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I've been a fan of using a
Carrion Wind
unique ring on my characters since the LoD. To my dismay all its features don't properly work for me in D2R. Every time I spawn a
Poison Creeper
the game crashes within 30-40 seconds. Turns out, there is a bug report thread on Blizzard's forum site ... ash/127640 which I recently updated with my entry. I bought the game 2 years after its release in hope all the major issues would be addressed by then. I don't know how Blizzard treats its bug report forum in general, but this one in particular seems to be ignored, as it's been almost 18 months since the first report on the issue.

Can be used to make Runewords:

I've been a fan of using a
Carrion Wind
unique ring on my characters since the LoD. To my dismay all its features don't properly work for me in D2R. Every time I spawn a
Poison Creeper
the game crashes within 30-40 seconds. Turns out, there is a bug report thread on Blizzard's forum site ... ash/127640 which I recently updated with my entry. I bought the game 2 years after its release in hope all the major issues would be addressed by then. I don't know how Blizzard treats its bug report forum in general, but this one in particular seems to be ignored, as it's been almost 18 months since the first report on the issue.
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TheDoo 360

Europe PC
Have you tried something very stupid as having another Druid in your game when you spawn it? Also with what character you are playing?

Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."
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Schnorki 3724Moderator

Poison Creeper
has long since been known to be one of those "can annihilate your performance" type skills.

It doesn't affect everyone and those it does affect aren't necessarily affected to the same degree.

Slow down. Massive slow down. Increasing slow down until your game finally crashes. Really the same varied behavior as all of those "wreck yo performance" skills (
Poison Creeper
, Mosaic sins going nuts, ...).

The "workaround" is generally to either be lucky and simply not affected. Or to play around with your (usually graphics, rarely audio) settings until it improves/gets fixed. Add in the usual "update your drivers bra!" and you're good. Or not. Seems on occasion, it is indeed persistent until the actual hardware is replaced.

Don't expect Blizz to come to the rescue though. 0 bug fixes in what? 5 months now? and certainly not for lack of bugs...kinda shows you how much they care. They just don't.
TheDoo wrote: 1 year ago
Have you tried something very stupid as having another Druid in your game when you spawn it? Also with what character you are playing?
I've tried it with Amazon, Assassin, Barbarian. All produced the same result - a crashed game. Every time that happened, the AMD video driver (or whatever software layer that is) popped up a prompt to submit a report to AMD.
Schnorki wrote: 1 year ago
Poison Creeper
has long since been known to be one of those "can annihilate your performance" type skills.
Don't expect Blizz to come to the rescue though. 0 bug fixes in what? 5 months now? and certainly not for lack of bugs...kinda shows you how much they care. They just don't.
Yeah, I've figured that much. The game is too good and vast, as far as replayability (is there such word?) is concerned, to turn away because of this glitch and a number of others. Maybe this is something specific to AMD hardware/software. Unfortunately, I don't have the means to prove it, or otherwise.
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TheDoo 360

Europe PC
Using AMD, big ouchy! Oh well, cannot help you there sir...

Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."
TheDoo wrote: 1 year ago
Using AMD, big ouchy! Oh well, cannot help you there sir...
You'd be laughing (or crying) if you knew the PC configuration I play this game on.
Carrion Wind
Poison Creeper
crashes my PC game too. On a necromancer with
Iron Golem
and merc. Using Puspitter and LR.
TheDoo wrote: 1 year ago
Using AMD, big ouchy! Oh well, cannot help you there sir...
Could say the same about Nvidia. Never gonna buy Nvidia again after spending lots of my time fixing issues caused by their driver on my system. Sry to say, but most hard- and software companies just suck.

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ShadowHeart 2597Moderator

Europe PC
TheDoo wrote: 1 year ago
Using AMD, big ouchy! Oh well, cannot help you there sir...
This is a somewhat funny comment now in hindsight considering all the issues Intel has been dealing with lately, with their last 2 generations of CPUs randomly failing and just being unstable... 😅
(yes, I realize the comment was about graphics cards, but still... 😝)

I'm in CET (Central European Time), so that's UTC+1 normally and UTC+2 during DST.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
Is there a difference between using the modem and the classic graphics mode?
This is not an AMD-related issue. It's a game engine problem.

I am running an AMD and an older nVidia system, both are having replicable performance and instability problems (Mosaicsin, Shenk kill,
portal activation, some areas like WST).

BUT I was able to get rid of these issues on both systems by reducing FX settings. Give it a try.


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, Tokens, Keys. Please don't offer runes lower than
(with the named exceptions).

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TheDoo 360

Europe PC
ShadowHeart wrote: 2 weeks ago
TheDoo wrote: 1 year ago
Using AMD, big ouchy! Oh well, cannot help you there sir...
This is a somewhat funny comment now in hindsight considering all the issues Intel has been dealing with lately, with their last 2 generations of CPUs randomly failing and just being unstable... 😅
(yes, I realize the comment was about graphics cards, but still... 😝)
Ye, that comment of mine aged like a smelly cheese... xd
In my defense I was never fan of AMD, well mostly because of atrocious support/compatibility in the good old days [in the '90s and early 2000s] with all the drivers (especially very old catalyst ones that were literally screwing up your entire system just because). AMD did progress a lot since then, but I'm always gonna be an Intel/NVidia customer, dunno maybe I'm crazy but when I think of 'gaming PC' I always think of Intel+NVidia combo. :)

Did OP ever manage to fix his problem?

P.S. To simply avoid having faulty components just don't use the newest ones. You know what they say: If it's stupid but it works... KEKW

P.P.S. I'm using an older NVidia card (RTX 3060) and I didn't have any problems involving what OP was writing about... However, from the latest patch (haven't played D2R for a while) I've been encountering a weird graphical glitch where sometimes I get messed up pixels in the center of the screen when casting more 'flashy' spells for some odd reason. They don't crash the game but look extremely unusual and are often heavily distracting (it feels like graphics quality drastically drops in couple of tens of pixels but just in the very center of the screen or they become somewhat blurry/corrupted/swapped around), it only happens in D2R and it only happens in that exact spot of the screen over and over and over again, and not even always but quite often when casting some spell/skill that covers bigger parts of the screen and/or are flashy in some way like for example
Frozen Orb
Lightning Fury
. It did start occurring after the patch for the latest ladder season tho, soooo I don't really know what exactly is the problem (GPU/drivers, screen or patch).

Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."


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