I see a lot of posts for people getting Ber runes and other GG drops here as well as other sites. However, the selection bias is strong. Most of us have never seen a Ber and are probably in the middle of long dry spells. Seeing those posts can make us feel: unlucky, jealous, discouraged, etc. Knowing that there are others out there with the same feelings can help us all.
I'll go first. I've been farming cows for 3 weeks now without any HR drops. I should feel lucky because of the good drops I got prior to this dry spell, but right now I'm feeling discouraged and could really use an Ohm or maybe a Lo from RNGesus to make me feel better.
Description by I'll go first. I've been farming cows for 3 weeks now without any HR drops. I should feel lucky because of the good drops I got prior to this dry spell, but right now I'm feeling discouraged and could really use an Ohm or maybe a Lo from RNGesus to make me feel better.

Can be used to make Runewords:
I see a lot of posts for people getting Ber runes and other GG drops here as well as other sites. However, the selection bias is strong. Most of us have never seen a Ber and are probably in the middle of long dry spells. Seeing those posts can make us feel: unlucky, jealous, discouraged, etc. Knowing that there are others out there with the same feelings can help us all.
I'll go first. I've been farming cows for 3 weeks now without any HR drops. I should feel lucky because of the good drops I got prior to this dry spell, but right now I'm feeling discouraged and could really use an Ohm or maybe a Lo from RNGesus to make me feel better.
I'll go first. I've been farming cows for 3 weeks now without any HR drops. I should feel lucky because of the good drops I got prior to this dry spell, but right now I'm feeling discouraged and could really use an Ohm or maybe a Lo from RNGesus to make me feel better.
That happened to me too, from this weekend onwards, looking at a single Ohm from Diablo.
After additional 500 Travincal runs, and getting my barb to lvl 92 on Travincal alone got me a Lem.
Thats when I started just Key farming, and then selling unidentifed torches for Gul. At least that gets me a Gul, almost guaranteed, except that on Monday, 100 countess runs yielded NO KEYS!!!.
Yesterday was a bit better, getting the Gul from trading.
After additional 500 Travincal runs, and getting my barb to lvl 92 on Travincal alone got me a Lem.
Thats when I started just Key farming, and then selling unidentifed torches for Gul. At least that gets me a Gul, almost guaranteed, except that on Monday, 100 countess runs yielded NO KEYS!!!.
Yesterday was a bit better, getting the Gul from trading.
One thing that helps me when I'm frustrated is to change things up and do something else. I rotate around between farming keys, cows, Chaos, leveling new chars, etc. The funny thing is that my best rune drop happened while I was just questing and not even thinking about drops.
Well this happens to all of us . I mostly farm Chaos ( best place in my opinion) with my light sorc or dual Dream pala. So for a solid 6 days i havent got anything good either rune or some good item drop . Was chilling and talking with a random guy here on the forum for some trade and he was saying he is very unlucky with drops and everything . i told him mate i havent got anything for like a week or so. be patient and humble .So as i was farming at the same time i got Jah drop . i told him so while he joined for a trade . we do the trade i leave the game i make a new one i go to Frigid(my starting spot always)and i get a Lo rune drop . Moral of the story be patient you will get your drops. We all have bad days.
Don't let yourself be discouraged. When I read there people were happy about their first Vex drop in 20 years of Diablo (no idea how active they played) - I just thought I'll never get any HR anytime soon. Since then I found Vex, Sur and a Cham.
There's just days one will not find anything useful/of value. It'll change
There's just days one will not find anything useful/of value. It'll change

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Also, a good percentage of reddit posts about d2r are about godly drops and rolls, which essentially represent a very minute fraction of the real struggles with this slot machine of a game.
In the end, due to falling prices in unique items, its relatively cheap to equip any hell viable character, which is my next objective: gear a Necro with hell-viable gear spending less than a Mal, as a challenge.
In the end, due to falling prices in unique items, its relatively cheap to equip any hell viable character, which is my next objective: gear a Necro with hell-viable gear spending less than a Mal, as a challenge.
Don't judge average luck based on Reddit or your friends telling you about what they found, just like you shouldn't assume people's lives are analogous to their Instagram posts. Ber drops are (literally) 1 in a million for most monsters on Hell difficulty.
