl uniques).

there are three Chest TCs for each act, a chest will drop from one for the appropriate act and which one (A, B or C) depends on the level of the area relative to the rest of the act. You need to then look up the TC definitions in the text files to work out which equipment TC that corresponds to.

Durance 3 is area_lvl 83, so the racks drop Ilvl 82 items, and also up to Qlvl 82, for both base type and uniques. The highest racks spawn in the lvl85 areas, and they drop Ilvl 84 items. The chest behind Meph can drop up to TC75 and Ilvl 83 items.

Act 3 (H) Chest A Act 3 (H) Equip A 72
Act 3 (H) Chest B Act 3 (H) Equip B 75
Act 3 (H) Chest C Act 3 (H) Equip B 75

This is explained in more detail below..

The following was taken from Warrior of Lights stickied item generation guide stickied in the stats forum:

From what TC do objects drop items? In TreasureClassEx.txt file there is a group 6, that stores all information about object drops. The name of that TCs is like "Act 5 (H) Chest C".

The TC of the objects, presented in given area, is calculated using Area Id. Please don't
this number with Alvl, - it is different value. Area Id is also stored in Levels.txt file, though.

Chest drops don't get TC upgrades.
Originally Posted by Hammerman
This is the table used to get highest/lowest id for acts:

2 = act 1 (low)
37 = act 1 (high), actual highest is 39
41 = act 2 (low)
73 = act 2 (high), actual highest is 74
76 = act 3 (low)
102 = act 3 (high)
104 = act 4 (low)
108 = act 4 (high)
109 = act 5 (low)
132 = act 5 (high)

Then it uses this formula to determine the A/B/C class for the tc:

value = (highest - lowest + 1) / 3

if levelid is < lowest+value, A
if levelid is < lowest+(value*2), B
else C

For example, The
Pit Level 2
has AreaId=16, value=(37-2+1)/3=12, AreaId is not < lowest+value (16<2+12 isn't true), AreaId is < lowest+(value*2) (16<2+24). Pit's chest at level 2 drops from "Act 1 (H) Chest B" TC.

Each chest has (monlvl1/2 + 8)/100 chance to have a lock. It is important, because locked chests usually drop more items (monlvl1 is a field from levels.txt file).

Chests drop items exactly like monsters, except they don't have 6 items
and they drop from their own TCs.
Items quality calculation is also the same with monster's one, except special chests, that have fixed bonuses for dropping unique, set, rare and magic items.

Now we will look at other chests, those that are normal. If a chest is locked it will drop two times, if not ” just one time. Note, that a chest TC has 4 picks and 100/142 chance for NoDrop.
For normal chests the game uses normal quality selection method.
Before NoDrop test the game will test the chest for dropping from its TC at all. There is 25% chance for every chest to drop from its TC. Locked chest always drop from their TC (although they still have NoDrop, so they still may don't drop any item).
After that tests it will make two drops from chest TC for locked chests or one for non-locked. If it did't generate at least magic item it will repeat the drops up to 10 times until it will generate at least magic item.

Crates, corpses, jugs, logs, boulders, stashes, cocoons, goo piles, dead guards, caskets, beds and sarcophaguses always drop from chest TC.

Urns, rock piles, baskets, jars, barrels have 21% chance to drop from chest TC.

Also in the game there is one more type of chests, special chests. They looks like normal, but usually drop more items. For example the special chests are located at the ends of
Arcane Sanctuary
. Such objects have fixed qualities. 95% of special chests drop magic items only, 5% of them drop only rare items. Of cause this is applied only to items with variable quality, not potions and scrolls.

As for superchests, Thrugg explains it well, with more detail from Warrior of Light below:

Originally Posted by Thrugg
œThe "superchests" are different. Note that they don't all sparkle. This is a bit of a legacy from D2 classic - in D2C the sparkly chests usually meant they were something to do with a quest, like the chest with the eye in it in the Spider Cave. However, non-quest-item sparkly chests (such as the one in
Pit Level 2
) are all superchests, as are all sparkly chests in act 5. But there are many that don't sparkle at all - for example, there is sometimes an old house in the
Blood Moor
with a chest on the porch which drops lots of stuff (great for a new untwinked char). That is actually a superchest too, even though it doesn't sparkle. Most of the chests in
Sewers Level 2
are super also.

Superchests go through a more complicated drop sequence. They still drop from the appropriate Chest TC - so you can still predict how high they can drop - but the quality and number of items is handled differently. The superchest will pick a quality, rather like racks or gambles do, with no regard to the player's MF. I believe the numbers are about the same too, ie 1/1000 will be a "unique" drop. The game will then do a drop from the appropriate Chest TC but will try to make every item unique. Bear in mind though that lots of item types don't have unique versions - D2 always chooses type first then quality second - and in that case you will still get non-unique coming out. The chest is also bound by the normal rules of ilvl >= qlvl to drop a unique. Also, the Chest TCs still have no-drop chances, even at p8, and a unique version of nothing is still nothing. It is quite possible many of you have had a unique superchest drop and not realised because no actual uniques came out.

Once it has made its 4 drop attempts, it does do a check to see if it worked. If you don't get a unique the first time it feels sorry for you and tries again - more items, you still get whatever stuff came out in the first drop. If it fails the second time it tries to make up for it by giving you the grand explosion drop - and I'm sure most of you have seen those. It actually loops through the Chest TC over and over again trying to drop magic items like crazy (which usually succeeds, because most item types can be magic).

The same basic procedure applies to set and rare drops too. Sets fail even more often because not many item types have set versions at all. Rares usually succeed the first time though, so when it rolls up "rare" quality you normally get a few rare items and it's done.

Warrior of Light Posted:

œSparkling chests have most complicated drops. What is "sparkling" chest? It is chests that have "sparkling" drop mechanics. You may recognize them in the game by quite a loge quantity of items, that they drop. Some sparkling chests are sparkling, like the chest in The
Pit Level 2
, but some sparkling chests are normal looking.

As Jarulf found, sparkling chests have six options with the fallowing chances:

* 2% chance of option #1
* 4% chance of option #2
* 6% chance of option #3
* 20% chance of option #4
* 30% chance of option #5
* 38% chance of option #6

At option #1 it will do a drop from the respective chest TC trying to generate unique item. However many items, like keys,
, gems, runes may only be normal quality. If the game didn't generate at least magic quality item, it will make second drop from the respective chest TC trying to generate unique item. If it didn't generate at least magic item it will go to option #6 process.

At option #2 it will do a drop from the respective chest TC trying to generate set item. If the game didn't generate at least magic quality item, it will make second drop from the respective chest TC trying to generate set item. If it will not generate at least magic item it will go to option #6 process.

At option #3 it will do a drop from the respective chest TC trying to generate rare item. If the game didn't generate at least magic quality item, it will make second drop from the respective chest TC trying to generate rare item. If it will not generate at least magic item it will go to option #6 process.

At option #4 it will do a drop from the respective chest TC trying to generate magic item. It will repeat chest TC drop until 3 magic items will be generated or it will have 10 drop tries.

At option #5 it will do a drop from the respective chest TC trying to generate magic item. It will repeat chest TC drop until 2 magic items will be generated or it will have 10 drop tries.

At option #6 it will do a drop from the respective chest TC trying to generate magic item. It will repeat chest TC drop until 1 magic item will be generated or it will have 10 drop tries. Then it will make up to 4 drops from chest TC with no desired quality, so using normal quality selection algorithm (it means that it uses MF).

That is how sparkling chests generate items. As you see your MF almost not working at all.

II. Character Build Evaluations and Where to Magic Find with Them

Because of the inherent skills of each character type, some characters are more versatile magic finders than other in that they can more easily kill monsters in multiple popular magic finding spots. Based on these common magic-finding spots, I devised a grading scale for the primary builds in each character type.

I came up with these gradings by taking into account:

-Common monster immunities
-Physically Immune monsters
Oblivion Knight
curses, if applicable
-Treasure class 85 areas, and getting to them

This works by taking the character types primary attacks and matching them against significant obstacles to their magic finding in any given area. If, lets say a
barbarian goes into the
Chaos Sanctuary
, its only a matter of time before he is cursed with
Iron Maiden
, making it a pain for him to efficiently run this area for magic finding purposes. All gradings are assumptive in that you do not have an Enigma for the build being discussed.

While there are many different builds out there for each character type, I only included the more popular ones that would be conducive to mfing(plus this part has taken me long enough as it is to put together, and I felt getting the guide finished faster is more important than covering every build); feel free to suggest other mf builds though- they can always be included when I eventually update this guide. Also, if you feel a certain grading is wrong please say so and give a reason why; I have not played every build listed, and I have estimated on some based on the skills and items used, along with perceived threats to the build in certain mf areas.

Heres a quick synopsis of what the grading means:

Mfing locations: F=cannot run specified location; will have a very difficult time. A= can run specified location very easily; ideal for that build to mf.

Item dependency: F= is extremely item dependant for the specified build to do damage; very hard to equip mf gear without sacrificing damage and killing speed. A= is not item dependant at all; the specified build relies on its skills for the damage it does, and can easily equip mf gear without sacrificing damage and killing speed.

Average mfing speed: F= takes a long time to kill monsters and travel to kill more monsters. A= can kill monsters very fast and takes very little time to travel to kill more monsters.

Investment: F=requires a significant investment in runewords or expensive gear to effectively mf with the specified build. A= requires little gear investment to mf.


Amazons are uniquely positioned, since they are melee, but they avoid the problems with
Iron Maiden
due to their ranged attack (Im not going to bother covering spearzons).

Javazon- Im going to assume youll be using
Lightning Fury
works nicely, but then
Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest
Andariel's Visage
, or griffons(if you can afford it) would work well too. It might be best to go with Spirit, but Splendor is nice if you want more mf and want to save some stat points; lidless and SS works too. More gear dependant than most bowazon builds.

Pits: A- Cows: B+
: B-
River of Flame
: C/C+ Chaos Sanct: C/C+
: B+
Item dependency: C+/B- Average Mfing Speed: B/B+ Investment:C+
Ideal MF Spot: Pits/

Strafezon- Since IAS mostly only affects the first shot of the
skill(30-60% ias on a +10 bow is plenty- not worth it IMO to go for the next break points at 89% and 120% IAS), this leaves more slots open to mf gear that would otherwise be taken up by IAS-modded gear. Chances are that you will have maxed Valk, your zons armor defense wont matter too much. Since attack rating is important, many strafers use angelic rings and amulet; I personally use the angelic armor too then to make use of the 50% mf on each angelic ring when mfing pits. Obviously this would be difficult to pull off in other mfing locations, but even then an armor like an upgraded
Crow Caw
is usually sufficient if you cannot afford a COH, Fort or Enigma. Gwrap is usually a given (or hwanins for cant be frozen); war travs or a nice pair of 30 frw/fhr/mf
work. For gloves Id say craft
Hit Power Gloves
(knockback) until you get +p&m (+bow skills wont help you much) with leech/mf and ias doesnt hurt either. For helmets, Id stick with
Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest

Pits: A- Cows: B+
: B-
River of Flame
: B Chaos Sanct: B
: B-
Item dependency: B- Average Mfing Speed: B/B+ Investment:B-
Ideal MF Spot: Pits

MSZon- IAS is definitely more important with this build, so not as much room for mf equipment. Crafted knockback gloves with ias/leech/mf would be good(again, go with p&m over bow skills if possible); definitely gwrap too. Steelskull would also be a good thing to have.

Pits: A- Cows: B+
: B-
River of Flame
: B Chaos Sanct: B
: B-
Item dependency: B- Average Mfing Speed: B/B+ Investment: B-
Ideal MF Spot: Pits

Hybridazon- Gear choice for this build can be difficult since youll need fcr for LF(Im assuming youll be using LF since its the most popular jav skill) and IAS for MS(though not as much for
) Best bet is a Splendor shield(some will ditch Splendor for Spirit or an ss, Ill leave it up to you to decide if its worth the stat point investment) with your titans; Id still go travs/rare frw-fhr-mf
, but when it comes to gloves, its a tough choice- Id go with crafted p&m gloves with knockback-mf-leech, but if you need the fcr magefists of course work well.
Harlequin Crest
Andariel's Visage
Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest
all work well- again it is up to you. Youll prolly want a tgods with this; though gwrap or
are nice too.

Pits: A Cows: B+/A-
: B-
River of Flame
: B Chaos Sanct: B
: B+
Item dependency: C/C+ Average Mfing Speed: B/B+ Investment: C/C+
Ideal MF Spot: Pits


Since this character is the one Ive played the least in my D2 career, I had to do more research on their mf-running potentials than any other character type. As with many other character classes, without an Enigma assassins mf speed is a lot slower(though
Burst of Speed
helps), hence them having a bit more gear dependency than many other character builds.

Kicksin/wwsin: For mf purposes, a pure kicksin or wwsin will have troubles, since they will be more gear dependant to efficiently kill monsters; many of the builds Ive seen suggest wearing more than one piece of the
set, which take up crucial mf slots. I dont see you getting much more than 150% mf with these builds and still effectively kill monsters.

Pits: C Cows: C
: D-
River of Flame
: C-Chaos Sanct: F
: D-
Item dependency: D Average Mfing Speed: D/C Investment +

Phoenix Striker: Since the number of charges controls which elemental attack is used, this character is the only martial arts build that is somewhat decent for mfing. Of course, your Phoenix Striker would have to be lvl 90+ to be decent, and is still pretty item dependant. You could probably get up to 200-250% or so mf without too much work; Id say gwrap, steelskull, and a good pair of rare or crafted crushing blow gloves with ias/leech/+skills/mf, would be ideal.

Pits: C+ Cows: C
: D
River of Flame
: C Chaos Sanct: D-
: D-
Item dependency: DAverage Mfing Speed: C-/C Investment:C

Trapsin- Trappers have the easiest time mfing of any assassin builds, since the damage they do is basically skill dependant. For trappers, a
will definitely help, and Id suggest using a good mf% steelskull over the more expensive
Harlequin Crest
, since IAS affects trap throwing speed, not FCR as many people think; also crafted
Caster Gloves
with +skills/ias/magic find would be best for a mf trapper. Trappers run into the same problems as sorcs and javzons though, since a one element trap build will limit where you can mf.

Pits: C+ Cows: B
: C+
River of Flame
: C Chaos Sanct: C-
: C+
Item dependency: B Average Mfing Speed: C+ Investment:B-
Ideal MF Spot: Cows/pits/maggot lair


While barbs can potentially hold the greatest amount of mf since they can dual-wield weapons and the
Find Item
skill gives you a chance to get an item from a normal monster(non-end boss), they are quite gear dependant since their damage is usually physical; and a barb attacking with 2x Ali Babas alone isnt going to be able to kill much in hell.

