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So for anyone sick of caster builds, wanting to play out a melee character here are good builds!

My 100% favorite melee build (so far, i still haven’t tried everything) is the Infinity spearazon!

I think Infinity spearazon is great because she can kill anything (with a sunder charm), has great single target damage and aoe effects, isn’t overly complicated to play, she’s really fast, and fairly tanky. She’s sorta expensive, you need an Infinity in a +3 elite
base, probably a griffons and Enigma, but … yea end game stuff is expensive.

If you have a great melee build, post a quick description here!
skills, gear and play style!

Can be used to make Runewords:

So for anyone sick of caster builds, wanting to play out a melee character here are good builds!

My 100% favorite melee build (so far, i still haven’t tried everything) is the Infinity spearazon!

I think Infinity spearazon is great because she can kill anything (with a sunder charm), has great single target damage and aoe effects, isn’t overly complicated to play, she’s really fast, and fairly tanky. She’s sorta expensive, you need an Infinity in a +3 elite
base, probably a griffons and Enigma, but … yea end game stuff is expensive.

If you have a great melee build, post a quick description here!
skills, gear and play style!
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TheDoo 368

Europe PC
Charged Strike
or like
I tried both and
Charged Strike
one felt way more fun and enjoyable tbch.

Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."
The most melee you can get while activating more than 2 neurons at the same time is the furydruid. Only you are the mastermind behind how "hard" (read inconvenient) you make it for yourself.

? Check.

BO, BC needing human form? Check.

Metamorphosis needing form swaps? Check.
(Bonus points for swapping to
Jalal's Mane

every 50s recast? Check.

Cyclone Armor
every other instant? Check.

Feral Rage
on top? Check!

At least three endgane weapons of choice, each with a specific area/targets to excel at? Checks all around!

Looking absolutely badass in
Sacred Armor
(forti) and a pelt of your choosing in the char selection screen with a monstrous two-handed polearm, hammer or axe? Megacheck!!!

If you get a PM offer, post it in the trade. Promote healthy competition instead of settling for less. ;)
Queegon wrote: 11 months ago
Looking absolutely badass in
Sacred Armor
(forti) and a pelt of your choosing in the char selection screen with a monstrous two-handed polearm, hammer or axe? Megacheck!!!
The bear paw on the shoulder of the
Sacred Armor
is the best looking, but the shiny metal armor looks too paladin to me. It seems more appropriate something cheap and leathery like
Wire Fleece
for a druid, gives a more shabby look combined with a wooden
Thunder Maul
. Really gives a straight-out-of-the-woods Beast appearance

Sweet Lovely Death
Just waiting for your breath
Come sweet Death
One Last Caress
I have a Strafezon, Infinity Spearzon (respec from Javazon which I didn't really like), Maulbear (converted from Fury Druid to try and ended up with great pleasure),
Double Throw
Barb (got bored from WW Trav horker so respecced), Zealer. Almost all of them are more satisfactory than casters.

* I trade both ladder and non-ladder, please check before asking.
* All my trades are for runes, keys (especially KoT and KoH) and essences!
User avatar

xigua 65

Loved Fury druid, loved my
- zealot was okay, would you do the infity jav with +light DMG charms? Always wondered what they were good for. My jav throwing zone is poking half of the time so I guess how it would play different.
I’d save the lightning damage charms for a tesladin, or a sorc tesladin.

By-the-by anyone ever made a
barb with Grief in the main hand and Passion in the off-hand?
Seems like you could get your attack speed up super high with
then up it even more using
User avatar

TheDoo 368

Europe PC
Didn't realize this was a question for everyone... Haha Nate never cease to amaze! :D
Anyway, I would definitely love to add a build or two that was for me a very neat balance between pure non-caster and physical melee:

No.1 is definitely Fire Bear

No. 2 would still be Cold Ranger Paladin (with Ice) had so much fun with him

Before D2R Druid was my the most played class always but I never ever tried SS. Not so long ago when I finally decided to see what SS is all about, it genuinely massively surprised me (in a positive way) and I kinda loved experimenting with it. :)

Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."


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