Thanks for the input. Just a reminder, my point of this thread is not to complain or to have probability explained to me. I noted the selection bias in my first post and I'm well aware of the nature of this game and how rare it is for runes to drop as I've been playing off and on since Classic came out. I'm also aware that as I accumulate Wealth, my notion of what a good drop is changes and thus the dry spells naturally get longer because I no longer care about most drops. The point was to help others who may be feeling unlucky know that they're not alone and that when you get that next drop it will feel even better after the dry spell. Good luck everyone and happy holidays. May Santa bring you all a Ber rune.
yeah i like to think about it like this. people only post (generally) when they find something. imagine how many posts in the forum there would be if everyone posted. Didnt find a Ber rune today! youd see 1 out of 30,000 people find one while everyone else doesn't
Yes, exactly. That's basically the definition of selection bias and the reason I'm trying to counter that with a thread where people who have been grinding for a while and have nothing to show for it can vent and share their feelings. Despite being aware of this bias and the extremely low probabilities of these drops, it still doesn't feel great to work really hard at something and come up empty handed. However, luck can change in an instant and that's what keeps people coming back.
oh yeah. dont get me wrong mate. i dig the idea of the thread. currently in quite the brutal dry spell myself. had a great run probably two or weeks ago or so. found an Ohm, Zod, Vex, Gul, and Sur. all with in a week or two. makes you feel like finding HR's is super easy. then this happens and you don't squat for what feels like forever. so yeah to anyone out there also in a dry spell, may RNGesus bless you with his divine randomness soon.eltair wrote: 3 years agoYes, exactly. That's basically the definition of selection bias and the reason I'm trying to counter that with a thread where people who have been grinding for a while and have nothing to show for it can vent and share their feelings. Despite being aware of this bias and the extremely low probabilities of these drops, it still doesn't feel great to work really hard at something and come up empty handed. However, luck can change in an instant and that's what keeps people coming back.
Just keep killing cows or make new characters and keep killing cows. Just kill fast and start again or farm trav and come back.
Ohm just popped tonight. (took about a few days of nothing from Cows)
Gul the other night.
But I hear ya, I always see Ort or Sol or Amn pop in cows but you just have to think one of these runes off the cows is gonna be an HR...
Now I'm just hunting for gems to upgrade my runes off cow drops.
Currently running: Shenk/Eldritch/Pindle/Nithilthak/trav/meph/cows/andy/diablo (used to farm pits but I haven't gotten anything good there before).
Ohm just popped tonight. (took about a few days of nothing from Cows)
Gul the other night.
But I hear ya, I always see Ort or Sol or Amn pop in cows but you just have to think one of these runes off the cows is gonna be an HR...
Now I'm just hunting for gems to upgrade my runes off cow drops.
Currently running: Shenk/Eldritch/Pindle/Nithilthak/trav/meph/cows/andy/diablo (used to farm pits but I haven't gotten anything good there before).
The only HR drops i actually got (with this char, i mean) for 94 level grinded on low/1 ppl were: 1 Sur, 1 Vex, 1 Ohm. That's it - for 2 months of active hell farming here, there, everywhere. Obtained/cubed/traded several CtA's and HotO's in the process. Finally - yesterday created my very own Infinity. I'm just sayin you can make much more profit from clever and careful trading -bc HR drop is very unreliable thing.
So: it's either hard everyday work split-farmin several ppl games (and sooner or later you'll get these sneaky stonies) - or trading your loot and active stock-brockering, which involves no less effort, in fact. Of cource, we're all waiting for a sudden stroke of luck - but imo, it's just more reliable to work, work and work.
Besides, there is another way of thinkin here: forget about greed, drop and rune huntin - and just play your own way, which you personally enjoy the most. The game is sort of alive - and it doesn't like to be grinded/farmed. It wants you dive deep, and have a pleasant gameplay. And if you do - it'll reward you sooner or later, sometimes even more than you can expect
So: it's either hard everyday work split-farmin several ppl games (and sooner or later you'll get these sneaky stonies) - or trading your loot and active stock-brockering, which involves no less effort, in fact. Of cource, we're all waiting for a sudden stroke of luck - but imo, it's just more reliable to work, work and work.
Besides, there is another way of thinkin here: forget about greed, drop and rune huntin - and just play your own way, which you personally enjoy the most. The game is sort of alive - and it doesn't like to be grinded/farmed. It wants you dive deep, and have a pleasant gameplay. And if you do - it'll reward you sooner or later, sometimes even more than you can expect
I agree 100% with the notion of playing how you enjoy. I find herding cows into a giant mass and blowing them all up with a couple Javelin throws to be soothing when I'm in the mood to relax. However, to break the monotony, I built a Pitzerker for an entirely different and interesting play experience (haven't found anything good there yet though). I also farm keys with my trap assassin, or Chaos/ Baal with my summon necro. I have been blessed enough by RNGesus to acquire Enigma, HotO, CtA, and Grief, as well as many nice unique drops to fill out my different characters. I'm at the point where I basically just want an Infinity to feel complete before Ladder starts. I know it's going to be a long grind unless two Ber runes drop tonight (*crosses fingers*).Asha wrote: 3 years ago The only HR drops i actually got (with this char, i mean) for 94 level grinded on low/1 ppl were: 1 Sur, 1 Vex, 1 Ohm. That's it - for 2 months of active hell farming here, there, everywhere. Obtained/cubed/traded several CtA's and HotO's in the process. Finally - yesterday created my very own Infinity. I'm just sayin you can make much more profit from clever and careful trading -bc HR drop is very unreliable thing.