WWbarb: IK Wwbarbs are prolly the more cheaper ones that are still effective, with the most expensive item being the armor. The only problem is that the only mf is derived from the
basically(up to **% with 2 ptopazes), and IK takes up so many spots, leaving only jewelry slots open, which youll prolly want to fill with angelics for ar. With a gheeds and some mf charms, you could probably get your mf up in the 200s without too much trouble.

Of course, if you have a bit more to spend on youre WWbarb, you can do better, but Ill let you decide if its worth it to take this route. Remember that WW speed is not affected by off-weapon ias, so fast weapons are a must. Youll definitely want a
Harlequin Crest
and war travelers for this one, if you can live without the goreriders; also crafted crushing blow gloves with mf/good leech or
Laying of Hands
(depending on demon prevalence where you choose to mf) work sufficiently in place of the more expensive steelrends. Angelics, or other non-mf rings/ammys are still pretty necessary for the jewelry spots; though if you craft a nice amulet, it might work in place of maras or highlords.

Pits: B+ Cows: B+/A-
: C+/B-
River of Flame
: B Chaos Sanct: D
: C-
Item Dependency: D/C- Average Mfing Speed: C+/B- Investment:C-B
Ideal MF Spot: Cows

Bezerker: Since the Bezerk skill transfers physical damage into magical damage, this makes this build more viable for running the
Chaos Sanctuary
Iron Maiden
and mana drain cannot affect you, and you can kill physical immunes too; only problem is your defense is set to zero for the duration of the
, but you can still block if using a shield. Still pretty gear dependant, but lets you go mf in areas where other barbs normally cant. A gwrap, IK
(2topazed), war travs(if you can live without gores), good crafted crushing blow gloves with Ias/leech/resists/mf, and skullders or Chains of Honor would be good for armor, if not Enigma.

Pits: C+ Cows: C+
: C
River of Flame
: B- Chaos Sanct: B
: C+/B-
Item Dependency: C- Average Mfing Speed: C-/C Investment:C+
Ideal MF Spot: Chaos Sanct.

Frenzybarb: This barb build is all about speed;
increases run/walk and attack speed with each successful hit, meaning faster mfing speed(you might want to try using the runeword Passion in a 4os
Phase Blade
or zerker; I hear the +1
works well you have
going; remember
only lasts 6 seconds). Since you want as many swings as fast as possible, IAS/mf gear is best, so gwrap, steelskull, war travs or gores, and draculs,
Laying of Hands
, or good crafted crushing blow gloves with ias/leech/mf.

Pits: B- Cows: B-
: C+
River of Flame
: B Chaos Sanct: D+
: C-
Item dependency: C- Average Mfing Speed: B/B+ Investment:C
Ideal MF Spot: Pits


Probably the most unique character on Diablo, especially as it is on of 2 new characters added for the LoD expansion. I will just be covering the three primary builds for this character.
Shapeshifter: Has many attacking skills similar those of a paladin; remember that most elemental skills do not work with an SS build(I believe
is the only one you can activate while transformed, but you can prebuff with
Cyclone Armor
before you transform). With a SS Druid ias is your friend, so gwrap, steelskull/
Andariel's Visage
and crafted cb gloves with ias/mf and good leech are quite helpful. Highlords, wisp, and ravenfrost will probably be necessary in many of the more popular mf areas, since youll hafta get up close to monsters.

Pits: B- Cows: B-
: B+
River of Flame
: B- Chaos Sanct: C-
: C
Item dependency: C+ Average Mfing Speed: B- Investment: C+
Ideal MF Spot: Pits/Meph

Windy: Probably the most popular druid build and very damaging; the
combo is pretty killer, especially with a bear to tank for you. A good
with fcr/mf/+skills would be great, otherwise a
Harlequin Crest
would work fine. For gloves, magefists would work well, or a good pair of crafted
Caster Gloves
. Even though the
skill does physical damage, I am pretty sure that leech and crushing blow do not work with it since it is casting-based so cb/kb gloves are out of the question. Tals
or hwanins are good options here, and a pair of mf/nagel rings and a mf ammy work well on this build, along with war travs/rare frw/fhr/mf

Pits: B Cows: B+
: B+
River of Flame
: B+ Chaos Sanct: B+
: B
Item dependency: B Average Mfing Speed: B Investment:B
Ideal MF Spot: Chaos Sanct/

Summoner: Not the most popular druid build, but still has good mf potential as an alternative to a necro summoner; keep in mind that you cannot have multiple types of vines, wolves and a bear, or multiple types of spirits, so your basically limited to five minion types including ravens and a merc. As for equipment, it really depends on what your planning for your druids secondary skills; Id suggest looking at the gear recommendations for windy and SS druid builds depending on the skills you choose.

Pits: B Cows: B
: C+
River of Flame
: B- Chaos Sanct: C/C+
: C
Item dependency: C - B Average Mfing Speed: C- Investment:C - B-
Ideal MF Spot: Pits/Cows


Necromancers have much the same problem that sorcs do: whether or not to use their set. I think it looks cool to turn into a
Blood Lord
and the set bonuses are nice, but youll need to decide on your own whether to go this way or to choose a different setup. You can still have decent mf if you socket the Trang-Oul's Avatar items with ptopazes, but you get a lot more obviously if you go with only partial set gear or none at all.

Poisonmancer: A very under-played character build, especially when it comes to mfing; good potential for mfing though. I'd go with a
on switch; each one has its advantages so take a look at the weapons for yourself before you decide. Your other major choice is whether to go with
Trang-Oul's Claws
Trang-Oul's Girth
Trang-Oul's Wing
, or with gwrap/chancies/Splendor or Rhyme; of course
, darkforce are all good possibilities as well.
Harlequin Crest
is pretty much a standard here, though
(good paired w/blackbogs), guillames or steelskull(better with
) are always an option too. For jewelry and
it is also somewhat dependant on what weapon you choose; either way I would suggest a ravenfrost, but with a flesshripper equipped I would go with highlords and a mf ring, while with blackbogs a mf/+skills ammy and mf ring would be best. As for
, war travs/frw fhr mf
would work in either situation, but you might want gores if you go with a
. Obviously these gear choices are also very dependant on how much you plan on using
Poison Dagger

Pits: B- Cows: B-
: B+
River of Flame
: B Chaos Sanct: C-
: C
Item dependency: C- Average Mfing Speed: B- Investment:C/C-
Ideal MF Spot: Meph/

Bonemancer: Im sure most everyone who has played d2 for awhile has played this build at one point; lots of fun but somewhat gear dependant. Obviously you will want to pick up a pair of marrowwalks for the synergy bonus; if you dont know about this bug, just remember not to put any points in
Bone Prison
and youll be fine.
Harlequin Crest
work nicely, unless you can get your hands on a +skills/fcr
. Youll prolly want trang gloves, or at least magefists; belts can be tough- theres always arachs or a crafted
Caster Belt
, trang if you so desire, or a
Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth
, all depends on what you want to accomplish. Shields you still have many options as listed in the above builds; again depends on if youre focusing on mf or if you want more +skills. For jewelry youll have to decide between crafted/rare
Caster Ring
/ammy and mf ones; either way Id still suggest a

Pits: B+ Cows: B+
: B+
River of Flame
: B+ Chaos Sanct: B+
: B+
Item dependency: C Average Mfing Speed: B Investment:C/C+
Ideal MF Spot:

Summoner: Obviously there are many different hybrid builds when it comes to summonmancers; if you take a look at the sticky thread in the necro forum youll se what I mean. I will focus on recommendations for a general summonmancer so as to not
anyone. Summonmancers are the most common type of necro mf build; the low gear dependency is a bonus too. This give you a good deal of room to work with maxing mf; I dont know how many summonmancers I saw running
at the beginning of season 3- great way to start out.
Harlequin Crest
of course, matched with a Rhyme shield, trang or homm/darkforce. For
youll want war travs, marrows, or frw/fhr/mf
. Jewelry leaves you open to wearing solid mf items, but you can throw on a
if youre worried.
or alibaba should be a given unless you planning on going commando. Now I havent recommended armors for builds really for the obvious reasons, but definitely look at trang armor for the +skele skills especially if you cant afford the more expensive runewords. With a little work, you should easily be able to get over 400% mf on this build.

Pits: B+ Cows: B+
: B
River of Flame
: B+ Chaos Sanct: B+
: B+
Item dependency: B+ Average Mfing Speed: B- Investment:B
Ideal MF Spot: Chaos/


Definitely one of the strongest characters out there, but now that their auras are available to any character through runewords, they arent nearly as powerful as they were back in classic. Ill really have to hold myself back in this section from recommending an Enigma, but I think I can manage

Avenger: Nice melee pally build, especially since you dont have to worry about physical immunes because of the builds focus around the
skill. Rather gear dependant as all pally builds are, but if you do thing right you can still reach a decent mf %.
Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest
works very well, though vamp gaze or
Andariel's Visage
are good alternatives;
Harlequin Crest
is a possibility, but it leaves you lacking a bit on leech, if youre going to get leech from some other slot stick with guillames then. Youll most likely want a hoz or SS with a Rhyme on switch; I guess a
could be an interesting option as well for this build. A
is definitely a necessity here, coupled with a rare/crafted leech/mf ring; for an ammy, youre open to a rare/craft, maras, seraphs, or metal grid. Gloves could be
Laying of Hands
, but I dont think that the edmg % to demons enhances melee elemental dmg, so besides a pair of crafted cb gloves, soul drainers, draculs, or lavagouts would be best.
Pits: B- Cows: B-
: C+
River of Flame
: C+ Chaos Sanct: D+
: C
Item dependency: C- Average Mfing Speed: C+ Investment:C
Ideal MF Spot: Pits/Cows

Hammerdin: Prolly the most popular build in the game, and it isnt unusual to stumble into a
run game where the majority of the characters participating are this build. Do I really need to make gear recommendations for this build? Theres obviously the cookie-cutter arachs/sojs/
Harlequin Crest
/hoz/maras/magefists/war travs(Ill leave it to you to figure out the armor to use at this level of investment). If you dont feel like making an expensive one though, try
or a fcr/mf
w/o +2 skills, magefists, a crafted
Caster Belt
Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth
, SS/Splendor, fcr/mf rings, war travs or frw/fhr/mf
, and a +skills/mf ammy; a najs puzzler/
to get you out of bad locations is good on switch too.

Pits: B+ Cows: B+
: B
River of Flame
: B+ Chaos Sanct: A-
: A-
Item dependency: C+ Average Mfing Speed: B/B+ Investment:C - B
Ideal MF Spot: Chaos Sanct/

Tesladin: As with most elemental-based character builds, a single element attack will have its limitations in hell so I suggest using a backup skill with this build type. The main advantage of building a tesladin over a Dream or auradin is the lesser gear dependency. As with most other melee character builds, guilliames is going to be a standard unless you really need leech from this gear slot, or you want to max out with a griffon. If your not going to use gores, then go with travs or frw/fhr/mf
; for gloves draculs or crafted cb gloves are both good. Shields leave you some room here; the top choices would be hoz, ss, and Sanctuary with a Rhyme on switch. Lastly, belts are dependant on how much leech you still need; if not then go with gwrap, if so then find a good nos coil. Highlords with
and a carrion or leech/mf ring are best for jewelry. This is prolly the one build that excels with the
Crescent Moon
rw, though depending on the backup skill you choose, other weapons will be a better fit. As with most of the melee builds, it is more item dependant, so dont expect to get over 300% mf without significantly sacrificing dmg and killing speed.

Pits: B- Cows: B-
: C+
River of Flame
: C+ Chaos Sanct: D+
: C
Item dependency: C- Average Mfing Speed: C+ Investment:C
Ideal MF Spot: Pits/Cows

Zealot: My current favorite character, as well as my closing build from season 2. Its amazing the amount of damage this character can do with a good setup; my season 2 zealot was up at 13k dmg
with a merc active, but this required a significant gear investment to reach this. Main problem is that sometimes you want to only hit one monster while the
skill wants to hit every monster within range. Guillames, gores or travs, highlords,
, carrion or leech/mf ring, LoH or draculs, hoz-SS-Sanctuary with Rhyme or Spirit on switch is pretty good; personally I use LoH vs draculs, and I just have a lifetap
on switch so I get
Life Tap
when I need it. Gwrap works well, or nos coil if you need leech. Again, item dependant but man can this build rock the WSK and ToD, not to mention
; and dont expect over 300% mf once again.

Pits: A- Cows: A-
: B-
River of Flame
: A- Chaos Sanct: C-
: C
Item dependency: C- Average Mfing Speed: B Investment:C - B-
Ideal MF Spot: Pits/Cows

Smiteraka vindicators: Smiters have seen a boost in popularity with the integration of 1.11 since they can kill the ubers single-handedly, while before they were more of a rarity used primarily as dclone hunters. They do have the potential for mfing too, since they can bring down bosses fast. Much of the same equipment suggestions as those for the zealot, but youll want to be more picky with your shield to max the
dmg, remember that leech doesnt work with
so life per kill is your friend here from items like draculs, and Gores can be replaced with uped gtoes or travs if you dont need the cb. You might also want to consider a cats eye over highlords since deadly strike does not work with
either if you dont need the +skills.

Pits: B- Cows: C+
: B-
River of Flame
: C+ Chaos Sanct: C-
: C-
Item dependency: C Average Mfing Speed: C+ Investment:C
Ideal MF Spot: Pits/Cows


Sorcs are the least gear dependant mf character in the game due to their skill-based attacks and inherent ability to
. Single tree sorcs, while are very powerful, are limited to where they can mf in hell due to the varying immunities from one spot to another. This has led to the rise in popularity of hybrid sorc builds that use skills from two different element trees that have few or no synergizing skills. While it is possible to have a 3-skill sorceress, they invariably cannot produce enough damage to effectively mf in hell since they will lack mastery skill points.

For gear in general, many people prefer the Tal Rasha's Wrappings, though the complete Tal Rasha's Wrappings isnt for everyone Otherwise, an eschutas is quite nice (though wiz spike, ondals, or a +3 skill/20% fcr orb works) with a
or ali baba on switch; if you can put up with the random teleing, an Occy works too. For a
Harlequin Crest
, griffons/nightwings(if you can afford it), or a magic
with a combination of mf, + skills, or fcr(especially if you are lucky enough to get 2 sockets in it from
- ptopazes or facets). For gloves chanceguards, magefists or a decent pair of crafted casters works well with good mana regen/mf/str or dex, for shields a lidless with Splendor on switch is good; for
youll want war travs, or rare/magical
with frw/fhr/mf. Nagels, or rare fcr rings with mf work well, though magic rings can go up to 40% mf(tough to find). Amulets are more of a personal preference; magical amulets can go to 50% mf, but a +3 skills/30-35% mf magic amulet is more useful, crafted/rare amulets with + skills/good fcr/mf, or a maras, or eye of etlitch is always an option. A skulders is pretty standard for armor, though a vipermagi works nicely or just a 4os lightweight armor with ptopazes.

