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After my
barb turned out amazing - running dual BA with Grief and LW and Hustle and Lawbringer on Merc I am trying to gear my Fury Druid who is 52 now and coming of item bearing age.

What I gathered is that Mauls or Axes is what I want:

Thunder Maul
: 33-180 - avg. 106.5 - Speed 20 - only BotD
: 49-137 - avg. 93 - Speed 10 - only Death
Glorious Axe
: 60-124 - avg. 92 - Speed 10 - Death, BotD
Silver-Edged Axe
: 62-110 - avg. 86 - Speed 0 - only Death
Champion Axe
: 59-94 - avg. 76.5 - Speed -10 - Death, BotD

BotD brings 60 IAS, 375 ed on average
Death brings 0 IAS, 342.5 ed on average, 50% cb and ~40% ds

I understand that I want to reach 4+(3)+5 with all weapons if possible.

IAS needed:
Weapon No bear buff Bear buff Fana 1+Bear Fana 12+Bear
Champion Axe
No bear buff105 Bear buff42 Fana 1+Bear20 Fana 12+Bear0
Silver-Edged Axe
No bear buff147 Bear buff63 Fana 1+Bear35 Fana 12+Bear11
No bear buff208 Bear buff89 Fana 1+Bear54 Fana 12+Bear24
Thunder Maul
No bear buffN/A Bear buff125 Fana 1+Bear78 Fana 12+Bear40
Max IAS I managed to come up with on gear was 75: andy+IAS, highlords, gloves - as Fortitude seems a given.
Merc options there are basically 3: Pride+might,
Hustle+Lawbringer, Faith.

the table below states the base damage percentage from 18 frames
Thunder Maul

------ 18 19 20 23
Thunder Maul
18100% 1994.73% 2090.00% 2378.26%
1887.32% 1982.73% 2078.59% 2368.34%
------silver edged
1880.75% 1976.50% 2072.68% 2363.20%
Champion Axe
1871.83% 1968.05% 2064.65% 2356.22%
So now the question becomes what it makes sense to
Thunder Maul
IAS requirements.
Since base damage get's multiplied by all ed% factors we only need to look at Merc opportunity costs for now.
------ Pride (18) + Might Merc (19) (no IAS help) Dual LW Merc (no IAS help) Hustle + LW/LawB (Fana 1 IAS help) Faith Merc (Fana 12 help)
------%ED Pride (18) + Might Merc (19) (no IAS help)565% Dual LW Merc (no IAS help)370% Hustle + LW/LawB (Fana 1 IAS help)25%/245% Faith Merc (Fana 12 help)127%
------Other considerations Pride (18) + Might Merc (19) (no IAS help)none Dual LW Merc (no IAS help)
Life Tap
Hustle + LW/LawB (Fana 1 IAS help)
Life Tap
Faith Merc (Fana 12 help)none
Now I will try to revisit the first table for prohibitive/best setup
Thunder Maul
(glorious for BotD)
Silver-Edged Axe
Champion Axe
Thunder MaulNeeds Bear Buff, needs Hustle for BotD (max ed merc: 245%) Decapitator (glorious for BotD)Needs Bear Buff for BotD (max ed merc: 565), needs Hustle for Death (max ed merc: 245%) Silver-Edged Axeneeds Hustle for Death (max ed merc: 245%) Champion AxeGear IAS enough for BotD (max ed merc: 565),needs Hustle for Death (max ed merc: 245%
Okay - now I will try to translate the setups into average dmg with the following assumptions:
1. only 18 frame setups considered (else it gets too messy)
2. ed without merc is assumed as: 1442% --> 300% forti, 746% from 39 Fury, 200% str, 196% from 26 HoW
3. weapon ed 342.5% for Death and 375% for BotD
4. DS I assume 45% for Death and 33.75% for Highlords and 15% from Gores, 10% from gloves
Thunder Maul
Silver-Edged Axe
Champion Axe
---avg dmg
Thunder Maul599 Decapitator/GA523 Silver-Edged Axe484 Champion Axe430
---avg dmg
Thunder Maul-- Decapitator/GA477 Silver-Edged Axe442 Champion Axe393
Now total average damage per strike with 18 frame setups:
Thunder Maul
Silver-Edged Axe
Champion Axe
---avg dmg
BotD (base/with DS)
Thunder Maul10105/16041 --> Huste/LW Decapitator/GA10496/16663 --> Might/Pride Silver-Edged AxeN/A Champion Axe8630/13700 --> Might/Pride
---avg dmg
Thunder Maul-- Decapitator/GA8064/16093 --> Hustle/LW Silver-Edged Axe7456/14913 --> Hustle / LW Champion Axe6629/13259 --> Hustle / LW
---avg dmg
Death/ BotD with Lawbringer
Thunder Maul8787/13914/20872--> Hustle/LB Decapitator/GA6997/13995/20992--> Hustle/LB Silver-Edged Axe6484/12968/19452--> Hustle / LB Champion Axe5765/11530/17295--> Hustle / LB
Presuming I didn't do major mistakes for me that would mean Champion's
Silver-Edged Axe
don't need to be considered.
Max dmg. would be a eDeath on a
Thunder Maul
closely followed by a eBotD on a
with a Pride/might merc.