So: it's either hard everyday work split-farmin several ppl games (and sooner or later you'll get these sneaky stonies) - or trading your loot and active stock-brockering, which involves no less effort, in fact. Of cource, we're all waiting for a sudden stroke of luck - but imo, it's just more reliable to work, work and work.
Besides, there is another way of thinkin here: forget about greed, drop and rune huntin - and just play your own way, which you personally enjoy the most. The game is sort of alive - and it doesn't like to be grinded/farmed. It wants you dive deep, and have a pleasant gameplay. And if you do - it'll reward you sooner or later, sometimes even more than you can expect![]()
Just a quick update on this epic dry spell. Since my last post I've been running mostly pindle/eldritch/trav/Chaos/ Baal with my summon necro. I also mixed in a bunch of cow and pit runs. For all of this I had very little to show (no high rune drops). A few skillers and a blue trap claw that would have been gg if only it rolled on Greater Talons. Still, I traded what I could, slowly accumulating some currency. Just yesterday, I was thinking I'll probably never get Infinity, but kept grinding anyway.
Last night, I finally broke my rune dry spell with a Vex. Then this morning (just a few runs later), a Sur dropped! So, for those who may be on a 6+ week dry spell like I was, keep at it! Eventually, you'll get some good drops. I'm now about 3/4 of the way to Infinity and can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Last night, I finally broke my rune dry spell with a Vex. Then this morning (just a few runs later), a Sur dropped! So, for those who may be on a 6+ week dry spell like I was, keep at it! Eventually, you'll get some good drops. I'm now about 3/4 of the way to Infinity and can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Biggest piece of advice I can give is just to change up your routine to make it more interesting. Cows and Chaos get boring fast. Hit up some other areas with high monster density, like Flayer Jungle, or if you want some XP, Worldstone Keep and Nihlithak. All have waypoints so no Enigma necessary. Can run to The Pit pretty easily as well, and nearby Black Marsh has high density too.
Also remember MF does nothing for rune, charm, and gem drops. You’d be amazed how much of this stuff rains down in Flayer Jungle if you have some broad AoE damage ( Frozen Orb, Lightning Fury, Poison Nova, Strafe, etc). Plus gloams are there which have like 5x the odds of dropping runes than a typical monster.
Also remember MF does nothing for rune, charm, and gem drops. You’d be amazed how much of this stuff rains down in Flayer Jungle if you have some broad AoE damage ( Frozen Orb, Lightning Fury, Poison Nova, Strafe, etc). Plus gloams are there which have like 5x the odds of dropping runes than a typical monster.
Been farming hell cows with my Javazon for a long time and never got any rune over Lem there. Currently players 5.
And I have been playing since launch.
And I have been playing since launch.
I run hell cows constantly with my poison necro and haven't got a single decent hr. But what I do find is bases for runewords. Eth CV Eth Thresher Sup DS, Sup Archons the list goes on. For HR pop them seals in Chaos, charms I honestly find a crap ton in A3 Great Marsh and Flayer Jungle and some of the dungeons before trav. Unique Unique sets always good from Andy and meph
Xbox GT: Cinomed541 add me if you need someone to play with.
Hey I didn't think I would ever see an Eschuta's Temper let alone own one but I was doing a Chaos run while waiting to trade runes I killed the ghost seal boss and guess what a unid Eldritch Orb drops my jaw dropped the moral is keep trying you will get something eventuallyeltair wrote: 3 years ago I see a lot of posts for people getting Ber runes and other GG drops here as well as other sites. However, the selection bias is strong. Most of us have never seen a Ber and are probably in the middle of long dry spells. Seeing those posts can make us feel: unlucky, jealous, discouraged, etc. Knowing that there are others out there with the same feelings can help us all.
I'll go first. I've been farming cows for 3 weeks now without any HR drops. I should feel lucky because of the good drops I got prior to this dry spell, but right now I'm feeling discouraged and could really use an Ohm or maybe a Lo from RNGesus to make me feel better.
Yesterday I saw a post from a guy documenting his cow runs. Within 50 runs he had round a Jah 2 Gul and some other stuff.
Meanwhile I finished 160 cows and found a Mal + 2 Ko. RNGesus can be cruel.
Meanwhile I finished 160 cows and found a Mal + 2 Ko. RNGesus can be cruel.
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All trades are Non-Ladder.
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