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Bnet ID: DuDu#22840  
Forum level:
Donator • Made a donation to the site.

About me

I'm just an old D2 fan weirdo (new to multiplayer gameplay in D2) and a passionate save-scum gamer! :)

Trade Stats

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Current trust level: 177
Active trades: 2
Sold trades (last 3 days): 0
All-time sales: 85
All-time purchases: 76

Site Stats

Joined: 1 year ago
Last active: 1 week ago

Likes received: 360
Likes given: 2186

Total posts: 397

Most active forum: Forums
(385 Posts / 96.98% of user’s posts)

Most active topic: You got really lucky? Then share it with us here =)
(13 Posts / 3.27% of user’s posts)
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23 | Search user’s topics
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Comments on entries: 4
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Questions answered: 0
Dclone reports: 0

Latest posts

Johny82PL wrote: 1 month ago So what will be kicking - CB or DS? CB and DS stack. However, as Schnorki already stated above you need a high base … 1 month ago
Yeah... For some classes/builds even something like 25+Str, 25+Dex with 2 skills and decent FCR can be massive and pricey, even if you don't roll anyt… 1 month ago
I would personally say that more effective dmg output you could get if you were to swap out helm for Flickering Flame and armor for CoH if you want to… 1 month ago


Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."
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