/Orb Sorc- The most popular two tree sorc build; while a combination of skills allows a greater variety of possible mf locations, they have a greater item dependency and require more in gear investment to make them effective. A nightwings and eschutas would definitely help increase damage.

Pits: B Cows: B/B-
: A-
River of Flame
: C- Chaos Sanct: C+
: C
Item dependency: A Average Mfing Speed: A- Investment:C+
Ideal MF Spot:

Lightning/Blizz(or orb) Sorc- This is a build Ive actually been trying out recently; not a bad combination of skills. An eschutas and nightwings are pretty necessary to get a good amount of damage, but it isnt too hard to get over 300% mf on them still.

Pits: B Cows: B/B-
: A-
River of Flame
: C Chaos Sanct: C+
: B
Item dependency: A Average Mfing Speed: A- Investment:C+
Ideal MF Spot:

Bliz/Blast Sorc- The most popular single tree build for sorceresses; does have problems in most of the tc 85 areas though. The
Ancient Tunnels
is the only tc 85 area lacking cold immunes that is worth mfing.

Pits: D Cows: B/B-
: A
River of Flame
: D Chaos Sanct: C
: C-
Item dependency: A Average Mfing Speed: A Investment:B+
Ideal MF Spot:
Ancient Tunnels

Light/Chain Sorc- Probably the best character to mf with on
runs (besides maybe a hammerdin with Enigma). Only rarely does unique monster spawn with lightning immunities, and lightning really knocks down monsters fast; you just have to make it to the throne first.
Pits: A+ Cows: B/B-
: A
River of Flame
: D Chaos Sanct: C
: A
Item dependency: A Average Mfing Speed: A Investment:B+
Ideal MF Spot:

/Ball Sorc- While fire sorcs can obtain the highest amount of damage of any sorc, there are far too many fire immune monsters in hell to make this build very viable there; of course if youre hunting for sojs at nm andy this would be perfect.

Pits: D Cows: B/B-
: A
River of Flame
: D Chaos Sanct: D
: D
Item dependency: A Average Mfing Speed: A Investment:A-
Ideal MF Spot:
/Nm Andriel

Magic Find Gear


3xPTopaz (72MF - **):
Great Helm
and their exceptional and elite version,
Bone Visage
and class-specific helms can get 3 sockets. They can get 3 sockets only if ilvl >= 40 for normal helms, ilvl>=25 for class-specific helms.
of XXX 3xPTopaz (72 MF - **): can get life bonus, FRW, FCR,
charges with the prefix
of Luck 3xPTopaz (26-35+72MF - 107 MF - **): great MF, but no other mods
2xPTopaz (35+48MF - 83MF - ****): with very rare combination of affixes like Felicitous (+5-10% MF), Mechanics (2 sockets), of Fortune (+16-25% MF), and it can get 3 more affixes like +2 skills, FCR, FRW or
charges, +life)
(25-50MF, 49-74 MF with PTopaz - ***): +1 skills and good MF, great starter
Harlequin Crest
(50MF, 74 MF with PTopaz - *****): +2 skills, great MF, great life and mana bonus, 10% DR, it's the king.
(30-50MF, 54-74 MF with PTopaz - ***): good MF, 5% LL and ML and 10%IAS, good for physical attackers.
-Rasha's Horadric Crest (0MF, 24 with PTopaz - **): no MF, but together with 2 pieces from this set it gets +65%MF as partial bonus. Great 10%LL and ML, life and resistance bonus, good for physical attackers.
Immortal King's Will
(25-40MF, 73-** MF with PTopazes - ***): Good for barbarian.
Griswold's Legacy (68 - 78 MF) with the possible set bonuses and cold absorb, this aint bad! Good luck finding a set
Dream RW
(12-25 MF): Ladder only
, but when combined with a Dream shield, the aura on this rox!


4-socketed armor 4xPTopaz (96MF - **):
Gothic Plate
Full Plate Mail
Ancient Armor
, their exceptional versions and all elite armors can have 4 sockets. They have to be at least ilvl 25. The good early choice is
Gothic Plate
because it's not as rare as
Ancient Armor
(both are medium armors,
Full Plate Mail
is heavy armor). Better choice is some of light elite armors, but you can't get them so early.
Jeweler's armor of XXX (96 MF - ***): +Life is the prefered 2nd mod here.
Griswolds armor with 3 ptopazes(72 MF) not a horrible mf armor for the cost; easy to find and better than a 4os ptopazed armor IMO
Spirit Forge
with 3 ptopazes(72 mf) upgraded this makes a decent armor, but excellent for mfing in mid levels
Wealth RW armor
(100MF - ***): +300% more gold, ideal for gold find characters.
Atmas Wail (20 MF): not a bad armor for what it costs.
Skullder's Ire
(1.25MF/clvl, 92*1.25+24PT~ 139MF - *****): +1 skills, defence and great MF. The king.
Tal Rasha's Guardianship
(** MF, 112MF with PTopaz - ****): great resistance bonus and possible partial set bonus 65%MF with 2 other pieces.
Enigma RW(1 MF/clvl - *****): +2 skills,
skill and good MF, it's a Dream for everyone, if only the runes were easier to get (I mean legit runes)
Chains of Honor RW (25 MF): this sweet melee armor gives demon% dmg, +2 skills, +65% resists, life leech, 8% dr, on top of the 23% mf!


6socketed weapon 6xIST (180 MF - **):
is not a cheap rune, this is overkill.
's caddy (96% mf with 4 ptopazes) with the set bonuses, this could rock on a pally.
(100 MF, 130 MF with
- ***): cool
, isn't it?
(20-50 MF) not a bad weapon actually; plenty of edmg, ias, -target def too
Langer Briser
(30-60 MF) not the best missile weap, but it still has decent edmg, open wounds, and knockback
if Ali-baba (1MF/clvl~90MF + 60 with 2 ISTs - 150MF - ****): Great MF and 2 sockets. You can use MF jewels with
(+3-7% MF) prefix and/or of Prosperity (+5-10% MF) suffix (both are possible). These are not as rare as
runes. Ali-Baba
have also nice gold find bonus, but it's slow and does low damage, so it's not a good idea trying to kill something with this weapon.
The Occulus (50MF, 80MF with
- ****): The best for sorceress, FCR and +3 skills and resistances are all great mods.
Skull Collector
Staff (1 mf/clvl) decent staff, but most others are better; not bad if you have mana problems at lvl 41
Call To Arms RW (30 MF): besides giving BO and BC, this somewhat expensive RW has a bonus of 30% mf
Eternity RW melee weap (30 MF): indestructibility, up to 310% edmg, life leech, cb, slow target, blind target, regen mana, cbf, rep life on top of the mf; this puppy is available on NL to make Too!
Last Wish RW (.5% mf/clvl) Ladder only; super expensive and not really worth it, but it is fun to use this thing if you have the extra rune to make one.


4socketed shield 4xIST (100 MF - **): this is overkill, the first non-pally shield that can have 4 sockets is
- it requires 156STR!
Head Hunter's Glory
(72% mf with 3 ptopazes): super defense, especially against missles, life per kill, and great poison/fire resists
Rhyme shield RW (25MF - ****): It gives resistances, good blocking and CBF. Good candidates are
Troll Nest
Splendor shield RW (20 MF): Bit lower than Rhyme, but it has +1 skills, 15% regen mana and 20%fcr!
Milabrega's Orb
(20MF, 45MF with
- *): It gives MF, but nothing else.
Griswolds vortex (72 MF with 3 ptopazes): the 65% fbr is the best and great bonsues! Hard to find
Exile RW shield(25 MF) The ultimate pally shield, also available on NL to make
Dream RW Shield (12-25 MF) Ladder only, but combined with a Dream
, the aura on this rox!


Magical/rare gloves of Fortune (16-25MF - **?): Easy to get (at vendors in 2nd Act, normal), rare gloves can get very nice mods...
Chance Guards
(25-40MF - ****): The best MF for gloves slot, also high GF.


of Luck (26-35MF - *): Good MF, but it can't get FRW.
of Fortune (16-25MF - *?): With the right mods, especially 30%FRW and resistances, these can by very good.
War Travelers (30-50MF - *****): Very good
with 25% FRW and great MF, also +damage is good for some builds.
(50 MF) with one other set item equipped
(0 MF - **): With the amulet from this set, you get partial bonus of 78MF and 30% FRW
Vidala's Fetlock
(0 MF - *): With the amulet from this set, you get partial bonus 50MF, it has also 30% FRW


(30MF - ***): Good MF and IAS which can be very good for some characters.
Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth
(10-15MF - **): Good with other 2 pieces of set.
Fortuitous amulet of Luck (37-50MF - *): The best MF, but nothing else
magical amulet of Luck (26-35MF - **?): Good amulet when having good prefix like +2 skills or +3 skilltree
rare/crafted amulet of Fortune (16-25MF / 21-35MF - ***?): When having the right mods as +2 skills, resistances, FCR, it can be very good.
Tancred's Weird
(0MF/78MF - **) when you have one other set item equipped too
Vidala's Snare
(0MF/50MF - *)when you have one other set item equipped too


Fortuitous ring of Fortune (27-40MF - ****): The best MF
Rare mf ring (up to 25% mf): imagine with fcr/dual leech & strength/resists!
(15-30MF - ***)
Stone of Jordan (0MF - ***): No MF but +1 skills greatly improves killing speed for most MF builds
Ravenfrost (0MF - ***): Being slowed is very annyoing for non-teleporting characters. If you can't get CBF elsewhere, it's a must)


's charm (25-40MF - *****): Great MF, GF and reduces vendor prizes
Small charm of Luck (6-7MF - ***)
Large charm of Luck(1-6MF): not the best, but with 35 life too, it aint one you'd drop
Grand Charm(1-12 MF): not worth keeping, IMO
Merc/Polearm Weapons
Eternity RW melee weaps (30 MF) Not a bad merc polearm weap but might serve better for a char weap
Infinity RW Polearm (30 MF) Ladder only; arguably the best merc polearm available!
Insight RW Polearm (23 MF) Ladder only; for the cost it is very effect on a merc- great cheap runeword
Meat Scraper Polearm (25 MF) if you find a good
one, it'd be worth upgrading since it has open wounds, leech, ias, and decent edmg.
Tomb Reaver
(50-80 MF) Ladder only; with the possibility of getting 3 sockets, this can get more mf than any weap besides a 6os weapon filled with ists!

Just for curiosity, let's calculate the maximum possible MF (lvl 99 character-dual wielding barbarian)
of Luck 3xIST (110) + Body -
Skullder's Ire
(148) + Weapons 6xIST (2x180) + Gloves -
Chance Guards
(40) +
War Traveler
(50) +
(30) + Amulet - Fortuitous Amulet of Luck (50) + Rings - Fortuitous Ring of Fortune (2x40) +
Gheed's Fortune
(40) + Small charms of luck (37*7)=1167MF

Now if You calculate in an act 3 mercs mf if he gets the kill with the barb..
Skullder's Ire
(148), Artificer's
of Luck w/3x
(110), 6os
Phase Blade
w/6xist(180), & 4os
(100 mf) + 1167=1705% MF!

For building the MF character from scratch, I have some tips for you. Don't bother with MF or runs at lower levels. Just get to NM, look for 3-socketed helms, 4-socketed armors and Perfect topazes while questing. Get some decent level in normal
questing. Your first real MF target should be NM Meph. You can get fast to him and he is not so tough. He drops almost all exceptional uniques and has best chance for finding items like
War Traveler
Skullder's Ire
at that level. If you have found some good equipment, move to Hell
. He can give you all elites up to TC75 (TC78 if you are really lucky) and all jewelry. If you have found most of the items he can drop, it's time to move to any other type of run to get those items from TC78-87.
or level 85 areas...
Part 3 of the Ultimate Guide:

IV. Magic Find Diminishing Returns

This table is perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind when setting up your Magic Find equipment. If you are looking for Uniques, notice how little improvement you get from 300% on. There's no point in sacrificing half your equipment to pure MF% stuff to go from 300% to 500%, if it slows your killing speed and makes you die constantly, since you're only gaining 42% effectively for Uniques.
Of course if you can survive and still go fast, then every % is worth it.

Thanks to Jarulf for unearthing these stats.

MF____Magical *_____Rares *_Set Items *_Uniques *

In addition to these stats, various monsters have their own internal odds for dropping item quality (Rare/Set/Unique/Magical Items). For example Act Bosses have a much better chance to drop Sets and Uniques and Rares than normal monsters do. You could have 1000% MF and you'd still have very very low odds of getting anything Unique from a normal monster, but would have good odds from a normal boss, and very good odds from

Base chance = 400
chance - (ilvl - qlvl)/divisor = 400 - (99-86)/1 = 387
Multiply for precision: 387 * 128 = 49536
MF chance = 49536 * 100 / (100 + 100) = 24768
Compare against unique min
of 6400, it is higher so no effect
Boss chance = 24768 - (24768 * 983 / 1024) = 24768 - 23776 = 992
Final chance is 128/992 = 12.9% (pretty good chance really).
V. Things That MF Do No Effect

MF% does not effect:

Rune Drops
Specific Item Types Dropped
What Unique Item Types Can Drop In A Given Area

Differenciating Good Rares from Bad Rares


Basically every Character needs Skill adds.
Therefore you should always have +1 or +2 skills on the amulet.
Also the Faster Cast Rate is needed by every single character besides Foh
Bowa Shaper, and the special builds for necro and sorceress for PvP/PvM.
(GF Barbarians dont need FCR - also important)

The next worthy addition would be Life ( Sorc and Necro preferable Mana ).
If you find Str, Dex or All Res on your Amulet, it will make it more usable, and ofc increases the price.
To make it even better, you want special additions like Life Replenish, Poison Reduce, DMG goes to Mana or single Resistances.

Now I will show you some Examples of Good/Genius Amulets:

+ 2 Pala Skills
+5-10 FCR
+10 Dex/ 15-20 Dex
+40 Life / 50-60 Life
Adds like
Str, All Resistance, Single Resistance, Life Replenish , Max Mana
will increase the price incredible.

+ 2 Sorc/Fire/Light/Cold Skills
+10 FCR
+10 Dex/Str/ 10-30 Dex/Str
+80 Mana / 60-90 Mana
+ X Life Replenish
Adds like
All Resistance, Single Resistance, Life Replenish , Max Life, Dex, Dmg goes to Mana, Psn length reduce
will increase the price incredible.

+ 2 Necro/P&B Skills
+10 FCR
+5-20 All Resistance
+30 Life / 40-60 Life
Adds like
mana , life repl , dex , single res
will increase the price incredible.

+ 2 Assa/Trap Skills
+10 FCR
+5-30 STR
+30 Life / 50-60 Life
+30 Mana / 50-90 Mana
Adds like
mana , life repl , dex , single res
will increase the price incredible.

