This recipe will increase the item's clvl requirement by 7, or will set it to the exceptional base item's clvl requirement plus 7, whichever is higher. If the item has also undergone Recipe: Exceptional Version of Rare Weapon, it will be the greater of the rare item's clvl requirement plus 7 or the elite base item's lclvl requirement plus 12.
Can be used to make Runewords:
This recipe will increase the item's clvl requirement by 7, or will set it to the exceptional base item's clvl requirement plus 7, whichever is higher. If the item has also undergone Recipe: Exceptional Version of Rare Weapon, it will be the greater of the rare item's clvl requirement plus 7 or the elite base item's lclvl requirement plus 12.
Upgrading from normal to exceptional: +5 levels to base req
Upgrading from exceptional to elite: +7 levels to base req
Upgrading from normal to elite: +12 levels to base req
If anything increases the Level Req. to something higher than base req, the +5/7/12 are calculated off the higher req. For ex:
Socketing a Rune or Jewel that has a higher Level Req. than the base item? Then calculation is based on the socketed item.
Does an affix force the Level Req. to be higher than the base item? Then calculation is based on the affix.
Does the item being upgraded have a Level Req. higher than the base item? Then calculation is based on the item’s Level Req.
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