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Recipe: Caster Amulet
people say "lvl 93 for + to skills." Can the cLvl be higher than 93?

Also, does the iLvl of the amulet matter at lvl 93 for + to skills?
Description by Lizardizzle

Can be used to make Runewords:

Recipe: Caster Amulet
people say "lvl 93 for + to skills." Can the cLvl be higher than 93?

Also, does the iLvl of the amulet matter at lvl 93 for + to skills?

Spearzon and Rogue enjoyer.
Use a character of at least level 93
It means level 93 or higher.

By using a character at level 93 or higher, you are sure that the gambled amulet is at least level 88 (93-5).
So the crafted amulet is at least level 90 ( Int(93) + Int(88) = 90 ) which means that the crafted amulet has a chance to get +2 to [class].

Relax and have fun!
+2 all class skills affix requires an amulet of item level (ilvl) at least 90.
Gambled items have item level based on your character level (clvl), in the range of -5 - +4. The worst you can get is clvl-5, and you want to base your calculations on that (otherwise you'd waste crafting materials on amulets that could never had +2 skills at the beginning).
The ilvl of the crafter item is ⌊ilvl/2⌋ + ⌊clvl/2⌋ (floor means rounding down).

Now let's consolidate that information.
90 ≤ ⌊ilvl/2⌋ + ⌊clvl/2⌋
90 ≤ ⌊(clvl - 5)/2⌋ + ⌊clvl/2⌋ (worst possible ilvl from gambling)
With clvl 93 we have ⌊88/2⌋ + ⌊93/2⌋ = 44 + 46 = 90.
With lower clvl: ⌊87/2⌋ + ⌊92/2⌋ = 43 + 46 = 89 < 90.
Any clvl > 93 will result in ilvl > 90, which is also suitable for +2 skills prefix.
So, finally, clvl ≥ 93 is what you want.
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Necrarch 2003Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Hey, I think that has been discussed several times, let me find back the thread...

OK, don't find it so I'll rewrite it.

1- Computing a crafted item iLvl

For a
Caster Amulet
to be able to have the +2 skills mod, it needs to be at least (more is never an issue) iLvl 90. For others (crafted gloves...) it differs but I'll stick to that example, the principles staying identical.

Now, the good question is : how do you get to that iLvl (which is a hidden element that has nothing in common with the Level required).

For crafted stuff,
Crafted item iLvl = 1/2 cLvl + 1/2 initial item iLvl
, knowing that all halves are rounded DOWN in case of odd numbers.

-- cLvl is your crafting char level so it's easy to determine.
-- iLvl of the initial item (here, the magic amulet you put in the cube is very hard to determine, so most crafters do NOT use random amulets found anywhere.

2- Gambling amulets

Before the introduction of
Zones, the easiest way to have known iLvl amulets was to gamble them at the town gamblers like
. Indeed, when you gamble, the iLvL of your gambled item is somewhere between cLvl -5 and cLvl +4.

Hence that value of "93" that is well known. When you're 93...

in te worst case, your gambled amulet will be iLvl 93-5 = 88

So your crafted amulet iLvl will be at worst 88/2 + 93/2 = 44 + 46 (rounded down) = 90 => What you want.


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
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Necrarch 2003Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
2- Using

Now that
Zones are here though, there is a new way to ensure the amulets have a known iLvl.

Indeed, as TZones (in hell) drop items with iLvl at least cLvL + 2, if you created the game yourself, you can get cLvl + 2 amulets for every magic amulet dropped in the

Therefore, for this case you just need to be at least level 90 :
iLvl of the TZ amulet = 92
then iLvl of the crafted amulet = 92/2 + 90/2 = 91, so above 90. Does not work with Clvl below 90 as the roundings will go badly.

It can be even more complex and done even sooner if the game creator is not you and have a higher level. :)

Now you know (and I only say pretty much the same as what my comrades said above).


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
I was just about to ask about the
zone ilvl thing you just explained. Thank you so much!

Spearzon and Rogue enjoyer.
You can join public TZ lvl 96 games to pick up amulet.
Then you can start crafting once reaching lvl 84.

Relax and have fun!
I read somewhere that containers like chests and such in
zones are not affected by '
zone' property, so amulets from these i would avoid.
I'm not good at these tech stuff so want to ask: With my lvl92 char, is it a good idea to collect amulets from any TZ and then craft? Don't want to wait till lvl93.

* I trade both ladder and non-ladder, please check before asking.
* All my trades are for runes, keys (especially KoT and KoH) and essences!
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ShadowHeart 2599Moderator

Europe PC
basicnecromancy wrote: 5 months ago
I'm not good at these tech stuff so want to ask: With my lvl92 char, is it a good idea to collect amulets from any TZ and then craft? Don't want to wait till lvl93.
Yes. There's no need to wait until level 93.

If you exclusively use amulets from TZ in a self-created game, you can start crafting amulets as early as level 90, because (90/2) + (92/2) = 91 which is greater than 90.
Level 89 is too low because (89/2) + (91/2) = 89, as the result of each division is rounded down before adding together, and you need the result to be at least 90.

It's only when you gamble amulets that you need to be at level 93. This is mostly irrelevant now with TZs, however the advantage of gambling is that you can get more amulets at will, the TZ method is restricted by how fast you can find more amulet drops.