+ 2 Ama
+5-20 FCR
+10-20 STR
+40 Life / 50-60 Life
+10-20 Dex
Adds like
mana , life repl , dex , single res , All Resistance,
charges, Lifeleech, Manaleech
will increase the price dramatically.
Java fcr amulets have to be even better than the ones of other classes to be useable.

+ 2 Druid
+9-20 FCR
+10-30 STR
+15 Dex
+30 Life / 50-60 Life
+80-90 Mana
Adds like
mana, life repl, dex, single res, All Resistance,
will increase the price incredible.

+ 2 Baba/Warcrys/Mastery/Combat
+10 FCR
+40-80 Goldfind (max 120 )
+10-30 STR/DEX
+10 All Resistance
+30 Life / 50-60 Life
+40-60 Mana
Adds like
mana, life repl, dex, single res ( Fire Res (!) , All Resistance, MF, Max/Min DMG
will increase the price incredible.


Circlets (
/diadems...) are unreplaceable for most PvP characters and far better than the usual Helms.
Most of The Characters need +20 FCR besides the melee ones which need Visionary or 30FRW/2 Sox.
needs Stats like Life, Mana, Str, Dex, Life Replenish etc.
For Mercs you also can use double leech 3 sox.

Now I will show you some Examples of Good/Genius Circlets:

+ 2 Pala Skills
+20 FCR / Visionary (AR per Lvl)
+ 30-60 Life / 30FRW
+10 Dex/Str / 2 Sox
Additions like
2Sox (will increase the price to almost a maximum), Str(not really useable as a hammerdin circ)/Dex, Allres, Life/Mana, Single Res
will increase the price considerably.

+ 2 Sorc/Fire/Light/Cold Skills
+20 FCR
+ 60-90 Mana
+10 Str/Dex
+ 20-60 Life
Additions like
2Sox (will increase the price to almost a maximum), Str/Dex, Allres, Life/Mana, Single Res
will increase the price considerably.

+ 2 Nec/P&B Skills
+20 FCR / 20 FCR + 30 FRW
+10- 20 Dex
+ 30-60 Life
Additions like:
2Sox (will increase the price to almost a maximum), Str/Dex, Allres, Life/Mana, Single Res
will increase the price considerably.

+ 2 Assa/Trap Skills
+20 FCR / 30 FRW
+ 20 Str/Dex / Visionary
+ 30-60 Life
Adds like
2Sox (will increase the price to almost a maximum), Str/Dex, Allres, Life/Mana, Single Res, Life Replenish will increase the price considerably.+2 trap circs have to have really nice stats to compensate the loss of +2 assa.

FC / Non FC (only needed for Shapers) Druid
+2 Druid / +2 Dru/shape
20fcr / 30frw
20 dex / Visonary
50 life / 60life
Additions like:
single res,2sox (will increase the price to almost a maximum) , frw dex, str Attack Rating, res all life repl, mana res all, mana,
will increase the price considerably.

FC / Non FC Barb
(only needed for BvB):
+2 Barb / +2 Barb
20fcr / 10 str
Visionary (AR per Char LVL )
50 life / 20dex
additions like
single res, 2sox (will increase the price to almost a maximum) , Frw , str, Attack Rating, res all, life repl, mana , Life
will increase the price considerably.

Java / Bowa
2+ Ama / 2+ Ama
20fcr / 30frw ( a must!)
str/dex/life / 20dex
additions like
single res, 2sox (is nearly a must for amazon circs) , Frw , str, Attack Rating, res all, life repl, mana , Life
will increase the price considerably.


Everybody should know that there are 2 Types of Rings: Caster and Melee.

Now I will show you some Examples of Rings:

+10 FCR
5-15 dex/str
50-90Mana / 25-40 Life
4-9Life repl
5-30 CR/ (cold Resistance)
Wishable adds:
psn reduce, life repl ,res all, single res, ar, min/max dmg,etc

Bvc ring:
60+ ar
25+ life
50+ mana
x all res

10str / 20str
10dex / 15dex
30life / 40life
50mana / 90mana
50+ ar
Usefull Additions:
psn reduce, life repl ,res all, life, mana ,single res, ar, min/max dmg,etc


For Pvm Cold res is kinda useless so aim for Fire res, Light res, Psn res
Basically, Good
always look like:
FRW, FHR, DEX, Triple Res (prismatic) and all of those as high as possible (40 is max).

Now I will show you an Example of Good/Genius pair of
20frw / 30frw
10fhr / 10fhr
4life repl / 3-9dex
20-40 cold res
20-40 fire res
20-40 light res


For Casters/melee’s
Whether Melee or Caster you always need at least 3 Stats!
Note that on Jewels only 4 Stats are possible, if you take out Lightradius, AR,
Good additions for pvm is % dmg to undead & demons / ar% to undead/demons.

Example of a good Melee Jewel:
30ed / 30ed / 30ed
9str / 9str / 9str
9dex / 7fhr / 15max dmg
Example of a good Melee Jewel:
30ed / 30ed / 30ed
30def / 49ar / 11dmg goes to mana
9str / 8str / 9str
8dex / 9dex / 8dex
Example of a genius Caster Jewel:
7fhr / 7fhr / 10all res
9str / 8dex / 12dmg goes to mana
14mana / 15mana / 9str
15-req / 3life rep / 8ene
Example of a good Caster Jewel:
7fhr / 7fhr / 9str
8 str / 9str / 8dex
15mana / 4life repl / 15mana


Belts are only Wanted For Sorceress, Goldfinder, or BvB
The Basic Stats are: 17-24 FHR, 20-30STR, 50-60Life
Adds For Sorc: 10-20 Mana or Single Res
Adds For Goldfinder: 50-80 GF
Adds For BvB: Cold DMG and high DEF

Example for a Sorc/ GF Barb
24fhr / 10-30str
27str / 40-60life
55life / 60-80gf
15mana / 20-30 Fire res
20-30 ligh res
Example for a Good / Genius BvB
24fhr / 24fhr
29str / cold dmg
58life / 30str
ed% (high def) / 60life
- / high def


Rare Gloves are normally only usable for Bowa, Java and Smiter, because of the IAS on them.
Besides that Rare gloves aren’t really Good.

Example of good Bowa / Java Gloves:
2p&m / 2+java
20ias / 20ias
13str / 13dex
14dex / 15str
20fire res / 29coldres
Usable Adds:
life repl , mana , half freeze ,ar, single res etc; but these arent really needed in here
for pvm life leech and mana leech.

Example of Good / Genius Smiter Gloves:
20ias / 20ias
15str / 15str
14dex / 15dex


Rare Shields without 2 Sox are just Crap.
Therefore only take Shields with 2 sox and additions like:
a minimum of 10-17 FHR and 30/20 Deflection,
Prisma, LIFE, MANA, STR, DMG Goes to Mana,
HIGH ED, +2 Pala (
+ self repair ),

Example of a usable Rare Shield:
10-20res all
Example of a usable PALA Shield:
+2 pala/off/def/pc
35-45res all

The Staffs/Orbs for the Sorceress:

Orbs are only usable if they are rare since the others will be replaced by Runewords. 99% of the staffs are worthless.
Stats an Orb Should Have:
+5 to
Frozen Orb
Everything else would be Junk.

Example of a Good Rare Orb:
3fire ball/blizzard/
Frozen Orb
adds like:

2sox (very wanted), Life, Mana, Life repl, Energie,
Fire Mastery
Energy Shield

will increase the price alot.

These can also get sold/traded, a must is +5
+2 fire/sorc

+20 fcr
Fire Mastery


Druid Pelts:

Druid Pelts are a "must have" for every Ele Druid and many Shapers like to play with these against Casters because of the giant DMG Add they get of the +5-6 to specific Skills.

Example for a good rare Pelt:
+2 Druid Skills

adds like
1-3hurricane, 1-3
, 1-3 oak, life, psn reduce
will increase the price.
A really expensive Pelt would be like one with +5-6
, +10 base FHR, 10-40 Life, 2sox and maybe former adds

for Assassins:


Example for a good Trap Claw:
+2 assa
Lightning Sentry

20 IAS
2 sox
adds like
+1-2 Boni Skill(s), 10-40 ias
will increase the price


Example of a good WW Claw:
+1-2 assa/trap( not needed, but will increase the value a LOT)
+30-40 ias ( needed depends on base weapon)
Over 200% Ed
Fools mod or very high ed+ selfrepair
2 Open socket ( Would just make it godlier)
Other things to look for on a good WW sin claw:
Knockback - AMAZING, do not underestimate
Lightning Sentry
- this could help if you're dealing with a character that has high def/block% with no res in a duel.
Wake of Fire
- same thing as
Lightning Sentry
Weapon Block
- Is very good for dueling melees. This will only work if you're using two
Blade Shield
- Very good for fighting high damage melees.

Rare Weapons:

Most Important for Rare Weapons is a high ED over 250.
IAS is not always a must, it depends on the base of the weapon and the character using it.
You can have either a Foolsmod weapon with 2 sox or an ethereal self-repair. Everything else barely makes sense.
Additions Like +2 Skills, Max/Min DMG, Elemental DMG, or Dex/Str only makes the weapon more usefull and more valuable.
A good example would be:

Berserker Axe
/Phaseblade also some other weps (very wanted)

2sox (the price will explode), ar, max dmg, dex, etc. can increase the price alot!

Bows/ Javs:

For bows you should aim for:

adds like
2sox (the price will explode if ed is high), ar, max dmg, dex, ele dmg skills etc

For java / spears you should aim for:

300-450 ed
maybe fools mod
20-40 ias
min/max dmg
elemental dmg

Differenciating Good Crafted Items from Bad Crafted Items

Crafted Items are Special Items which you can only create with the
Horadric Cube
. They can turn out to be some of the best items in the game if you are lucky.

For Crafted Items there are several Recipes all containing a Magic Item, a Rune, a perfect Gem and a Magic, Rare or Unique Jewel.

Some stats are always on the crafted Item depending on the Recipes you used. Additionally you will have 1-4 random stats similar with the Stats of Rare Items, which you will find in the Affix List.

How good the additional Stats are always depends on 2 things:
1) The Character Level of the Crafting Character. The higher the Level The better The Stats!
2) The Item Level of the Magic Item being Crafted.
3)The item level is always the level of the Monster dropping it.
4)Gambled Items always have a ILevel of +/- 3 of the Gambling Characters Level
There is no other factors around which are important.

Here are the best craft recipes:


Gloves which are used by Amazons.
Ingredients: Magic Gloves +
+ Jool +
Perfect Sapphire

Example For Good Ama Gloves:
+2 P&M/JAVA/BOW Skills
Chance To cast Frostnova
+1-4 Random Stats From these Lists

Gloves which are used by Smiter.
Ingredients: Magic Gloves +
+ Jool +
Perfect Ruby

Example For Good
20 IAS (a muss)
10 crushing blow
10 str / 10 dex
1-3 Life Leech
10-20 Life
1-4 Stats From These Lists


These are usable by every Char.
Incredients: Magic
+ Jool +
Perfect Ruby

Example of Good Craft
30 frw
1-3 Lifeleech
20 Life
More Stats: 30 cold res, 10-20 to life, 30 light res, +5-10 Life Replenish , + 1-4 random stats from these Lists

Are Made for Sorceress and Necromancer:
Incredients: Magic
+ Jool +
Perfect Amethyst

Example for Good
Caster Boots
30 frw
60 mana
5% max mana
More Stats: 10mana regen, 25fire res , + 1-4 random stats from these Lists


Caster Belts.
Incredients: Magic
+ Jool +
Perfect Amethyst

Example for Good Caster Belts:
10 fcr
24 fhr
15 str
More Stats: 20life, +4-10% Mana regeneration, 30mana, + 1-4 random stats from these Lists

Belts Used for BvB (and maybe Melees ).
Incredients: Magic
+ Jool +
Perfect Ruby

Example for a Good BvB/Meelee
24 fhr
15 str
3 LL
More Stats: 80life, 5-10% Chance to open wounds, + 1-4 random stats from these Lists

This Sort of Amulets Are usable by every kind of char.
Incredients: Magic Amulet +
+ Jool +
Perfect Amethyst

Example For A Good Craft Amulett:
2 sorc
20 fcr
More Stats: +4-10% Manaregeneration, Life.

This Sort of Amulets Are usable for every kind of char.
Incredients: Magic Amulet +
+ Jool +
Perfect Ruby

Example For A Good Craft Amulett:
2+ barb
10 frw
10 fcr
More Stats: 80life, 1-4% Life Leech +1-4 random stats from these Lists


This Ring can be good for every Class.
Ingredients: Magic Ring + Jool +
Perfect Ruby

Example of a good
Blood Ring
10 fcr
1 LL
25 str
More Stats: 60life, 1-3% Life Leech, +1-5 Str +1-4 random stats from these Lists

Uniques Worth Keeping


Normal Uniques are only Usefull in the new start of the ladder.

But following Items are always worth keeping:
Goblin Toe
(good for
• Hotspurs (good for every char to stack the fire res)
(Good for LLD and dng HLD )
• Chanceguards (good for MF/GF chars)
(good for caster chars)
• Frostburns (good for ES Sorcs)
(good for MF Chars)
Crown of Thieves
ones high valuable if high rolled)
Gazes (non
for Mercenaries)
• Viper Magi
ones with high def can be worth alot when upped)
Guardian Angel
ones and upped are Gozu for merc/good for pala at beginning of the ladder, or for special maxblock sorc builds)
Black Hades
(with high defense and ethereal they can be worth alot)
• Lidless (Good for those who can’t afford better shields)
are always worth keeping.
• TGods and
always worth keeping

Also worth keeping:
• Ribcrackers
• Headstrikers
• Suicide Branches
All Elite Uniques are worth keeping in the first place. At the start of the Ladder you will see which will be still worth alot and which not.


All elite sets
Cleglaws (gloves)
Disciple (gloves)
Whistan shield
sanders (
Cowking (
Death (
Sigon set (gloves,
Hsarus set

Charms Worth Keeping

What you have to look for in a small charm is at least one of the following:
• 3%Faster Run/Walk (5frw was in 1.09)
• Life
• Mana
• Poison Damage
• All Res
• 9-11% Of ONE res( Example Lightning 11% )
• extra gold
• Max Dmg/Ar/Life charms ( ex. 3/20/20's [ 3 max dmg, 20 life, 20 ar dmg])
Examples of a charm worth keeping:
• 15-20 Life small charms
• 5% FHR small charms
• 3% FRW
• 5% All res
• 9-11% One res
• 100+ Poison damage over xx seconds
• 17 Mana
• 10 extra gold lil add
Charms you REALLY should keep:
• 20 Life, 15-17 mana. 20 life and 17mana charms are worth A LOT!!
• 5% FHR/ 15-17 mana.
• 10-20 life/ 3-5 All res
• 10-20 life/ 9-11% one res (fire,cold,light,psn)
• 300+ psn dmg scs
• 5fhr 3-5 res all
• 3frw 15+ar 15+life
• 3frw 9-11res(fire,cold,light,psn)
• 3/20/20
• 2/15/15+
• 7-10 eg 3-5res all
• 7-10 eg 1-3max dmg 10-20ar
Usefull additions on Grandcharm :

One to any type of skill level for any character. Some are worth more than others; some are worth nothing at all.

