I'm not young. I played the original diablo back in the day, and D2 released when I was in high school. I was around for the early days of online gaming, like Asheron's Call and Knights Online. I've played more than my fair share of Korean MMORPG's, where in the endgame, you would get less than +1% experience of a level within an hour of hardcore gaming, only to lose -10% experience on Death (along with permanently losing some random item). Just because I was willing to do that back then, doesn't mean I "wanted" to. It's not fun, but there was a clear goal there.Augoeides wrote: 3 years ago
Well the grind don't appeal to everybody, especially younger players. I started on a Commodore 64, then an Amiga 500 before I switched to pc in 1991 or 92. The very first game I played was the original Diablo (1). And to date it is still the best game I have ever played, bar none ! Also, I am literally the very first player with the gamertag Vorpal in the world, although it was Lord_Vorpal in Diablo 1. Now, that game was pure, it was something completely new from the games we had before, and when I saw the intro alone for the first time in 93, a crow picking an eyeball from a rotting Skull, I was sold!! I remember creating my warrior, yes a warrior, no barbs at that time, and entering the game for the first time. I was blown away. You could use gear that you looted from mobs !!! Imagine the first Butcher kill.... wooow, I found magic gear that I had to identify. I had to repair stuff, I needed pots and scrolls.... wooow !!! Then the grind started and 2-3 months later I literally had the best geared + highest lvl warrior in the world ! Literally ! In the first b-net lobby we had these chat rooms that were accessible after what lvl you had. Low lvl from 1-10, then 10-20 and so on. I was alone in the 90-99 chatroom for quite some time, before a ranger named Lord_Overkill joined. That was the best times I have EVER spent in a game. D2 sucked for me, It was watered down imo, the feeling of pure Evil and danger was gone... I was so dissapointed. BUT, now today in 2022 this is the closest you come to that old school game! Still not near as good imo, but waaay better than other grinding games of today...by far! This does not appeal to everybody, I admit, but hey maybe other titles are more your thing m8. No sweat, lot's to chose from. But these games are all about the sensation you get when that extremely rare drop occur. For me personally, I have 0 problems if they lowered it even more. The worst thing is actually imo, that you can go buy items for real money. It ruins a lot today in most games to be honest. What finally ruined Diablo 1 was, duplicating items and hacked items like Endless staff of apocalypse etc. That was the end of it. But MAN, untill that time you were rewarded for the hours you put in !! Best experience EVER !
One of the reasons I started doing The Pit and Pindles, was because I wanted a Death's Web, so that my Poisonmancer actually has a chance of finishing Hell Difficulty without being carried by another player. Do you know what the droprate on Death's Web is? According to DropCalc, with 500% MF, its 0.0000001996%. And I'm pretty sure most of the other uniques have droprates along those lines. I literally have a better chance of winning the lottery in real life, and then paying 10 people to farm for those items 24 hours a day, than I do of finding it myself. I understand the excitement of finally finding an ultra rare item, but those odds of finding an item are absolutely stupid, for any game.
I'm glad your enjoying your runs, and maybe it's because I'm older now, but even though I have a ton of free time right now, I just don't have the enthusiasm and patience to waste hundreds of hours to get one item I need, that probably isn't even in my final build. I could play this game nonstop for another few months, and probably still never see it or anything decent, so I'm having a hard time understanding why the rates are so bad. I've heard stories where people played D2 consistently hardcore for the past 20 years and still haven't seen an SOJ or several other items. For a game that's basically an online Single Player experience with optional Co-OP, that's insane.
I see what you mean, but Death's Web and other items like it are not that rare to be honest. As we speak there are around 13-14 Death's Web and 14 or 15 Death's Fathom up for trade on this site. And far from all D2r players use this site
