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I've got a
Phase Blade
based Grief with +387 damage as my main weapon. The displayed
damage is 7xx-9xx, while the offhand weapon is 8xx-4xxx (Oath) or 16xx-4xxx (EBotD). Is there a bug with the displayed damage of Grief? How do I tell the real damage?

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I've got a
Phase Blade
based Grief with +387 damage as my main weapon. The displayed
damage is 7xx-9xx, while the offhand weapon is 8xx-4xxx (Oath) or 16xx-4xxx (EBotD). Is there a bug with the displayed damage of Grief? How do I tell the real damage?
The flat damage is added prior to any other damage numbers, including weapon damage. There's "calculators" explaining this everywhere, the link below has a pretty good rundown: ... use_grief/

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Yes. There is a bug that it doesn't display the flat +damage.

pm me here (d2.
) for trade
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Schnorki 3899Moderator

There's a ton of bugs breaking all sorts of things on your char screen.

Grief dmg is just one of many.

Honestly...just never base any conclusions on the in-game char screen.
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Khegan 405

I gave a simplified breakdown for someone who asked the same for their barb. You can adjust the numbers to fit your case:
Khegan wrote: 2 years ago
Here is how you calculate it yourself.

First, you add superior ED% bonus to the weapon, but I guess there's none here.

Then add Damage + from Grief to the min/max of the weapon.

Min/Max damage with Grief: 31-35 + 369 = 400-404

You now add all flat damage bonuses from off-weapon sources, such as charms or War Travs. None listed here.

Multiply with ALL off-weapon ED% bonuses from items, attributes, and skills together. Dex doesn't matter here, so we add the strength multiplier, which is a 1:1 ratio for most melee weapons (+% Damage = [Strength * Bonus/100).
Using the given info, this = 497%.

Min/Max Grief with off-weapon bonuses = 2388-2411 (2400 average). This is your subtotal before factoring Crit/Deadly Strike, and you can apply all elemental/poison damage at this point.
This is why it is sometimes referrred to as the LCS. That stands for Lying Character Screen.
mockingbirdreal wrote: 2 years ago
Yes. There is a bug that it doesn't display the flat +damage.
It's sad that it still is.
I always wondered how all this math was figured out. Yes the game is decades old and it's been reverse engineered a million times. But still, someone created bespoke calculators to determine the actual damage of RW like Grief. Kind of insane to me lol.
the displayed damage for weapons like Grief in Diablo II doesn't account for all the variables that affect your damage output.
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Flippy 105

Paladin Europe PC
Uhm, don't think that it's displayed wrong. The display is correct.
Though +dam is broken. It was never inteded to go to the Weapon Base Damage, it was inteded to be applied at the end when everything is already calculated. Case and Point: It works on

It was always like this (some Paladin Scepters have +dam too) but Blizz never really fixed Bugs in D2 not even the bad stuff. It was for D2R, that they've fixed the bad Stuff. Like the
Res Bug, or the thing with dual elemental enchanted Boss Monsters doing funny things (Poison and Lightning were very, very dangerous back in the day)

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