Examples of worthless skillers :
• Defensive aura GC
• Druid Summon gc
• Necro Curses gc
Examples of "usefull" but not great:
• Barb Everything
• Necro Summon
• Druid ShapeShifting
• Sin Masteries
• Zon Passive
• Paladin Offensive
Examples for very nice:
• Any sorceress
• Paladin Combat (most wanted)^^
• Necromancer Psn & Bone
• Ama java
• Druid elemental
• Sin Traps
Adds that makes Gc worthwhile and useful
• Str
• Dex
• Life
• Fhr
• GoldFind
• max dmg

Try to aim for:
• 7%FRW
• 5-6str
• 5-6dex
• Any life, 45 is perfect
• 12%fhr
• 20-40% Goldfind
Part 4 of the Ultimate Guide:

Magic Items Worth Keeping


Following Circlets are worth keeping:
• Jewelers (3Sox)
with FRW, life, dex, str, fc.
for example 3sox 30frw Excellent for Bowazon
• 3sox 100life Excellent for Bowazon
• 3sox 20fcr very nice for BvCer
• 3sox 20-30dex very good for Bowazon


Following Shields you should definitely keep:
• Jewelers
of deflecting (Jmod) is a very nice shield to look for it has 4sox 30/20 deflection mod
• all 4sox shields are worthwhile especially the pala shields with 4sox 30/20 5-45 res all ! can be worth a great deal if
Sacred Targe
30 20 4sox 45res all!
• all 30/20 deflection 3 sox shields with lvl req < 49 are useful for low pvp


Following Armors are always worth a lot
• Jewelers (4os) Armor with Life (80-100 life), Strength, Dex or Faster Hit Recovery.
they are allways usefull and worth something
very worthfull if dusk or mp and low lvl req (under 49)


Following Staffs are worth keeping:
• 5os for cta with: +X Chilling/
Shiver Armor
, +X
Energy Shield
- (also nice adds are
/thunderstorm but it just works if you skilled it!)
• 4os for Memory with +X Chilling/
Shiver Armor
, +X
Energy Shield
- (also nice adds are
/thunderstorm but it just works if you skilled it!)
(ethereal makes it much more worth with good stats!)

Paladin Shields

for Spirit, Dragon, Dream, Phoenix:
• 3-4sox 20+ res. 45 would be VERY nice to keep, because it would make an excellent


Those Shields are worth keeping/selling:
• 4os
shields are nice for making Spirits !
• 4os Pala shields with res all for spirits too
• Enhanced Defense + increased dura allways increase the value of the item


What you should AIM for on Wands:
• 2sox is a must be for White
• 1-3 bonespear/1-3Bonespirit
• usefull adds like golems/summons/curses
(Ethereal makes it much more worth with good stats!)

for Chaos or Fury

Look For these Stats:
• + 2-3to
Lightning Sentry
Wake of Inferno
, Venom, Claw Block,
Shadow Master
Try to get a GT (
Greater Talons
), everyone wants these.


Look for these ones:
• 15% Superior Dmg. Such as 15% ED all most of all elite weapons


Useful Armors:
• 3-4os for eni Dragon coh forty etc
Archon Plate
Mage Plate
/Dusk shrouds are all very good if found 3os
Used for Enigma (low str req, high defense. Try to aim for good ED on them, that will bring up their value a lot)

Power Levelling

Power Leveling is the act of leveling one's character in the quickest, most efficient manner possible. By knowing which locations give the most experience and the mechanics involved in gaining experience, players can level very quickly without cheating or exploiting bugs. These guidelines should be suitable for most classes and builds:

General Guidelines:

• Players should always try to accomplish these steps in full games since the amount of experience increases per player in the game.
• Asking a higher level character to help clear areas may be better if their speed makes up for the level penalty.
• Melee players may get their weapons (and mercenary's weapons) Enchanted by a Sorceress to provide a dps boost.
• Gain access to areas by having higher level characters share waypoints. Some areas will require the completion of quests to advance.
• Don't put yourself at risk of Death in Nightmare and Hell since the penalty on Death is 5% and 10% respectively. This is particularly important for Hardcore players as well, for obvious reasons.
• Hunt for Experience Shrines in different Acts (act 1 usually is the easiest) as you get 50% more experience while it is active, but be careful not to get too close to any monster that can curse you such as unique monsters with the "Cursed" status, Oblivion Knights, or
himself as curses override any active shrine bonus.


• Level 1 - 15: Repeatedly clear
• Level 15 - 24: Clear
Tal Rasha
's Tombs in the
Canyon of the Magi
• Level 24: Complete
Rite of Passage
• Level 25 - 40: Repeatedly clear the
Chaos Sanctuary
• Level 40: Complete
Rite of Passage
(nightmare difficulty).
• Level 41-60: Repeatedly clear the
Chaos Sanctuary
(nightmare difficulty).
• Level 60: Complete
Rite of Passage
(hell difficulty).
• Level 61-95: Repeatedly kill
(hell difficulty).
• Level 96-99: Advanced High leveling techniques[1] (hell difficulty).

Crafting Handbook

Fundamentals of Crafting

Level Terms
To keep track of the various levels involved, we will be making frequent use of these abbreviations,

alvl - affix level of the crafted item; see the Affix Level (alvl) section
Alvl - area level; relevant if using magic items from chests, racks etc. as craft supplies
clvl - character level, in this case the level of the character which is gambling, shopping, or crafting
ilvl - internal level of magic item; the "input item level"
Ilvl - internal level of crafted item; the "output item level"
mlvl - monster level; if using magic items from monsters as craft supplies, remember that ilvl = mlvl
qlvl - base item Quality Level: ... rmor.shtml
rlvl - required level; see the Required Level (rlvl) section

Crafted Items at the
Arreat Summit ... tems.shtml
Sufficient if you do not mind not knowing every single detail.

Craft Recipes
As of now there are 4 classes of crafted items, each containing 9 recipes (see the
Arreat Summit
Crafted Items page),

Magic Item (specific type) + Rune (specific) +
Perfect Sapphire
+ Jewel Hit Power Item (of the same type)

Magic Item (specific type) + Rune (specific) +
Perfect Ruby
+ Jewel Blood Item (of the same type)

Magic Item (specific type) + Rune (specific) +
Perfect Amethyst
+ Jewel Caster Item (of the same type)

Magic Item (specific type) + Rune (specific) +
Perfect Emerald
+ Jewel Safety Item (of the same type)

Listen very carefully; I shall say this only once,
• The properties of the Magic Item are LOST when the crafted item is generated.
• ANY Jewel works (magic, rare, unique) and the Jewel has NO impact on the result.
Ethereal (transparent) magic items will be turned into opaque (not transparent) crafted items, because the
Horadric Cube
is used to generate a completely new item.

Due to the plethora of rare, set, and unique items, and rune words, most craft recipes aren't worth the trouble. It is the fact that some desired modifiers can only spawn together on crafted items which makes them competitive. By virtue of possessing both fixed properties and random affixes (prefixes, suffixes), crafted items are able to get as much as 7 or 8 modifiers.

Popular Crafts
Caster Amulet

Safety Amulet

Blood Ring

Hit Power Gloves

Blood Gloves

Blood Belt

Caster Belt

Caster Boots

Seeing how the same concepts transfer to every other craft recipe, the remaining sections should enable you to work out how to craft efficiently, no matter the recipe.

Fixed Properties
A crafted item receives either 3 or 4 fixed properties, depending on and invariably set by the recipe, and spawning at one of the values listed, picked at random.

Random Affixes
On top of the fixed properties, a crafted item receives 1-4 random affixes, depending on Ilvl,
• Ilvls 1-30: 4 affixes (20 %), 3 affixes (20 %), 2 affixes (20 %), 1 affix (40 %)
• Ilvls 31-50: 4 affixes (20 %), 3 affixes (20 %), 2 affixes (60 %)
• Ilvls 51-70: 4 affixes (20 %), 3 affixes (80 %)
• Ilvls 71+: 4 affixes (100 %)
• The random affixes that spawn on crafted items are picked from the list of affixes available on rare items of the same type. Magic-only affixes cannot spawn.
Meaning, the affix generation rules for rare items transfer to crafted items: max 3 prefixes and max 3 suffixes from distinct affix groups. Thus, 4 affixes spawn as either 1/3, 2/2, or 3/1 prefixes/suffixes (never 0/4 or 4/0) and no two of these can belong in the same group. Usually not a serious restriction but nonetheless one worth remembering, as it explains what affix combinations we can possibly craft.

Some fixed properties and random affixes are two of a kind, perhaps with different values. Example: since a rare Amulet has +10 % FCR or none (there is only one FCR suffix for Amulets), a
Caster Amulet
with its fixed property: +5-10 % FCR will always have at least +5-10 % FCR and may get +15-20 % FCR. Other examples of stackable fixed properties and random affixes include: Life, Mana, Strength, and Dexterity. Hence, a
Caster Amulet
could get up to +110 to Mana (fixed property: +10-20 to Mana and up to +90 to Mana from the prefix, "Great Wyrm's").

The "output item level" (Ilvl)
You may have noticed how the
Arreat Summit
uses "ilvl" for both the magic and crafted item. Although the meaning should be clear to most of you, I cannot stress enough the importance of distinguishing between the two. They are different levels; the ilvl of the magic item to be crafted is used to calculate the Ilvl (capital I) of the crafted item,
Ilvl = int(clvl/2) + int(ilvl/2)

Evidently, clvl and ilvl are equally important when crafting. For those who are not familiar with the integer part,
int(n/2) = n/2 , if n is even
int(n/2) = (n-1)/2 , if n is odd

The above formula for the Ilvl is the backbone of crafting. Without knowing it, we would all be 'blindcrafting', not having the faintest idea if the desired affixes could spawn, or the resulting Ilvl is too low. Conversely, if the Ilvl is higher than necessary, we run the risk of rolling higher, potentially unwanted affixes which we might avoid if we had known what clvl and ilvl to use.

Required Level (rlvl)

The required level of an item is the minimum character level that may use it. For crafted items,
rlvl = rlvl_affix + 10 + 3*N ; capped at 98

where rlvl_affix is the highest levelreq amongst the random affixes that spawned, and N is the number of random affixes (1, 2, 3, or 4).

Example: a crafted Amulet with 4 random affixes and +2 to [class] skills having the highest levelreq (rlvl_affix = 67) will have rlvl = 67 + 10 + 3*4 = 89. Pre-1.11, certain charged affixes could force the rlvl beyond 99 (nice move, Blizzard); this was remedied in v1.11: if rlvl > 98, then rlvl = 98. Despite this, in certain cases the rlvl formula is still of some concern.

Affix Level (alvl)

When an item with affixes is generated, the game calculates the item's affix level (alvl), as described below. Then it looks up the affixes available for that item type and affix level. Every affix has a level, the minimum alvl which must be met by an item of the proper type to acquire that affix. Higher alvl ~ larger affix pool. For a crafted item, 1-4 affixes are picked according to Ilvl and affix generation rules. Due to differences in affix frequencies, some affixes are slightly more likely to spawn than others. Players who have installed
may find detailed information on every single affix in MagicPrefix.txt and MagicSuffix.txt.
•The affix level of a crafted item is of crucial importance, because it effectively determines the size of the affix pool.
When looking at affixes, we have to consider: level, levelreq, and group (it is impossible to get more than one affix from a given group).
Affix Level Calculation
IF(magiclvl > 0)

(1) THEN alvl = max{Ilvl,qlvl} + magiclvl

ELSE IF(max{Ilvl,qlvl} < 99 - int(qlvl/2))

(2) THEN alvl = max{Ilvl,qlvl} - int(qlvl/2)
(3) ELSE alvl = 2*max{Ilvl,qlvl} - 99

; Ilvl cannot exceed 98 (see the Ilvl formula) and alvl is capped at 99

Only Circlets, Sorceress Orbs, Staves, and Normal + Exceptional Wands have magiclvl > 0. However, there are no craft recipes for Circlets and Orbs, and rather few players would craft Staves or Wands, seeing as the unique versions and rune words are practically beyond competition.

Consult the
Arreat Summit
for qlvl (and magiclvl), ... lets.shtml ... rmor.shtml
Notice, Amulets and Rings have qlvl 1.

The Broad Picture
For a given base item (qlvl), alvl is effectively determined by Ilvl, which in turn is given by the previous formula: Ilvl = int(clvl/2) + int(ilvl/2). See Appendix for a compact Ilvl table based on gambling / shopping and crafting magic items. If we can find suitable clvl and ilvl so that the alvl is at least equal to the highest level amongst the affixes we desire, then we always have a chance of rolling that affix as well as any affixes with a lower level.

Crafting efficiently is thus a matter of using the affix level formulae to our advantage,
1. We pick a craft recipe and look up the qlvl(s).
2. For Staves and Wands (not Elite Wands), we use (1).
3. For other base items, we consider max{Ilvl,qlvl} < 99 - int(qlvl/2),
a ) Assuming this is true, from (2) we get the minimum Ilvl required for the desired alvl.
b ) Otherwise, we use (3) in a similar manner.
4. Turning to the Ilvl formula, we work out suitable values of clvl and ilvl.
Now, before we immerse ourselves in numbers and calculations, first some advice on gathering craft material ...

General Tips

Crafting is entirely straightforward if we do not care about the details, but without the requisite information at hand, it may just as well be a complete waste of resources. Since the odds of crafting what you want are usually quite low already, you could at least do yourself a favour by ensuring that bad luck is the only reason you have to craft repeatedly.

• Know what you want; which modifiers do you desire ? Check if they can possibly spawn on that type of item.
• Look up level, levelreq, and group for each affix. Google: Affixes for LoD-items Patch 1.11 (pick the first link).
• Always check that the Ilvl, and hence the alvl, of the craft will be sufficiently large to generate the higher level affix.
• Run the higher levelreq and number of random affixes in the rlvl formula if the required level is of any concern.
Alright, but where do we quickly gather magic items for crafting ? And how is the ilvl determined ?

Notice, only character level matters when gambling. Formally,
ilvl = clvl - 5 + rnd(10) ; capped below at 5 and above at 99

where rnd(10) returns a random integer from 0 to 9. Thus, the gambled ilvl ranges from clvl - 5 to clvl - 5 + 9 = clvl + 4. That being said, it pays to gamble in Hell, because the partial refund (up to 35 k Gold) is greater than in Normal (up to 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 k Gold, depending on Act) and Nightmare (up to 30 k Gold).

