Played D2 "back in those days" a lot, but had no idea about anything. Now I'm an oldfag and really got an endgame build running, woohoo! Now I want to get into a very fun build (at least what I expect from it): The Riftsin!
I collected some stuff for her and I think I'm ready to dive into this build. On the other hand, it is going to get quite expensive for a cheap-ass like me, so I want to be sure what I'm doing.
So this is what I'm thinking, having or trying to get:
Let me explain what I'm trying to do:
I want to have "2 builds in one", namely a Riftsin for the funs and a Kicksin for Bosses/Ubers.
Yes, I have to swap things out, but for the sake of convenience I did both of them in this one skill planer.
Weapon swap 1 if Riftsin, 2 is Kicksin. (Also obvious items in the inventory for swap-out on bosses/ubers.)
So there are still some questions on my build. Let me go through the slots and what are my concerns:
1. Head - what to socket?
- Riftsin / Nightveil: I thought about a "Scintillating Jewel of Fervor" (15 IAS, 15 AllRes), but that's quite expensive. Is the IAS needed for this setup, or am I good just putting an Um in it?
- Kicksin / GFace: Same here, but as I'm likely to use Chains of Honor, I guess a simple 15IAS would do the work?
2. Body armor?
I think I go with the Kraken Shell base, just because it's AFAIK the strength-cheapest armor that has the nice red body skin. Yes, there might be strength-less bases, but hey, it's all about the looks!
So Enigma is often recommended. I get that, as it did totally enhance the gameplay of my WW barb. But I'm very concerned about my resistances on the Riftsin. It seems that whatever I do, I don't get max resistances (or I'm not seeing something?). So that's why I think I have to go for Chains of Honor? I'd like to have the option of an Enigma much later (I won't get runes for a second Enigma too soon, trust me

- Riftsin: Chains of Honor with an option for Enigma, if resistances aren't too bad.
- Kicksin: Chains of Honor seems like a must-have here. Which isn't too bad, as it would benefit the Riftsin-part, too.
Or would you recommend another armor? I don't know it enhancing damage stuff against demons/undead would really make a difference for a Riftsin at all, so maybe other runewords come to mind?
3. Hands
- Riftsin: Dracul's Grasp - I don't know about other options and how they behave with the kicks. I think Dracul's Grasp is just a-ok, so I don't have another part to change. If there is a better option for a Riftsin, I'm curious.

- Kicksin: Dracul's Grasp - guess it's mandatory for Uber stuff.
5. Boots
- Riftsin: Goblin Toe would be a very good choice I guess. On the other hand, on PvM stuff I will mostly clear with Rift (I guess?) so maybe I could go for full-upped Gore Rider? Simply because Enigma is in question and with Gore Rider I would get movement speed instead, but also have Crushing Blow. Opinions?
- Kicksin: I guess best option is a full-upped Goblin Toe. I get Open Wounds from Dracul's Grasp and Goblin Toe just has the highest Crushing Blow.
6 Rings
- First: Raven Frost I guess is mandatory. Gives me Cannot Be Frozen, also Attack Rating (which I most likely very lack). Well, you get the tune. Another option would be Cham into head and get another ring, but I guess focussing on resistances is more important.
- Second: Honestly I have no idea. Currently my merch will have Insight, so I don't think to run into Mana problems (we don't have Mana leech right now). Dwarf Star could be an option. Or simply a dual-leech ring - if it also has resitances, it would be baller, but I first have to get one. Opinions?
7. Amulet
I honestly can't decide. I have the following ideas:
- Mara's Kaleidoscope if I go with Enigma. The latter gives me mobility, while the amulet at least a bit resistances that I don't die on eye contact. I don't get IAS on the other hand, which might be important to reach a breakpoint.
- The Cat's Eye gives me everything but resistances. I guess this could be good with Chains of Honor, if I decide for that armor.
- Highlord's Wrath would be my go-to option, if I only need Lightning resist and get the others from other sources. I won't get mobility though.
As you see, it comes down to a "choose 2 out of 3" and I can't really decide which I get my fingers on. Or my neck.
8. Weapons
- Riftsin: well, Rift, surprise.
- Kicksin: Stormlash with Shael, I think I don't do anything wrong by keeping it classic.
9. Shields
- Riftsin: Head Hunter's Glory with 3x Cold Rainbow Facet. Oooooh my purse, that will hurt! But AFAIK this is the BiS, even it will take some time to get all of it. Until then I guess I go with a Stormshield socketed with a Perfect Diamond.
- Kicksin: the already mentioned Stormshield; otherwise for Ubers I guess I will do a Sanctuary. I just think of maybe another base, just to distinguish it a bit more from the Riftsin setup.

There are not that many option for shields, but if i missed something, please tell me.

10. Mercenary
Well, I guess the endgame is quite easy to frame:
Infinity plus Vampire Gaze plus Treachery in any base.
But until I got that all, I think I have to rely on a simple Insight.

11. There was no 4th point.
Ok, I guess you see, that I know where I want to go. But I'm really not too confident in assembling a real endgame build, as this is rather new for me and I might miss out what you oldfags very skilled players are already used to.

So before I finally invest in this build, please correct me on anything, share your opinion - and lastly just help me with my ideas.

Would like to hear your thoughts!