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Is Resurrected still a dark game or is it too bright?

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It still looks very dark. The original 3D lighting has been emulated, meaning dark corners and dingy rooms remain the same. The gothic art direction has not changed at all and that iconic granular 'look' remains.

in Act 1
Burial Grounds

Blizzard wrote:
I think the game has gotten a little scarier. I think that there are certain areas in the game where just the way that the 3D lighting is and the way the sound is, I play it on a big screen TV sometimes and it feels scarier, creepier, a little more claustrophobic in certain areas. There's not just one feature there's a lot of things going on there, but I think it's really cool. I would like to hope that had the original creators had the tools we had today, it's the experience they would have wanted to make.

Rob Gallerani - Lead Designer 28:38 19th Feb 2021
Amazon in the Sewers under
Lut Gholein

Blizzard wrote:
The lighting really helps because we're a 3D game - that's one of the biggest differences between the original game. What the game had before with sprites with 3D models built into sprites was not a true, real-time lighting system.

Because we're pushing that with a 3D graphics engine running on top of the game and actually getting 3D lighting in those kind of caverns and corridors, it makes for a very interesting experience because it feels more immersive with having light react around you like that.

Andre Abrahamian - Lead Designer 29:12 19th Feb 2021
These guys must have been briefed on the rainbow unicorns fiasco when D3 came out and learned from it. Just because it's more colourful and saturated doesn't mean it's better. Looking at the clips so far I think they've nailed that ominous and disturbing tone from the original art.
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Stormlash 357Moderator

Paladin Europe PC
It still looks very dark. The original 3D lighting has been emulated, meaning dark corners and dingy rooms remain the same. The gothic art direction has not changed at all and that iconic granular 'look' remains.

in Act 1
Burial Grounds

Blizzard wrote:
I think the game has gotten a little scarier. I think that there are certain areas in the game where just the way that the 3D lighting is and the way the sound is, I play it on a big screen TV sometimes and it feels scarier, creepier, a little more claustrophobic in certain areas. There's not just one feature there's a lot of things going on there, but I think it's really cool. I would like to hope that had the original creators had the tools we had today, it's the experience they would have wanted to make.

Rob Gallerani - Lead Designer 28:38 19th Feb 2021
Amazon in the Sewers under
Lut Gholein

Blizzard wrote:
The lighting really helps because we're a 3D game - that's one of the biggest differences between the original game. What the game had before with sprites with 3D models built into sprites was not a true, real-time lighting system.

Because we're pushing that with a 3D graphics engine running on top of the game and actually getting 3D lighting in those kind of caverns and corridors, it makes for a very interesting experience because it feels more immersive with having light react around you like that.

Andre Abrahamian - Lead Designer 29:12 19th Feb 2021
These guys must have been briefed on the rainbow unicorns fiasco when D3 came out and learned from it. Just because it's more colourful and saturated doesn't mean it's better. Looking at the clips so far I think they've nailed that ominous and disturbing tone from the original art.

I have agree, it is easily just as dark as the original and the massively upgraded graphics simply provide more horror.

The Durance of Hate is a great example. It was always horrifying, but now ... I almost had to step away the first time. When I came back to kill
, my first in D2r, it was with an inescapable horrified immersion.

Yeah, it is D2, in painfully sharp focus.
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Zelym 124

Paladin Europe PC
I pulled some cables down in the Paris Catacombs and play there for added darkness. No one has noticed me so far.


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