What I have not considered is
you get get with a Hustle/Lawbringer setup - you lose
Life Tap
and 225% ed but win 50% total dmg - probably preferable (and cheaper). With
you can either choose eBotD in a Thundermaul or eDeath in a
- I guess it is a question of style.

As a bonus as I like LW I will do GA and
Thunder Maul
for LW :D
Thunder Maul
will need Faith Merc - so does GA - only guy that can do it without is Champions
Thunder Maul
Glorious Axe
Champion Axe
---avg dmg LW Thunder Maul375 Glorious Axe328 Champion Axe270
---avg dmg
BotD (base/with DS)
Thunder Maul 6633/10504 --> Faith Glorious Axe 5802/9187 --> Faith Champion Axe 5418/8580/9408--> Might+Pride/Hustle+LB
... and to have it all complete at last a Grief / Phoenix - though I haven't figure out yet if shield block will break your Fury:

avg dmg: 393 --> 14823 with might/Pride and 12552/18828 with Hustle/LB (LW/LB doesn't make much sense)

There are of course more possibilities for example TM on 19 FPS with Pride + Might running a respectable 18033 dmg - would even allow you to wear atmas or draculs - not sure how relevant 5% are on such a small area though.
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xigua 65

After my
barb turned out amazing - running dual BA with Grief and LW and Hustle and Lawbringer on Merc I am trying to gear my Fury Druid who is 52 now and coming of item bearing age.

What I gathered is that Mauls or Axes is what I want:

Thunder Maul
: 33-180 - avg. 106.5 - Speed 20 - only BotD
: 49-137 - avg. 93 - Speed 10 - only Death
Glorious Axe
: 60-124 - avg. 92 - Speed 10 - Death, BotD
Silver-Edged Axe
: 62-110 - avg. 86 - Speed 0 - only Death
Champion Axe
: 59-94 - avg. 76.5 - Speed -10 - Death, BotD

BotD brings 60 IAS, 375 ed on average
Death brings 0 IAS, 342.5 ed on average, 50% cb and ~40% ds

I understand that I want to reach 4+(3)+5 with all weapons if possible.

IAS needed:
Weapon No bear buff Bear buff Fana 1+Bear Fana 12+Bear
Champion Axe
No bear buff105 Bear buff42 Fana 1+Bear20 Fana 12+Bear0
Silver-Edged Axe
No bear buff147 Bear buff63 Fana 1+Bear35 Fana 12+Bear11
No bear buff208 Bear buff89 Fana 1+Bear54 Fana 12+Bear24
Thunder Maul
No bear buffN/A Bear buff125 Fana 1+Bear78 Fana 12+Bear40
Max IAS I managed to come up with on gear was 75: andy+IAS, highlords, gloves - as Fortitude seems a given.
Merc options there are basically 3: Pride+might,
Hustle+Lawbringer, Faith.