As opposed to gambling, the ilvl when shopping is not subject to random behaviour,
ilvl = clvl + 5 ; capped at 99, further restricted in Normal by Act (see the NPC Shopping Calculator)

Certain items cannot be shopped, notably Amulets and Rings. They must be either gambled or retrieved as item drops.

Vendor Discount
Gheed's Fortune
(Grand Charm), Ladder Only: Reduces All Vendor Prices 10-15 %
Edge ('TirTalAmn'), miss, Ladder Only: Reduces All Vendor Prices 15 %
Thus, a potential discount of 25-30 % when gambling or shopping.

Magic Item Drops
Relying on these as your only craft material is not recommended unless you cannot gamble or shop the base items (e.g. Amazon Javelins and Spears). Nor is this an instruction to throw away every magic item with junk properties just because the item type could be gambled or shopped. If the ilvl of a magic item drop is sufficiently high for crafting, then keep it for that purpose. As a quick reference,
• ilvl = mlvl (monster drops)
• ilvl = Alvl (chest drops)
• ilvl = Alvl - 1 (rack drops)
• mlvl = Alvl (regular monsters)
• mlvl = Alvl + 2 (champions, any kind)
• mlvl = Alvl + 3 (bosses and minions)
The mlvl-Alvl relations hold for Nightmare and Hell. Monsters in Normal difficulty use mlvls defined in MonStats.txt. Check the Diablo II Resources section of my profile for Area Levels.


Random Affixes (desired)
(P) "Great Wyrm's" (level 37, levelreq 29, group 115): +61-90 to Mana
(P) "Prismatic" (level 42, levelreq 31, group 116): All Resistances +16-20
(P) "
" (level 25, levelreq 18, group 117/118/119/120): Cold/Fire/Lightning/Poison Resist +31-40 %
(P) "[class dependent]" (level 90, levelreq 67, group 125): +2 to [class] Skill Levels / Skills
(S) "of the Apprentice" (level 5, levelreq 3, group 9): +10 % FCR
(S) "of Perfection" (level 59, levelreq 51, group 17): +16-20 to Dexterity
(S) "of the Colossus" (level 30, levelreq 22, group 26): +41-60 to Life
(S) "of Atlas" (level 71, levelreq 63, group 31): +21-30 to Strength

The highest level amongst these is 90 (+2 to [class] Skill Levels / Skills), so we have to ensure that alvl >= 90. From then on, crafting is purely a matter of luck; any Amulet affix with level 90 or less is able to spawn (which is, in fact, any Amulet affix) and there is no way we can rule out lower affixes.

Optimised Crafting
Amulets have qlvl 1, implying max{Ilvl,qlvl} = Ilvl. So, if Ilvl < 99 - int(1/2) = 99, we use (2). Since this is always the case (Ilvl cannot exceed 98), we get alvl = Ilvl. Thus, we need at least Ilvl 90,

int(clvl/2) + int(ilvl/2) >= 90.

Gambling is the quickest. Now, ilvl = clvl - 5 + rnd(10). Here, we pick the worst case scenario: ilvl = clvl - 5 and plug this into the above condition,
int(clvl/2) + int((clvl - 5)/2) >= 90

yielding clvl >= 93 (check it !). So, the conclusion is,

Use a character of at least level 93 to gamble and craft Amulets - then every Amulet has a chance to get +2 to [class] Skill Levels / Skills.

Because 93 - 5 = 88, any ilvl 88+ Amulet will suffice. That is, magic Amulets dropped from bosses and minions in Alvl 85 or from Hell Diablo,
, and
work as well.

How about the rlvl ? We know it will be 89 if +2 to [class] Skill Levels / Skills is the affix having the highest levelreq (67). However, there are two Amulet suffixes with levelreq > 67, viz, "of the Lamprey" (levelreq 73): 6 % Life Stolen Per Hit, and "of
Bone Spirit
" (levelreq 72): Level 1
Bone Spirit
charges. Due to these, we may occasionally be looking at rlvl 95 or rlvl 94.


Random Affixes (desired)
(P) "Platinum" (level 22, levelreq 16, group 110): +101-120 to AR
(P) "Great Wyrm's" (level 37, levelreq 29, group 115): +61-90 to Mana
(P) "Rainbow" (level 56, levelreq 48, group 116): All Resistances +8-11
(P) "Cobalt/Garnet/Coral/Jade" (level 18, levelreq 13, group 117/118/119/120): Cold/Fire/Lightning/Poison Resist +21-30 %
(S) "of the Apprentice" (level 5, levelreq 3, group 9): +10 % FCR
(S) "of Precision" (level 56, levelreq 48, group 17): +10-15 to Dexterity
(S) "of the Mammoth" (level 68, levelreq 60, group 26): +31-40 to Life
(S) "of the Lamprey" (level 77, levelreq 65, group 27): 7-8 % Life Stolen Per Hit
(S) "of the
" (level 86, levelreq 74, group 28): 6 % Mana Stolen Per Hit
(S) "of the Titan" (level 74, levelreq 66, group 31): +16-20 to Strength

Although the highest level is 86 (6 % Mana Stolen Per Hit), we do not necessarily want to push the alvl that far, seeing how it may result in rlvl 96 (74 + 10 + 3*4). In order to circumvent this and still be able to roll the other affixes, our target alvl should be at least 77 and at most 85.

Optimised Crafting
Rings have qlvl 1, just like Amulets. Thus, we need at least Ilvl 77 and at most Ilvl 85,

76 < int(clvl/2) + int(ilvl/2) < 86

Again, the efficient approach is Gambling. However, with the addition of an upper bound (Ilvl < 86), this time we cannot just pick ilvl = clvl - 5 and be content with that. We must check the other extreme as well: ilvl = clvl + 4,
76 < int(clvl/2) + int((clvl - 5)/2) < 86
76 < int(clvl/2) + int((clvl + 4)/2) < 86

Solving these simultaneously yields 79 < clvl < 84. That is,

Whenever rlvl 96 is of any concern, use a level 80-83 character to gamble and craft Rings.

Conversely, if we want every Ring to have a chance of acquiring 6 % Mana Stolen Per Hit, we should use a character of at least level 89, in which case we might occasionally be looking at rlvl 96. If we use a level 80-83 character to gamble and craft, then at most rlvl 88 ("of the Titan": levelreq = 66).


Random Affixes (desired, unwanted)
(P) "Cobalt/Garnet/Coral/Jade" (level 18, levelreq 13, group 117/118/119/120): Cold/Fire/Lightning/Poison Resist +21-30 %
(P) "Bowyer's/Gymnastic/Spearmaiden's" (level 40, levelreq 30, group 125): +2 to Bow and
/Passive and Magic/
Skills (Amazon Only)
(S) "of Alacrity" (level 43, levelreq 35, group 7): +20 % IAS
(S) "of Precision" (level 56, levelreq 48, group 17): +10-15 to Dexterity
(S) "of the Giant" (level 59, levelreq 51, group 31): +10-15 to Strength

(S) "of
" (level 24, levelreq 24, group 44): Level 5

(S) "of
Power Strike
" (level 55, levelreq 47, group 44): Level 4
Power Strike
(S) "of
Multiple Shot
" (level 63, levelreq 55, group 44): Level 4
Multiple Shot
(S) "of
Charged Strike
" (level 68, levelreq 60, group 44): Level 3
Charged Strike
(S) "of
Freezing Arrow
" (level 94, levelreq 86, group 44): Level 2
Freezing Arrow

Note that we cannot rule out the 6 charged suffixes with level < 59, because we want a chance to hit the suffix, "of the Giant". But we will try to freeze out as many of the 7 higher charged suffixes as possible. The charged suffixes available on gloves are basically useless and the highest ones increase the rlvl a LOT. You will probably not be pleased with your 'kick-ass' crafted gloves if they require level 98.

Looking at the above values, our initial target alvl would be at least 59 and at most 62.

To further complicate matters,
Hit Power Gloves
Blood Gloves
require different base items (the other glove recipes are rarely used and thus ignored here). Due to differences in qlvl, what applies to one type of gloves does not necessarily apply to the rest. We are forced to examine each in turn.

Hit Power Gloves

Chain Gloves
(qlvl 12),
Heavy Bracers
(qlvl 43),
(qlvl 69). In each case, we consider max{Ilvl,qlvl} < 99 - int(qlvl/2).

Chain Gloves

max{Ilvl,12} < 99 - int(12/2) = 93 <=> Ilvl < 93. Suppose this is the case. From (2), 58 < max{Ilvl,12} - 6 < 63 <=> 64 < Ilvl < 69. Notice the problem here; Ilvls 51-70: 4 affixes (20 %), 3 affixes (80 %). Only every 5th pair of gloves would get 4 affixes, on average. Since we want 4 affixes, we have to compromise. Ilvl 71-73 (alvl 65-67) would guarantee 4 affixes and still eliminate 6 of the 7 higher charged suffixes (only "of
Multiple Shot
" has 59 < level < 68). Plugging this into the Ilvl formula,

70 < int(clvl/2) + int(ilvl/2) < 74

Similar to the restriction imposed on the Rings, but now the Ilvl range is thrice as narrow. If we gamble, ilvl = clvl - 5 yields 73 < clvl < 77, whereas ilvl = clvl + 4 yields 69 < clvl < 72. No single clvl is able to cover both extremes. But we have another option: Shopping. This would fix the ilvl at clvl + 5 and hence,
70 < int(clvl/2) + int((clvl + 5)/2) < 74

from which 68 < clvl < 72. Use the NPC Shopping Calculator to get a suitable vendor selling
Chain Gloves

Heavy Bracers

max{Ilvl,43} < 99 - int(43/2) = 78 <=> Ilvl < 78. Suppose this is true. Then, from (2), 58 < max{Ilvl,43} - 21 < 63 <=> 79 < Ilvl < 84, contradicting Ilvl < 78. So, we must have Ilvl >= 78 and from (3), 58 < 2*max{Ilvl,43} - 99 < 63 <=> 78 < Ilvl < 81. Plugging this into the Ilvl formula and assuming we shop the gloves,
78 < int(clvl/2) + int((clvl + 5)/2) < 81

yielding 76 < clvl < 79. Use the NPC Shopping Calculator to determine who can sell
Heavy Bracers


Cannot be shopped, so we skip the calculations. Good luck gambling
, or getting them to drop, with the proper ilvl, quickly enough to compete with the other types.

Blood Gloves

Heavy Gloves
(qlvl 7),
Sharkskin Gloves
(qlvl 39),
Vampirebone Gloves
(qlvl 63). Same procedure as last recipe, Darling ? Same procedure as every recipe, n00b.

Heavy Gloves

70 < Ilvl < 75 (67 < alvl < 72; only the 4 highest charged suffixes (level 72+) frozen out). Shopping
Heavy Gloves
, 68 < clvl < 73.

Sharkskin Gloves

77 < Ilvl < 80 (58 < alvl < 61; the 7 highest charged suffixes (level 61+) frozen out). Shopping
Sharkskin Gloves
, 75 < clvl < 78.

Vampirebone Gloves

cannot be shopped.


Use a level 69-71 character to shop
Chain Gloves
and craft them, using the
Hit Power Gloves

Use a level 77-78 character to shop
Heavy Bracers
and craft them, using the
Hit Power Gloves

Use a level 69-72 character to shop
Heavy Gloves
and craft them, using the
Blood Gloves

Use a level 76-77 character to shop
Sharkskin Gloves
and craft them, using the
Blood Gloves

Chain Gloves
will have at most rlvl 77 ("of
Multiple Shot
": levelreq = 55) while freezing out the 6 highest charged suffixes. Both
Heavy Bracers
Sharkskin Gloves
are unable to get any of the 7 highest charged suffixes and should thus not exceed rlvl 73 ("of the Giant": levelreq = 51). And the
Heavy Gloves
, blocking the 4 highest charged suffixes from spawning, are limited to no more than rlvl 83 ("of
Exploding Arrow
": levelreq = 61).


Random Affixes (desired)
(P) "Serpent's" (level 14, levelreq 10, group 115): +11-20 to Mana
(P) "Cobalt/Garnet/Coral/Jade" (level 18, levelreq 13, group 117/118/119/120): Cold/Fire/Lightning/Poison Resist +21-30 %
(S) "of Stability" (level 18, levelreq 13, group 18): +24 % FHR
(S) "of the Colossus" (level 30, levelreq 22, group 26): +41-60 to Life
(S) "of Atlas" (level 71, levelreq 63, group 31): +21-30 to Strength

Highest amongst these: level 71, so we need at least alvl 71 when crafting. Only
Blood Belt
Caster Belt
will be covered here; the other
recipes are rarely used. In want of brevity, we head straight to the results.

Blood Belt

(qlvl 12),
Mesh Belt
(qlvl 43) and
Mithril Coil
(qlvl 75).

Caster Belt

Light Belt
(qlvl 7),
Sharkskin Belt
(qlvl 39) and
Vampirefang Belt
(qlvl 68).

Maximum efficiency and to avoid having to use multiple characters,

Use a character of at least level 88 to gamble or shop the above belts and craft them, using the
Blood Belt
Caster Belt

Gamble in Hell or use the NPC Shopping Calculator to work out which vendors can sell
Mesh Belt
Light Belt
, and
Sharkskin Belt
, respectively.
Mithril Coil
Vampirefang Belt
cannot be shopped.

At most rlvl 85 ("of Atlas": levelreq = 63).


Random Affixes (desired)
(P) "Dragon's" (level 52, levelreq 39, group 115): +31-40 to Mana
(P) "
" (level 25, levelreq 18, group 117/118/119/120): Cold/Fire/Lightning/Poison Resist +31-40 %
(S) "of Accuracy" (level 46, levelreq 38, group 17): +6-9 to Dexterity
(S) "of Balance" (level 5, levelreq 3, group 18): +10 % FHR
(S) "of Regeneration" (level 70, levelreq 52, group 19): Replenish Life +3-5
(S) "of Speed" (level 37, levelreq 29, group 35): +30 % FR/W

Although most of the above boot affixes are desired regardless, we are mainly concerned with the popular
Caster Boots
, hence the inclusion of the "Dragon's" prefix. Again, leaving out the calculations.

Caster Boots

(qlvl 3),
Demonhide Boots
(qlvl 36),
Wyrmhide Boots
(qlvl 60).

Maximum efficiency and to avoid having to use multiple characters,

Use a character of at least level 88 to gamble or shop the above
and craft them, using the
Caster Boots

Adjust the character level accordingly if you prefer not rolling the suffix, "of Regeneration". By now, you should know how to achieve this.

