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Yes, the game runs in a full 3D environment with new graphics systems in place like dynamic lighting and special effects. The graphics can be switched between legacy and resurrected by toggling a hotkey.

A Sorceress in Jail/Catacombs showing off new SFX and models.

Barbarian standing in Lut Gholein, fully rendered in 3D.
Barbarian standing in Lut Gholein, fully rendered in 3D.
Blizzard wrote:
Well I mean evolving from a 2D sprite game to a 3D game is very challenging. We basically had to write a complete new PBR renderer, so a physically based renderer, on top of the old game logic.

It's difficult because you're dealing with models versus 2D sprites where you have to basically write the dynamic lighting, the effects, a lot of that is an additional system that we had to work out on our end.

Chris Amaral - Lead Artist 05:02 19th Feb 2021
The particles for Rain and dust look insane and add so much to the atmosphere. Also observe how accurate the 3D lighting is - the way it slowly creeps around corners and fills rooms in a very true-to-the original fashion. Lightning looks especially sick.
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Stormlash 357Moderator

Paladin Europe PC
Yes, the game runs in a full 3D environment with new graphics systems in place like dynamic lighting and special effects. The graphics can be switched between legacy and resurrected by toggling a hotkey.

A Sorceress in Jail/Catacombs showing off new SFX and models.

Barbarian standing in Lut Gholein, fully rendered in 3D.
Barbarian standing in Lut Gholein, fully rendered in 3D.
Blizzard wrote:
Well I mean evolving from a 2D sprite game to a 3D game is very challenging. We basically had to write a complete new PBR renderer, so a physically based renderer, on top of the old game logic.

It's difficult because you're dealing with models versus 2D sprites where you have to basically write the dynamic lighting, the effects, a lot of that is an additional system that we had to work out on our end.

Chris Amaral - Lead Artist 05:02 19th Feb 2021
The particles for Rain and dust look insane and add so much to the atmosphere. Also observe how accurate the 3D lighting is - the way it slowly creeps around corners and fills rooms in a very true-to-the original fashion. Lightning looks especially sick.



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