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i have been robbed - NAME REMOVED is THIEF. evidence is here

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Description by Necrarch

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ToX-I-qUc wrote: 1 year ago
Thats why you should trade torch by torch against value.
For example:
1st torch <=> 2

2nd torch <=> 2

3rd torch <=> 2

4th torch <=> 2

5th torch + 8
I wish i knew this trade strategy before i was tricked
Now you know. Sometimes shit happens...

Keep in mind, its not your personal health that was harmed, just ingame items.

Take this potion of LUCK

You play in a different language and want to trade an item with the name "Brennender Riesenzauber der Verstümmelung"?
Use the Baaltor tool to translate it into "Burning Grand Charm of Maiming"
ToX-I-qUc wrote: 1 year ago
Now you know. Sometimes shit happens...

Keep in mind, its not your personal health that was harmed, just ingame items.
This is truth. I was scammed quite a few times when I first started back in 05. You get smarter, start getting gut feelings for things that don't feel right. I hope you continue the game and learn from this hard lesson.

I am available for trading every other week, limited trading on my off week.
Thanks for understanding.

Bouncing back and forth between D2 and D4
If this happened. Then I am sorry for you.

Your story has one big hole (you being stupid and you blamed him for it) - he "took" 4torches, 5th you gave him for free.

1) you wanted to trade 5torches
2) you have to trade them one by one
3) in each trade you accept other guy proposal
4) so Why did you accept 5th torch with blank offer? I can understand 4 torches lost, but fifth is only your fault.

If you throw them on Ground. Then its only your fault. and if u do throw them on Ground. Just ask him to drop rune first on Ground further away from chest. Then you drop torches and if he goes near you have some time to pick them up. It this case he can take one or two (less goods "stolen") and it would be officially stealing - he violated verbal agreement between you two. Also be careful of
. Or just dont sell them in bulk in the first place. Trade not done via trade screen is always risky. And there should be warning: "at your own risk". Even when I sell 20pgems I do that via trade screen, yeah sometimes I dont.

5torches for
- must have been pretty low rolls. I understand its a bummer, but u havent lost that much.

Just take it as lesson learnt and dont do this mistake again.

If you will be selling or buying torches/annies like this. Just ask him to break rune to certain runes. And before trade just explain how trade will go down. I know it may sound wierd, but to prevent confussion its the best way.

As Mrllama said in one of his videos: if other guy force you into something you dont want. Dont trade with him and leave the game. If it smell fishy its probably scam.

aka if guy approach you in game and you click "ok" to trade, he put item you put rune. Thats the only guaranteeed trade. To everything else: Just say no!

check my other trades: member/The%20Flash/
my free items: simple t4t is fine with me :) what you pay is up to you
free anni to my WTS
, keys, pame, pruby, jewel
The Flash wrote: 1 year ago
if other guy force you into something you dont want. Dont trade with him and leave the game.
if this ever happens to me. I would take screen shot of conversation and I would go back to trade page and I would discuss it with him in public. If any hesitation I would inform him that I will make thread in forum to get advices from others how to make this trade happen so both sides would be protected.

Good solution would be to use someone trustworthy, who would break
into smaller 5runes with him, with promise he would trade those 5small runes back from you. - be aware that this 3rd guy will be in danger too. And its in his interest to protect himself to trade
for lower value that its curently on market. And it this case I would give him
for help and trust.

This way only scammer would be against. If other side insist on getting items NOW. Then tell him you dont feel protected, but if he wants them NOW. He should add
to first torch and you would throw other on Ground after.

check my other trades: member/The%20Flash/
my free items: simple t4t is fine with me :) what you pay is up to you
free anni to my WTS
, keys, pame, pruby, jewel
The Flash wrote: 1 year ago
If this happened. Then I am sorry for you.

Your story has one big hole (you being stupid and you blamed him for it) - he "took" 4torches, 5th you gave him for free.

1) you wanted to trade 5torches
2) you have to trade them one by one
3) in each trade you accept other guy proposal
4) so Why did you accept 5th torch with blank offer? I can understand 4 torches lost, but fifth is only your fault.

If you throw them on Ground. Then its only your fault. and if u do throw them on Ground. Just ask him to drop rune first on Ground further away from chest. Then you drop torches and if he goes near you have some time to pick them up. It this case he can take one or two (less goods "stolen") and it would be officially stealing - he violated verbal agreement between you two. Also be careful of
. Or just dont sell them in bulk in the first place. Trade not done via trade screen is always risky. And there should be warning: "at your own risk". Even when I sell 20pgems I do that via trade screen, yeah sometimes I dont.

5torches for
- must have been pretty low rolls. I understand its a bummer, but u havent lost that much.

Just take it as lesson learnt and dont do this mistake again.

If you will be selling or buying torches/annies like this. Just ask him to break rune to certain runes. And before trade just explain how trade will go down. I know it may sound wierd, but to prevent confussion its the best way.

As Mrllama said in one of his videos: if other guy force you into something you dont want. Dont trade with him and leave the game. If it smell fishy its probably scam.

aka if guy approach you in game and you click "ok" to trade, he put item you put rune. Thats the only guaranteeed trade. To everything else: Just say no!
Thanks for long text, but as i mentioned i trusted in this community and I agree i needed to be more careful. 5 torches for me means 5 weeks of 2-3hours per day, i am not good at d2r so i need more time to get rich.
Actually i was seeking for Infinity for first time in my life, but thats gone just in few minutes
Dominuoteee wrote: 1 year ago
Thanks for long text, but as i mentioned i trusted in this community and I agree i needed to be more careful. 5 torches for me means 5 weeks of 2-3hours per day, i am not good at d2r so i need more time to get rich.
Actually i was seeking for Infinity for first time in my life, but thats gone just in few minutes
you lost only half of Infinity. And any 19/19 goes for
. I think even 10/15 storch you can sell for half
. I really understand frustration. But it was you behind PC, so you can blame only urself for deciding to go this way. Yeah I trust a lot more than I should.

Also as someone said above. There are rules in this website. I dont read them. But you could be at the Edge, so dont get punished by admin.

My tip: just take it easy its only stupid item in game. And if you love D2r then you will still have fun any minute you play, with or without Infinity :)

check my other trades: member/The%20Flash/
my free items: simple t4t is fine with me :) what you pay is up to you
free anni to my WTS
, keys, pame, pruby, jewel
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Necrarch 2103Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
OK guys, I'll close the thread now, it's getting really unpleasant + modding all words that have nothing to do here.

For the OP :
- Assuming what you said is true, we are sincerely sorry for you, and the guy did make a dick move.

- However, we mods cannot apply any sanction move without proof.

- I can send an MP to the guy though, it doesn't cost much.

- In such cases, NEVER public shame. You have admins and mods, send us a private message.

- As unpleasant as it is, try learning from this : always use the trade window except if you accept the related risk (e.g. I don't use it for the typical 40 pgems for
trade - but if I am scammed, I lose an
, not a
) and for stuff like Annis / Gheeds / Torches to sell several times, split the deal into sub-runes.

Hope that clears things out.


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap


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