At most rlvl 74 ("of Regeneration": levelreq = 52).

Runewords List

Rune Word recipes for the v1.09 patch.

Item Name
Required Runes
Required Character Level Item Type
Sockets Attributes


Character Level: 21 Shields
3 sockets +50% Enhanced Defense
+48% Resistance to Fire, Lightning, Poison
+43% Resistance to Cold
10% of Damage goes to Mana


Character Level: 35 Clubs, Hammers, Maces
3 sockets +120% to Enhanced Defense
40% Chance of Crushing Blow
+200 to Attack Rating
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage for 3 seconds
+10 to Vitality
15% increased Attack Speed
Magic Damage Reduced by 2
Level 4
Corpse Explosion
(12 charges)


Character Level: 65 Melee Weapons
3 sockets +209% Enhanced Damage
40% Increased Attack Speed
Prevent Monster Heal
66% Chance of Open Wounds
33% Chance of Deadly Strike
-25% Target Defense
20% to Attack Rating
6% Life stolen per hit
Ignores Targets Defense
+5 to
(Barbarian only)

Holy Thunder

Character Level: 21 Scepters
4 sockets +60% Enhanced Damage
-25% Target Defense
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
Adds 21-110 Lightning Damage
+75 Poison Damage for 5 seconds
+10 to Maximum Damage
+60% Lightning Resistance
+5 to Maximum Lightning Resistance
+3 to
Holy Shock
(Paladin only)
Level 7
Chain Lightning
(60 charges)


Character Level: 27 Melee Weapons
5 sockets +160% Enhanced Damage
+9 to minimum Damage
+9 to maximum Damage
25% Deadly Strike
+250 to Attack Rating
+1 to All Skills
7% Life Stolen per hit
+10 Replenish Life
+10 to Strength
+1 to Light Radius
+2 to Mana per Kill

King's Grace

Character Level: 25 Swords, Scepters
3 sockets +100% Enhanced Damage
+100% Damage against Demons
+50% Damage against Undead
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage for 3 seconds
+150 to Attack Rating
+100 to Attack Rating against Demons
+100 to Attack Rating against Undead
7% Life Stolen per hit


Character Level: 19 Staves (not Orbs)
2 sockets Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
+3 to Fire Skills
+3 to
Fire Bolt
(Sorceress only)
+3 to
(Sorceress only)
+3 to
(Sorceress only)
+ 2 to Mana per kill
+ 2 per character level to Defense
+33% Cold Resist


Character Level: 41 Body Armor
3 sockets +20% Enhanced Damage
-15% to Requirements
+25 to Strength
+10 to Energy
+20 to Vitality
+15 to Dexterity
+50 to Life
+30% to All Resistances


Character Level: 27 Helms
2 sockets +1 to All Skill Levels
+10 to Energy
+2 to Mana per Kill
+30% Lightning Resist
Damage reduced by 7
+2 to Light Radius


Character Level: 15 Melee Weapons
3 sockets +33% Enhanced Damage
+9 to maximum Damage
100% chance of Open Wounds
-25% Target Defense
-100 Monster Defense per hit
Prevent Monster Heal
+50 to Attack Rating
-5 Drain Life


Character Level: 39 Missile Weapons
3 sockets +50% Enhanced Damage
300% Damage against Undead
+3 to Bow and
Skills (Amazon only)
+3 to
Critical Strike
(Amazon only)
+3 to
(Amazon only)
+3 to
Slow Missiles
(Amazon only)
20% increased Attack Speed
+10 to Dexterity


Character Level: 37 Staves (not Orbs)
4 sockets +3 to Sorceress Skills
33% Faster Cast rate
20% increased maximum Mana
Energy Shield
(Sorceress only)
Static Field
(Sorceress only)
+10 to Energy
+10 to Vitality
+9 to minimum Damage
-25% Target Defense
Magic Damage reduced by 7
+50% Enhanced Defense


Character Level: 13 Helms
2 sockets +50% Enhanced Defense
+10 to Defense
+30 Defense against Missile
Level 13
Cloak of Shadows
(9 charges)
+2 Mana per kill
+5 to Strength
-33% extra gold from Monsters
-3 to Light Radius


Character Level: 27 Helms
3 sockets +75% Enhanced Defense
+30 Defense against Missiles
+10 to Energy
+10 to Vitality
15% Damage goes to Mana
Magic Damage reduced by 3
+33 to Mana
Damage reduced by 7
+5 to Light Radius


Character Level: 29 Shields
2 sockets 20% increased chance of Blocking
40% faster Block Rate
+25 to All Resistances
15% Regenerate Mana
Cannot be Frozen
50% extra Gold from Monsters
25% better chance of getting Magic Items


Character Level: 55 Weapons
6 sockets 200% Enhanced Damage
+75% Damage against Undead
-20% Requirements
20% increased Attack Speed
+50 to Attack Rating against Undead
+2 to all Skill Levels
+75 to All Resistances
20% Faster Hit Recoverty
11% Mana stolen per Hit
25% Hit Causes Monster to Flee
+33 Hit Blinds Target
+2 to Mana per Kill
30% better chance of getting Magic Items


Character Level: 37 Body Armor
2 sockets +75% Enhanced Defense
+280 Defense against Missiles
+50 to All Resistances
20% Faster Hit Recovery
Level 6
(18 charges)
+10 to Energy
-1 to Light Radius


Character Level: 17 Body Armor
2 sockets Magic Damage reduced by 3
+6 to Dexterity
+15 to maximum Stamina
+30% Poison Resist
15% Regenerate Mana
25% Faster run/walk
25% Faster Cast Rate
25% Faster Hit Recovery


Character Level: 13 Swords, Axes, Maces
2 sockets 20% Enhanced Damage
+3 to minimum Damage
+3 to maximum Damage
+50 to Attack Rating
50% chance of Open Wounds
25% Increased Attack Speed
+2 to Mana per Kill
+1 to Light Radius
Note for Steel Runeword
Maces doesn't mean all
class weapons. When a
is called for in a Runeword recipe, you can use a
Morning Star
and Exceptional/Elite versions only.


Character Level: 25 Melee Weapons
2 sockets 35% Enhanced Damage
25% chance of Crushing Blow
7% Life stolen per Hit
+2 to Mana per Kill
+20 to Strength
+10 to Vitality


Character Level: 49 Weapons
3 sockets 25% Hit Causes Monsters to Flee
Prevent Monster Heal
Ignore Target's Defense
7% Mana Steal per hit
Level 15
Poison Explosion
(27 charges)
Level 13
Poison Nova
(11 charges)
+273 Poison Damage for 6 seconds


Character Level: 43 Body Armor
3 sockets 300% extra Gold from Monsters
100% better chance of getting Magic Items
+2 to Mana per Kill
+10 to Dexterity


Character Level: 35 Wands
2 sockets 25% Hit causes Monsters to Flee
+10 to Vitality
+3 to Poison and Bone Skills (Necromancer only)
+3 to
Bone Armor
(Necromancer only)
+2 to
Bone Spear
(Necromancer only)
+4 to
Skeleton Mastery
(Necromancer only)
Magic Damage reduced by 4
20% Faster Cast Rate
+13 to Mana


Character Level: 21 Missile Weapons
2 sockets +33% Enhanced Damage
+66 to Attack Rating
Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
-25% Target Defense
+25 Defense
25% Faster run/walk
25% Increased Attack Speed
7% chance to cast level 1
when hit

Rune Word Recipes added with the v1.10 patch.
Item Name
Required Runes
Required Character Level Item Type
Sockets Attributes


Character Level: 49 Axes, Scepters, Hammers
5 sockets Level 9
Aura When Equipped
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+240-270% Enhanced Damage
20% Chance of Crushing Blow
25% Chance of Open Wounds
+3 To

+3 To

Prevent Monster Heal
+25-40 To Strength
+10 To Energy
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
5 Charges Level 13
Summon Grizzly


Character Level: 61 Body Armor
4 sockets Level 15-21
Aura When Equipped
+50% Faster Hit Recovery
+25-50% To Poison Skill Damage
+300 Defense
+5% Increased Maximum Mana
+15% Regenerate Mana
+5% To Maximum Cold Resist
+30% Fire Resist
+100% Poison Resist
+13 Life After Each Kill
33 Charges Level 13
Spirit of Barbs

Breath of the Dying

Character Level: 69 Weapons
6 sockets 50% Chance To Cast Level 20
Poison Nova
When You Kill An Enemy
+60% Increased Attack Speed
+350-400% Enhanced Damage
+200% Damage To Undead
-25% Target Defense
+50 To Attack Rating
+50 To Attack Rating Against Undead
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
12-15% Life Stolen Per Hit
Prevent Monster Heal
+30 To All Attributes
+1 To Light Radius
-20% Requirements

Call To Arms

Character Level: 51 Weapons
5 sockets +1 To All Skills
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+250-290% Enhanced Damage
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
+2-6 To
Battle Command

+1-6 To
Battle Orders

+1-4 To
Battle Cry

Prevent Monster Heal
+12 Replenish Life
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Note for Call To Arms Runeword
Barbarians are capped at +3 to the skills
Battle Command
Battle Orders
Battle Cry

Chains of Honor

Character Level: 63 Body Armor
4 sockets +2 To All Skills
+200% Damage To Demons
+100% Damage To Undead
8% Life Stolen Per Hit
+70% Enhanced Defense
+20 To Strength
+7 to Replenish Life
+65 to all Resistances
Damage Reduced By 8%
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items


Character Level: 57

3 sockets 9% Chance To Cast Level 11
Frozen Orb
On Striking
11% Chance To Cast Level 9
Charged Bolt
On Striking
+35% Increased Attacked Speed
+290-340% Enhanced Damage
Adds 216-471 Magic Damage
25% Chance of Open Wounds
+1 To

+10 To Strength
+15 Life After Each Demon Kill

Crescent Moon


Character Level: 47 Axes, Swords, Polearms
3 sockets 10% Chance To Cast Level 17
Chain Lightning
On Striking
7% Chance To Cast Level 13
Static Field
On Striking
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+180-220% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
-35% To Enemy Lightning Resistance
25% Chance of Open Wounds
+9-11 Magic Absorb
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
30 Charges Level 18
Summon Spirit Wolf


Character Level: 51 Helms
3 sockets 1% Chance To Cast Level 50 Delirium When Struck
6% Chance To Cast Level 14
Mind Blast
When Struck
14% Chance To Cast Level 13
When Struck
11% Chance To Cast Level 18
On Striking
+2 To All Skills
+261 Defense
+10 To Vitality
50% Extra Gold From Monsters
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
60 Charges Level 17

Note for Delirium Runeword
This ability morphs your character into a
Bone Fetish
for about 1 minute. Once morphed, you can do normal attacks in the form of a headbutt.


Character Level: 67 Axes, Polearms, Hammers
5 sockets 5% Chance To Cast Level 18
On Striking
Level 12
Holy Freeze
Aura When Equipped
+2 To All Skills
+45% Increased Attack Speed
+330-370% Enhanced Damage
-40-60% To Enemy Cold Resistance
20% Deadly Strike
25% Chance of Open Wounds
Prevent Monster Heal
+3 Freezes Target
-20% Requirements


Character Level: ? Body Armor
3 sockets +40% Faster Hit Recovery
+10-20% Enhanced Damage
+37-133 Cold Damage over 2 seconds
15% chance of Crushing Blow
33% chance of Open Wounds
+150-200% Enhanced Defense
-20% slower Stamina Drain
+45% Cold Resist
+15% Lightning Resist
+15% Fire Resist
+15% Poison Resist


Character Level: 65 Body Armor
3 sockets +2 To All Skills
+45% Faster Run/Walk
+1 To

+750-775 Defense
+ (0.75 Per Character Level) To Strength
Increase Maximum Life 5%
Damage Reduced By 8%
+14 Life After Each Kill
15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
+ (1 Per Character Level) Better Chance of Getting Magic Items


Character Level: 63 Melee Weapons
5 sockets Indestructible
+260-310% Enhanced Damage
+9 To Minimum Damage
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
20% Chance of Crushing Blow
Hit Blinds Target
Slows Target By 33%
+16 Replenish Life
16% Replenish Mana
Cannot Be Frozen
30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
88 Charges Level 8


Character Level: 57 Paladin Shields (only)
4 sockets 15% Chance To Cast Level 5
Life Tap
On Striking
Level 13-16
Aura When Equipped
+2 To Offensive Auras (Paladin Only)
+30% Faster Block Rate
Freezes Target
+220-260% Enhanced Defense
+7 Replenish Life
+5% To Maximum Cold Resist
+5% To Maximum Fire Resist
25% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
Repairs 1 Durability in 4 Seconds


Character Level: 65 Axes, Hammers
4 sockets +30% Increased Attack Speed
+320-370% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
Adds 180-200 Magic Damage
Adds 50-200 Fire Damage
Adds 51-250 Lightning Damage
Adds 50-200 Cold Damage
12% Life Stolen Per Hit
Prevent Monster Heal
+10 To Strength


Character Level: 47 Body Armor
3 sockets 15% Chance To Cast Level 3
Dim Vision
When Struck
+10% Faster Hit Recovery
+200-260% Enhanced Defense
+10 To Strength
+45 to all Resistances
Half Freeze Duration
5% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
-3 To Light Radius

Hand of Justice

Character Level: 67 Weapons
4 sockets 100% Chance To Cast Level 36
When You Level-Up
100% Chance To Cast Level 48
When You Die
Level 16
Holy Fire
Aura When Equipped
+33% Increased Attack Speed
+280-330% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
-20% To Enemy Fire Resistance
20% Deadly Strike
Hit Blinds Target
+3 Freezes Target

Heart of the Oak

Character Level: 55 Staves, Maces
4 sockets +3 To All Skills
+40% Faster Cast Rate
+75% Damage To Demons
+100 To Attack Rating Against Demons
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage for 3 seconds
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+10 To Dexterity
+20 Replenish Life
15% Increased Maximum Mana
+30-40 to all Resistances
25 Charges Level 4
Oak Sage

60 Charges Level 14

Note for Heart of the Oak Runeword
Maces doesn't mean all
class weapons. When a
is called for in a Runeword recipe, you can use a
Morning Star
and Exceptional/Elite versions only.


