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Search the Market • Search the market using keywords, filters, and search options.

You must use a keyword to get search results. If you don't want to use keywords then browse.
Exact match
Exact match
Only exact matches to your keyword phrase(s) will be returned by the search.

Any match
Any match
Results match any of your keywords (individually) instead of the whole exact phrase.
Example: Searching 'Tyrael's Might' with this option will return results for both Tyrael's Might and Templar's Might.
Search titles
Search titles only
Only the titles of trades will be searched. Your search will ignore text in the original trades' descriptions or any other offers in the trade.

Search descriptions
Also search in descriptions
Text in the trades' descriptions (the original posts) will be also be searched, as well as titles.

This is handy for searching for magical attributes, modifiers, or other relevant info about the item using keywords. Matches in descriptions are highlighted in yellow for you :)
Search offers
Searches all offers & comments in trades
This option will search all text inside any trades in the result set. This allows you to search for keywords inside both the trade descriptions and any subsequent offers made inside that trade.

This is handy for a form of price checking where you evaluate offers being made for certain items/keywords recently.
Search all (hybrid)
Search all (hybrid)
All text in trades' titles, descriptions, and offers will be searched when using this option.
Display as trades
Display as trades
Results will be rendered as a list of trades showing pedigree information. This is the recommended way of display results.

Display as posts
Display as posts
Results will be rendered as cards with larger, more detailed text previews and search terms highlighted.

Include appraisals
Include appraisals
If you also want to see any related price-appraisals related to the target item, you can select this option and they will render alongside the actual trade results.
Sorting options
Sort or limit the results of your search.
Reset config
Reset search config
This resets the advanced search configuration options to their defaults.

Set to 0 to display the entire post.
characters of posts

Want to Sell/Want to Buy
This option indicates whether you're looking for sell orders or buy orders for this item.
Active trades only
This will return only active trades (all trades that have not been marked as sold within the last 3 days).
Recently sold
This will return only recent sales that have been marked as sold within the last 3 days (before they turn into historical data).

To see historical prices, use the Price Check tool.
Online traders only
This will return only trades in which the listing author is currently online.
Non-ladder trade
The search will return results for Non-ladder trades only.
Ladder-only trade
The search will return results for Ladder trades only.
Softcore trade
The search will return results for softcore trades only.
Hardcore-only trade
The search will return results for Hardcore trades only.
PC Switch Playstation Xbox
Indicates which platform you are looking to trade on.
Filter search results by rarity or the player services category.
Filter search results by item qualities such as ethereal, superior, sockets, unid etc.
Item Type
Item Type
Filter search results by item type such as charms, rings, body armor etc.
Item Stats
Filter search results by item stats such as MF, IAS, FRW etc.
Class or Hireling
Filter search results by items deemed 'good for' a specific class or hireling.
Filter search results by miscellaneous properties.
Reset filters
This resets the trade filter options to the dead defaults with no profile settings taken into account.
Select defaults
Select your default profile filters
Clicking this will select your default profile filters for SC/HC, Non-Ladder/Ladder, Expansion/Non-Expansion, and your main platform.
Full Search (Uses Filters + Config)
Execute full market search
Clicking this will now search the trade market using the item choice, keywords, keyword expression, search configuration, and any trade filters you selected.
Note that the more filters you apply, the less results you will see (because it uses AND logic). If you're not getting any hits, try using the quick search first.
Unique Runeword Set Base Crafted Rare Magic
Select the rarity of the item you are looking for.

If you selected an item that exists in the database from the searchbox dropdown, the rarity filter of the search should already be set.
This includes Runes, Gems, Quest Items, Keys, Materials, and anything else in the 'Misc' section of the database.
Player Services
Player Services
Select this option if you're looking for services like rushes, keys, ubers, tunnels etc.

Do not post 'need rush' etc. in the main discussion forums.
Resurrected Legacy
Resurrected or Legacy
Note that 'Legacy' means game versions and mods other than those in Resurrected. Basically the original vanilla D2 game or mods like PoD, SlashDiablo etc.
Expansion Non-Expansion
Game Mode
Note that 'Non-Expansion' means 'Pre-LoD in Resurrected' or 'Non-Expansion character in Resurrected' - this is different to Legacy (which refers to versions of Diablo 2 other than Resurrected).
Americas Europe Asia
Note that you can trade with anyone in any region in Resurrected. This filter option only indicates that you are searching for trades local to one region, which makes game organisation easier for your trade.
Amazon Assassin Necromancer Barbarian Sorceress Paladin Druid
Good for this Class
The search will return results that match this custom opinion filter.

Use this to browse items that are good for a particular class, for example traders will often apply this filter if their item has +to X class or skill tree modifiers.
Rogue Scout Desert Warrior Iron Wolf Harrogath Barb
Good for this Mercenary type
Used for returning trades that are good for your current hireling.
+ Skiller Resists Life Mana Magic Find Extra Gold Increased Attack Speed Faster Cast Rate Faster Run/Walk Faster Hit Recovery Enhanced Damage Min/Max Damage Attack Rating
The search will return results of items that match any of the selected 'modifier' filters

Handy if you're looking for a particular stat on an item. If you can't find a filter, use a keyword instead.
Returns results for items that are not Ethereal quality.
Returns results for items that are Ethereal quality.
Returns results for items that are not Superior quality.
Returns results for items that are Superior quality.
Returns results only for items that have already been identified.
Returns results for only for items that have been marked as unidentified (unid).
No sockets 1 socket 2 sockets 3 sockets 4 sockets 5 sockets 6 sockets
No. of Sockets
The search will return filtered market results for the selected number of sockets.
Perfect roll
Perfect roll
Returns results for items that have been marked as being 'perfect' rolls.
Free :)
Free item
Returns results for items that have been marked as 'free' - where nothing is expected in exchange.
Small Charm Large Charm Grand Charm
Item Type
Useful as a standalone filter or combined with additional filters to discover charm trades.
Amulets Rings Jewels Body Armor Barb Helms Belts Boots Gloves Helms Pelts Shrunken Heads Shields Targes Axes Katars Daggers Swords Hammers Mauls Maces Clubs Scepters Polearms Spears Bows Crossbows Javelins Throwing Orbs Staves Wands
Item Type
The search will return trades of items that match this specific item type.
Copy URL of this config window
Copy URL of this search configuration
You can save this search configuration for later by copying its unique URL. Click this link and the URL will be copied to your clipboard.

This will allow you to bookmark it or store it somewhere, and when it is re-accessed all your options will be remembered.

Add to your collection of custom searches, or share the search with other traders.
Copy URL of search's results
Copy URL of this search's results
You can save the URL to the actual results page for this search query by clicking this link. The URL will be copied to your clipboard.

This will allow you to bookmark the search results and access them again later. The results may be different but the search parameters remain the same.

The search trades feature lets you run advanced searches for Diablo 2 trade listings currently on the marketplace. To find Ladder trades for example, you can include the Ladder filter at the start, or run a quick search and apply the filter afterwards. Filters can be combined, but remember to use them in moderation - they work on AND logic. Happy trading! :)




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