I'm really digging the look and feel of this website. You're certainly tackling something the internet lacks; a comprehensive database for Diablo 2, and Resurrected. I mean, yeah, there is always the http://classic.battle.net/diablo2exp/, but it's nice to see a new website for an updated generation of gaming. D2 is being updated, why not a new database website, as well? The work you've done here is very nice. I've already taken a glance around and I'm certainly going to be bookmarking it as a resource. I have only one real suggestion, and it's something that would certainly put your resource ahead of the game, and any other database permutations that decide to pop up in the coming weeks, or months.
You could really use an item drop calculator, much like: http://dropcalc.silospen.com/item.php
I understand that it's a feature that will probably need to wait until after the game is released, just in case the devs do indeed decide to change drop rates of items, areas, etc (which they probably won't do). Adding a drop calculator like this would greatly increase the potency of your website, and as I've already stated, would certainly put you on a pedestal above any competition.
That's it; thanks for your time reading, and thank you for your obvious dedication to such a great game. People like you are mountains.
You could really use an item drop calculator, much like: http://dropcalc.silospen.com/item.php
I understand that it's a feature that will probably need to wait until after the game is released, just in case the devs do indeed decide to change drop rates of items, areas, etc (which they probably won't do). Adding a drop calculator like this would greatly increase the potency of your website, and as I've already stated, would certainly put you on a pedestal above any competition.
That's it; thanks for your time reading, and thank you for your obvious dedication to such a great game. People like you are mountains.
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