innovative_ (Buy History)
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Total results: 16 • Page 1 of 1
12d 1h
Seller: JotaLipe
Buyer: innovative_
7% life steal
13% PDR
10 MDR
LF 3 perfect gems
4d 3h
Seller: Byczq
Buyer: innovative_
4d 16h
Seller: jazman
Buyer: innovative_
3d 0h
Seller: SnowSnow
Buyer: innovative_
0d 10h
Seller: SnowSnow
Buyer: innovative_
1d 2h
Seller: SnowSnow
Buyer: innovative_
8d 3h
Seller: OneRazanDog
Buyer: innovative_
+19 DEX
+8 cold absorb
LF Runes keys
17d 21h
Seller: KillingestGOLDENAK47
Buyer: innovative_
Festering essence of destruction
9d 22h
Seller: departure
Buyer: innovative_
Lf 10 pgems or mix and match from the list below. Can trade on xbox or PC.
Pul = 10pgem
Lem = 5pgem
Hel = 5pgem
1 Perfect Amethyst = 5pgem
2d 5h
Seller: Knappogue
Buyer: innovative_
Lf 3 perfect amethysts or equivalent.
3d 12h
Seller: Necrarch
Buyer: innovative_
4d 10h
Seller: JotaLipe
Buyer: innovative_
1d 7h
Seller: SnowSnow
Buyer: innovative_
A fine Annihilus small charm with very good stats and res but low XP gain - the least important stat.
Lf Ist rune or any 2 Keys (please avoid 2 Terror) or 6 perfect amethysts.
3d 9h
Seller: Necrarch
Buyer: innovative_
LF runes and keys
5d 23h
Seller: KillingestGOLDENAK47
Buyer: innovative_
22d 14h
Seller: KillingestGOLDENAK47
Buyer: innovative_
Total results: 16 • Page 1 of 1