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Bnet ID: Raptox#1131  
In-game name: Allaria
Ladder: No (Non-Ladder)
Hardcore: No (Softcore)
Platform: PC
Expansion: Yes (LoD)
Region: Americas Yes (Multiplayer)
Class: Sorceress
Forum level:
Donator • Made a donation to the site.

About me

WRT trades, I specifically need:
Ohm, Lo (Doom looks fun for my FOrb Sorc)
Ber and Mal (time to make Infinity)
Ist and Ral and Amn and PAme (like everyone else)

I am indeed a real person, been playing D2 off and on since the original came out, and then D2R went on sale lol. Just never got around to joining this site until now. :)

Trade Stats

Refreshes daily
Current trust level: 21
Active trades: 49
Sold trades (last 3 days): 2
All-time sales: 22
All-time purchases: 1

Site Stats

Joined: 1 month ago
Last active: 5 hours ago

Likes received: 4
Likes given: 7

Total posts: 1

Most active forum: Forums
(1 Post / 100.00% of user’s posts)

Most active topic: You got really lucky? Then share it with us here =)
(1 Post / 100.00% of user’s posts)
Total topics:
51 | Search user’s topics
(0.18% of all topics / 1.24 topics per day)


Refreshes daily
Data contributions: 0
Descriptions written: 0
Comments on entries: 0
Bugs reported: 0
Feedback given: 0
Questions answered: 0
Dclone reports: 0

Latest posts

Me again. I have: 1 El, 7 Amn, 4 Sol 10 Ral and, if you're taking the 25-rune set right now, I've got enough of those too (but no problem if not). … 5 hours ago
LF anything totaling to at least 4 Points from the table below: Item Points Perfect Amethyst, Lum, Ko, Fal 4 Per… 11 hours ago
TonyC wrote: 1 day ago I will give you 4 Ral runes for the Berserker set Sounds great! I'll connect with you on Bnet next time we're both online. 1 day ago


Unused for now




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