I'm in CET (Central European Time), so that's UTC+1 normally and UTC+2 during DST.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
ShadowHeart wrote: 5 months ago
basicnecromancy wrote: 5 months ago
I'm not good at these tech stuff so want to ask: With my lvl92 char, is it a good idea to collect amulets from any TZ and then craft? Don't want to wait till lvl93.
Yes. There's no need to wait until level 93.

If you exclusively use amulets from TZ in a self-created game, you can start crafting amulets as early as level 90, because (90/2) + (92/2) = 91 which is greater than 90.
Level 89 is too low because (89/2) + (91/2) = 89, as the result of each division is rounded down before adding together, and you need the result to be at least 90.
Thanks bud. I mostly play P1 online, so it's possible for me.

* I trade both ladder and non-ladder, please check before asking.
* All my trades are for runes, keys (especially KoT and KoH) and essences!
I'm very glad to hear an alternative method of crafting higher level items. For me, the grind is a bit much after about 90-91, so I level my characters until there. I'm very intrigued by crafting though, even though I have yet to craft anything of note. Now all I'm going to do is pull amulets/rings/etc from TZ 96 games and go to town.
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TheDoo 360

Europe PC
mockingbirdreal wrote: 1 year ago
You can join public TZ lvl 96 games to pick up amulet.
Then you can start crafting once reaching lvl 84.
On top of this, if you join lvl 96 games or any other 93+ lvl games (for example ppl just having fun/rushing/dueling/trading or whatever) you can always ask some other 93+ lvl player(s) to gamble amulets for you and then drop them and you can give them back the gold they spent on 'em if you really want to avoid using any of the methods stated above. :) I mean, if you are not doing like big chunks of crafting, people may take a few minutes of their time to help you out (I've seen it with my own eyes even tho I wasn't involved). Once an item drops or end up being gambled it's iLVL is what it is, no matter if it changes 'owner' later on... on that note, I'm just gonna go and drop an idea for guys who have all their stashes maxed out with gold and don't know what else to do with it and want to (maybe?) help the community -- you can always put a "Player Service" offer that will allow lower lvl players to get their hands on some end game crafting amumu bases, for example I dunno have it like: "I'm currently offering/giving away 10x lvl 94 gambled amulets for first 10 people that post a comment below", and then you either go with them and gamble/drop them 10 amus each or like gamble/collect on your own and then trade all of those at once (like create a game for players to join). And you can even go and say: "Okay I spent 630k (without any discount) on 10 amulets, they are all at least iLVL 92 (for example), I want 5x
for the whole batch of 10 amus or like let's split the expanses and you give me half of the gold I've spent" and I bet people will buy that like crazy. Ofc you would need to be quite trustworthy but anyway, don't think many people would try to 'cheat' or 'exploit' or 'screw you over' especially here in this awesome community. But nevertheless, think that would help lower leveled players a lot who just want to try out their luck but also don't bother grinding to end-game levels like ever. :)

Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."
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ShadowHeart 2599Moderator

Europe PC
TheDoo wrote: 5 months ago on that note, I'm just gonna go and drop an idea for guys who have all their stashes maxed out with gold and don't know what else to do with it and want to (maybe?) help the community -- you can always put a "Player Service" offer that will allow lower lvl players to get their hands on some end game crafting amumu bases, for example I dunno have it like: "I'm currently offering/giving away 10x lvl 94 gambled amulets for first 10 people that post a comment below", and then you either go with them and gamble/drop them 10 amus each or like gamble/collect on your own and then trade all of those at once (like create a game for players to join). And you can even go and say: "Okay I spent 630k (without any discount) on 10 amulets, they are all at least iLVL 92 (for example), I want 5x
for the whole batch of 10 amus or like let's split the expanses and you give me half of the gold I've spent" and I bet people will buy that like crazy. Ofc you would need to be quite trustworthy but anyway, don't think many people would try to 'cheat' or 'exploit' or 'screw you over' especially here in this awesome community. But nevertheless, think that would help lower leveled players a lot who just want to try out their luck but also don't bother grinding to end-game levels like ever. :)
Huh, interesting idea. 🤔

I'm in CET (Central European Time), so that's UTC+1 normally and UTC+2 during DST.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
I'm level 94, does it mean I can use ALL amulets I got from gambling for crafting?
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ShadowHeart 2599Moderator

Europe PC
Kriss_De_Valnor_ wrote: 5 months ago
I'm level 94, does it mean I can use ALL amulets I got from gambling for crafting?
Yes. Gambled amulets will be in the ilvl range 89-98 for you, i.e. they will be ilvl 89 or higher. And that's high enough to be able to roll +2 class skill levels on crafted amulets at character level 94 since 94/2 + 89/2 = 91, which is greater than 90 (needs to be 90 or higher to be able to roll +2 class skill levels).

I'm in CET (Central European Time), so that's UTC+1 normally and UTC+2 during DST.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
ShadowHeart wrote: 5 months ago
Kriss_De_Valnor_ wrote: 5 months ago
I'm level 94, does it mean I can use ALL amulets I got from gambling for crafting?
Yes. Gambled amulets will be in the ilvl range 89-98 for you, i.e. they will be ilvl 89 or higher. And that's high enough to be able to roll +2 class skill levels on crafted amulets at character level 94 since 94/2 + 89/2 = 91, which is greater than 90 (needs to be 90 or higher to be able to roll +2 class skill levels).
Thank you very much for this clarification!


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