Thanks for the reply. Now I have to know what gear did you use this ladder when you gave up on the magezon. I'm really gonna crank cold dmg/sec to 11: Ice bow +3, faceted nightwing's(perf) 3 perf cold facets in the armor, 3/20 gloves, and going to invest a lot in energy as well as Silkweave and a 15ias/3 mpk jewel.Snakecharmed wrote: 2 years ago I don't have much input on gear, but I can speak a little to the playing experience of the build.
As a former mageazon player in D2C before elemental immunities and back when Immolation Arrow had zero casting delay (both prior to 1.08), I have to say it got much harder to play in LoD to the point where the build was almost nonviable in a full 8-player Hell game. The appeal of the build was freezing monsters in place and then stacking immolation pyres as quickly as your attack speed would allow and letting them burn. LoD completely changed that and turned the mageazon into a utility build where your contribution to a party was limited to freezing, because you certainly weren't doing any killing.
It's a little more viable now in D2R with the minor tweaks they made in 2.4 benefiting fire, but still far more tedious than it was in D2C and only marginally better than it was in LoD.
I wish the following wiki page or its info had been readily available when I was still playing LoD, because I would have figured out much sooner that Infinity doesn't break cold immunity when the monster's cold resistance is above 117% and that there are many with much higher cold resistances. ... Diablo_II)
I took another shot at a mageazon at the start of the D2R ladder and honestly, I thought the build still felt underwhelming. I quickly gave up on it and opted to rebuild based primarily around physical which I'm enjoying much more. The last time I considered a mageazon fun was in D2C. Since then, it has felt like being a significantly weaker bowazon with mana issues especially if your physical damage is low. The mechanics of the build feel clunky compared to what they were originally.
Give it a shot but don't expect too much from the build. A lightning spearazon is far more fun to play.
If you did all that and gave up do tell, it might make me change course entirely.
And, come to think of it, now that cooldowns arn't shared(if it matters at all this case)- can't you alternate between immolation and freezing and that way still get some roasting in pyres? Though I understand pyre damage is miserable.