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Bnet ID: Melander#21726
Discord ID: Tavron#5522
Forum level:
Contributor • Helped with the growth of significantly through data input, descriptions, or informative forum posts.
Donator • Made a donation to the site.

About me

Hello I'm Tavron,

Played a lot of D2 back in the day when I was a wee boy and look forward to play again come D2R.
In my daily life I'm an engineer and in my off time I play a lot of different games, ranging from ARPG's to FPS to platformers. Diablo always stuck with me though and I consider it the best gaming experience I've had. Been playing a lot of Path of Exile an thus ARPG's are my favourite genre of games.

Trade Stats

Refreshes daily
Current trust level: 4
Active trades: 0
Sold trades (last 3 days): 0
All-time sales: 2
All-time purchases: 3

Site Stats

Joined: 3 years ago
Last active: 2 days ago

Likes received: 141
Likes given: 271

Total posts: 96

Most active forum: Forums
(59 Posts / 61.46% of user’s posts)

Most active topic: Monsters entries brainstorming
(3 Posts / 3.12% of user’s posts)
Total answers:
Total topics:
15 | Search user’s topics
(0.05% of all topics / 0.01 topics per day)


Refreshes daily
Data contributions: 9
Descriptions written: 1
Comments on entries: 13
Bugs reported: 0
Feedback given: 3
Questions answered: 1
Dclone reports: 0

Latest posts

How do you organize Clones? I thought it chose random IP's to spawn on. 2 years ago
Nice, informative post. Appreciate all the work you put in for the site and very good job this last week Teebs and helpers! So happy you were able to … 3 years ago
Hey there, So I'm probably quite alone in noticing this (if it's really a bug), since there's probably only 1 other person of the entire community t… 3 years ago


"Seven Evils spawned of seven heads. Seven realms birthed from death."
Unused for now




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