the table below states the base damage percentage from 18 frames
Thunder Maul

------ 18 19 20 23
Thunder Maul
18100% 1994.73% 2090.00% 2378.26%
1887.32% 1982.73% 2078.59% 2368.34%
------silver edged
1880.75% 1976.50% 2072.68% 2363.20%
Champion Axe
1871.83% 1968.05% 2064.65% 2356.22%
So now the question becomes what it makes sense to
Thunder Maul
IAS requirements.
Since base damage get's multiplied by all ed% factors we only need to look at Merc opportunity costs for now.
------ Pride (18) + Might Merc (19) (no IAS help) Dual LW Merc (no IAS help) Hustle + LW/LawB (Fana 1 IAS help) Faith Merc (Fana 12 help)
------%ED Pride (18) + Might Merc (19) (no IAS help)565% Dual LW Merc (no IAS help)370% Hustle + LW/LawB (Fana 1 IAS help)25%/245% Faith Merc (Fana 12 help)127%
------Other considerations Pride (18) + Might Merc (19) (no IAS help)none Dual LW Merc (no IAS help)
Life Tap
Hustle + LW/LawB (Fana 1 IAS help)
Life Tap
Faith Merc (Fana 12 help)none
Now I will try to revisit the first table for prohibitive/best setup
Thunder Maul
(glorious for BotD)
Silver-Edged Axe
Champion Axe
Thunder MaulNeeds Bear Buff, needs Hustle for BotD (max ed merc: 245%) Decapitator (glorious for BotD)Needs Bear Buff for BotD (max ed merc: 565), needs Hustle for Death (max ed merc: 245%) Silver-Edged Axeneeds Hustle for Death (max ed merc: 245%) Champion AxeGear IAS enough for BotD (max ed merc: 565),needs Hustle for Death (max ed merc: 245%
Okay - now I will try to translate the setups into average dmg with the following assumptions:
1. only 18 frame setups considered (else it gets too messy)
2. ed without merc is assumed as: 1442% --> 300% forti, 746% from 39 Fury, 200% str, 196% from 26 HoW
3. weapon ed 342.5% for Death and 375% for BotD
4. DS I assume 45% for Death and 33.75% for Highlords and 15% from Gores, 10% from gloves
Thunder Maul
Silver-Edged Axe
Champion Axe
---avg dmg
Thunder Maul599 Decapitator/GA523 Silver-Edged Axe484 Champion Axe430
---avg dmg
Thunder Maul-- Decapitator/GA477 Silver-Edged Axe442 Champion Axe393
Now total average damage per strike with 18 frame setups:
Thunder Maul
Silver-Edged Axe
Champion Axe
---avg dmg
BotD (base/with DS)
Thunder Maul10105/16041 --> Huste/LW Decapitator/GA10496/16663 --> Might/Pride Silver-Edged AxeN/A Champion Axe8630/13700 --> Might/Pride
---avg dmg
Thunder Maul-- Decapitator/GA8064/16093 --> Hustle/LW Silver-Edged Axe7456/14913 --> Hustle / LW Champion Axe6629/13259 --> Hustle / LW
---avg dmg
Death/ BotD with Lawbringer
Thunder Maul8787/13914/20872--> Hustle/LB Decapitator/GA6997/13995/20992--> Hustle/LB Silver-Edged Axe6484/12968/19452--> Hustle / LB Champion Axe5765/11530/17295--> Hustle / LB
Presuming I didn't do major mistakes for me that would mean Champion's
Silver-Edged Axe
don't need to be considered.
Max dmg. would be a eDeath on a
Thunder Maul
closely followed by a eBotD on a
with a Pride/might merc.

What I have not considered is
you get get with a Hustle/Lawbringer setup - you lose
Life Tap
and 225% ed but win 50% total dmg - probably preferable (and cheaper). With
you can either choose eBotD in a Thundermaul or eDeath in a
- I guess it is a question of style.

As a bonus as I like LW I will do GA and
Thunder Maul
for LW :D
Thunder Maul
will need Faith Merc - so does GA - only guy that can do it without is Champions
Thunder Maul
Glorious Axe
Champion Axe
---avg dmg LW Thunder Maul375 Glorious Axe328 Champion Axe270
---avg dmg
BotD (base/with DS)
Thunder Maul 6633/10504 --> Faith Glorious Axe 5802/9187 --> Faith Champion Axe 5418/8580/9408--> Might+Pride/Hustle+LB
... and to have it all complete at last a Grief / Phoenix - though I haven't figure out yet if shield block will break your Fury:

avg dmg: 393 --> 14823 with might/Pride and 12552/18828 with Hustle/LB (LW/LB doesn't make much sense)

There are of course more possibilities for example TM on 19 FPS with Pride + Might running a respectable 18033 dmg - would even allow you to wear atmas or draculs - not sure how relevant 5% are on such a small area though.
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TheDoo 378

Europe PC
You can always nudge IAS a little bit with something like Sigon gloves +
(and have +30 instead of +20), Death's Disguise gloves+
(30 IAS + 15 all res + CBF) or even push it further with something like Sigon gloves +
Nosferatu's Coil
(+40 IAS) which can make a difference for those kind of builds with not-that-much-loss on other stats. :)

Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."
If you play P1, everything works. I tried most of the weapons that are considered private BiS and I like eDeath Decap and
The Reaper's Toll
best. If you really are obsessed about ias then making Hustle on a
and use it on swap to get
Burst of Speed
could be good idea. Also Hustle armor is perfect for that matter.

* I trade both ladder and non-ladder, please check before asking.
* All my trades are for runes, keys (especially KoT and KoH) and essences!
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xigua 65

well ... my wall of text basically says eDeath Decap or eBotD
Thunder Maul
Hustle/LB Merc are more or less the same damage-wise.
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xigua 65

just rolled my Death in a
and officially have my first 4 digit weapon - no merc at all yet and it melts things ... a lot of fun. Thanks to whoever suggested eDeath.


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