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Bnet ID: XanhastIV#1349  
In-game name: Tempest/Volt/Arsenal/Yevraine/Dominus/Shrike+More
Ladder: No (Non-Ladder)
Hardcore: Yes
Platform: PC
Expansion: Yes (LoD)
Region: Americas Yes (Multiplayer)
Forum level:
Contributor • Helped with the growth of significantly through data input, descriptions, or informative forum posts.
Donator • Made a donation to the site.

About me

Hello, Im a Avid d2 Enthusiast, Rare Hunter/Collector and Crafter.

Rules for Trading with me:

#1 I do not trade by private messages, discord, or in game, only through posts made in the topics I have put up. No post in the topic = No trade 100% of the time.
#2 I Will Join YOUR Normal (No Level Restricted) game for all trades, Never the reverse!
#3 I am willing to price match on certain classes of items if: The Core matches (HCNL not SCNL), the stats are exact, and you provide me with a link to the topic. This is only in regards to this site; links from other sites will be ignored.
#4 DO NOT nag me, spam my private message folder, or spam my account with messages regarding anything trade related, I will reach out to you when the items are ready and I am available. I will only warn someone once of this, then I will squelch them if I am ignored.
#5 I may deny trades for any reason I deem fit, which I may or may not disclose.

Trade Stats

Refreshes daily
Current trust level: 2650
Active trades: 184
Sold trades (last 3 days): 7
All-time sales: 2097
All-time purchases: 433

Site Stats

Joined: 2 years ago
Last active: 9 hours ago

Likes received: 152
Likes given: 9

Total posts: 164

Most active forum: Forums
(133 Posts / 81.10% of user’s posts)

Most active topic: More like SHAMmerdins, amirite?
(9 Posts / 5.49% of user’s posts)
Total topics:
205 | Search user’s topics
(0.71% of all topics / 0.23 topics per day)


Refreshes daily
Data contributions: 0
Descriptions written: 0
Comments on entries: 17
Bugs reported: 1
Feedback given: 3
Questions answered: 0
Dclone reports: 9

Latest posts

Ill buy it. 3 days ago
How many do you have Ill Pick up at least 10x. 3 days ago
Phungusamongus wrote: 3 days ago I did a bunch of ias calculations, this claw would be gg af on my trapsin. I’ll start my offer at 3 jah, am open to… 9 hours ago


Come to Hardcore, Embrace the Dread ;)
Please Review my about me post for ground rules before you make posts in my topics, if these are violated (even in ignorance) the consequence is the same.
Unused for now




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