Character Level: 53 Swords, Axes
4 sockets +30% Increased Attack Speed
+230-270% Enhanced Damage
-25% Target Defense
20% Bonus To Attack Rating
33% Chance of Crushing Blow
50% Chance of Open Wounds
+1 To

Prevent Monster Heal
+10 To Strength
40% Extra Gold From Monsters


Character Level: 43 Weapons
4 sockets +25% Increased Attack Speed
+160-210% Enhanced Damage
50-80% Bonus To Attack Rating
+75% Damage To Undead
+50 To Attack Rating Against Undead
Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
+1 To

+1 To

+10 Hit Blinds Target
25% Hit Causes Monster To Flee
75% Extra Gold From Monsters
12 Charges Level 3
Heart of Wolverine

+ Tirl
Character Level: ? Body Armor
2 sockets +25% Faster Hit Recovery
+140-170% Enhanced Defense
+25-35 to all Resistances
Damage reduced by 3
Magic damage reduced by 17
+2 to Mana after each kill
+1 to Light Radius
Repairs 1 Durability in 4 seconds


Character Level: 49 Shields
3 sockets +20% Faster Hit Recovery
+20% Faster Block Rate
20% Increased Chance of Blocking
+130-160% Enhanced Defense
+250 Defense vs. Missile
+20 To Dexterity
+50-70 to all Resistances
Magic Damage Reduced By 7
60 Charges Level 12
Slow Missiles


Character Level: ? Shields
2 sockets +1 to all Skills
+10% Faster Cast Rate
+20% Faster Block Rate
+60-100% Enhanced Defense
+10 to Energy
15% Regenerate Mana
50% extra Gold from Monsters
20% better chance of getting Magic items
+3 to Light Radius


Character Level: 47 Body Armor
4 sockets +60% Faster Hit Recovery
+250-290% Enhanced Defense
+300 Defense Vs. Missile
+16 To Strength
+16 To Vitality
+10 To Energy
+15 to all Resistances
80 Charges Level 16
Molten Boulder

16 Charges Level 16
Clay Golem


Character Level: ? Melee Weapons Armor
2 sockets 10% chance to cast level 9
on striking
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+15% Faster Hit Recovery
+120-160% Enhanced Damage
-50% Target Defense
+50 to Attack Rating
Hit Blinds Target
+1 to Light Radius
127 Charges Level 13

Rune Word Recipes added with the v1.10 patch -- realms LADDER GAMES ONLY. These runewords will not work for single or open characters or non-ladder characters.
Item Name
Required Runes
Required Character Level Item Type
Sockets Attributes


Character Level: ?? Missile Weapons
4 sockets 35% Chance to cast level 14
Amplify Damage
when struck
100% Chance to cast level 18
Bone Spear
on striking
Fires Explosive

+260-340% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
20% bonus to Attack Rating
+280-330% Damage to Demons
20% Deadly Strike
Prevent Monster Heal
Fires explosive


Character Level: ?? Swords, Axes
5 sockets 100% chance to cast level 44
Chain Lightning
when you die
25% chance to cast level 18
Glacial Spike
on attack
+300-385% Enhanced Damage
20% bonus to Attack Rating
+50 to Attack Rating
Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
7% Mana stolen per hit
50% chance of Crushing Blow
+0.5 per character level to Deadly Strike
+1 to Light Radius
15 charges level 22
Blood Golem

-20% Requirements


Character Level: ?? Polearms, Swords
5 sockets 23% chance to cast level 12
on striking
5% chance to cast level 23
Molten Boulder
on striking
100% chance to cast level 45
when you die
15% chance to cast level 22
on attack
+350% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
Adds 100-180 Magic Damage
7% Mana stolen per hit
20% chance of Crushing Blow
20% Deadly Strike
Prevent Monster Heal
+10 to Dexterity


Character Level: ?? Body Armor, Shield
3 sockets 20% chance to cast level 18 Venom when struck
12% chance to cast level 15
on striking
Level 14
Holy Fire
Aura when equipped
+360 to Defense
+230 Defense against missiles
+3-5 to all Attributes
+0.375 per character level to Strength
5% increased maximum Mana
+5% maximum Lightning Resist
Damage reduced by 7


Character Level: ?? Helms, Shields
3 sockets 10% chance to cast level 15
when struck
Level 15
Holy Shock
aura when equipped
+20-30% Faster Hit Recovery
+30% Enhanced Defense
+150-220 Defense
+10 to Vitality
5% increased maximum Life
+0.625 per character level to Mana
+5-20 to All Resistances
15-25% better chance of getting Magic Items


Character Level: 39 Missile Weapons
3 sockets Level 15
aura when equipped
35% increased Attack Speed
+320-380% damage to Demons
+280% damage to Undead
+75 Poison Damage for 5 seconds
7% Life stolen per hit
Prevent Monster Heal
+5-10 to all Attributes
+2 to Mana after each kill
All Vendor Prices Reduced 15%
confirmed by Frank.


Character Level: ?? Missile Weapons
4 sockets Level 12-15
aura when equipped
+1-2 to all Skills
+330% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
300% bonus to Attack Rating
+75% Damage to Undead
+50 to Attack Rating against Undead
+120 Fire Damage
+15 to all Resistances
10% Reaminate as Returned
75% extra Gold from Monsters


Character Level: 59 Weapons, Body Armor
4 sockets Weapons
20% chance to cast level 15
Chilling Armor
when struck
+25% Faster Cast Rate
+300% Enhanced Damage
+200% Enhanced Defense
+9 to minimum Damage
+50 to Attack Rating
20% Deadly Strike
25% hit causes monsters to flee
+20-30 to all Resistances
12% Damage taken goes to Mana
+1 to Light Radius

Body Armor
20% chance to cast level 15
Chilling Armor
when struck
+25% Faster Cast Rate
+300% Enhanced Damage
+200% Enhanced Defense
+15 Defense
+1-99 per character level to Life
+7 Replenish Life
+5% to maximum Lightning Resistance
+20-30 to all Resistances
Damage reduced by 7
12% Damage taken goes to Mana
+1 to Light Radius


Character Level: ?? Swords, Axes
5 sockets 35% chance to cast level 15 Venom on striking
+30-40% Increased Attack Speed
+340-400 to Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
-25% Target Defense
+1.875 per character level to Damage to Demons
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
-20-25% to enemy Poison Resistance
20% Deadly Strike
Prevent Monster Heal
+2 to Mana after each kill
+10-15 Life after each kill


Character Level: ?? Missile Weapons
4 sockets Level 10
aura when equipped
+200-275% Enhanced DAmage
+9 to minimum Damage
+9 to maximum Damage
Adds 55-160 Lightning Damage
Adds 55-160 Fire Damage
Adds 55-160 Cold Damage
+2-6 to Vakyrie
+10 to Dexterity
+2 to Mana after each kill
+2 to Light Radius
25 charges level 20


Character Level: ?? Missile Weapons
4 sockets 100% chance to cast level 40 Blizzard when you level up
25% chance to cast level 22
Frost Nova
on striking
Level 18
Holy Freeze
aura when equipped
+20% increased Attack Speed
+140-210% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
+25-30% to Cold Skill Damage
-20% to enemy Cold Resistance
7% Life stolen per hit
20% Deadly Strike
3.125 per character level Extra Gold from Monsters


Character Level: 63 Polearms
4 sockets 50% chance to cast level 20
Chain Lightning
when you kill an enemy
Level 12
aura when equipped
+35% Faster Run / Walk
+255-325% Enhanced Damage
-45-55% to enemy Lightning Resistance
40% chance of Crushing Blow
Prevent Monster Heal
0.5 per character level to Vitality
30% better chance of getting Magic Items
30 charges level 21
Cyclone Armor


Character Level: ?? Polearms, Staves
4 sockets Level 12-17
aura when equipped
+35% Faster Cast Rate
+200-260% Enhanced Damage
+9 to minimum Damage
180-250% bonus to Attack Rating
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
+75 Poison Damage for 5 seconds
+1-6 to
Critical Strike

+5 to All Attributes
+2 to Mana after each kill
23% better chance of getting Magic Items

Last Wish

Character Level: ?? Swords, Hammers, Axes
6 sockets 6% chance to cast level 11
when struck
10% chance to cast level 18
Life Tap
when striking
20% chance to cast level 20
Charged Bolt
on attack
Level 17 Might aura when equipped
+330-375% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
60-70% chance of Crushing Blow
Prevent Monster Heal
Hit Blinds Target
0.5% per character level chance of getting Magic Items


Character Level: ?? Swords, Hammers, Scepters
3 sockets 20% chance to cast level 15
on striking
Level 16-18
Sanctuary Aura
when equipped
-50% Target Defense
Adds 150-210 Fire Damage
Adds 130-180 Cold Damage
7% Life stolen per hit
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace
+200-250 Defense against missiles
+10 to Dexterity
75% extra Gold from Monsters


Character Level: ?? Swords, Axes, Maces
4 sockets 30% chance to cast level 20
Bone Spirit
on striking
+50% Increased Attack Speed
+210-340% Enhanced Damage
+75% Damage to Demons
+100 to Attack Rating against Demons
Prevent Monster Heal
+10 to Energy
+10-15 Magic Absorb
20 charges level 16
Heart of Wolverine

14 charges level 17
Iron Golem

Note for Oath Runeword
Maces doesn't mean all
class weapons. When a
is called for in a Runeword recipe, you can use a
Morning Star
and Exceptional/Elite versions only.


Character Level: ?? Polearms
5 sockets 30% chance to cast level 21
when you kill an enemy
40% Faster Hit Recovery
+370% Enhanced Damage
-25% Target Defense
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage for 3 seconds
-25% to enemy Fire Resistance
40% chance of Crushing Blow
+200-300 Defense
+10 to Strength
+10 to Dexterity
+20-30 to All Resistances
-20% Requirements


Character Level: ?? Weapons, Shields
4 sockets Weapons
100% chance to cast level 40
when you level up
40% chance to cast level 22
on striking
Level 10-15
aura when equipped
+350-400% Enhanced Damage
-28% to enemy Fire Resistance
+350-400 Defense against missiles
+15-21 Fire Absorb
20% Deadly Strike
Ignores Target Defense
14% Mana stolen per hit

100% chance to cast level 40
when you level up
40% chance to cast level 22
on striking
Level 10-15
aura when equipped
+350-400% Enhanced Damage
-28% to enemy Fire Resistance
+350-400 Defense against missiles
+50 to Life
+5% to maximum Lightning Resist
+10% to maximum Fire Resist
+15-21 Fire Absorb


Character Level: ?? Polearms
4 sockets 25% chance to cast level 17
Fire Wall
when struck
Level 16-20
aura when equipped
260-300% bonus to Attack Rating
+1-99% per character level Damage to Demons
Adds 50-280 Lightning Damage
20% Deadly Strike
Hit Blinds Target
+3 Freezes Target
+10 to Vitality
+8 Replenish Life
1.875% per character level Extra Gold from Monsters


Character Level: ?? Polearms, Scepters
4 sockets 20% chance to cast level 16
on striking
16% chance to cast level 21
Frozen Orb
on attack
20% bonus to Attack Rating
Adds 160-250 Magic Damage
Adds 60-180 Fire Damage
+5-10 to All Stats
+10 to Dexterity
38% Damage taken goes to Mana
75% extra Gold from Monsters
40 charges level 15
Iron Maiden

-20% Requirements


Character Level: 30 Swords, Shields
4 sockets Weapons
+2 to All Skills
+25-35% Faster Cast Rate
+55% Faster Hit Recovery
Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage for 3 seconds
+75 Poison Damage for 5 seconds
7% Life stolen per hit
+250 Defense against missiles
+22 to Vitality
+89-112 to Mana
+3-8 Magic Absorb

+2 to All Skills
+25-35% Faster Cast Rate
+55% Faster Hit Recovery
+250 Defense against missiles
+22 to Vitality
+89-112 to Mana
+35% Cold Resist
+35% Lightning Resist
+35% Poison Resist
+3-8 Magic Absorb
Attacker takes Damage of 14
Reported to work in non-ladder games

Voice of Reason

Character Level: ?? Swords, Maces
4 sockets 15% chance to cast level 13
Frozen Orb
on striking
18% chance to cast level 20
Ice Blast
on striking
+50 to Attack Rating
+220-350% Damage to Demons
+355-375% Damage to Undead
+50 to Attack Rating against Undead
Adds 100-220 Cold Damage
-24% to enemy Cold Resistance
+10 to Dexterity
Cannot Be Frozen
75% extra Gold from Monsters
+1 to Light Radius
Note for Voice of Reason Runeword
Maces doesn't mean all
class weapons. When a
is called for in a Runeword recipe, you can use a
Morning Star
and Exceptional/Elite versions only.


Character Level: ?? Missile Weapons
4 sockets 30% chance to cast level 1
on striking
5% chance to cast level 10
Life Tap
on striking
+375% Damage to Demons
+100 to Attack Rating against Demons
+250-300% Damage to Undead
Adds 85-120 Magic Damage
Adds 41-240 Lightning Damage
20% chance of Crushing Blow
Prevent Monster Heal
+10 to Energy
Cannot Be Frozen

Rune Word Recipes added with the v1.11 patch -- will work in single-player, for Open Characters, and for Realm Characters.
Item Name
Required Runes
Required Character Level Item Type
Sockets Attributes


Character Level: 47 Body Armor
3 sockets 15% Chance to cast level 10
Bone Armor
when struck
15% Chance to cast level 10
Bone Spear
on striking
+2 to Necromancer Skill Levels
+100-150 to mana
+30 to All Resistances
Damage Reduced by 7


Character Level: 45 Body Armor
3 sockets 5% Chance to cast level 15
when struck
5% Chance to cast level 15 Fire Ball on striking
+2 to Sorceress Skill Levels
+1 to

+30% Enhanced Defense
+30% Fire Resist
Damage Reduced by 7


Character Level: 24 Body Armor
3 sockets 3% Chance to cast level 1
when struck
10% Chance to cast level 1
on striking
+2 to Barbarian Skill Levels
+30 Defense vs. Missle
+10 Replenish Life
Attacker takes Damage of 14
Requirements -15%


Character Level: 29 Body Armor
3 sockets 4% Chance to cast level 5 Slow Missles when struck
2% Chance to cast level 15
on striking
+2 to Amazon Skill Levels
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
+2 to
Critical Strike

+30% Cold Resist
Attacker Takes Damage of 14


Character Level: 53 Body Armor
3 sockets 100% Chance to cast level 5
Holy Bolt
on striking
+2 to Paladin Skill Levels
15% Slower Stamina Drain
+5% to Maximum Poison Resist
+30% Fire Resist


Character Level: 49 Body Armor
3 sockets 5% Chance to cast level 15
Cyclone Armor
when struck
5% Chance to cast level 15
on striking
+2 to Druid Skills
+100-150 to Mana
Lightning Resist +30%
Magic Damage Reduced by 7
15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana


Character Level: 43 Body Armor
3 sockets 5% Chance to cast level 15
when struck
25% Chance to cast level 15 Venom on striking
+2 to Assassin Skills
+45% Increased Attack Speed
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
+30% Cold Resist
50% Extra Gold from Monsters
User avatar

Stormlash 357Moderator

Paladin Europe PC
A very detailed-oriented guide with tons of invaluable information for new and veteran players.

Nicely done!


 Deckard Cain, NA PC 0

some things in there are based on the opinion of the original creator.


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