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Hey D2 homies!

Etrain here. 32 year old from western US. I grew up playing D2 and have so many fond memories associated with it. My oldest brother first got me into D1 when I was way too young, playing all night into the dark, wee hours of the morning, only to go to sleep and have nightmares. And then when D2 came out it became an Obsession. Getting home from middle school every day going straight to the family's computer room to farm
for hours.

For the last few years I've been almost exclusively playing single player Plugy and been having a blast. SSF for life!

I love this game and I'm so excited for D2R. Just found this website on Reddit and I've gotta say, I am absolutely blown away by what @Teebling has done here. Excited to follow along the site's progress and participate in the conversations here.
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Wise 11

Paladin PC
Hi folks!

D2 was the first game I played seriously. I was 12 or 13 when I started playing. Excited to watch this website grow.

wtf do I do with all my fg???
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Nola 13

Paladin PC
Hey y’all this is Nola. I’m sorta new to Diablo 2. I first played when it was released but I only got to act 3 cause I was heavily into Everquest. I’m really excited for the game and can’t wait to spend hours playing it. I will level a Blizz sorc to MF gear for a hammerdin which I will try to get to level 99. Then afterwards I will play a lightning javazon.
Hi Vici here, playing D2 for too long :P
Hello to everyone :)

I'm Junglegoose. Been playing Diablo games since 1996.

I can't wait to run around and
with my Barbarian, annoying everyone as I scatter packs near seals. :)
Hi Everyone,

I'm Sabcoll from Germany.
D2 Classic and LoD Player since Day1.
D2 is most probably the game with most hours played for me, so I would really call myself a Veteran.
However I played mostly pre 1.10 and I'm really looking forward to build my very own CoH & Infinity during a ladder.

D2 & LoD Veteran
Twitch: chr_isso
If you like my posts & content, I would really appreciate a follow on twitch!
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Hi. I'm rogfish from Norway. I picked this game up between classic and LoD release for 6 dollars in a bin. Never been as addicted to anything as I was to D2.
Very hyped about D2:R, and I'm going to use this site all the time because its so fantastic!
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Migs 15

Paladin Americas PC
Hello Everyone!

I'm Migs from the USA. I discovered this site when it was shared on reddit and I was impressed! And then I found all the guides on these forums. The guides are awesome, thanks to everyone who posted those!

I was in high school back when D2 came out and it's still one of my favorite games of all time. I'm really excited to get back into it with D2R and am looking forward to hopefully grouping up with people here.
Hey everyone!

I’m Havelox, from the eastern United States. I’ve been playing Diablo games for as long as I can remember. My uncle let me play his copy of Diablo 1 when I was kid, and the rest was history.

I’ve played Diablo 1 & 2 pretty consistently, I still do a d1 play through here and there. I even have it installed on a jailbroken psp.

Over the past few years I’ve been mostly on path of Diablo. Currently I’m on d2 single player with plugY doing a HC
Druid playthrough. As of posting this I’m lvl 78 act 2 hell, still alive!

Really love this site, and y’all seem really cool.
Hey all!

Just a guy from Uruguay checking in, and enjoying this awesome website @Teebling has put together :D

Can't wait for D2R, and I think this site goes hand in hand with it. I've admittedly missed phpBB forums as well - might even take a shot at making a signature after some 15 years. :lol:

I'll see y'all around!
Hey all, I found this site from a link somewhere and it's looking real good ! Props to the team.

Diablo II is the best game ever!

My brothers will not have died in vain
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Th3ory 543

Paladin Americas PC
Warth3ory here aka Th3ory. 20 year vet of D2 and current exclusive HC player outside of having a few SC NL pvp'ers on deck. Like many of us adults, there have been periods of extensive breaks, but we are all drawn back from the void.

Stream on twitch when I can, but more inconsistent with irl bandwidth, but going to get into it again with D2:R feel free to check it out.

Like many also came from the Sanctuary Discord Community and love what you have done with the infrastructure Teebling and team. Amazing updated resource beyond Amazon Basin and Purediablo.

Hope to use this for not only trading, but on-going connectivity.

Cheers all.

Hey there, Shadow here. I'm a long time Diablo II player, haven't played as long as some other vets, however I've been playing strong, grinding hard on and off for 13+ years (since 1.11b).
I like to theorycraft builds (I see you there Th3ory), also like to mod this game on my spare time when I feel like it, as well as learn all the little bits and pieces of information about this game.

I hope to use this site for trading (possibly), I come here from the Sanctuary server discord as well. Teebling has done a wonderful job on the design of the site, hope to see it get some good usage!
Hi everyone, Im new here. I have been playing Diablo 2 on and off since the release. Played a lot of HC in 1.09 when i was younger. Currently I am working on dusting of my Diablo 2 skills and knowledge to get ready for D2r. The plan is to play ladder HC again, but this time at a lot slower pace then back in the day.

I am looking forward to see you guys in the chat and in game!

Stay safe everyone!
Heyo guys, greetings from Alaska!

I've been playing D2 since I was a kid around 2008, starting on my older brothers computer. Played a SP Druid and never went past normal Andy, just farmed her forever lol. Started playing a bit more seriously around 2015 or so when I started laddering, then I came to realize how bnet was crawling with botters and dupes, so I decided to start a SP playthrough with PlugY. This is when I became a complete D2 junkie.

Started a grail and got pretty far, then I got burnt out so I decided to try time traveling to old patches like 1.00 and 1.07, had lots of fun playing those. Old/weird game mechanics (
Static Field
having no
Iron Maiden
in CS), super powerful items (pre-LoD affixes, 1.07
, etc), old champion/unique mob colors (purple/pink mobs anyone?).

Anyways, enough rambling about me. Super hyped about D2R, I plan on playing with my brother and some friends, gonna play a support Druid with
Oak Sage
and shockwave and later spec into fireclaw. :)
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gmy77 19

Assassin Europe PC
Hi guys, happy to see this community!
Now i wait to play this new fantastic reincarnation of D2, for me the best game.

PS: Thanks for this FANTASTIC WEBSITE, very nice work done guys.
I played D2 back in the day when I was a kid, now I'm back after a long hiatus and really looking forward to D2R.

Probably going to load up D2LoD until then and have some fun and become familiar with the game again. I'd like to start learning speedrunning and test/push my knowledge of the game this time around, really looking forward to it! I really enjoy playing bowazon, also a really big fan of Paladin and Sorceress, but will most likely be playing all classes at some point.

This site is fantastic, can't wait to use it moving forward.
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Teebling 6699Admin

Europe PC
ewby wrote: 3 years ago
This site is fantastic, can't wait to use it moving forward.
Hey again ewby! Sorry your account and posts got wiped yesterday because of the database rollback. Glad to see you back and thanks for the kind words :) Welcome to d2io!

Love the site. Been playing since D2 came out so long ago. Mostly played closed Battlenet on Classic, so I am looking forward to the full LOD experience when D2R comes out. Hit me up if you wanna play.
Hey, been playing D2 since LOD was released. Played a whole lot my first 5 years, then off and on since. It's an addiction that can't be kicked.

Glad to find a site dedicated to just d2. Looks great btw.

Anxiously awaiting release of d2r


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